Adult Future Trunks (with malicious intention) X Teen Female Reader Lemon

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Requested by 8371108p. By the title, it's basically when Trunks wanted to love her so much that he would become scary and the reader would give in. That's only for those who don't know the word. Please enjoy.

In the timeline of the once desecrated cities are now becoming alive and rebuilt again. Six years ago, the son of Bulma and Vegeta, Future Trunks took down Androids 17 & 18. He couldn't take the credit for taking them down. Because of his mother's invention of the time machine, he was able to save Goku from a heart disease, stop foes including Perfect Cell, and is strong enough to take down the androids and this Cell in his timeline.

Future Trunks thought it's finally over; however more foes appear such as Babidi and Dabura. He managed to defeat them, but lost the life of Supreme Kai Shin and Kibito to stop the villains from awakening Majin Buu and destroyed the egg. Once that was done, another threat appeared: Goku Black. Because of this monster, he killed many lives including his mother, he was outraged. He knew traveling back to his father's timeline is going to alternate the past, but he's desperate to get help. He and Future Mai were able to retrieve the copy of his mother's time machine, they left and arrived in the past.

After many days of training, fighting against the so called Zamasu and his counterpart, they finally defeat him using the button that Goku pressed, allowing the Future Grand Zeno to erase the universe of the future timeline. Once the ordeal is over, Whis advised them to never time travel once he's in the similar future timeline before Goku Black came. The angel told him time travel will affect the timeline. Future Trunks understood and both he and Future Mai traveled to the new future timeline. Once they got there, he defeated Goku Black and Zamasu easily. And peace is back to normal.

After a few years later, he was living with his counterpart's timeline; at least he understood the situation and shared his home and mother. Both Futures and Future Future people are living in peace, Now he's an adult Future Trunks. He noted that his counterpart is dating Mai's counterpart. However, he does not have that feeling for Future Mai. Future Mai felt sad at first, but she moved on. There's a reason why he rejected her: it's because he has fallen for a woman.

Adult Future Trunks went for a stroll through the peaceful city. Once he arrives at a park, his blue eyes spot his special love interest: (Y/n)-San. Yes, he has fallen in love with an older woman. He realized she's dating this dude who is always asking for money. Trunks thought he wanted to strangle his neck for being an ungrateful greedy bastard. But refrain himself from being seen. 

He wanted to go confess to her, but knew she would reject him because he's younger than she is. For a few months, he always spots her spending her day alone or with her boyfriend. Every night, he always thinks of her and her lovely body, and her face he would masturbate until he shot his load, making a mess.

One day, everything changed. He bought some flowers, and heard her boyfriend dumped her for a richer lady. He thought this would cheer her up. But once he arrived at her door, he noticed it was opened. He felt something's very wrong. Once he entered, he gasped in horror as he saw her dead, murdered with a knife in her chest. He let out a roar of anger and anguish. He called the cops, reported who could be the culprit and arrested her ex-boyfriend. The court tested him as the one who murdered (Y/n)-San and sent him to jail for ten years.

Her friends and families planned a funeral for her. Each one placed a flower on her casket before they buried her. Once almost everyone left, Adult Future Trunks is the last one to drop a red rose on her casket. He stared at the ground, silent as he reads her gravestone, "Rest in Peace (F/n) (M/n) (L/n)." It was a horrible heartbreak to no longer see her again. His mind remembered her as a teenage girl back when he was only three years old. He always loves to cuddle with her and kiss her hand. He loves seeing her giggle with a bright smile on her face.

Few months later, he tried to move on. But it was useless. He missed her presence even though he didn't get to confess his true feelings to her. He was having second thoughts, thinking he should do it? His mind rewind back when Whis advised him to avoid time traveling. He felt guilty of thinking of traveling back. But he couldn't care anymore. He informed his counterpart and everyone else that he's going to be away for a while. Once he left, he got into the time machine and traveled to the past once more.

