Grand Priest X Depressed Reader Part 2

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Requested by WereAllMadHere1234. I hope you find this pleasing than ever. 

P.s.- I don't own this image, fan art made by MissTuliharja on DeviantArt.

It's been six months since Grand Priest and (Y/n)-Chan have been married. She is the happiest woman alive: she fell in love and married the most handsome angel she ever seen. She's now a new mother to all his children (yes, including the other children angels back on their home planet), and now, part of her new life is wonderful. (Y/n)-Chan's getting better and no longer suicidal or depressed. Since she's starting a new life with the Grand Priest, she no longer wears black clothes anymore. She now wears floral and starry night looking dresses that he made for her. Along with flat (color(s)) shoes, specially made jewelry, and on one occasion, he made her wear her sexy (color) lingerie for their private alone time on their free time. As her husband stands, he watches his wife laughing and playing with the Grand Zenos. He really loves her very much and couldn't stop staring at her beauty, her happy smile, and admires her new change of her personality. She always played games, taught the Grand Zenos new songs and child's play from when she was a child. He really is blessed to have her as his new wife.

Since their six-month marriage, they spend most of their time with the Grand Zenos for advising and playing; while on their free time, they would play calm slow music while waltzing in the throne room or laughing, talking about how they feel for each other when they first met. He was happy to meet this beautiful creature. On every occasion, they would visit the twelve guide angels, paying them visits as while they spend bonding time with their new mom. It was bliss for this odd new family and nothing's getting in their way.

But one morning, the Grand Priest notice his wife looks a little sad (not too depressed) and always sighs, thinking while looking at her book. He walks closer, inspects the book, and saw all photos of her from her childhood and her previous life before they met. One photo caught his eye: it was a photo of her parents, looking happy as both her and her young brother smile. The Grand Priest believes that she misses her parents, yet both of them knew how cruel they are to her for the death of her toddler brother. "There's got to be something to cheer her up", he thought to himself, thinking for ideas. Then, he remembered that her birthday's coming up this Saturday. That's when he excused himself from their room, standing in the corridor, and began to contact his son Whis and his other children.

He explained to all the angels, deities, and even Goku and his friends about (Y/n)-Chan's birthday and decides to plan her a surprise party at Bulma's place. He asks the females and his daughters to take her out shopping while he and the other males will handle preparing the party. Bulma and everyone else nodded in agreement and get ready to plan out the party.

Time Skip

It is Saturday morning; both the Grand Priest and (Y/n)-Chan arrived at Capsule Corp. (Y/n)-Chan's wearing her lovely (color) dress, hang below her knees, she wears her (color) flat shoes and she wears her pretty golden necklace that he gave her on their honeymoon in (insert favorite, popular, or most romantic place). They kissed each other before she leaves with the girls. "Are you sure you'll be fine without me my husband?", she asks, concerning that he'll be lonely without her. His calm stoic face shows his smile to her, "I'll be fine my lovely wife, I just want to work on training plans with the deities and mortals. Just go have fun", he said, reassuring her that he's fine whatever he's doing. "Come on (Y/n)-Chan!", exclaim Bulma. "Yes, we must go before it's getting crowded", said Vados, gesturing her to stand next to her. Sometimes the females angels argued at each other who's her favorite daughter and then, (Y/n)-Chan would say they're all her favorite daughters. It may feel weird that her children are older than her, but that didn't bother her as she considers all his children her children. (Y/n)-Chan kissed his cheek, ran over to Vados, they all transported away from Capsule Corp. He sighs, relief that she's away for a good reason. "Now gentlemen!", the Grand Priest exclaims, "Let's get going to make this party successful!" Everyone nods and start working.

