Gogeta (canon) X Chubby Insecure Female Saiyan Reader

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Requested by KatiraLovely. 

To explain the title we know that Gogeta from the Fusion Reborn film is actually non-canon, which is a character who is not created in Toriyama's manga. However, this Gogeta is now canon because Toriyama is involved in the DBS Broly movie. And referenced the beginning before Goku was sent to Earth was from Dragon Ball Minus (i think), a doujinshi that illustrates exactly in the film. Except when Goku's grown up. Anyway, this Gogeta is a whole person like his son Vegito. Enjoy.

(Y/n)-Chan yawned and stretched her arms in bed, greeted by the light sunlight. She turned to the window and smiled. She felt a figure, a man yawning and wrapping his stretched arm around her. It was her husband Gogeta. Gogeta hums and leans in to kiss her cheek, "Morning love~", and inhales her lovely sweet fruity scent of her neck. 

She chuckled and turned to him, hugging his body as she kissed his lips. She hums and pulls out, "Morning my husband~", and nuzzles on his left cheek. Gogeta chuckled as he carried her out of bed and both headed to the bathroom.

After shower, they emerged from the bathroom, already changed into their clean clothes for today. Gogeta wears his black suit, white long sleeved shirt, black necktie, black pants, and black leather shoes. He already combed his hair and wore his watch. Beside him is his beautiful wife (Y/n)-Chan. 

(Y/n)-Chan is a (height) and chubby young woman. Only at age (twenty-ish), she is wearing her (color) blouse, (color) (long skirt or jeans), (color) socks, and brushing her (color) (long or short) (styled by choice) hair. By her weight, the only areas not thick or fat are her calves and upper arms. Her face is (either makeup by your choice or) thin (color) eyebrows above her (color) eyes. Her nose is (size) and her lips are shaded in (color). Gogeta looked and stared at her and she turned her eyes at him. Gogeta smiled, "You look sexy~" (Y/n)-Chan punched lightly on his arm, "Oh stop it hun~", and resumed to the stairs.

They head downstairs and each other attend to their chore. (Y/n)-Chan gathered ingredients for breakfast. While she's cooking, she hears two foot-steps. "(Y/n)-Chan, guess who's awake?", Gogeta said to get her attention. She turned to them and she smiled, "Morning baby!" 

"Morning mommy!", Kid Vegito greeted her with a hug around her waists. They chuckled as Gogeta guided his son to the table. Once she's done cooking, she places them on plates and brings them all to the dining table. She made their favorite breakfast: insert your favorite food here.

"Yeah food!", Vegito yells out happily and chomps down the food. "Vegito baby, chew and swallow", his mother scolded him with a gentle smile. Vegito chews a minute and swallows. Gogeta chuckled as he chomped down on his food. (Y/n)-Chan gave him a glare, he knew she's scolding him to chew first. He chuckled as he sweated on his forehead, and swallowed, then chewed and swallowed their breakfast.

Gogeta and Vegito are slipping their feet into their own shoes. Kid Vegito chuckled as he slipped his backpack behind him. Gogeta smiled and patted his head, "Look at you, my only first-born son is now a big boy and on his way to first grade", he commented to his son. 

(Y/n)-Chan almost feels like crying because her little baby boy is going to his first day at school. She holds her camera and gestures to her boys to smile at the camera. She pressed the button and turned her attention to the screen of her camera: both her husband and son smiled perfectly. Gogeta checked his watch and whistled, "Oops, school is going to start soon. Come on son, let's go", and opened the door. 

(Y/n)-Chan leaned down and kissed Kid Vegito's forehead, "Have a great day at school baby!" "I will!", he chimed while waiting. She leaned upwards and kissed her husband's lips, "Have a great day at work hun", she said and waved at them. "I will", he chimed. And he and their son flew into the air and headed off to the left direction.Once they're gone, (Y/n)-Chan washed the dishes. 

