Android 17 X Reader

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Requested by KakesuZebuto.

-This is after when Cell is defeated by Teen Gohan and a month later when both 17 and 18 are free from Cell and Dr. Gero's programming to kill Goku.

It's been a month since Cell's defeat and the second death of Goku. Everyone's busy with their lives. The Z Fighter are also busy with life especially Android 18 who married Krillin and are raising their newborn daughter Marron.

Meanwhile, Android 17 was patrolling around the big island, inhabited by normal and rare species of animals. Last week, 18 explained to him that Krillin made a wish to remove their bomb devices. She told him that she's going to have a new life with him and 17 accepted her decision. When he heard the death of 16, he felt bad and he made a vow to 16 to protect live and the animals. So, he was hired as a ranger of this big island and protect them from poachers. 17 likes his job; it felt comforting, felt that 16's right beside him while protecting the creatures. He owes 16 so much apologies for protecting him and 18 from Cell and he decides to owe him back with his job as protector of all creatures of the island. He worked for six months, patrolling the island and some days, he captured wanted criminals and poachers to the police. He made sure that no one harms any creature and neve leave the island with filled cages.

Lately, he felt lonely; he knows it's just him and the creatures, but he wanted something else. Someone to accompany him. He heard a faint yet small noise over the other side of the island. "Must be the damn poachers again", he mutters, irritated. He levitates off the ground and fly over to the area. As he approaches the source of the noise, he saw a strange figure there. Quietly, he landed on the ground and hides behind the bushes. He inspects the figure closer and his eyes grew wide with curiosity: he saw a young woman, drawing on her sketchbook. This is his first encounter with an unwanted and harmless visitor on his island. As she finished drawing, she stood up and turns around. She's only two years younger than him, a (height), (weight), and (he must admit it) she's a pretty one.

She wears her comfy (color) sweat pants, a sleeveless (color) shirt, (color) sneakers, and carries a (color) backpack that carries her sketchbook and other stuff. 17 accidently steps on a twig, make a noise, and cause her to gasp in alarm. "Wait", said 17 calmly. He steps out of the bushes, reveal himself to the woman. She looks at him, with curiosity and amazed how strong he looked. She smiles at him, "Hi! You must be the ranger of this island. I'm sorry for intruding, but I was given permission to come her for my animal illustration studies. I'm (Y/n)", she introduced herself. "17", he replied back to her. She gave him a confused look, "17? You're 17 years old?", she asks, cause him to facepalm his face. He gave her a stern look, "17 is my name. Android 17." "Oh!", she exclaimed as she realized what she said is stupid, "Ok, sorry. Are you really an android?"

He nods, "Wanna see me make energy blasts?", he asks. She nods, excited what he's going to do. He levitates off the ground, moved far away and make sure not to destroy the forest. He raised his hands, forming energy. As he takes his aim at the open sky, he sends his energy blasts, seeing them laying there. With one final touch, he sends at one of the blast, cause it to set off in explosion; it also caused all the blasts to blow off. But it didn't end in destructive force, it was a beautiful sparks of light, shimmering it's shiny sparks into nothing (so basically it's like pokemon coordinators performing their pokemons' moves to create unique show entertainment). (Y/n) claps her hands, amazed by his ability. He went back to her and lands his feet on the ground. "So, is this the proof you need from this android?", he asks her. She nods excitedly, "That was so cool 17! I can't believe you would do that!" Her compliments made him blushed; he felt embarrassed by this sudden reaction. "That's weird", he said, "This never happens to me before."

(Y/n) notices him blushing and she smiles. "You mean you never blush or embarrassed before?" He nods; she went over to him, leans close to his face, making him surprised and backs away from her. "What are you", he said, trailed off as she leans closer to his face and kissed him. She stood still, still kiss his lips; 17 wasn't expecting to get a kiss from a woman before, but he felt content by this. After she backs up, (Y/n) stares at his eyes. "Wwwhat was that for?", he asks. She looks surprised and gasps, "You mean this is your first kiss?", she asks. He blushed, feeling like an idiot, "Yes", he replied honestly. She smiles again, went over to him, and hugged his arm. "Would you take me on a tour of the entire island?", she asks him. His job doesn't require a tour, but he'll gladly guides her to see the landscape and the creatures living here. "Sure", said 17, then he holds her bridal style, "Hold on tight. I'll be flying fast."

She wraps her arms around his neck while they flew off to the other areas of the island. (Y/n) looks happy, excited that she met the best man of her life and gets to see the beauty of nature. For hours, they passed by types of trees, plants, and interacts with the creatures: all big and small, furry and scaled, from a squirrel to the strong purple furred Minotaurus. As he introduced her to all the rare and endangered species of creatures, (Y/n) realized that he's dedicated to his life to protect this island from bad people. She wished that she could do the same for these poor animals. Just as they're off guard, 17 watching (Y/n) playing with the cute baby Minotaurus, a noise surfaced up in the sky and erupts into huge explosion. This got the two's attentions and gasps as 17 realized that the poachers already invaded the island. He looks at (Y/n), "Stay here and watch over them, I'll go handle with the poachers." He levitates off the ground and flew fast off to the other side of the island. (Y/n) let bad that he's facing them alone; she must help him. But how?