Six Hours Later

Meanwhile in West City, (Y/n)-Chan and the girls are having fun time: visiting all types of stores, trying on clothes, jewelry, and shoes. It was a splendid time for her to bond with her friends and daughters. Since it's only early evening (4pm), they decide to eat at her favorite café. It was the same café where she met her horrible ex-boyfriend. Even though she hates remembering her traumatic past, she cannot refuse to go to her favorite place to hang out. While they ordered coffee and pastries, Cus and Bulma sat across from (Y/n)-Chan and Vados while engaging in a conversation. "So, are you having fun yet (Y/n)-Chan?", Bulma asks. "Yes, it was the best fun I ever have!", (Y/n)-Chan replied. The girls giggles, Cus sat next to her and hugs her. "Oh, we're so blessed to have you mommy! Thank you for marrying our father!", thanked Cus, cried a little tears of joy. Vados, Martinu, and Marcarita agreed with their elder sister and cried a little too. (Y/n)-Chan chuckled, handing them tissues and wipe the tears of Cus's face. "There no's need to cry, if it weren't for your father, I wouldn't be alive. I'm glad that you all accepted me as your mother."

They laugh, having fun talking while eating treats and coffee. Vados taps her shoulder, "You know what mom", she said as she holds her hand, "You really look like our mother." (Y/n)-Chan looks at her surprised, "Really?" Vados nods, "She always a kind, caring, and compassionate to us. She'll do anything for us to be together as a family", Vados looks around, leans closer to (Y/n)-Chan's ear, "One time, I heard their beds moving every time father's horny", she whispered, making her mother blushing red. She gave Vados "Are you kidding me?" rage face look. Vados shrugs, making her and (Y/n)-Chan laugh hard. As they chat, (Y/n)-Chan suddenly vomit her meshed up processed food and dark color liquid on the floor. "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!", the girls yells. (Y/n)-Chan felt nauseous, trying to stand up; however, Vados and Marcarita helped her up on her feet. A minute later, (Y/n)-Chan felt better. The girls were in disbelieved; "Oi mommy! What's wrong? Are you sick?", Cus asks. (Y/n)-Chan waves her hands, "Don't worry Cus. For some reason, I have been feeling nauseous for the past five months", she said as they all left the café. The angels have no idea what's going on with her, but Bulma, Chichi, Videl, and 18 all grinned, knowing what's exactly happening with (Y/n)-Chan.

Back at Capsule Corp.

The set up for the party are getting close to finish. Whis and the other male angels set up tables for the dinning hall, the deities were trying to blow balloons yet failing. Goku and his friends taught them to blow them and tie them properly. The Grand Zenos both laughed as they finished making handmade birthday cards for (Y/n)-Chan. They went over to the gift table, placing cards on there, while their guards stand next to each of their sides. "Wow! This party's gonna be fun!", Grand Zeno exclaims. "Oh yes! Fun party with new games to play!", Future Grand Zeno exclaims. They went back to their seats while the Grand Priest is checking off all things that are now covered. "Vegeta", he calls out for the Saiyan, "When will the cake and food be here?" Out of nowhere, Vegeta came out of the kitchen area. "The food will be here momentarily. But the cake will be ready soon", he stated. The Grand Priest smiled, "Excellent", and checked off his list. "Now that it's ready, I'll call the girls", he said, took his staff out of the ether and calls Vados' staff.

Back in West City

While the girls laugh, carrying (Y/n)-Chan's presents in bags, Vados hears her staff flickering on and off. She stands over a corner and quietly answers the call. "Hello Vados. How's everything with (Y/n)-Chan?", he asks his daughter. "Everything's great father. She certainly never had this type of happiness before in her life", she replied, smiling, "So how's it coming along with the plan?" "It's ready, you all can bring her over and we'll surprise her", he said. "Alright, we'll do that. See you soon", then hung up. (Y/n)-Chan notices her strange behavior and heard his voice. She walks over to Vados, "Was that your father on the call?", she asks. Vados nods, "He says that we must come over to Capsule Corp. It seems he got a surprise gift for you waiting." Before (Y/n)-Chan reacted, her eye caught a familiar figure, waiting in front of the toy store. As she turned, (Y/n)-Chan saw her appearance and gasps: this woman is her mother!

"Mom?!", she called out, got her attention. The woman looks at her, then gasps, her eyes tears up, smiling. "(Y/n)-Chan? Is that you?", she responds, walking over to her daughter. The angels and her friends were shocked and confused. They watch the woman and (Y/n)-Chan looking at each other, cried while they hugged each other. "MOM!", (Y/n)-Chan cried, feeling happy to see her mother after eight years of isolation. "Oh, my baby girl! I've finally happy to see you. I missed you so much!", her mother replied, "I can't believe you're alive all these years! How is that possible?", she asks. (Y/n)-Chan points her finger at the other girls. The female angels walk towards them. "You see mom, these four are my daughters", said (Y/n). Her mother gasps, shocked how older they looked. "Your...daughters? How!?" (Y/n)-Chan smiled, blushing, "I married their father", she responded.

