Liquiir X Half-Human Half-Fox Reader Lemon

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Requested by HellsingFan5ever. By The Way, I don't own this image, even though I tweaked a little creative side of me. Please Enjoy.

Far away, somewhere in Universe 8, there lies a distant planet; the crops, farmlands, planets, trees, and water sources has been polluted with diseases. The population decreased for the last 180 years; some of their farm animals died from the disease as well. Because of this epidemic, the folks lost hope for survival. Until that one fateful night, a young man was walking in the forest. At one point, he felt that he is being followed; something unhuman. He was carrying a knife inside his sleeve, hopefully to protect himself. As it approaches him closer to his back, he quickly swings the knife, managed to graze it. It landed on the ground, groaning; but it sounded human. The man took out his flashlight, shone it at the creature, and gasps: It was only a young woman (looked like an Earthling). She was covered in mud and dirt; but she does wear a shrine maiden dress. He saw the cut on her left cheek where he cut her. As the man inspects the girl, he gasps in horror as he noticed her long ears and big bushy tail, resembled a fox. He frowned in anger, grabs a rope, tying her, and forced her to walk. As they arrived his village, the man took her to the cell, holding her prisoner while the villagers think of punishment for her.

            After a day, they decided to sacrifice her to their deity, hoping to have their land and animals back to health. Every hundred years, the god of their planet would visit them for annual worship; if they ask the god for one important wish, he'll grant it. Some noticed that he also brought a peculiar man, using his magical staff to grant their wish. This year's different and they brought the fox girl to the shrine. Six men kneel on the ground, the young man forced her to kneel down while he holds her chain. Just then, a glow light flew closer and landed in front of the shrine. The girl is curious, not knowing that she's in for a surprise. She looks up and her eyes grew wide; she stares at a tall, orange, and furry fox. To her surprise, it's standing on two legs, shoes, and strangely, it also wears ancient clothing that resembles a deity. She wondered if this creature is their god. The young man stood up, hold his hands in prayer, "My god, welcome back. We humbly want to ask a wish." The fox deity looks around, noticing there's the planet is in bad shape, less creatures, and not even people. "I see that a disease took over your land", said the fox god, "But do not worry my people, I'll bring them all back healthy and safe from this disease." He signaled the sky-blue skinned man; he nods, took his staff out, the orb glows, and then, every plant, every animal, and even the water is back to its original state. After that, the man's staff disappeared into the ether. "Your wish has been granted. Now, we must take our leave", said the fox god, preparing to leave. But the young man interrupts them, "My apologize for interruption my god, but we also have an offering to you this year", then he yanked her off the ground, shoved her towards them, a few feet away. "As you can see my god", the man said, pointing his finger at the girl, "She's the reason for this epidemic. This demon fox decides to take away our land. I captured her while I was in the forest, the village and I decide to ask you to get rid of her, hoping she'll never harm our land ever again."

            The fox deity calmly shocked, but curious to see a being related to a fox. He lifts her chin up with his hand, inspecting the features of her face and her ears. He hums, "This is quite an interesting offering human", the fox paused, looking at her body, "Very well, I shall take her away from here." The man gave the chain to the god, he bowed, then everyone heads back to their village. "Alright Korn", said the fox to the man named Korn, "Let's head back home." Korn nods, the fox place his hand on Korn's back while holding the fox girl wrapped with his other arm, then they instantly flew out of the planet. After an hour, they arrived to planet Liquiir. As they arrived in the temple's living room, the fox god gave a loud yawn. "Korn, I'm heading to bed", said the fox, "Please get her cleaned and dressed before she sleeps." "As you wish Lord Liquiir." After the fox left, Korn brought her to the bathroom; she has no idea what they have in stored for her.

            Early morning, the fox girl yawned, greeted by morning sun. She smiled as she wakes up from a nice, peaceful sleep. She leaps out of her bed, ran into the bathroom, and get dressed. Korn made clothes for her to wear; something new for her. She walks out of the bathroom, stood in front of a big oval shaped mirror, looking at her figure. Now it's daytime, the feature of the fox girl is clearer: she's (height), yet small at heart. Her hair, tail, and ears are reddish orange. Her long ears are colored red orange, but also has a small ring of orange and a white tip. Her bushy tail is also having the same color pattern. Her (hair length) red orange hair hanged down. What she's wearing is requested by Lord Liquiir: she wears a pretty (color) strapless dress, covered in glitter. She also wears (color) (type of shoe) shoes, necklace chain, pair of gold earrings and a bracelet. Someone's knocking on her door. She looks at the door, "Come in", then Korn came in. "Young lady, Lord Liquiir requested for your presence at the dining room. You might come immediately before he gets impatient." She nods, knowing that she needs to keep the fox god happy.