(Y/n)-Chan is actually a Saiyan just like her lover. Years ago, she alongside her friend Goku/Kakarot were sent to Earth to destroy Earth. Instead, Grandpa Gohan raised them and trained them. Once he's gone, they endure many years training, sparring, making new friends, meet foes such as Frieza who destroyed their race, more foes from Cell to Moro. No matter how strong the enemies are, both her, Goku, and Vegeta along with the Z-Fighters emerged victorious.

How does she meet her husband? Well, he was originally Goku and Vegeta's fusion by the fusion dance technique. Her eyes are in awe, feel her heart racing as she blushes madly in love. She was smitten by him and his handsome face, and manly body. But she realized that this Gogeta is her friends' fusion and both saiyans are married. 

She spent many years living with Goku and his family, very welcomed, but she felt that she needed to move out to live her own life. But she's rather lonely without a male companion. She was devastated, not able to move on if she cannot have Gogeta; the wives noticed her love for their husbands' fusion and they needed to do something for her.

After a few months, Bulma created a new type of machine that can split their fusion and become an individual person. Once she performs the procedures on the Saiyans, it is done. Gogeta is extracted by the fused Saiyans. Because of this, this split them apart and their fusion ended quickly. Goku and Vegeta tried to fuse but cannot fuse since their connection to Gogeta's fusion is out of them. 

Gogeta looked around the room, his eyes scanning the Saiyan's who created his fusion existence, their wives, until his black eyes spotted (Y/n)-Chan. (Y/n)-Chan sweated, felt nervous about this situation. Gogeta gave her a sexy smile, "Hey babe~", and gave her a kiss on her cheek. She blushed, happily embraced him around his waist, "Be my husband!!" 

Gogeta doesn't care if she's fat or chubby, he's already into that shit (skeletor image here). Gogeta , wearing his usual attire, kneels on his knees and holds her hands, "I promise to love you and make you my wife", and both kiss. Everyone awed except Vegeta smiled, happy for him and (Y/n)-Chan.

They spent their lives together for eight years: get married and went to a lagoon resort for their honeymoon, bought a house from their savings, Gogeta worked as a banker (don't question this), eventually welcomed their son Vegito, and now their son is going to first grade. 

Every day is bliss to her, always cleaning the house, taking care of her lover and son, being taken care of by them if she's sick, making meals, running errands, and always making their son happy on birthdays and christmases.

Hours later, (Y/n)-Chan finished her chore vacuuming the house and switched laundry. Once she's done, she prepares food to make dinner. An hour later, she finished cooking and served the plates onto the table for three. Right on cue, Gogeta and Kid Vegito arrived home and closed the door. "Honey, we're home~", Gogeta sang. 

Kid Vegito slipped off his shoes quickly and ran to her, "Hi mommy!", and hugged her waist. "Hi baby! How's school?", she asked. "Great!", he exclaimed as he sat at the table, "I made new friends and played dodgeball!" Gogeta chuckled, slipped off his shoes, and walked over to them. He patted his son's head, "He sure is", and turned to her and kissed her lips, "Work is same as usual." (Y/n)-Chan smiled at him, "Great! Now we can have dinner", and both walked to their seats, then ate their meal.

Few hours later, they bathed their son and changed him into his pjs: insert fandom jammies here. Gogeta carried his son and tucked him into bed, then (Y/n)-Chan tucked him with the blankets. She smiled at him, "Sweet dreams baby", and kissed his forehead. "Night mommy", and he lay there while Gogeta read him a book. 

Minutes later, they closed the door and headed to their bedroom. They changed into their pjs: Gogeta's only in boxers while she wears her (color) silky nightgown that her husband bought her for her birthday last month. They wanted to stay up in bed longer, but they're tired. They lay down and turn the lights off. They turned to each other, facing each other as they smiled. 

"Night my love", he said and they kissed. She pulled back and leaned her head on his chest, "Night my husband~", and they fell into deep sleep. She dealt with her years: every day is the same, happily tends to her chores, cooking, and loves her own family. She was hoping to make another child to love and care. But that can wait till Gogeta agrees with her.