Her mother's reaction is priceless. Her eyes bulge out, dumbfounded how not only her daughter is married but married to a single father and has children. Cus stares at her curiously, then smiled; she ran up to the lady and gave her a big hug. (Y/n)-Chan's mother looked surprised and return the hug. Cus looks up at her, smiling, "YAY! That means we get to have a grandma!" Vados, Martinu, and Marcarita cheered and ran up to them, hugging their grandma. Her mother smiled, happy to be their grandmother even though they seemed to be older. (Y/n)-Chan smiled, happy to be reunited with her mother. Then her head felt weird and puked on the ground. "EWWWWWW!", exclaim the girls, trying not to gag. Her mother went to her daughter's side and rubs her back. "What's wrong baby girl? Are you sick?", she asks, concerned. (Y/n)-Chan breathed, "Don't worry, it's just nausea." Her mother gasps, smiled even more as she moved her hand on her daughter's stomach (where the womb's located). All the girls gasps, "WHAT!?", then (Y/n)-Chan herself is shocked. "Wait...I'm pregnant!?", (Y/n)-Chan exclaims, confused. Bulma came back from the store and gave (Y/n)-Chan a box of pregnancy testers. "You might want to go to restroom before we head back to Capsule Corp", Bulma advised. (Y/n)-Chan nods and walks inside a restaurant.

Back at Capsule Corp.

It's now six in the evening and the Grand Priest is worried that the girls are running late. He was pacing back and forth, feeling nervous. The others were in the dining hall, helping the deities how to surprise (Y/n)-Chan once she gets here. Goku and his friends help them practice ten times; though some of them failed and retry again. The Grand Zenos giggled, finding their workers amusing at their practices. Then they look at the Grand Priest who won't stop worrying. They went over to him, "Please stop that", Grand Zeno asked. "Yes, we hate seeing you worked up over late timing", said Future Grand Zeno. The angel stops and looks at them, obeys them, and let out a deep breath. "My apologies, sires. I'm...worried and wondered why they're late?" They nod, "We understand how you feel", said Grand Zeno. "But rest assured, she'll get here soon", said Future Grand Zeno. The angel smiles, feeling better from their talk, "Thank you your majesties. I mustn't stress myself."

As he said that, there's a knock at the door. Everyone gasps, they all went to their hiding places; while the Grand Priest went over to the front door. He opened the door and welcomes the girls inside. He smiles as (Y/n)-Chan kissed him, "Sorry we're late my husband", she said, feeling sorry. "No need to be sorry my wife, I glad you're here", he said, smiling. Then he stops smiling and look puzzled when (Y/n)-Chan's mother is by her side. He remembers her from the photo book; extending his hand to his mother-in-law, "I'm very pleased to meet you. I'm (Y/n)-Chan's husband Grand Priest", he welcomed her in, smiling. Her mother took his hand and shake. "Oh my, such a gentleman!", then looks at her daughter, "I'm very happy that you're in good hands with this (young and regal looking) man." She looks back at him, "Thank you very much for taking care of her. I missed her every day and night, I'm eternally happy you saved her life", she thanked him. He nods to her and smiles, "Don't thanked me, I really fell for her and her true beauty of her existence. Anyway, let's head out to the dining hall."

As both Grand Priest and (Y/n)-Chan walked into the dining hall, the angel flick the lights on and all deities, friends (even her friend (friend name) is there, and other angel children from their home planet, jumped out of nowhere and cheered, "SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!" (Y/n)-Chan gasps, then laughs as she's happy that everyone gave her a good surprise. The Grand Priest leads her to a throne chair, letting her sit there, and handed her champagne glass (she didn't drink it). Gohan raise his glass up, "(Y/n)-Chan! We all like to wish you", he said and trailed off. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!", everyone else said to finish Gohan's sentence (yeah, I used the Battle of Gods reference, so what). (Y/n)-Chan blushed, smiling, "Thank you guys!", she thanked them, "I'm so happy to have all my friends and family to be together tonight!" She hugged her husband, her mother, and all her children gather around, hugging her. She is happy to be here.