            She and Lord Liquiir are having a nice breakfast, eating yummy gourmet meals containing meat, fish, vegetation, fruit, and drinks. She could really enjoy living here with Lord Liquiir and Korn. Liquiir finished his meal, wiping his mouth with a napkin, clears his throat. "Now then, I realized that I forgot to ask your name", he said, reminding her from last night's confusion. "Oh right", she said, half bowed, "I'm (Y/n). And I'm a half fox and half human." Lord Liquiir hums, curious, "Really now? Which one of your parents is the fox?" The girl looked sad, but continued, "My mother is actually a fox spirit." Liquiir and Korn looked surprised; they have no idea that this girl is half-spirit fox and half-human. (Y/n) continued, "When fox spirits aged, it takes ten years to turn a year old. My mother was 2500 years old when she and my father welcomed me into the world. Sadly, my home planet was chaotic back then; my father died while protecting us, letting us escape to safe land. After 80 years, my mother left to find us meal, but she never came back home. That's when I knew that I'll be on my own for the rest of my life." Liquiir place a hand, rubbing his chin, "And how old are you?" "180 years old in fox years. But my human form is 18 years old", said (Y/n), finishing her meal. Liquiir nods, knowing that he'll have real fun with her.

            In a sunny afternoon, (Y/n) and Liquiir took a walk around the planet; it was beautiful, full of rare flowers, bird-like creatures and innocent creatures. In early dinner, Korn prepared them picnic, filled with deli meat sandwiches, fruit, and cups filled with water; they feel like they're on vacation, having a great view of the lake. At night, the sky illuminates a beautiful florescent glow, showing millions of stars, comets, and colors of the universe. They lay on their backs on the blanket, looking at the starry sky. Liquiir looks at (Y/n); he noticed how beautiful she looks, her eyes focused on the sky. He scooted over to her side closer, he leans in closer, his nose next to her neck. He breathes and inhaled her feminine scent, smelling lilacs and berries. But he also smells something else; he doesn't know what it is, but he feels aroused by it. While she's distracted, Liquiir nuzzles his face next to her neck, started licking her cheek. (Y/n) startled by this, sat up while back away from deity. Her face is blushed red, "Shit!", she thought mentally, "If this gets any further, he might get me pregnant and eventually get rid of me!"

            She stood up, bowing to the deity, "My apologize Lord Liquiir, but I felt uncomfortable with you licking me." Liquiir stood up, walking towards her, holding her hand, "I understand this is your first time being...aroused." She nods. "You lived for 180 years my dear, you're old enough to start finding a suitor", Liquiir said, coming closer, stroking her soft hair, "And I find you beautiful and lovely. I want you to be my lover." (Y/n)'s surprised by his confession, yet she's too scared to accept his love. "I...I'm not ready for this commitment yet", she said, feeling embarrassed. Liquiir felt sad, yet he's not going to give up. He sighs, "Very well, I'll accept that." Then, chains appeared out of nowhere, chained her wrists. (Y/n) squirm, trying to break the chains, but it's useless. "What kind of chains are they?", she asks the fox deity. Liquiir smirks, feeling superior, "These chains...they are made out of Adamantium magic." Her jaw dropped, "No way! Metal like that doesn't exist!", she exclaimed. "But it does", he continued, "Korn and the other angels can create any type of metal possible. Now, you won't escape from me." "Why not?", she asks him. "Because this is your new home. And I want you to accept my love", he said, feeling irritated, "If you're not ready for it, I'll wait until you feel like it. Korn bring her to bed. Make sure she's chained to the bed." Korn nods, grabs her chain and brought her to her bed, chained them to the head board. "Is Lord Liquiir serious about all this?", she asks the angel. "Afraid so miss (Y/n)", he said solemnly, "But please don't be scared of him. He really does love you. But he's...he really wants to make love with you." She nods, still confused. He went over to the door, flicked the light switch, "Goodnight (Y/n), please think this over and'll be able to love him." Then he left, leaving her alone in the dark. (Y/n) tries to think all over, but she felt nervous of losing her virginity to Liquiir and wondered what Korn said is true. Eventually drifted into sleep, hoping to decide what to do tomorrow.

