Part 5- The Unknown Past

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"This is what you guys do all day?" Alia asked happily.

"No, we don't spin around in swivel chairs all day." Abhi said with a chuckle, as he watched Alia spin around on a chair with wheels, like a little kid.

"Oye stop I'm trying to teach you something." Neil said with a fond smile as he was sitting behind a desk in his cabin, Abhi and Alia sitting on the two chairs in front of the desk.

"I already know what's there to know." Alia said as she finally stopped spinning in the chair.

"Please do tell us what you know?" Abhi asked sarcastically with an amused smile.

"I know that we have to attend a charity gala tomorrow that I need to pick out a dress for, so I'm leaving, love you, bye." Alia said jokingly as she all but ran out of the cabin before anyone could stop her.

"See I told Ragini that it wouldn't work." Neil said shaking his head fondly with a chuckle as he leaned back into his chair.

"Oh so it was a team effort, sadly it all went to waste." Abhi said with a chuckle too.

"But she knew more than I think she would, after all, she knew about the gala." Neil said jokingly.

"Ah, that's only because it's a party, that she gets to enjoy." Abhi said knowingly, both of them chuckling.

"But you know that the Khannas will be there too, right?" Abhi asked making a face at their name.

"Yes, I know, don't start something with them, just stay away." Neil said with a sigh.

"We never start anything, it's always them who bother us first." Abhi said in his defense.

"Okay so that might be true, but I expect you two to be on your best behavior." Neil said giving Abhi the look, which left no room for argument.

"I don't get it why do you always defend them when they're clearly our rivals?" Abhi asked confused.

"I'll tell you some other time." Neil said, letting Abhi know that he didn't want to talk about this anymore, and even though Abhi was curious to know, he left it alone for the time being.

"No eww Dad all of these names are so bad, how did you even name me at this point?" Amrit asked jokingly as they were sitting in a cabin with Naitik sitting behind a desk and Amrit sitting in front of him.

"What? They're good names." Naitik said in his defense.

"No, they're not." Amrit said with a chuckle.

"Oh, how about-?" Naitik began to say.

"No, no, no more names. But what you can help me with is the Aroras. From my sources I hear that they're coming back to Mumbai soon, they might just be at the gala tomorrow, I was thinking about scheduling a meeting with them before the Mehras can approach them, that way there would be no competition." Amrit explained cleverly.

"No, if we do work with the Aroras, we will get that opportunity fair and square, by also letting the Mehras be in the running for the project. They might be cheaters and liars, but we are not." Naitik explained his tone turning slightly angry.

"When did the Mehras ever cheat?" Amrit asked confused.

"You'll understand someday." Naitik said with a heavy sigh, letting Amrit know that he didn't want to talk about this anymore, and Amrit continued to look at her dad in confusion but chose not to say anything else.

"I hate you, you know?" Pragya asked in a whisper as she looked out of the window of the car, which was speeding past many streets, it was nighttime in London now, several hours after their talk in the office.

"I thought it was me who was supposed to hate you." Dev said jokingly, but it came out as somber because he too was looking outside while whispering, both he and Pragya sitting in the back seat of the car as the driver drove somewhere.

"Ma'am, Sir, we're here." Said the driver, as he parked in an empty area, where in the middle a private jet stood, preparing for takeoff.

And so as the driver got out and took out their luggage from the trunk of the car, they had no other choice but to open their respective doors and reluctantly get out of the car, sharing an undefinable look, as they walked towards the jet.

No matter whether or not they wanted to, it was time to go back home, because fate had already begun its wicked game.

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