One hour later, the party was great. Some of them played party games; the Grand Zeno was playing pinned the tail on the donkey game, blindfolded, and accidently about to pin on the tail on Lord Iwen. He saw his superior and screams, running away from Grand Zeno as he run after him. Future Grand Zeno and everyone else laughs, seeing this funny scenario. The food is great, especially gourmet desserts that melts their tongues (and Whis made that ridiculous look when he ate that creamy dessert just like episode 16). Everyone's having a good time; (Y/n)-Chan opened her gifts including the ones she picked out, bought by her friends. Every gift they give her are great, especially two best gifts: the Pride Troopers performed a happy birthday song while posing. Jiren stood there, too cool to dance, so they posed at the end. The second one is the new family photo book by her lover and her children. As she opens the book, the first photo is the day when she and the Grand Priest got married. All photos are about her, her husband, and all her angel children. She smiled, and looks at her friends and family, "Everyone...thank you for the best birthday party ever!" Everyone cheered as they make her a happy woman.

Just as they're about to have cake, there's a knock at the door. "What? That's strange?", said Grand Priest, "I didn't expect more people coming." He went to the front door and opened: it was......her father! The Grand Priest's eyes wide opened, shocked that he knows where (Y/n)-Chan was. Yet again, he's probably here to ruin her birthday. "May I help you sir?", he asks the man. The man looked angry, shouts, "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!? I HAVE BEEN CALLING HER FOR TWO YEARS AND FOUND OUT SHE'S WITH THIS BASTARD DAUGHTER OF HERS!" Those words send insult to his ears and he frowned, feeling angry. He gave the man an evil glare, "The Fuck did you say about her?", he asks. But he was caught off guard and ran inside the house. The Grand Priest tried to catch him, but he was slow, and the man's already entered into the dining hall.

As he made his wait into the dining hall, he found her and her mother at a corner; he unplugged the speaker and yells, "(Mom's name)! What is the meaning of this?!?" Everyone stops, gasps, staring at the old man. Both (Y/n)-Chan and her mother looks at him, mouths drop as they saw the man who is cruel. He walks over to them, but the Grand Priest blocks his way. He frowned, "Get out of my way midget! I will claim my wife and take her home. And I might tell her daughter to go kill herself!", he shouted. This cause (Y/n)-Chan to feel scared; this made Grand Priest angrier and all his sons and male friends were about to teach him a lesson. "WAIT! STOP!", (Y/n)-Chan exclaims, stopping her friends and family. They look at her, surprised. The Grand Priest looks at her, calming yet angry, "But he just insulted you! I cannot allow someone to exist who rejected you for his son's death and still being cruel to you!", he looks at the old man. The man is still not scared, "OH REALLY!? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?!? KILL ME?!?", he retorted, being sarcastic. "No....", Grand Priest whispers, prepared to erase him. But his wife's hand stops him, holding his hand. "No! You can't do this! Please, for me!", she begged. The Grand Priest is still angry at her father, yet he obeyed for only his lover.

(Y/n)-Chan confront her father, facing him. She gave him a stern look, "What do you want besides mom?", she asks him. "I already told you that I'm taking (Mom's name) home!", he answered. "BUT I'M NO LONGER YOUR WIFE ANYMORE (Dad's name)!!!!", her mother screeched. Her ex-husband looks surprised, "What.....What did you say bitch!?", he asks her. (Mom's name) sighs, "Ever since our son died from the Hardy case, we actually blamed her for his death. Every night and day, guilt took over my mind and help me realized what we've done to her. I shouldn't blame her for this. I tried so hard to find her and yet you hit me, preventing me to bring her home." "BUT IT IS HER FAULT!!! SHE SHOULD'VE PROTECT HIM BETTER. THAT BITCH...", he yelled at (mom's name). "SHE'S OUR DAUGHTER!!! SHE WAS ONLY A KID BACK THEN. WHY CAN'T YOU BE HER GOOD FATHER?!?", she at him. "BECAUSE I'M NOT HER REAL FATHER!!!!", he screamed at her. Everyone's jaws drop, shocked by his exclamation. Even (Y/n)-Chan who's shocked by his statement. (Y/n)-Chan's tears flow out her eyes, "Wwwhat?", she asks in a quiet tone. The old man sighs, "Yes, what I said is true (Y/n), you're not blood related to me." "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS AND BEING AN ASSHOLE TO ME!?!?", she sobs, her mother holding her, rubbing her back. (Dad's name) hate females getting emotional, but he must tell her the truth.