            The next morning, the young fox girl woke up, trying to sit up from bed; feeling weird. But then, she remembered that she now lives with Lord Liquiir and Korn. It was nice of him to let her have her own bedroom, but why does he have to chain her to the bed? She is lying on her back, on the bed, her wrists chained to the head board of her bed. She felt something wet on the sheet, she blushed; her being chained up make her feel...kinky. (Y/n) really wants to get naughty, touching herself. But she's chained; she has one other choice, she needs Lord Liquiir to free her. She snaps out of her arousal and realized that her hormones are getting out of control; she needs to be honest with herself, she'll need Liquiir to understand her feelings. "Lord Liquiir!", she yelled as loud as she could, "Please come here!" Suddenly, her door opened, revealing an excited, smiling fox deity. He walks towards her bed, sat next to her, "Morning Love!", he chirped, lick her cheek, "Are you ready to accept my love?" (Y/n) looks at him, "There's something I need to tell you my lord", she paused, trying to find words, then continued, "I really do fell for you...but I'm afraid that you might reject me for carrying your offspring." Liquiir gasps, eyes grew wide. He would never imagine the reason she's afraid of him. He laid down next to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, snuggling his face into her neck. "I didn't know what you really feel (Y/n)", he continued, licking her face, "But I'm not going to reject you." Her eyes look up to see his face, smiling, "Really mean it?" He nods, "I really do want to have a mate to be with for eternity. And I don't mind having a family as well." He smiles at her, reassuring (Y/n) that there's nothing to worry about. (Y/n) smiles back, decides to trust him. "I'm sorry for doubting you Liquiir, will you accept my apologize and my love for you?", she asks. He smiles, "I accept them both", then he made her face turn, looking at him, "So, are you sure that you're ready for this?" She nods, knowing that her first time will be spend special with her new lover.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's...........Lemon Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Liquiir removes all her blankets and looked surprised to see wet stain on her bed. He leans in, sniffing the scent. He gave her a smirk, "Hm, it seems you came while chained up. I never thought you get kinky by this", he said, moving close his face to hers, stroking her strand of hair, "You naughty fox." He placed his lips onto hers, kissing her passionately. She returns the kiss, trying to dominate his lips; but he managed to slip his tongue into her mouth. It was a heated making out session, sucking their tongues and mouths. All this sucking causing (Y/n) produced wet and moist cum, oozing inside and around the lips of her vagina. Liquiir's nose caught her arousal scent, coming from her lower region. (Y/n)'s wearing her (color) night gown, blocking his view of her body. So, he slips them off from her shoulders and off her feet, revealing her fantastic (breast size) breasts, exposed more skin, and then, her (color) panties still there. He smiles naughty, slipping her panties off, showing off her glistening soaked pussy in his view. He gently slips his finger around her folds, causing her jolt of pleasure. She smiles, drooling a bit, while her ears twitched. Liquiir removes his finger from her pussy, sniffing the sweet, clear cum, and then lick it off his finger.

            "You really do taste better than any treat, (Y/n)", he said, moving his face to her pussy. "Don't tease me Liquiir, eat me!", she demands. He began to eat her pussy out, eating her cum. It felt like heaven to (Y/n) especially that this is her first time, except she's having sex with a destroyer. (Y/n) felt excited, hoping she would get to orgasm, but Lord Liquiir ended the oral. Then he stood out of bed, moves over, his groin area close to her face. He smirks, "Oh (Y/n), I believe it's your turn to please me", removed his Gi pants, revealing his thick, pinkish, penis (Just because a creature has colored fur, doesn't mean their genitals are colored).  He moves his dick, closely to her lips, "Ready to suck me off love?", he asks his lover. "Ready", she answered, then he slowly shoved the tip inside her mouth first. He stayed still, letting her suck him. After good minute, she nods, signaled him to start thrusting. He pushes his big dick further until it reaches her tongue. "Love, I'm going to thrust repeatedly. If I hurt you, let me know", he said. She nods, accepting his thick pinkie dick, thrusting inside her mouth. She moans and moans as her pussy gets wetter, enjoying the feel of his penis penetrating her mouth. Ten minute went by and Liquiir feels his orgasm coming in, he grunts, panting while concentrating his speed, "(Y/n)....I'm...", he growled, came inside her mouth, leaving his semen inside her. She shows his semen on her tongue and he watches her swallow it, smiling, while admiring her soaked pussy, knowing she's ready for the big thing.