The male Minotaurus noticed her worries and he nudged her with his snout. She looks at him, seeing him acting weird. That's when she realized that he's offering her help and a ride to get to 17 and to fight off the intruders. She smiles and hugs him, "Thank you my friend!", thanked (Y/n), climbs on top of him, and prepares to hang on. As the Minotaurus face nudges his lover's and children's faces, he howled and began to run fast. With his powerful hoofs, legs, and strength, he runs and runs; without any break, he and (Y/n) travels from their area and now, they're only a mile away from where 17's location.

Out of nowhere, poachers appeared out of the bushes, preparing for capture with their nets and a huge cage waiting. The Minotaurus inhaled and smoke came out of his nostrils, preparing for ram at the poachers. They became scared and each other gets knocked out by the creature and fell on the ground, knocked out cold. She looks at them and turns to the Minotaurus, "Good boy!", she commented. They continued to run; but the creature tripped on a string, setting off the trap. As it runs, a chain latches onto the creatures neck and chained it on the truck that belonged to the poachers. It made the creature stop; trying to escape, the Minotaurus was unable to break the chain off him.

(Y/n) jumps off him and tries to see a key hole to unlock the chain. However, a strong hand grabs her arm, and yanks her away from the Minotaurus. She turns around and saw a large and muscular man; he wears his safari outside, with a rope on his shoulder and a hat, decorated with sharp canine teeth around it. He gives her an evil chuckle, "So, you're trying to stop us and protect this creature, right?" She could only stare at him a disgusted look. "Well, to bad for you girly", he said, then tied her wrists together, "Because both you and the creature are our prisoners!" While he put his grip, holding the rope that bonds her, the poacher lay his hand on her face, making her look at her.

"Screw you! You'll never get away with this!", (Y/n) exclaimed, and spat on his face. He used his free hand to wipe the spit off and slaps her across her face. A bruise appears on her face and she sneered at him. "Oh really, screw me?", he said, making her come closer to him, "Well, we'll see who's screwed!" Just as his hand was about to get closer to touch her inappropriately, a strong hand grips the poacher's arm. The poacher turns around and gasps, "What the hell!?", he exclaimed. (Y/n) looks behind him and smiled as she saw 17 holding the man's arm. 17 gave her a reassured smile, "You alright (Y/n)?", he asks. (Y/n) nods, "Yes, please save us 17!", she exclaims, kicked the man below the belt, make him groan in pain and she's free from his force.

(Y/n) runs away and stands next to the Minotaurus' side. She watched 17 kicking the poacher's ass, knocked him out, tied his hands, and threw him in the cage along with his friends. 17 dusted his hands, "That'll teach you bastards a lesson', he replied. He went over to (Y/n) and untied her wrists. (Y/n) smiles, hugging him; "Thank you 17! You saved us!", and she kissed him. 17 smiled as he felt her sweet lips onto his. He returns the favor and kissed her back. As they kissed, he slips his tongue inside her mouth and she allows it inside. They began to make out, sucking each other's mouth and tongues. While they're doing that, 17 points his finger at the Minotaurus' chain choker and used his energy beam, destroyed the chain and the choker, freeing him from his prison. The creature roared, freed from the chains. The Minotaurus nudged at them, getting them to stop kissing. 17 looks at him, "Your welcome. And go to your herd", he said to him. The creature bows and run off to head back to his family.

One Hour Later

17 and (Y/n) huddled together as they sit in front of the fire, getting warmth. Since she doesn't get a ride home, she'll spend the night with him. She sighs happily, "That was the rescue ever 17, I cannot believe you defeat all those poachers on your own", said (Y/n), hugging his arm. "I'm an android, of course I'm strong", he replied. (Y/n) looks at 17 and turns to him; 17 notice her and turns to her, their faces meeting each other. Ever since she arrived on the island and spend serious time with her while patrolling, she made a great impact on him. He never experienced love, but he truly has fallen in love with her. He looks at her eyes, longing for her love. "(Y/n)", he whispers, "I...I'm in love with you." (Y/n) gave him a soft smile, staring back at his eyes with love, "17...I love you too", she replied back.

As they wrap their arms around each other, they began to kiss again. 17 licks her lips and slips his tongue inside her mouth again. She licks his tongue, and both starts making out again, sucking both mouths and tongues. (Y/n) felt 17's hands lift her up and lays her on top of him, still French kissing. She found the blanket next to them and wraps it around them. He gave her a sexy smile, making her giggle. (Y/n) snuggles up to him, laying on the ground, watching the stars. Since she's happy with him, she'll come back once she gets her stuff and move with him. They look at each other and kissed again, she felt 17's hand, caressing her cheek, and she's glad to be with him. 17 is happy that (Y/n)'s is his girl. And their relationship as lovers had just begun.

The End

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