Krillin X Reader

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Requested by BuzzinB33.

Sorry if it's short, but learning to condense details into short paragraphs.

-This takes place before Future Trunks Saga (yeah, Maron, Krillin's ex, doesn't exist in this fanfic).

Krillin flew above the cold blue sea, flying pass by a few islands. He stayed focused on his ability to fly while trying to find the main land. A while ago, Master Roshi ran out of food and supplies that they need for the Kame House. So Krillin volunteered to go buy what they need for their fridge and other necessities. His eyes finally found the main land where he and Master Roshi usually visit for shopping and other activities; just like last time when Roshi was groping a young woman's chest, then she knocked him out and made Krillin take him back to Kame House.

He flew fast, reached to main land, his feet land on the ground. No body notice him flying because they're too busy with their business. Walking ten minutes later, he finally reached the grocery store. Krillin dislikes supermarkets where he has to compete with crazy horde of rude people, so he went to this grocery store instead. Without being rushed, walking slowly, he places few foods and items into his cart. Little did he know that someone is behind him.

Just as he grabs for the (insert item), a feminine hand touches his hand. Krillin looks shocked, looks up, and faces towards his left side. His face is blushing, his eyes sparkled as he saw the prettiest girl ever. A young woman is (height), (weight) which he doesn't mind about her weight. Her hair is (length) (hair color), hang down (above or below) her shoulders. And her chest is (breast size). She wears a (color) t-shirt with a (fandom pictures), (color) (type) jeans, shades on top of her head, and (color or pattern) sneakers. Her skin is (skin tone), complimenting the features of her face: long eyelashes, shown above and below her eyelids. Her eyes are (eye color), making it shine from heaven. Her lips are shaded pink (or what choice of color). Her cheeks show off her little pink blush as she took her hand out, smiling while apologizing to him. He sighs, finding her sweet and innocent. When he saw her nose, it's invisible just like his. Krillin couldn't believe what he encountered. He really wanted to see her to be at his side.

"There's no need to apologize miss", said Krillin, "I can pick the other one next to yours." The girl took the pick and placed it in to her bag, "That's so sweet of you. I'm (Y/n)."

"Krillin's the name", he said, winking at her. She giggled by his sudden flirtation. She sighs, "You know, we should go out this Saturday. You know a walk into town, have lunch, and anything else", said (Y/n), giving him a cheerful smile. Krillin look surprised by her offer and he knew that he couldn't decline this opportunity. "Sure! This Saturday by 12pm", he said, "We can meet up at this store." "Cool!", she replied, "Then, I'll see you this Saturday." He snaps his fingers in both hands and pointing at her, "Then it's a date. Later (Y/n)." Just as they depart in their separate ways, Krillin looks back at her again, blushed as he takes a view of her (small or big) butt. He smirks, knowing this woman is his battery to his life.

Time Skip

It is Saturday, almost noon as Krillin is waiting next to the grocery store building. He wanted his date to be the best, so he wore his best (not fancy) white suit, plain white shirt, with a white tie. His dress pants and shoes are also white, almost feel like Michael Jackson (not really). He also wears his white hat to hide his bald head; he wants to impress her and hopefully ignore his shiny bald head. As the hour hand reached 12pm, (Y/n) finally meet up with Krillin. "Hi Krillin, I hope I didn't keep you waiting long?", she asks, making him look stunned by her outfit. (Y/n)'s wearing her favorite (color) shirt, matching her mini skirt. She also wears (skin toned) pantyhose and her (color) flat dress shoes. He gave her a smile, "Not at all, you're just in time." He extends his arm for her. She smiles, wrapping her right arm around his left arm. "Well let us be on our way!", he exclaims, walking together to their date.

