Jeice X Neko Reader

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Requested by IndieFlower53.

-Warning: sexual theme. Please enjoy. P.s. I don't own this image (galxy_girl145).

Jeice is the second in command elite warrior of the Ginyu Force. He and his comrades only serve for one important person of the entire universe: Frieza. Since they're part of the Frieza Force, whatever type of orders, Frieza sends them and they obeyed. Over the years, Jeice has seen many beings killed by him or his comrades, not giving any damn to anyone.

Recently last week, Jeice has been feeling sad. He just witnessed innocent children being injured by Recoome and Burter. Seeing the sweet children getting punched and kicked makes his stomach churns. Jeice breaks it up, stopping them and tells them to stop torturing the poor souls. Both his friends agreed; so, they captured them and send them to one of Freiza Force's concentration camps (no Nazism reference intended. I apologize if offended, it's better than killing them.).

Ever since that day, Jeice is haunted by the bruises and sad looks on the children. Jeice went to his bedroom, resting. For the past week, the terrible memory made him feel uneasy. He was unable to sleep for over 24 hours, did not eat much (only a drink or a fruit), and he spend hours in the shower room, trying to wash away all the sins he committed over the years working in the Frieza Force and the Ginyu Force. As he gets dressed, his scouter is beeping. Jeice picks it up and answered the call. "Hello? Boss?", asks Jeice. "Oi Jeice, get ready and meet us at the docking bay! We got orders from Lord Frieza and he wants us to go receive the hostages from an unknown planet called Planet (insert random name)." Jeice snaps out of his sadness and put on his energized self, "Oh! Right, I'll be there in five minutes!", he said. "Roger that, Ginyu out!", and then Ginyu hung up. Jeice is curious about this new mission and he couldn't help but has a feeling that things will something new.

As the Ginyu Force went into their space pods, they placed in the address towards their location. Jeice looks up and had a thought, "I wonder why I'm feeling weird. Lately, I'm up and ready for anything, but now, I can't help but feel that something's waiting for me. But who?" Him standing next to his pod, this caused his friend Burter to notice his strange behavior. "Oi Jeice", said Burter, shaking his shoulders, "You alright? We're getting ready to leave." Jeice snaps out of his thoughts and embarrassed by his train of thoughts. "Oh right", he chuckled, nervously, "I'm going." As they entered their pods, they departed from the docking bay and flew into space.

Three Days Later

For three days, they traveled without a break. Luckily, they arrived at their destination. As the approached Planet (name), their pods landed roughly on the docking bay. Lucky that there's no metal docks, it's just the ground. They climb out of the pods and take the view of the now destroyed area. "Alright men!", announced Ginyu, energetic, "Once we get the hostages, Frieza's receiver ship will come get us and be on our way to Lord Frieza! Now don't kill them until we bring them to our Lord, are we clear!?" "Yes Ginyu!", four of the comrades shouts back.

After ten minutes of walking into the area, one of the Frieza's soldiers lead them to their base building. As they entered, Jeice saw at least ten people, cornered near the wall, by the other soldiers. Ginyu approaches them, causing them to shiver in fear. "So, these hostages, what do they do while you're here?", Ginyu asked the soldier. While Ginyu discusses with the soldier and the three comrades looking around base, Jeice caught something in his eyes; he noticed a pair of cat ears moving. Jeice walks towards the hostages, they coward themselves against the wall. As he stops, he budged the person to move. The hostages refused to move, so, Jeice pushed them aside and his expression turned into awe and confusion. What's in front of him is a pretty young neko girl. Jeice has no idea what he'll get himself into, but he couldn't help but fall for her.

The girl is only 18 years old; she is also (height), skinny due to malnutrition from being held captive by the Frieza Force soldiers. But her beauty is intact: she has (length) (color) hair, (skin tone) skin, her eyes are (color), her lips are shaded (color), and her breasts are (breast size). What made him more confused is that this girl has a pair of (color) ears and a (color) tail, wrapped around her waist. Jeice is fascinated by her appearance and he felt bad that she's a hostage.

"I see you're interested in that girl Jeice sir", said the other soldier, approaching him, "I found her with her father, hiding in the basement. I find them and captured them." Jeice can only nod, staring at the girl's eyes. She has no idea what's going on despite that she saw the other people feel scared, but she is more interested in Jeice than what's happening right now. She stares back at him, making Jeice blush. He finds it weird that she's not afraid of him and he like it. "Hey!", Ginyu yelled, "The ship's approaching now. I want each of you escort each hostage into the ship and in their room, got it?" "Yes Ginyu!", the comrades replied back. "Yes sir!", replied the soldiers. One by one, nine hostages were brought into the ship, standing in single file. The old man refused to go inside, but he was being held by Burter and was brought inside. Jeice decides to bring the girl in last.