"Your biological father was a military Sargent. Both he and I went to high school together, and knew he was dating your mother. As years went by, I heard the news that he died in action, protecting hostages and soldiers from terrorist attacks. At his funeral, I saw you only at four years old and your mother, all sad. She and I decide to date and a few years later, we get married and have your brother at age seven. At first, I would tolerate you as a daughter for you'll be responsible child of the family. But after the death of your brother, I was pissed. Very angry that he killed him instead of you. I...", he trailed off, realized that everyone's glaring at him, all pissed off by his stupid excuse. He growls, "There! That's my reason. Now go home with me (Mom's name) or else I'll hit you!", he shouts at her.

(Mom's name) had enough of his bullshit; "No (dad's name), I'm done with you. Don't you ever come near me and my family!", she said, arms crossed. He tried everything to persuade her to be by his side, but his patience is done. "You know what?", he said, "I'm done with you. You can go homeless for all I cared." Then, he left the house, away from Capsule Corp. The Grand Zenos had a severe look on their faces, "Shall we erased that man for you (Y/n)-Chan?", they asked in unison. (Y/n)-Chan shakes her head, "No Grand Zenos, there's no need for that. He's not worth it." They let go of their anger and now looked cheerful, "Ok!", they exclaim, heading towards their seats.

Now the drama's out of the way, (Y/n)-Chan confronts her mother. "Mom, where will you live now you're separated?", she asks. "Don't worry honey", she assured her daughter, "I've been residing at an apartment residency. Will you and your family visit me?", she asks. (Y/n)-Chan smiled, "Of course, you're my mother. We'll make sure to visit you." All angels cheered, "Yay! Grandma!", and ran towards her, giving her hugs. Her mother chuckled, returning their hugs. The Grand Priest looks at his wife, smiling at her. She looks at him, returning her smile at him. He kissed her hand, "Oh (Y/n)-Chan, how do we end this party?", he asks her. She grinned, "I got an idea", then makes her announcement, "Everyone, gather around. I got news for all", she said loudly. They hear her and surround her and the Grand Priest. He was puzzled, wondered what she'll talk about. She clears her throat, handing him two pregnancy testers. He inspects the testers, and both shows positive. He was oblivious and has no idea what it means. Vados sighs, then took out her father's hand and place it on (Y/n)-Chan's stomach. At a sudden kick from her belly, he jumped, shocked that something's inside her. But once he thinks through, he realized what it means.

"(Y/n)-Chan, are we having children?", he asks. She nods, "Yes, I have been pregnant for five months." Everyone's surprised. "WHAAAAAAATTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", exclaimed all the males. "AWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", exclaimed the females including the Grand Zenos. "WE'RE GOING TO HAVE NEW SIBLINGS!!!!!!!!", exclaimed the angels, happy to be new older siblings. The Grand Priest did not expect this to happen considering he has so many children; now he's going to have an hybrid children. He clears his throat, staring into her eyes, "That's the best news ever my love! But I didn't mean to get you pregnant." "Why?", she asks him. "Because I might cause you to overbreed. So....I got myself Vasectomy." Everyone stared at him in disbelief; feeling gross by his confession. (Y/n)-Chan look surprised, "Oh, are you sure about your decision?" He nods, "Now we can focus raising our soon to be newborn children and the rest of our happy family." (Y/n)-Chan nods, smiled, "I'm happy to be married to you my husband!"

As the party wrap up, everyone cheering for the two couple, eating cake, the Grand Priest and (Y/n)-Chan kissed, then hugged all their children in celebration of their next chapter for their lives.

The End

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