Helles X Male! Reader Part 1

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Requested by HellsingFan5ever. I don't own the image or the Jojo's Bizzare Adventure ending theme. By the way, there's brief nudity and sexual content. Please Enjoy part 1

"(Y/n)-Chan!", Lady Helles yelled, "Where are you? I need you at once!" This is Lady Helles, relaxing in her courtyard, sitting on a lounge chair, getting the regular arm massage from her two manly servants. She recently took in a new male servant to her temple, hopefully works hard better than the female servants. Today, she needs him for this task; now, she has to wait until his arrival.

            (Y/n); a young man, only 18 years old. He's (height), has (skin color) skin, has handsome facial feature: no hair on face, but has (eye color) eyes, short (hair color) hair, and has muscular chest. His race is like Helles; human (maybe Earthling?). His parents recently lost their stillborn from complications. But lately, they suffered from poverty after they sold their home to the tax collector. Their eldest son deserves better and sold him to the slavery market. He was marked as unexperienced, virgin, and obedient. He stares down on the ground, waiting for hell to take him away from this world. Then, she came into his life; Lady Heles. "Oh, Welcome My Lady!", the old merchant seller greeted the goddess. "Greetings old fool", she replied, unamused, "I'm here to buy a new slave. But I want another male slave." The young man stares at her; noticing her bizarre heavy makeup on her face. He knew that Universe 2 is all about beauty and the morals about beauty; but the cosmetics is blocking something important of herself. Helles notices him staring at her, half smile. The old merchant notice this as well and slaps the boy across the cheek, "Stop that!" (Y/n) looks down again, avoiding another slap. Helles felt bad for him, yet she does feel that he meets her expectations. "I'll buy him", Helles demanded, causing the merchant shock. "Bbbbut...why My Lady? Don't you want different one manly?", but then, she interrupts him, screams, "I want him now! And I will take him!" The old man nods tied (Y/n)'s wrists tightly and hand the rope to the sky-blue skinned young man; he was an odd fellow, has white hair, lavender eyes, wears yellow outfit with strange geometric pattern shapes, leather shoes, and carries a tall staff.  All three of them left the market, allowing the man with his staff to transport them to planet Helles. (Y/n) stood in the courtyard, looking around the new surrounds. "Young man", Helles called out, causing him to look at her. "Yes?", he asks. "I'm Helles, Goddess of Destruction of Universe 2. You can only call me Lady Helles or My Lady", she paused, then points at the blue man, "This is Sour, my guide angel. He'll instruct you where you'll work, eat, and sleep." Sour bows to (Y/n), he bowed back. Helles walks towards him, stood in front of him, touching his muscular chest, "Starting today, you'll work for me and only me...forever", she announced, making him understand what he's about to endure.

            He spends three weeks working hard, attending chores, even the hardest tasks, clean up messes made by other servants, and was given special tasks by Lady Helles. He only wears white toga pants and (color) briefs; exposed only his chest. So far, she favors him the most out of all her servants. One day, she gave him a special task to clean up her shower room; "(Y/n)-Chan, there are girls who will want to have you as a lover or force you into sex", Helles warned, "All I want you is to stay away from them. If you don't", she continued, narrowed her eyes at him, "I'll destroy you, understood?" He's surprised by her expression, but he nodded, understood her well. Back home, he was the only popular boy among his race, earning many attentions from girls. But he doesn't have any interests in them and avoided them. (Y/n) made his way to the servant's dinning room, helping the other servants serving their dinner. As he placed plates on the table, the servant girls came out, giggling while watching him work. After he finished his task, one of the popular servant girls came up to him, asking him to be her boyfriend. Sadly, he declined her, leaving her rejected. She's not the only one; he rejected all the servant girls. The male servant felt outraged that a man could reject pretty girls. Who is he looking for?

             (Y/n) had been dreaming; dreaming of Lady Helles. Every time he sleeps, he could only dream or think of is his beautiful goddess of Universe 2. What he felt that she's the only woman who can satisfy his desire of getting love. Last night, he was in the courtyard, alone. He found Helles sitting on the ledge of her chair, crying. He went to her, wiping her tears. She looks at him, smiling, happy. He picks her up, holding her in his arms, staring into her eyes. She stares into his; faces coming closer, about to kiss. Until a knock on a door wake him up, startling him. He quickly gets dressed, brushed his teeth, then answered the door. "Yes?", he said, seeing Sour at his door. "WE must hurry up (Y/n). Lady Helles needs you now", said Sour in a hurry tone. He nods, following him to the courtyard. (Y/n) stood before his goddess, looking lovely as usual. She smiles, "Ah! There you are (Y/n)-Chan! What were you doing?", she questions the man. He bowed to her, "My biggest apologies Lady Helles, I overslept. But I promised to be on time for now on." She nods, "All's well (Y/n)-Chan. Anyway, tonight you'll be bathing me after dinner time. I want you to remember to prepare my bath after you finished your other tasks, understood?" He nods, bowing to her. "Good. You may leave, attending to your next chore", she said, shooing him. "Yes, My Goddess", he responded, leaving her. Helles gasps, blushing red. Her two male servants gasps in horror; no body in their right mind called her that as if they own her. But Helles is flattered by this, smiling; then stop before her servants caught her.