The ship has been traveling for at least a day. The hostages huddled together against a wall, keeping themselves out of the soldiers' reach. Except for the girl; she stands in the middle of the room. Jeice, Burter, and Recoome volunteered to keep a careful watch on them while Guldo went off elsewhere and Ginyu making a call to Frieza.

Jeice went out for a drink, filled his canister with water, and heads back to the room. But as he enters, he saw Recoome being a creep to the girl, trying to touch her. She may not aware of being held as hostage, but she knew that she doesn't want Recoome to touch her inappropriately. Jeice and Burter gasps as they watch her perform a wrestler's style of flipping Recoome's body over, his back landed on the floor, and then she cannibal into Recoome's stomach, causing him to scream in pain. She bounced back on the floor and stands in front of the hostages, protecting them what comes next.

Recoome struggled to stand, feeling furious by her action. His heavy foot moves and the next, walking towards her. "Alright you little bitch!", he shouts, then about to grab her. But then, Jeice grabs his arm, holding him back. "Stop Recoome!", Jeice yelled at him, holding him, "She's not worth it! Or else Lord Frieza's going to kill you for disobeying his orders." After what Jeice says is true, Recoome regain control over his anger and spat at her face. "Consider yourself lucky that I didn't get to harm you for what you did", he said, glaring at her. She only hisses at him, signaling him to back off. Recoome huffed and left the room.

Jeice is impressed how she was able to kick Recoome's ass like that. He finds her very attractive. Just as he walks towards her, the old man rushes to her side. "Please (Y/n)! Don't let him take you !", he begged her, tries to drag her with the others. But she didn't budge. The old man cowards before Jeice and huddles with the others. Jeice looks at her, he saw her staring at him, giving him a curious yet happy looking face. Jeice thought for a moment and takes her hand, guiding her to the door. "Burter, I'll be interrogating her. As soon as I'm done, we'll be back here", he said to Burter. Burter shrugged, nodding. Then Jeice leads her outside the room and closed the door. Jeice wants to know more about (Y/n), but he wants privacy to do it. So, he leads her to his room; he leads her inside and closed his door. His room is actually his and Burter's room, hoping he doesn't mind if Jeice invites her to their room.

"It's alright kitten", he said softly to her, "You can relax. I won't hurt you. Please take a seat." He points his finger to the bed. She nods and then sit down on the bed. Jeice went over to his snack stash, took out a (insert food), and sat next to her. "Here, eat this", he said, "I'm sure your very hungry." (Y/n) took the food and take a bite; she purrs and devoured the rest of the food, happily licking the crumbs off her fingers. Jeice chuckles, watching her eat. He notices a few crumbs on the side if her lip. He leans in, close to her lips; just he's about to set his lips nears hers, (Y/n) instantly jumps off the bed, caught him off guard and fell onto the side of his bed. "Oh man!", he groaned, "She's really fast and flexible!"

(Y/n) repeatedly walks around his room, his bathroom, and to his dresser. He finds it amusing for a girl with cat-like features to be so energetic at that age. He stood up and walks over to her where she opens his draw, taking out his (whatever choice of color or design) boxers. He blushed when she took it out and she puts it on her head, thinking it's a hat. He laughs; she hears him laughing and turns around, looking at him and laugh with him. He took his boxers off her and stares at her, "You silly kitten!", he said, "This is not for your head, this is groin", then (he still wears his uniform) slips through the boxers and puts it on. "Oooh!", she said in awe.

He gave her a soft smile; he has a feeling that she wasn't aware that she's not at educational level as an adult. But more like a child. (Y/n) unexpectedly hugs him, purring while hugging him. Her tail sways back and forth, happy to be with him. He was surprised that she did that; nobody would have the guts to do something strange to him. But he smiles, hugging her back. He leans out and looks at her, "You're (Y/n), right?", he asks, pointing at her. She copied her with her pointing at herself, "Yes?", she replied. Jeice points his finger at himself, "I'm Jeice", he said, introducing to her. She copied him, pointing at him, "Jeice?", she asks. He nods, "Yep, Jeice", he replied back to her. She smiled at him, happy to hear his name. "JEICE!!!!", she shouts happily, pushed him onto his bed, his back landed. She pounced on top of him, laughing. He looked surprised by her sudden playfulness and he liked that. (Y/n) leans in, close to his face, giving him a pretty face that tells him she loves him. Yes, (Y/n) doesn't know what to describe the situation they're in now, but what she knows is that she loves him. "Jeice", she whispered, longing for him. Jeice breathed heavy, realized she feel for him. He's happy to know this, because he fell in love with her too.