On Goku's timeline, he and Vegeta were sparring in Bulma's backyard. Since Lord Beerus is napping, Whis came to have lunch with them. But out of the blue, a time machine landed on the ground. Whis sighed and shake his head, "Oh boy", and ate his piece of steak. Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma looked surprised and saw Adult Future Trunks climbing out of the machine. "Trunks!?", Goku exclaimed, "You're here!" 

Bulma ran over to her future son and hugged him AF Trunks (shortened for Adult Future) hugged her back. He pulls away and faces his father. Vegeta gave him a stern confused look at him, "What's this about?", he asked. Whis hovered over and stood beside Goku, "Yes, why are you traveling back here?"

His violet eyed and stern look at AF Trunks made him feel guilty again. He lowered his eyes down and spoke, "I'm very sorry Whis, but I got an important last mission to do." "Oh?", everyone said. "What is it? More villains?", Goku asked. AF Trunks blushed, "Actually....", he said embarrassed. Everyone stood closer to him. A little while later, everyone is appalled, "What? A girlfriend!?" Vegeta got really angry and landed a punch on his son's shoulder, "Why would you travel all the way from the future future timeline to get a girlfriend?!?", he yelled. But AF Trunks shouted back, "I DON"T CARE!!! SHE WAS ALREADY DEAD IN MY TIMELINE AND I NEED HER TO BE WITH ME!!" Bulma patted his shoulder and said, "Trunks, I understand how you feel, but she has families and friends here. You cannot force her to live with you. You and her are in two different worlds."

But AF Trunks refused to listen and ran over to the front of the house, "I WILL NOT LISTEN ANYMORE!! IF WE CAN'T BE TOGETHER THAN I WILL MAKE HER BE MINE!!! And he flew up in the air and took off. Both Bulma and Vegeta groaned in frustrations. "Look how we raised him", Bulma said while rubbing her brows. Vegeta turns and looks at her, "What we did, your future self raised him. I was already dead in that timeline", he said. He does have a point. Bulma sighed, feeling ashamed for hurting her future son's emotions. Let's hope for the best how things turn out.

Far away in North City, AF Trunks landed at the same park from his timeline. He took a walk for a few minutes. Until his blue eyes sparkled, finally he found his love interest. Since she was older than him in his timeline, this one is younger than him: (Y/n)-Chan.

(Y/n)-Chan is sitting on a bench, reading her favorite novel "Vampire Kisses On My Neck" (it's a parody of Vampire Kisses), and giggled at the part where Alexander Sterling accidentally ate Viagra, instead of Tic Tac mints, and got his girlfriend scared by his size at 20-foot-long penis. He walks closer to her and clears his throat, getting her attention as she gasps lightly. She turns to him, sees her beautiful young (color) skin face: her (color) eyes are lovely, her nose is small like his, rosey pink blush on her cheeks. His eyes scan her body, she has a nice (weight) and (height) body: (weight) body with (color) skin, a (color) blouse and a (color) skirt. She wore her (color) shoes and a (color) hat to keep the sun out of her eyes.

"Hey", AF Trunks greeted her, held his hand out to her, "I'm Trunks." Once she smiled, it was her shiny white teeth that got him excited. She giggled, "Hi! I'm (Y/n). You can call me (Y/n)-Chan. She held her hand out and shook. But he leaned closer and gave her hand a kiss. She looks surprised by his mannerism and blushed. He let go of her hand and flash his smile at her, "So what are you reading?", he asked. She was stunned by his handsome face, his perfect framed body, and suddenly snapped out of her thoughts, "This is the parody version of my favorite novel Vampire Kisses", she said and patted her hand next to her, "Come sit and I'll tell you."

They spend the entire hour talking about the book, their lives, and what they like. However, (Y/n)-Chan noticed he's hiding a secret from her. She looks at him and asks, "So, what about you? Any family and friends?" AF Trunks nods, "Sure, they live in West City and many friends from my close friends", he lied. She nods and checks her phone, "Oh no, it's getting late" and stands up. She closed her book and carried it in one hand, "I'm sorry Trunks, but I gotta go home before dark." Trunks stood up and held his arm out to her, "Then perhaps I shall escort you to your house", he said suggestively. She smiled, happily wrapping her arms around his arm, "Sure, I'll tell you the directions."