            (Y/n) spends six hours working and working, motivated to finish his chores. While he finished washing the last dinner plates, he can go to the bath house, preparing Helles the best bath for her. But his mind gets the best of him; he heard from the servant girls, laughing how they judged Helles body too skinny. He was insulted by that comment and has been itching to go to her bedroom. He tries to avoid the consequences if he got caught by Helles, but he doesn't care; he wants to see her and her naked body. He walks into he corridor, watching the last two female servants leaving Helles' room; he realized that they accidently left it open a bit, now he can enter. He slips through the door and shut it quietly. He tiptoed around her huge bedroom, filled with gold, cosmetics on her vanity dresser/mirror, fluffy pillows and blankets on her luxurious bed, walk-in closet filled with unlimited amount of clothes. He spots her other closet, filled with spare clothes and stuff. He noticed her another door, knob's turning, the door's about to open; he needs to hide. He slips into the small closet, not making a sound. The closet door has little shudder like blinds, so he opened a bit, giving him the view of Helles, emerging from her toilet room, all her heavy makeup removed. Without her makeup, she looks plain to anyone; but to (Y/n), she's more beautiful than any woman of the entire universe. He stares in awe, admiring her face. He notices how she's only wearing her underwear and her white bra.

            This is his first time seeing a woman with her regular clothes; this turns him on. While she's distracted, eyes closed, stretching before her bath, (Y/n) quietly leaves the closet. As he approaches her, she stood in front of her big oval mirror, eyes closed; she begins to remove her bra, exposing her perfect pair of (whatever sized) breasts. Then, she removes her (Yellow? Or whatever color) panties, exposing her less hairy mons pubis area. He looks down her lower region, noticing her little folds, reveals her pink, moist vagina. He drooled a little, wanting to hold her, embrace her, and want to make love to her, making her his lover. He's hypnotized and couldn't stop. He stops behind her, staring at her with hungry eyes, at her body. As Helles hums to herself, throws her dirty clothes into the hamper, she turns around and gasps; realizing that (Y/n) is standing behind her, saw her naked. She blushed, covering her body, flabbergasted, "Ah! (Y/n)-Chan! What", she was interrupted by (Y/n). He quickly holds her body up, resting her legs around his waist, her hands around his neck while her held her by the waist. She looks up at (Y/n), using her hands to shove him away. "(Y/n)!", she exclaims, but he silenced her, kissed her. She gasps, blushes crazy. (Y/n) slips his tongue into her mouth, starting to give her kisses. At first, Helles' confused, wanting to know why he's doing this. Then, it hit her; realizing that (Y/n) is in love with her. "Oh no!", she thought mentally, "What should I do? Should I stop this?" She felt a spark through her; something new to her and has never been loved in so long.

             She stops fighting and returns the kissing, causing the two to make out. Tongues dances in each other's mouths, sucking in and out of their mouths, never want to end their romantic moment. Helles' hands touching his muscular pecs, making him shiver; then she wraps them around his back, embracing him. (Y/n) carries her to her bed, laying her there; then he crawls on top of her, then continued kissing. While kissing her, his free hand gropes her right breast; Helles moans, wanting more. His mind snaps, feeling aroused. He breaks the kiss, backing up, breathing. He stares at Helles, who's also breathing, feeling horny and blushing red. His eyes wide open, realizing what he had done. Helles noticed he turned back to normal, she felt that he's scared that she'll punished him. "(Y/n)-Chan...I", she stutters, trying to explain the situation. But he panicked, and then slips through her room door, escaping, running away. Helles' left alone in her bedroom, feeling sad that he revealed his weakness to her. She touched her lips, still feel his lips touching hers.

            (Y/n) added bath salts, making finishing touches for Lady Helles' bath. While he traces the water, Helles walks in naked; she walks behind him, then hugs him. He was startled, realizing that it was Helles who's behind him, smiling at him. He felt ashamed for what he had done, lowers his face to the ground. He turned around, seeing her naked body, bowed down to the ground, "I'm...sorry." She tilts her head in confusion, "Huh?" He takes a deep breath and sighs, "What I did earlier is unforgivable, you may punish me." "No (Y/n)-Chan", she said, petting his back, "I'm not here to punish you." He gasps, stood there dumbfounded. "But I snuck into your room, saw you naked. I deserved to be punished", he said, looking sad. "Then why did you do it?", Helles commands, calmly, "Tell me why you kissed me?" He stares into her green eyes, "Because I love you my goddess!", he announced, causing her to gasp in surprise. "You...love me?", she asks him, he nods. "But why?", she asks the young man. "Ever since you saved from the market, I felt a kind, beautiful, and loving feeling from you. I was curious to see what you look like without your makeup. But...", he paused, looking for words, "I can't stop thinking of you. I need you my goddess, I truly longed for your love and your true beauty." Helles blushes red, so touched by his words that she cried a little. Her lips smiled, her hands holding his face, looking into his eyes. "(Y/n)-Chan, I have never felt this much love in my entire life. How can I not notice this before?" She stares into him, he stares back; they kissed passionately. They break the kiss, looking at each other; "Will you be my one and only lover forever?", he proposed to her. "Yes (Y/n)-Chan! I will make you mine and mine alone", she said, swooned. Then, they kissed again, sucking their mouths.

            (Y/n) picks her up, her legs wrap around his waist, arms around his neck while his arm hold her waist and his other hand, groping her ass. She giggles as she and (Y/n) continued to make out. What they didn't know that a bar of pink soap is sitting behind his foot. He backs up, steps on it, causing him to let her hover in the air and landed on his back on the floor. He rubs his head, looks up as Helles' falls down, through the air, causing them to gasp, unprepared as she's about to crash into him

To be continued (Insert Jojo's ending theme)

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