"(Y/n)", he whispered back, his face met hers. Their lips touched, feeling their soft skinned lips together. Jeice made a move and kissed her. He heard her moan, then she kissed him back. Soon, they began to kiss passionately; He slip his tongue inside her mouth, licking her entire mouth. She does the same, repeatedly sucking his mouth, tongue and back to French kissing. During their two minute make out session, he sits up, holding her by the waist. (Y/n) wraps her arms around his neck, still sucking his mouth, while straddling him. Jeice accidently had his hand slightly touched her chest, cause her to moan. He was shaken by this and stops kissing. "Oh! I'm sorry I", he apologized, startled. But he was interrupted by (Y/n), who happens to enjoy his gentle touch. She places his right hand on her left breast and make him gently squeeze it. Making her moan like crazy, she wants him to do it again, "More Jeice", she moans. Jeice felt blushed, feeling naughty and dirty. But he also wants her to be his girl.

Once more, Jeice and (Y/n) began to make out again, sucking tongues and mouths. While doing this, Jeice continues to grope her left breast, enjoys hearing her moan like a cat. Jeice felt something rubbing on his groin and blushed: he realized that she's grinding onto his groin. He was surprised that she's doing this and wanted to stop her, but he couldn't; he allows her to do anything to him while kissing her. Feeling horny, he held his urges in; but her purrs and moans are driving him crazy. Unfortunately, his door opened. As they continued to be naughty, they stopped as they heard someone gasps. It was Guldo! And he's shocked to see his comrade making out with the hostage. "Jeice! What are you doing with the hostage!?! And Why are you wearing your boxers over your uniform!?", Guldo exclaimed, blushing mad. Jeice looks at his lower region and blushed, remembers that he still wore his clean pair of boxers. (Y/n) gave Guldo a pout while rubbing her face against Jeice's face. Marking him her lover.

Guldo growls, "Alright Jeice! I'm going to report you to Gin...", he yells at them, but then, they saw him fainted and fell on the floor. Instantly, the door's closed and then there's Burter who knocked him out and carries his limb body. "That was a close one Burter, thanks!", Jeice thanked his close friend. "No need for thank you's, we must bring her back to the room and make sure they don't discover your secret", said Burter. "No!", Jeice exclaimed, stood up, and faces Burter, "I cannot let her near Lord Frieza, he'll do bad things to her. I must help her escape!" Burter's eyes are wide open and gave him a concern look. "Jeice, it's suicide! If Lord Frieza and Ginyu found out about this, they'll kill you!", he argued. "But I want her, and I want her to live happily without fear from the Frieza Force!", Jeice argued back. "Please help us Burter, you're the only closes friend I got. Please.", Jeice begged. Burter is worried that they may get caught and will be severely punished, but he can't say no to his friend who really loves this neko girl. Burter sighs, "Alright Jeice, I'll help." Jeice smiles and they huddled up to create an escape plan.

One hour later, everything's normal at the corridors of the Frieza Force ship. Every soldier is standing guard and no suspicious activities. Suddenly, all the security cameras were spontaneously combusted; circuits fried and exploded. Burter hides in the corner, out of sight from the soldier guards. As they stood there, off-guard, Burter runs faster than the speed of light and knocked out all the guards. Their bodies fell on the floor, knocked cold. "Coast is clear", Burter whispered, signaling both Jeice and (Y/n) to come out. They stood in the corner, ten thousand feet away from the docking bay. "Alright", said Burter, "I'll stand guard and make sure you send her to Earth. That way she'll be safe from Lord Frieza." Jeice nod and both him and (Y/n) went over to the escape pod.

Jeice made an anonymous note, "Please help her, she needs a new life", and placed it on the dashboard. He pushes her to climb inside, but she refused. She sensed that he's sending her away from him and never see him again. "Jeice", she said softly, "Stay with me." Jeice gave her a sad smile, "I'm sorry (Y/n). But I want you safe and live a happy life. Please go." (Y/n) gave him a sad face, tears rolling down her cheeks. Jeice leans down and kissed her; she kissed him back and they break the kiss. "I love you (Y/n)", he smiles softly, hugging her. She returns the hug, "Love you Jeice", she said softly. She went inside, sit down, and buckled up. Jeice enters the address and prepares for launch. Jeice looks at her one last time, kissed her cheek, and climbed out the pod. She waved at him; he watches her waving as the pod's door lid closed up, watching the pod launched out of the docking bay, and finally left the area. Without being detected, she's finally escaped to freedom. Jeice stops waving, smiled while a tear rolls down his face, "Goodbye...(Y/n)." (The End).