But instead of walking to her house, he held her tightly and flew into the sky. She was surprised at first, scared she might fall, but she trusts him. After five minutes, he located her apartment. They descend onto the ground and walk her upstairs. They arrived at her door. Trunks noticed that this was her counterpart's apartment when older in his timeline. She unlocked the door and turned to him, smiled, "Thank you so much Trunks. I had a great time with you", and kissed his cheeks. 

Trunks blushed and smiled, "Glad to be helpful", he replied with a chuckle. She laughed back and entered. She slowly closed the door, "Well, see you later", and closed the door. AF Trunks sighed, feeling happy she kissed his cheek. But something dark inside him urged him to follow her. Her kiss on the cheek wasn't enough for him. He must have her.

After an hour, she finished her dinner and washed the dishes. Her ears heard a light shut at her front door. "Oh no!", she gasps in realization, horrified that someone invaded her house. She rushed over to the gen-khan but only saw her door shut. Her eyes noticed it wasn't locked. "Oh silly me", and locked the door, "I really shouldn't forget things." Once that's done, she walks over to the bedroom.

She removed her blouse, revealed her (color) (wire laced or sports) bra. She hums as she continues removing her clothes. But little does she know that an intruder is hiding in her closet behind her. It was AF Trunks hiding in there. He managed to sneak in and successfully hides in her closet. He originally planned to sleep next to her and seduced her to have sex with him. But after he watches her stripping her clothes off, her bra removed, her skirt, and her socks. Until she's only in her (laced or normal colored) panties, hsi heart is racing. He silenced his groan as he felt himself hard, restraining his manhood inside. He wanted to be patient, wait till he got her, but failed.

AF Trunks immediately jumped out of her closet. (Y/n)-Chan screams by this sudden noise and turns, gasps, "Trunks!?", covering her breasts. But his strong manly hands pull them apart, reveal her (sized) breasts with (color) nipples. He can tell the air is arousing her nips and lean closer to her. He can feel her shaking in fear and confusion. "W..What's going on Trunks?", she whined, "Why are you doing this?" He hushed her and he kissed her lips. She blushed, and realized what's happening. She squirmed and pulled away from his face, but he grip her wrists tightly. 

AF Trunks sighed and smiled softly at her, "The truth is...I lied", he said. She gasps at him. He continued speaking, "I'm actually from the future. Unfortunately, since foes destroyed many lives and eventually erased, I traveled to the future future timeline with my counterparts. Your counterpart is older yet was murdered by your ex-boyfriend.

(Y/n)-Chan gasps in shock, cannot believe this bogus. She let out a sarcastic laugh, "Ah ha! Very funny prank Trunks...Please let me go!", she demands. But he shook his head, "I cannot let you go. That's the reason why I traveled to this timeline. Because...I truly love you", he confessed. She is shaking, now afraid what he will do to her. "Um...Trunks", she said to him, "I remember Bulma's son Trunks and he's only three years old when we met. Do you mean your...", she trailed off. He placed his lips closer to her lips, "Yes, I'm him except older now", and kissed her lips again. This time, he locked his mouth to hers, holding her with his arms wrapping around her body.

(Y/n)-Chan squirmed, trying to escape, but it did no good. She stood there as she was forced to french kiss him. The rough kissing got her exhausted, allowing his tongue to explore her mouth, tasting her saliva. After a minute, AF Trunks break the kiss, making her gagging for air. She looked up at him with a scared look in her eyes, "Trunks...what do you want?", she said sobbing. He wiped the tears off her eyes and gave her a smirk, " I want you and I want you to make love with me", he answered and started removing his shirt, showing his muscular chest. She feels her heart beating in fear, afraid to lose her virginity to him.