Four Hours Later

It was the greatest time of their lives; Krillin and (Y/n) had a great time. They went for a walk at the park, admiring the nature of the waterfall. Then, they had lunch at a (insert favorite restaurant). The rest of the hours is them, talking and laughing, knowing each other's lives and things they do and don't. Just as the sun sets, Krillin and (Y/n) were walking back to the store building. As they walk by, a tall, muscular, and brute looking man notices the two having fun and he decides to make a move.

The two people stops by a back corner of the store, taking a rest from walking. "Well that was great Krillin!", (Y/n) commented. He smiles, "Yeah it was fun!", he replied, walking close to her. Sweat drop appears on his forehead (not from the sun, but from being nervous). Just as he was about to tell her his confession, the tall brute appears, blocking their way out; but he's not alone. Two more of his friends appears, surrounding the two people. The tall brute smirk, "Hey shorty! Whadda think you're doing with this lady?" Krillin frowned, feeling annoyed by that name "shorty". He took a step, "I'm just having fun with my date. Anyway, why blocking our way?", he asks the brute.

The man smirked again and looks at (Y/n), "Hey lady", he cooed at her, "How about we ditched this midget and have fun with me at my place?", he asks, while pointing his groin area of his pants. (Y/n) frowned, feeling sexually harassed. "No thank you", she responds, "I prefer to leave with this gentleman." Two of his friends separate her and Krillin, blocking their way out. The two friends surrounded Krillin while the brute pins her against a wall. He roughly pins her against a wall while his hand grips onto her arm. "Don't you dare refused me girl!", he snarled, preparing to harm her. Just as she screams, they heard two of his friends gasps. To their surprise, they saw Krillin kicking their asses and thrown them at a corner into the garbage bins. The two men groaned as they're knocked out from Krillin's fury.

Krillin turns to look at the brute, giving him an angry glare. A glare that shot daggers into the brute's soul. But the man wasn't afraid, so he steps away from (Y/n) and walks closer to Krillin. "So, you think you're stronger than me eh?", the man questions Krillin, "Well, I'll teach you that nobody's stronger than me!" The brute let out his primal warrior yell, preparing to beat Krillin. He threw his fist at Krillin's face, but Krillin dodged swiftly, then grab the man's hand. "Eh!?", exclaims the brute. Suddenly, Krillin held the man high in the air, then throw him into the garbage bin along with his friends, knocked out. Krillin dusted his hands and his outfit, "That'll teach you a lesson to never mess with this midget", he said, taking (Y/n)'s hand and lead her back to the front of the grocery store building.

He realized that his hat is ruined, revealing his bald head. He groaned, "I'm sorry for you to see me like this (Y/n). I really want you to like me, but I'm nervous that you might reject me because I'm bald and short." His faced down, looking at the ground, preparing to get rejected. But he felt her hand, lifting his chin up, making him look at her. He saw her smile, their faces getting closer. Then, she kissed his lips, feeling her soft lips pressing his lips. She breaks the kiss shortly, looks at him, "Oh Krillin, I would never reject you! I love you the way you are", she said. Krillin blushed, feeling his heart beating, couldn't believe that she would make him feel better about his appearance. "Really!? You love me?!?", he asks, making sure that he's hearing her properly. She smiles, nodding at him. Krillin smiles, hugging her around her waist and kissed her again. He laughs, "I can't believe this! I love you too!", he said, feeling loved by (Y/n). She returned the hug and kissed his head. "Anything for you my strong man. I'll still love you, and your bald head, and your short height." The two couple stops hugging and let go. "So", said Krillin, "Do you want to be my girlfriend? I live with an old man, but I'll make sure he won't do perverted thing to you", he asks. (Y/n) smiles, holding his hands, "Sure! I love to be with you my short strong man!", she said, kiss his cheek.

"Anyway, it's getting late. Allow me to escort you home before it gets dark", Krillin suggested, extending his hand out for her. (Y/n) gave him a happy smile, "That's sweet of you Krillin!", then took his hand. The two couples then start walking on the sidewalk, holding hands. Now (Y/n) gets to be happy with her bald-headed shorty.

The End

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