But during her sleep, everything's changed. Her dreams aren't about her making her life better with her family. Instead, it's about her memories before Gogeta was split from Goku and Vegeta's fusion. Her mind is doubting herself, not secured how her own lover, his own mind and soul, almost resembled her friends. 

She gasps in confusion, though she can see Goku and Vegeta. Her memories of defeating Frieza, foiled his plans, and see her friends fusing into Gogeta over and over again, repeatedly in her dream. Not only that, she also remembers Vegito is actually her friends' other fusion with the potara earrings. She was so disturbed by this that her mind was clouded and a bright light shined at her. She has no idea...what's real anymore.

She sits up and wakes up, confused as she looks around her bedroom. She climbed out of bed and walked over to the window. She pulled away the curtains and a bright light hit her eyes, shielding them. She looked out and she realized that she moved out and lived in a suburban neighborhood. But the only thing is she realized there's male clothes lying on the floor. 

She says, "Eh?", and pick a dirty pair of boxers, "Wait...I lived alone! Right?" She smirked, knew her friends must be pranking her, thinking she's sleeping with a guy. She scoffs while changing into her new (color) clothes and brushes her hair, "Ha ha you guys, I know you're trying to trick me. Come out!", she said annoyed as she turned the bathroom knob. 

Once she turns it, her eyes wide in fear as she sees Gogeta half naked, with a towel around his waist. He turned to her and smiled, "Morning my wife~", he cooed and tried to kiss her. But she dodged and back away from him, flabbergasted. Gogeta looked confused and tried to hug her, "Come on babe, it's me. Your husband", but she screams and runs out of the bathroom, the bedroom, and runs downstairs.

Her mind races, "Gogeta's here!? But how!? He's a fusion...he's", she thought to herself but she bumps into a small boy. She looked down and her eyes grew wide, seeing Kid Vegito. He giggled, "Morning mommy!",and hugged her waist. "M..m..mommy!", she stutters and feels insane. Her mind is asking herself, "Now Vegito's here! Not as a fusion, but as a kid! And he's my kid!?" 

She hears Gogeta's footsteps and walks into the kitchen. He smiled at her, "What's wrong honey, you're pale as you're seeing a ghost", he teased and tried to hug her again. But she backs away, sweating as she pants rapidly, confused and scared of what's happening. "Mommy?", Kid Vegito said, confused. She groans, "I'm not your mommy!! And you're not real!! You two are fusions!!", and ran off to the basement to hide. Gogeta and his son looked at each other, confused and concerned what's happening.

Two hours later, (Y/n)-Chan was still hiding in the basement. She is scared for herself, two strangers in her house. She noticed she hadn't heard footsteps for an hour and decided to explore the situation. She climbed up the stairs and opened the door. She peered through that no one's around. But she can hear giggles. She walked through the kitchen, and peered through the open door to the living room. 

She saw Gogeta and Kid Vegito laughing as they watched cartoons. Gogeta's eyes shifted to her and smiled, "Hi honey, I hope you're feeling alright", he said. Their son turned his attention to her, "Hi mommy, come join us. It's Neko Majin!" She shook her head and pointed at them, "Why are you here?", she asked. "Honey it's saturday. A weekend with cartoons", he said as he pointed at the tv.

"No", she said, "Why are you two here? I mean...why are you doing here at my house?" Gogeta is now more concerned and stood up from the couch, "(Y/n)-Chan, you're my wife. I'm your husband. We've been married for eight years. Don't you remember?" She shook her head. He then points at Kid Vegito who's also concerned, "And this kid is our son.", Gogeta added.