She doesn't want to return the feelings to him. The kid Trunks in her timeline would never do that to her. But while being trapped by Trunk's hand, she watches as she sweats on her forehead, watching him removing his pants and his boxers. Looking down, her eyes widen in fear: his penis is girthy and thick at twenty-four inches long. 

She can feel her heart racing. "(Y/n)-Chan", he said softly. Tears well up in her eyes, unable to respond. "Come join me", he said, holding out his hand to her. She wanted to say no, ran away and call the cops. However, she is too scared to move. She doesn't want him to take her virginity, but she doesn't want him to harm her.

She feels helpless, surrendering to him. She took his hand and she lay her back on the blankets. Since her floor is Tatami, she can sleep with blankets on the floor. AF Trunks can feel his heart racing, cannot decide where to start. Until his hand grabs her right boob. She let out a quick gasp, followed by another gasp after his left hand grabs her left tit. 

He gave them a firm squeeze, playfully pinching her nips. She began to moan, moaning by his hands groping her boobs. He enjoys the sounds she makes and leans down, his lips nearly touching her left nip and he starts sucking them. Her face is blushing red, feeling ashamed for letting him touch her but she stayed strong and endured the groping.

He sighed, "I love you (Y/n)-Chan~", he said. She is too flustered to answer that causes him to show a sad frown. But he shrugged off and moved on. Once his mouth let go, he leaned back and smirked, admired his handy work on his sucking. He leans back down and plants hickies on her neck. Each hickey left her moaning, feeling her core moisten. Once he's done, his eyes notice her panties getting wet. He smirked, and knew what he wanted to do. 

She can tell by that look and gulped. He quickly slip her panties off her, he pushes her legs apart in two different directions, and now sees her wet vagina in his view. (Y/n)-Chan whimpered, trying to cover herself with one hand, "No Trunks, don't look", she said. But he shook his head and pushed it away. He gave her an assuring smile, "Don't be scared, this is also my first time", and he smiled when she looked surprised.

Before she speaks, she moans louder as AF Trunks inserts his finger in between her folds. He can feel her warm juices coating his finger. He pulls it out and sucks it off. He hums, "I'm going to eat your pussy~", and quickly leans down, and then starts sucking her pussy. She felt her tears fall down her cheeks, whining and squealing in pleasure. Her clit is being massaged by his tongue, licking sucking. But once he's done, he lowered down to her entrance and started thrusting his tongue inside her.

(Y/n)-Chan arched her back, let out a howl of pleasure as she felt AF Trunks powerful thrusts. For a long time, she endured the tongue hitting her g-spots. She tried to hold back her voice and herself but failed. She should be lucky that her neighbors are out on vacation otherwise things will go awkward for them. After two minutes, Trunks can hear her moan louder than usual. She feels her orgasm coming quick. As he wanted to make sure she came for him, he thrusts at lightning speed while his two fingers pinching her clit. She is now in heated pleasure, feeling her core about to burst. As she cries again, "Trunks!", and let out an orgasmic moan.

AF Trunks stopped thrusting, he felt a splash of her cum landed on his tongue. He tasted her making and sighs with a smile. He laps up the rest off her cunt and leans up, staring at her with lust. She felt intimidated by his look and his massive sized dong. She yelps, feels Trunks holding his grip on her arms and they spun around. This time, AF Trunks is laying on the blankets. (Y/n)-Chan is on top of his body. She yelps again and sits up, she peers down and blushes how his huge junk was touching against her thighs. 

Trunks gave her a sexy smile at her, "Come blow me (Y/n)-Chan~", he seductively whispers at her. She took there, shaking in fear of this blow job thing. She is a virgin so she has never done this before. "NOW", he said louder in an angry tone. She whimpers, "Ok!", and leaned down. Her face is next to his schlong, thick and girthy at twenty-four inches long. She cannot believe what she's got herself into and decides to get it over with. She gave it a long slow lick on his shaft. He shudders in pleasure, "Go on:, he urged her.

