Sour X Neko Reader

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Requested by HellsingFan5ever

Meanwhile on Universe 7's planet Earth, Lord Beerus and Whis are having green tea and yummy mochi. Surprisingly, Beerus invited Universe 2's destroyer, Lady Helles, and Sour, her attendant. Both Sour and Helles noticed a strange cloaked figure is standing next to Whis, standing there. But they ignored it, continue their tea. Beerus heard a rumor that Lady Helles obtained a rare creature that she was planning to destroy; so, he came prepared with a trade. As they finished their tea, Beerus announces to Helles of a trade. "You want me to give up Universe 2's rarest fish to you!?", Helles questions the cat deity. "Yes", he replied, "In fact, if you give me that fish, I'll give you our own rare creature to you." Helles is a stubborn goddess; she absolutely won't do trades unless the items are beyond her expectations that resembles beauty. She thought it through and answers, "Fine, I'll give you the rare fish. But the question it beautiful?" "No?", said Beerus. "Then I won't accept it", Helles rebelled. "Helles! Just take it!", Beerus yelled. The two angels sighs, facepalmed. "Lady Helles", said Sour, "If you won't accept it, maybe I can until I found a proper place for it." Helles frowned, knowing whatever the creature is, it will beat her for the beauty.

On the other hand, Sour had enough with all beauty conversations; it will be nice for him to have normal conversations with the creature. Either way, Helles has no choice. She huffed, "Oh fine. But it's your responsibility! If I find it ruined me, I'll destroy it." Sour bowed, "As you wish my lady." Beerus smiles, "Great!", then he holds a chain and gives it to Sour, "Now the deal's done." Helles gave him a dirty look, "Right? Sour", she looks at her attendant. "Right", he said, using his staff, a giant rainbow scaled fish appears, landing in Beerus's arms. "Now then, we must be off! I need my beauty sleep before I plan on destroying a scheduled planet. Bye stupid cat", Helles bid farewell to the angel and Beerus with insult. "Later ugly bitch!", he returned with a better insult to Helles. Helles twitched, hearing that insult. "We must be off, see you soon brother", Sour bid goodbye to Whis. "You too Sour", Whis chimed, smiling, "Have fun with her, you'll love it!" As Sour holds the cloaked figure by the waist while Helles placed her hand on his back, they looked at Beerus and Whis, with a confused looks, "Her?"

What Whis said is true; what the deity and angel brought home is a female Neko: a rare breed that was considered to be exterminated thousands of years ago on planet Earth. Whatever happened to the survivors must've lived among Earthlings, trying to survive from life threating dangers. Whis explained to Sour that not only is she only 18 years old, but she'd been abandoned. Sour learned from Whis that he found her outside of the orphanage, living inside a box. No one cares for the poor Neko girl, except for the baker who gave her stale bread and a pint of milk only after work. This creature has no family, no friends, alone, inside a box. Whis thought she deserves a new life, but Lord Beerus won't let her live with them. For a solution, he gave her up to Sour; thankfully, Lady Helles allows her to live with them: not because she feels like it, but she finds the Neko pretty cute. Sour use his staff, created a spare bedroom for the Neko. Everything is covered in (favorite color): the bed, desk, closet full of clothes, shoes, bathroom, and a walk-in closet. She smiles as she walks inside her new room, in her new home with Lady Helles and Sour. Sour realizes she has no name, he made the decision and named her, "(Y/n)."

For six weeks, (Y/n)-Chan is the happiest Neko of Universe 2. (Y/n)-Chan wears a cute, long, (color) dress, white stockings, and (colored) shoes. She wore a (colored) ribbon in a bow, behind her head, while leaving her (hair length) (hair color) down. Along with her pair of cat-like ears twitching in content, while her (color) tail swayed back and forth whenever she's happy. Her skin is tanned of her (skin color) skin, her eyes are (eye color), and she is (height). When (Y/n)-Chan's bored in her room, she stays closely to Sour's side, watching him attending his chores or when he's summoned by Helles. But on his free time, Sour spend it mostly giving attention to his little Neko. She has been fed, taken cared, and loved with affection by Sour. The angel couldn't resist her cuteness due to the fact that she's a Neko. Lady Helles wants nothing to do with the Neko; but occasionally when (Y/n)-Chan sat next to the goddess, Helles couldn't help but give the girl a great petting, scratching behind the ears. One day, Sour was ironing Helles clothes; he hears (Y/n)-Chan giggling while she catches the pretty (color) butterflies. He looks out the window, seeing her chasing them; he smiles, seeing her happy smile, cute laughing, especially her cute "nyan" phrase, and her pretty face. And those...sweet tasty lips of hers... "Wait, what!?", he snapped out of his mind, "What am I thinking? I..." he paused, looking ashamed, "I do love (Y/n)-Chan, but am I really falling in love with her?" Sour have been feeling emotionally confused, having feelings for (Y/n)-Chan, his best friend, and he has no idea how to confess to her. He tried to let it pass, but every time she walks by, says hi, or gives him a hug, his heart jump, feeling loved and having loving feelings towards her. He might as well as Whis for help.