Tears well up in her eyes, now sobbing, "No, no! You're not my husband! You're a fusion by my friends Goku and Vegeta!! So does Vegito!" Gogeta made a sad face and tried to calm her down, "Please honey, let us talk and we help you feel better", he said but was cut off by her yelling. "NO! YOU TWO ARE NOT REAL!! YOU'RE NEVER REAL!! I WANTED TO FELL FOR YOU BUT MY FRIENDS ARE MARRIED AND I WON'T FELL FOR THIS TRICK!! NEVER!!!", she sobbed and ran into her room. 

Kid Vegito walks over to Gogeta's side and looks at him. "Daddy, why is Mommy yelling at us? Does she hate us?", he asked, his tears falling down his face. Gogeta picks him up and holds him while stroking his back, "No son, Mommy's feeling sick. I'll find a way", he assured him and tucked him in for a nap.

Gogeta sighed, finding this hard to believe that his wife is going insane because of her strange theory he's a fusion. He remembers the split apart from Goku and Vegeta. Because of them, he was able to meet his wife and fell at first sight. He climbed upstairs and headed to the bedroom door. Before he could enter, he peeked through the crack, saw (Y/n)-Chan huddled on the bed, acting scared and confused. 

He shrugged his shoulders and knocked, "(Y/n)-Chan it's me, can we talk?", he asked. She heard his voice, almost scared and tried to run away. But she felt bad to hurt their feelings and respond, "Come in", and watch him enter and close the door. She gave him a scared glare at him, "What do you want?", she asked. Gogeta sat down at the edge of the bed, "I know I was a fusion, but I'm a new whole person thanks to Bulma and her machine that made it happen", he explained. But she cut him off and shook her head, "No, Bulma never made that machine." 

"Yes she did", he objected, "Her machine split me from Goku and Vegeta. Remember?" "NO!", she yells at him. Gogeta felt tired but held her hand, "Please (Y/n)-Chan! I want to help you remember. Why can't you trust me?" She cried, "I...I always love Gogeta, but in reality he's a fusion, I'll never know how he feels for me!"

"But I am Gogeta!", he shouted back at her. "No you're not!", she shouted back. "Yes I am", he said and grunted. She gritted her teeth, "And how do you know you're the real Gogeta?", she asked. He pulled her in towards him and embraced her, "Because I love you!", and kissed her lips. 

She blushed, scared she might be kissing her friends and not him. But after a few seconds, she realized that his saliva tastes different. His scent of his sweat and saliva has no flavor. Goku and Vegeta's scent is gross and smells like food when they burp. Her mind is slowly doubting herself: is he really? Her mind is spinning, dizzy as her eyes are hazy and she passes out. 

"(Y/n)-Chan...", his voice faded as she drifted to sleep.

Hours later, she groaned, waking up from a terrible headache. Her eyes slowly open and look around, noting she's in her room. But beside her is Kid Vegito and Gogeta. "Huh? Baby? Hun?", she says softly and sits up. Kid Vegito cried into her arms, "Mommy! I'm so happy you're ok. I'm sorry if we did something bad. I promise not to eat your cupcakes!", he confessed. 

She gave him a confused look and chuckled, patting his head, "Don't worry baby, I'm...feeling much better", and turned to Gogeta. Gogeta smiled and leaned in for a hug. "I'm so glad you're back my wife", and all three hugged. She sighed, "I'm so sorry, I have no idea what I was thinking. I must be dreaming there."

She hears two foot steps, approaching them: it was Goku and Vegeta. She gasps, "What? You guys are here?!", she asked. "Yep", Goku said, "Gogeta called us about this nonsense and we're here to confirm it. Vegeta recorded the day Gogeta was split apart from them, "This is proof how Gogeta is withdrawn from our fusion connection. Bulma explained once he's apart from us, he won't be able to fuse back with us; giving Gogeta his own mind, thoughts, soul, and body. Don't worry (Y/n)-Chan, because Gogeta is real and he's yours." 

Her mind raced back to those memories, she sighed, finally remembered that day when they first met. She cried into Gogeta's chest, "Oh my Kami! You two really are real! I'm so sorry!", she sobbed. Gogeta patted her back, "Don't cry (Y/n)-Chan, we forgive you", he said.