(Y/n)-Chan nods and starts licking his penis. She was so busy that she eventually started licking the tip. She can hear him groan, enjoying this. After a few seconds of licking, she breathed and gathered saliva in her mouth. And then she pushes it inside her mouth. His eyes bulged out, threw his head back as he savored this pleasurable BJ. She hates this already but she moves on to avoid getting him angry.

After three minutes, she felt tired of sucking him and pushed it out of him. Her mind gets the best of her as she wonders how his sack feels. AF Trunks realizes she stops and is about to get angry at her. But he let out a loud groan as he felt her sucking on his testicles. She moans and hums, enjoying sucking his balls. While sucking each nut, she also gropes them gently. He doesn't care how painful it is, but to him it's pleasurable enough to keep him happy.

Another two minutes went by, she was so busy sucking them in enjoyment that she suddenly felt AF Trunks' penis shoot his load and landed around her face and his mons pubis region. She snapped out of it and stopped. Her mouth let go of his nutsack and licked his semen off him. She sits up, looking at the horny man. AF Trunks stares at her, and notices she tasted his seed. He happily sat up and embraced her, kissed as they snowballed each other. She wraps her arms around his neck as he turns them around again. He laid her back on the blanket and broke the kiss. He smirks as he gets the best view of his lover looking horny by his work. Now, it's time for the main thing he has been waiting for so long.

He scooted in between her legs and spread them apart from each other. He saw her more wetter pussy and rubbed his tip around her entrance. She arched her body a bit, stood still as she braced herself. And then, AF Trunks pushed his penis inside her slowly and then quickly shoved the rest deeper in her uterus. That cause her to scream out bloody murder, feel pain stretched her walls too far. He felt bad for her. Because she was cooperative, he stood still as he planted kisses on her neck and lips. She sighs, pain turned into relief. She kissed him back as she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. He doesn't mind this as long as he can do it easily.

"Ready?", he asked. Before she could answer AF Trunks started to thrust. However, he thrusted very HARD! And rapidly pounding her pussy hole. (Y/n)-Chan's in shock! Her eyes bulged out, screaming at the top of her lungs. But her screaming turned into moanings. She cannot believe how fast he can go without breaking her vagina. Yet she enjoys his cock punching inside her uterus. Hitting her g-spots, her body shudders as her clit is slowly building up steamy and warm sensation.

Five minutes went by and they are now at their limit. AF Trunks is fucking her at the speed of light and beyond. (Y/n)-Chan no longer thinks of a way to escape her path, she has to embrace what he wants her to do: be his lover and bear his child. Plus, she wanted to let him plough her till she explodes. 

As the moment of their intercourse, their climaxes are quickly coming. AF Trunks is grunting, leaned down and whispers to her ear, "I'm cumming~", he huskily said and let out a deep groan. He continued to slam his cock inside many times until he stopped. As his huge penis slammed deep inside her, (Y/n)-Chan cries out her climax. She can feel him filling her womb with his seed.

Her legs spazzed out and sighed in exhaustion, collapsed on the blanket. But AF Trunks is not done with her. "Get up", he demanded. Let out a tired groan, she slowly sits up and is facing his huge manhood. He placed his hand on his cock and rapidly wanked himself. He gave her a smirk, "If you stay still and be a good girl, I'll treat you with my load~", he said seductively. 

Sitting on her knees while lifting her face up to look, she watches AF Trunks groaning and moaning as he jerks off ten thousand wanks. Finally, he let out another orgasmic groan as he shot his semen onto her face. It washes down her chin, her breasts, and down to her cooch. And also on her blankets.

AF Trunks pants, breathing as he smiled. He is glad that she's all his. But he snapped out of his mind. Back to reality, he looks around himself including (Y/n)-Chan covered in his seed. He gasped, realized what he had done to her. His blue eyes narrowed in anguish and felt ashamed this time. He turned his back to her, "Oh (Y/n)-Chan, I'm...sorry", he said but in his sobbing voice. Her eyes blinked and gasped, she never thought a sweet guy turned into a scary person, but is actually a good guy. He must be worried she might go to someone else and leave him.