            Liquiir smiles, happy to see her in her horny and helpless state, being chained to the bed. He crawls over her, about to turn her body over. (Y/n) felt shocked, embarrassed, "Wait! What are up to?". "I'm going to give you the best doggy style sex yet", he answered. She fidgeted and squirmed, refused to be turned over. He stops what he's doing, looking at his lover. "What's wrong love?", he asks her. "It's my first time remember", she said, "I want to be facing you while breaking my virgin walls. Please!", she pleaded. He closed his eyes, sighed, "Alright love, we'll do this first", he said, moving his hands to her waist, "But after this, we're doing doggy, ok?" She nods, moaning his name, begging him to fuck her. He angles his penis, tracing his tip around her clitoris and her vagina. She squirmed, feeling horny, aroused by his teasing and being chained to the head board. "Liquiir! Please! Do me!", she pleads, wanting her lover inside her. He smiles softly, lick her cheek, "Very well, in we go", then he slides his penis inside her swiftly, without causes of pain in her hymn. She squeals in delight, feeling bliss for the first time, happy that the pain doesn't annoyed her.

            Liquiir looks at his love, "Shall I slow down for you?", he asks her. "No love", she answers, "You can pound me how you like it." He nods, smirks, and then began to thrust at normal speed. The thrusting went smoothly, causing (Y/n) to moan loudly. Soon, he began to slam into her pussy, pre-cum lubing his penis and her pussy, allowing the two lovers enjoy their first sex. Liquiir's hips continues to pound her, while he lies on top of her chest, sucking her breasts and nipples. He knew how delicious she tasted, now he can please her in every way he can. (Y/n)'s ears twitches, tail rapidly turning, knot forming in her abdomen. Their orgasms are about to arrive. "Ahhh.....Liquiir....", she moans, about to orgasm. "(Y/n)", he groans, about to orgasm as well. Then, he made his las thrust, slams hard inside her, then they screamed in pure bliss. Cum and semen mixed together, oozing around his dick, while oozes a little, out of her vagina. (Y/n) felt great, breathing while Liquiir unlocks the chains from the head board. He raises her up, on her knees, facing him. They kissed again, sucking their mouths. They break the kiss; "If only you unchained me, I would've hug you", she said. He grips onto the chain, "Come on (Y/n), we both know that you get kinky when chained up. And I love seeing you being kinky", he explained, "Now turn around."  She obeys her love, turns around, upper body and head facing down while she sticks her ass in the air. Liquiir sit up on his knees, placing one hand around her waist while his other hand holds his penis, tracing it around her still soaked vagina. He pushes himself in, and then she lowers her lower half, with Liquiir's penis down slowly, on the bed.

            "Ready for the grand finale (Y/n)?", he asks. "Ready my love", she moans, preparing for their final sex act. Without hesitation, Liquiir quickly thrusts into her pussy, her cum mixed semen lubes up his penis. (Y/n) moans once again, feeling in happiness. She finally meets her true love: a destroyer of Universe 8, a fox god. She'll be happy to create a fox family with him, hoping their children will live in a happy lives. Tears flow of their eyes, feeling each other's warmth, love, and their climaxes are coming. He grunted, feeling his climax, "(Y/n)...I love you", he said huskily. " you too...Liquiir!", she moans, climax reaching its limit. Her vagina tightens around his penis. Liquiir's penis is about to shoot it's load inside her again. Finally, Liquiir slams his final thrusts inside her, making them climaxed, screaming in pure love. Ears twitching, tails twitching, eyes seeing hearts, then, they both collapsed. They breathe, catching their breaths, resting on the bed. Liquiir unchained her wrists, freeing her, then she wraps her arms around his neck, nuzzling his chest. Liquiir wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her and giving her a final lick on the cheek. "I'm glad to have you with me...I can't wait to see our kits", Liquiir said, looking into her eyes, lovingly. She smiles, returning the kiss on his cheek, "Me too, but that won't happen until nine months later", she replied, drifting into deep sleep. Liquiir smiles, licks her forehead, and then fell asleep; they both found their happily ever after.

The End

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