Vegeta X Female Saiyan Reader

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Requested by dyingofboredum.

Vegeta was training in the Gravity Chamber, now enduring the level 3 of gravity. Ever since the mysterious boy from the future warned him and the others of the two androids about to attack within three years, he needs to break his limit: to become a Super Saiyan. 

He cannot allow Goku to claim the glory of the strongest Saiyan of the entire universe. Vegeta must train now to stop the androids and claim as the strongest Saiyan prince. It is important to him especially trying to redeem himself to his only loyal servant: (Y/n)-chan. While outside the door of the Gravity Chamber, a young woman is standing guard.

(Y/n)-Chan is a (height) and (weight) female Saiyan: (pale or tanned) skin, black colored eyes, black (long or short) (style) hair hanging (above or below) her shoulders, a plump pair of lips. And a (size) pair of breasts, covered by her Saiyan armor. She knew that her race was betrayed by Frieza, since he's the one who destroyed their planet and race, but she preferred wearing her armor instead of Earth's useless fashion like clothes. She crossed her arms over her chest, humming while awaiting for her prince to finish training.

(Y/n)-Chan is the lower class warrior of the Saiyan race. Her parents both served their purpose in the village. She was raised by them, to work on chores and help around the house. Until at age six, she was sent to the Frieza Force military army. She went through harsh training and managed to graduate.

 Once she's enrolled into the Frieza Force, she was given only one specific task: to protect Prince Vegeta at all costs. It was a permanent order by Frieza but mostly by King Vegeta. She remembers she was escorting him out to the unknown planet filled with lizard men. She always needs to kill them, to protect her only prince charming.

It seemed weird, but she actually fell for him. Her heart always beats with a warm and fuzzy feeling, having him looking at her while escorting him to wherever he needs to go. She can feel her face blushing red, but hides it to avoid the prince scolding at her for being...a woman. 

Suddenly, there's a huge explosion from within the Gravity Chamber and breaks the window. (Y/n)-Chan turned and gasped, shocked to see it so sudden. "Prince Vegeta!", she exclaimed and pulled the big parts of the building away.

She found him on the floor, groaning in pain. She ran over to him, checking his neck and found his heart beating. "My prince", she said, worried. Vegeta can only sit up a moment and stare at her. Not with glare or an angry look, just a sweet soft look at her face. "(Y....(Y/n)...Chan", he stutters until he collapses, unconscious. (Y/n)-Chan gasps and sees Yamcha rush over to them. "Help! Help! We need medical attention!", she cried out loud.

Yamcha helped (Y/n)-Chan carried Vegeta to a guest bedroom. Both already placed bandages on his injuries and placed him on the bed. Once they tuck him in the blankets, Dr. Briefs placed an oxygen pumping mask over Vegeta's mouth. It was a difficult breathing for the prince; the machine helps him breath. 

Everyone watched in worried faces. "Aw that poor man", Mrs. Briefs said in a worried tone. Dr. Briefs and Bulma scurried the others away, "Come, let's leave the girl alone with Vegeta", Dr. Briefs said. Once they're gone, it's just Vegeta and (Y/n)-Chan, alone.

It's been a day since the accident and Vegeta is still unconscious. He's sleeping in deep sleep, but (Y/n)-Chan cannot tell if he's ever going to recover. She wanted to save him, but cannot since they're relying on medical tools and the lung pump machine. Tears fell down her face, now crying softly as she helplessly stared at her strong prince helpless on the bed. 

She cannot leave his side; it's not because of her Saiyan duty, it's because she loves him. It was now night time, nine o'clock. She can only climb over on his bed. She climbed inside the blanket, now laying next to him. She wraps her arms around him gently, hugging him in a gentle embrace. She will be scolded for disobeying him, but she doesn't care anymore. 

She leaned next to his face and kissed his cheek. She can feel his skin touching her soft lips. Once she stops kissing, she leans her head on the pillow and falls into deep sleep.

Hours passed later, now morning. Vegeta was panting rapidly; until he sat up quickly and gasped. He pants heavily, trying to scan his surroundings. He remembers he was training at the Gravity Chamber and was knocked out by the explosion from hitting maximum level that caused the gravity to combust the building to explode. 

His black eyes relaxed, and he realized that he was recovered by the medical tools. He turned to his left side and looked surprised to find (Y/n)-Chan sleeping next to him while hugging on his body. Vegeta knew she would do anything to protect him, yet never see her react this way. His heart beats as he sighed, finding this romantic by her kindness to stay at his side. 

He lay back down and turned to face her. Since she's sleeping, he wraps his arounds around her waist, and embraces her gently. He buried his face in the cleavage of her breasts, then fell asleep again.

Three more hours later, (Y/n)-Chan yawned. She stretched her arms, but suddenly felt her body being constrained by something hugging her. She opens her eyes and looks ahead of her; she gasps in awe as the prince is sleeping peacefully and is hugging her. She let out a small yelp, hearing a slow grunt as she watched Vegeta yawning from his sleep. 

Vegeta opens his eyes and stares into her eyes. Like last time, he gave her a soft look. She cannot look away from him and stare back at him with her sparkling eyes. Vegeta cannot express himself except he pulled her in closer and kissed her lips. 

(Y/n)-Chan's face blushing red, she kissed him back as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Both make out as they kiss passionately. Tongues flicked, danced in each other's mouths, exploring each other.

It was a good solid three minutes of french kissing. They break the kiss, gasping for air. They feel themselves warm, now happily cuddling each other in the bed. She knew what they did: they are no longer prince and servant, now lovers. 

Vegeta laid his back on the bed; he watched at the corner of his eye, watching (Y/n)-Chan laid her head on his chest. She cannot believe that she's sleeping with her prince. Vegeta smiled and kissed her forehead, "(Y/n)-Chan, I always find you attractive~ Will you be my princess?", he proposed. She smiled, tears of joy shedding her face, "Yes my Saiyan Prince. I love you so much!", and the two kissed.

Vegeta cannot let anyone in the Frieza Force know he also fell for her. He thought they would humiliate him, especially teasing his servant. But now, they're no longer belong to the army, they are free. Free to be themselves, free from the tyrant, free from their fate, and free to fall in love. 

This will be a difficult obstacle in their way: protecting Earth from future threats and foes, but they will make it together as they fight their way to victory. And they will be together for the rest of their lives even in death.

The End

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