"Wait!", she said and embraced him from behind, "Don't leave me!" He turned back and looked surprised, "(Y/n)-Chan", he said softly. She leaned her face on his back, "I really didn't know that you really love me. I thought you only want sex and leave me", she explained. He looked at her in awe, "But I would never do that to you. I really love you dearly. All I could think of is you every day and night, I even touched myself while thinking of you. Only because I want you by my side", he said. She actually believed him and she is no longer afraid anymore. He turned around and they embraced into a hug, and they kissed. After they showered, they spent the night together in her apartment.

The next morning, she already made them breakfast. He really enjoys her cooking. "This is great (Y/n)-Chan!", he said while eating food. She chuckled, "Come on, just eat and swallow before talking", she said. After breakfast, they cleaned up the apartment. AF Trunks wraps his arm around her waist, "What about your friend and families?" She thought for a moment and turned to him, "Do you remember her ex-boyfriend?" 

He nods, "Curly (color) hair, wearing rock band t-shirts, and always asking for money", he said. She knew who it was and sighed, "Trunks, that guy she was murdered by is my childhood friend." He looked surprised, "Childhood friend?" She nods, "We've been friends since kindergarten. Once we attend high school our parents are forcing us into a private arranged marriage to ensure wealth for us. But it was an excuse for him and his family to get money from us."

AF Trunks nods, "Arranged marriage, when is it?" "Tomorrow", she said, "To be honest, I really don't love him. I rather be with someone you." AF Trunks now knew how terrible her life is. He had a theory that maybe their marriage was broken and filed divorced. But during his time before she died they were recently dating until her ex killed her...and knew he must tell her. He made (Y/n)-Chan stare at him and be serious, "They performed an autopsy and they found out your counterpart was pregnant." 

She gasps. AF Trunks continued, "Because of that, he was not going to be part of that. So he stole all of yours and families money and killed you just to get rid of your future unborn child." She stared at the floor, hands balled into fists, "No wonder he is always asking for money. He really does want to kill me for money", and look up at AF Trunks, "What will I do?" He sighed and held his hand out to her, "(Y/n)-Chan, will you come live with me and be my lover?", he asked. She smiled, knowing her answer.

She paid her last rent and moved out. They came to visit Bulma and Vegeta, and his younger self. Kid Trunks blushed, "So she's yours?", he asked. AF Trunks nods, "Only mine. But I'm sure you and Mai will get along perfectly", he said with a wink. Before they left, Whis came over and warned him again not to travel. AF Trunks can only shrug, "Maybe one know to have the kids come visit", he said. 

But Bulma came over and hugged them, "Don't worry about that, my future counterpart will see your kids", she said. (Y/n)-Chan is glad to pick the right man. She already loves his friends and family. "I'll miss you Miss (Y/n)", Kid Trunks waved at her. She waved back, "Take care", she said and both her and AF Trunks entered the time machine. And vanished.

Nine months later, in the future future timeline, (Y/n)-Chan and AF Trunks welcomed their twins into the world: A boy and a girl. Their son is the older twin named (B/n), already has Trunks' hair and has (Y/n)-Chan's eyes, and Vegeta's nose. Their daughter is the younger twin named (G/n), a mama's girl with identical appearance except has one eye blue and the other (color). The twins happily coo at their parents as they were playing silly.

The others are happily greeting them and holding them. While they're welcoming the twins, AF Trunks and (Y/n)-Chan are watching them in contentment. She already met her future future parents who are flabbergasted and shocked to see their underage daughter from a timeline. Apparently, because AF Trunks took her from her timeline; instead of murdered by her ex, she was gone for several years, thinking she disappeared. 

But they no longer cared as they were happy to see her again. By the looks of things, her parents are happy to play with their grandkids. AF Trunks and (Y/n)-Chan kissed, living in their dreams. She knew it was a scary start, but she forgets it as she is now being loved by her true love: AF Trunks. 

Just make herself sure to say no to him if he wants sex again. But let's just hope he can accept it otherwise, he'll be scarier to have her bend over again. And lived happily ever after.

The End

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