She leaned back and wiped her tears, "Really?", she asked. Both him and their son nodded. Goku chuckled, "Now that everything's normal, we're actually here to invite you guys over for a family dinner", he said. Both Gogeta and (Y/n)-Chan nodded, "Sure, let's get dressed", they said. Goku and Vegeta walked with Kid Vegito down the stairs. "Yay! Uncle Goku and Uncle Vegeta has food!!", Kid Vegito exclaimed as he left the room.

 Gogeta and (Y/n)-Chan smiled, sighed as they are glad that her confusion is over. She turned to him, "Hun, I'm really sorry for all this. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?", she asked. He gave her a horny smile at her, "Maybe while our son's at their house, we can...make another?",he asked while wiggle his eyebrows at her.

(Y/n)-Chan chuckled and hugged him, "Sure", and the two kissed. His hands reached over to her ass and squeezed them. She moans through the kiss. Gogeta moved his one hand on her left breast, groping it. She blushed as he kept touching her, pleasing her. But she pushes him away, "Come on hun! We must get ready for the dinner", and gathered new clothes, and entered the bathroom. Gogeta chuckled and gathered his clothes, "Wait up (Y/n)-Chan", and entered the bathroom.

Her mind is at ease, now believing that Gogeta and her son are real, and Gogeta truly loves her. Months went by and they welcomed their daughter (G/name): has her mother's hair, father's nose and eyes. She wears her purple jammies or (your own designed jammies). 

Kid Vegito felt nervous to meet his baby sister for the first time, but he got attached to her in a few days. Both Gogeta and (Y/n)-Chan smiled, happily hugged their children. Gogeta and (Y/n)-Chan turned to each other and kissed lips. They know this is going to be a really happy year to come as they resume their lives.

Bonus Extending Ending

(Y/n)-Chan smiled through her deep sleep. Her body on the bed with an oxygen pumping machine, things attached her fingers in there, and a head wear that actually makes her see her own reality. In this reality, Bulma and Chichi knew there's no other way to split Gogeta from their husband's fusion. 

Bulma learned from her experiments that if she did split Gogeta from their fusion, this will affect Goku and Vegeta and they will be changed mentally and might end up disappearing. She doesn't predict this, Whis explains this to her before and felt bad that her idea won't work. So, she has only one choice.

She told (Y/n)-Chan to sleep which she accepts. After she explained that once her invention attaches to her and sleeps, this will project (Y/n)-Chan's own reality and be able to be together with Gogeta and even create children. It was a hard decision, but she rather be with Gogeta in her own reality than being alone. 

Once (Y/n)-Chan's in her deep slumber, everyone can only visit her body while Bulma take cares of her. When it's just Bulma, she hand feeding her, body sponge her, and (for an awkward moments) inserts dildos when (Y/n)-Chan thinks she's having sex with Gogeta. For the kiss stimulation, Bulma used a realistic pair of silicone lips to pretend that Gogeta kissed her as well as a wet can of smell-less and tasteless sugar jelly.

It has already been years since they last saw her and recently noticed her mind racing, her body struggling as they check out her memory on the computer, that she was thinking her reality is fake. So, Bulma added a microphone so she and everyone can interact with her as she sleeps. 

Thankfully she was back to deep sleep as she enjoyed her reality dream. A week later, Bulma is working on her next work for her company. Once she's done, she goes into a different room and approaches (Y/n)-Chan's sleeping body. 

She sat on her chair and sighed, "We miss you (Y/n)-Chan", she mutters with a sad face. She stares at her friend's blissful face, happy in her dream. But Bulma knew she's rather happy in her own world, "But it's for the best."

Bulma pat (Y/n)-Chan's head, stroking her hair as she plans on taking care of her for life. And make sure (Y/n)-Chan's happiness will be forever.

The End

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