When night falls while both Lady Helles and (Y/n)-Chan went to bed, Sour use his staff, calling his brother. It finally answered and Whis's face appeared on the orb of the staff. "Hello?" Sour smiles, "Whis, this is Sour." Whis smiles back, "Sour!? Oh, it's great to see you again Sour! How are you?" Sour nods, "I'm...not fine", then frowns, sad. Whis began to worry for his sibling, "What is it Sour? Tell me what's wrong?" Sour knew it needs to be resolved, "Whis, I' love with (Y/n)-Chan." Whis eyes wide open, shocked. But then, Whis smiled, narrow his naughty eyes, "Oh! You and (Y/n)-Chan! Do tell! So, are you going to confess your love to her yet?", he asks, wiggling his eyebrows at Sour. Sour shook his head, "That's the problem Whis, I cannot express myself to her. That's why I called you, I need your best advice how to tell her. Please help me Whis", Sour plead. Whis understands the situation, thinks through, and finally thought of something. "Sour, if you really love her, you know what to do, you must be honest and confess your love to her." "But", said Sour, but Whis interrupts him, "Sour, if you don't confess her soon, she'll be taken by someone else. This is my best advice to you. Good luck brother", then he hung up the call. Sour felt very confuse, he's feeling like he has butterflies in his stomach. He clenched his fists, closed his eyes, almost lost in thought. Ut his brother's words got his attention, thought it through, and understood that his nervousness is holding him back from confessing his love for (Y/n)-Chan. He sighs, "I know what needs to be done", then walks back into Helles' temple.

Sunlight appeared, reaching inside (Y/n)-Chan's room, waking her up. She rose out of bed, stretched her arms, yawning, ears twitched in stretch. Her eyes look at the window, seeing the sun come out to greet the new day. She caught Sour walking inside from his night duty; she smiles big, happy to see her best friend, noticing how nice, gentle, handsome... (Y/n)-Chan then frowns, sad. Her ears lower down, tail droop on the side of her leg. She sighs unhappy, "Oh Sour, I wish I can tell you how much I love you nyan." For her entire life, she had no one and no one to share life with her. Until that fateful day, Sour welcomed her with open arms; giving her the best home, care, and attention that she could ever asked. But for a week, she has been having feelings for Sour; she always feels lovestruck by his handsome face, his task as a guide angel, and he always be there for her. She tried to find an opportunity to tell him how she felt about him, but she always walked by him, nervous. Tears rolls down her cheeks, her hands covered her reddish, sobbing face. "I cannot find a way to tell him, what should I do nyan?", she asked herself. She realized that being nervous will never solve her problem. She stood up, wipe her tears away, get dressed, and heads to her door. "I must be brave nyan! I need to tell him before it's too late", she whispered, closing the door.

As she enters into the living room, she found Sour dusting the television, then he placed the duster away into the cleaners' supply storage box. He notices (Y/n)-Chan and her red blush on her face; he knows something's wrong with her and he approaches the Neko. They face each other, staring into each other's eyes, with longing. (Y/n)-Chan clears her throat, but Sour stops her; Immediately, he pulls her body into him, held her body closely to his, and smack his mouth into hers. Her eyes grew wide; she never knew he would have the guts to kiss her like that. His face back up, looking into her eyes. She looks at him in surprise, "Nyan?! Sour! Yyyou kissed me nyan!" He gave her a happy smile, "(Y/n)-Chan, I love you." (Y/n)-Chan gasps, her eyes shining, smiles. "Really nyan? You love me?", she asks. He nods, holding her, "Yes (Y/n)-Chan, I loved you since the day I realized how much I love you when I see your happy, pretty face. Do you mind be my lover?" (Y/n)-Chan gives him a huge smile, happy, "Sour, I'd thought you never ask. I also love you; I loved you since the day you brought me home. I was never been so much love of my life; it's all thanks to you that you saved me from my lonely life and filled it with true happiness. I should've confessed sooner, but I was nervous that you might regard me just a friend. But I'm happy that you told me, now I can spend the rest of my life with you more than best friends", then she kissed him, meowed softly. He returned the kiss, smiling. Her tail forms a small heart. Now (Y/n)-Chan and Sour are completely happy because they can get to be together forever.

Meanwhile, Helles is hiding in a corner of the living room, crying. "Oh my god! That's", she sniffed through the tears, "That's the most beautiful thing I ever seen!"

The End

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