Alternative Ending

Hours ago, the old man hostage was being send to the interrogation room where Ginyu and Frieza are there. Lately, the real reason for this order for hostages is to recruit new soldiers who can help increase support to the Frieza Force. Frieza has been questioning the old man if he or anyone else are strong with a power level over 1,000. The old man refused to talk, making Frieza irritated with impatience. He ordered Ginyu to get him to talk; Ginyu went over to him and twisted his arm for an hour. It was hell for the old fool, but he resisted the pain. Ginyu stops twisting his arm and went over to Frieza. "No use Lord Frieza, he won't talk", said Ginyu, but he has an idea and whispered to Frieza. Frieza smirked evilly and went over to the old man.

Frieza shows a surveillance video, the old man watches and gasps as he saw (Y/n) was being harassed and she kicked Recoome's ass with incredible strength and flipped him over. Frieza chuckled, "It seems you've been hiding a very powerful female from me. Tell me, who is she and I might release you", he said, giving the old man one chance. After the old man reveals her name, he raised her and trained her in combat, Frieza's fascinated and is satisfied with this information. "Alright", said Frieza, "You're done. I will spare her life and become part of my Frieza Force." The old man is relief, but he realized in horror. Frieza chuckled in deep evil tone as Ginyu laughs and closed the door.

Present Time Skip

It's been a day since her departure, Jeice is back to being sad again. He really misses her, but it's for her own good. He decides to go to the cafeteria, getting himself lunch and later get drunk to forget his loneliness. Just as he walks in the corridor, a small foot steps are walking fast and a figure glomped onto him. He gasps, looks up, and surprised that (Y/n)'s here and jumps onto him. "JEICE!!!", (Y/n) yells happily. He maintained his balance and stood still, seeing her happy and rubbing her face on his chest. "Jeice, I miss you!", she squeals happily. His jaw drop, cannot believe that she's still here, and noticed that she's wearing the Frieza Force uniform for women. He smiles, petting her head while hugging her back. "I...miss you (Y/n)!", he said, happy, "But why are you still here?"

"Lord Frieza recruited her as part of the Frieza Force", Ginyu stated, approaching the two lovers. Jeice looks at Ginyu, looking surprised by his statement. "Really?", Jeice asked. "Yep", said Ginyu, "Lord Frieza found her escaping in the space pod. We retrieved her and the pod back at the ship. After testing her in combat and fighting abilities, he's very pleased by her skills and made her the new member of the empire." Jeice didn't expect this to happen, but he's glad that he can get to see her again. He closed his eyes, giving her a smile. Unexpectedly, He opens his eyes, saw her jumped onto him and give him a rough love bite onto his neck. "Ouch! (Y/n)!", he yelped. She landed on the floor, revealing his hickie to Ginyu's view. Ginyu's surprised; "I knew she was already taken by you Jeice", said the familiar voice. This both Ginyu and Jeice to turn and saw Frieza approaching them.

They saluted to their lord, "Lord Frieza!", they said in unison. Jeice is now embarrassed by the hickie and nervous how to tell him his story. "Lord Frieza", said Jeice, "I can explain....I" "You can save it Jeice. You're not in trouble; in fact, I'll offer you a deal", said Frieza, making Jeice confused. "If I place her into the Ginyu Force, she'll follow you, serve me, and you can have a relationship with her", he explained. Jeice felt his heart lighten up, feeling happy. He smiled and looks at (Y/n); he's going to be with his kitten forever. "Yes! Thank you my lord!", Jeice thanked Frieza. "Very well, she'll be assigned to you immediately. Anyway, I'll be away to the motherboard ship", then he left. Ginyu along his comrades, including Burter, gave him thumbs up and congratulated him.

After they left, Jeice and (Y/n) are left alone; they stared at each other, giving each other love in their eyes. "Now, we're together (Y/n)!", he said softly, kissed her forehead. She smiles at him happily. She tiptoed up to his height and kissed his lips quick. "Can we make kittens?", she asked him, looking adorable. Jeice looked shocked, surprised by her statement, "Eh?" Looks like this will be the new start of their lovely relationship.

The End

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