Monna X U7 Male Saiyan Reader

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Requested by jkhola. Here is a different pairing for Monna. But it's settled at the TOP (Tournament of Power). Enjoy.

    All warriors of eight universes clashed into action. Universes 2,3,4,6,7,9,10, & 11 chose their ten warriors and participated into the Tournament of Power. Whoever wins, from his/her universe, shall get a wish from the Super Dragon Balls. The rest shall fall and be erased from existence.

Just now, the Trio de Danger already knocked out of the ring and Universe 9 vanished along with the deities. But Mojito remains since an angel is too great to be erased.

    Minutes went by as Universe 10 also lost their chance and were erased by the Grand Zenos. There were good strong and powerful fighters fighting their way to survive this intense battle royal. But they fight on as they try to push or even beat each other out of the ring.

    At the corner of the ring, an unknown figure rolled her body, through her opponents. Some fell off the ring while others avoided her. It is Monna, the fighter of Universe 4. She wanted to find any warrior to beat the crap out of him/her and hopefully win the tournament. Her eyes spot an unknown fighter standing next to Cabba. Her eyes suddenly feel like getting closer inspection. She rolls towards her right direction, rolling towards them.

    Cabba and (Y/n)-San were helping each other out as they stick together to fight off foes. (Y/n)-San is a young man in his (20-ish); (height) and (weight), with muscles on his arms and a nice butt shape. Black short hair. His face is a normal set of thick eyebrows, sharp nose, manly lips, ( and add or not add facial hair). He wore his (color) gi shirt, (color) gi pants, (color) sash, and (color) shoes. (You can add a hair band or not).

Cabba made friends with (Y/n)-San since their universes had a fighting tournament months ago. They don't care if they're fighting each other, but they do help each other since they're going to be on the top.

Suddenly, Monna rolled over to them. They each deflect a ki blast and turn their attention to Monna. She deflated her body and back to her chubby round self. "Um who are you?", (Y/n)-San asked. She frowned at him, "Who am I? WHO AM I!?" I am Monna, the best fighter of Universe 4!! Don't you dare me question myself!! I will make you pay for this!!", she yells at him.

    She suddenly inflated again, smirking at them, "Now come here and fight me like a man!", she exclaimed. "Alright!", Cabba said, "I shall fight her." He charged at her with his multi ki blasts. But none worked. He charged at her body, but he was sent back flying next to (Y/n)-San.

Cabba winced in pain, already small cuts on his arms. Monna cackled, "Give up and I'll spare your humility", she said and hit her chest. (Y/n)-San sighed, "I'll fight her", and walked towards her and stopped a few yards apart from each other. She sneered at him, "Who are you?", she asked. He crossed his arms on his chest, "(Y/n)-San. Unlike Cabba, I can beat you out easily", he said.

    She hums. She grinned, finding him very attractive. She smiled at him, "You're very handsome (Y/n)-San~ How about we bet? If you win, I'll give up and leave the ring. But If I win, you owe me a kiss and leave the ring." He nods, "Fine", and stands his place.

His aura changes color. Monna is shocked! "Wh..What!?", she exclaimed as (Y/n)-San transformed into a Super Saiyan. He gave her a stern look which made her flinch and her heart raced, feeling herself lovestruck. She can feel dizzy with hearts in her surroundings, "What the!?", and snapped out of it.

She started to roll and charged at him. Her body hit his, she smirked as she knows she's going to kiss, "You're about to lose! Give me a kiss~", but she gasps as (Y/n)-San transforms into Super Saiyan 2. He hit her body, causing her to fly backwards. She screams as she falls backwards. Her body bounced against the huge rock and stayed still.

    "Don't just stand there!", Lord Quitela yells at her, "Defeat him!" At his command, she deflated herself. Taking one deep breath, she inflated her body bigger, making herself bigger than Megetta. Cabba gasps in shock as she is big as a large bull. She cackled, "Now (Y/n)-San, this will send you to the loser's seat and give me a kiss!", she roared in battle cry as she charged at him.

"(Y/n)-San!", Cabba exclaimed. (Y/n)-San only stood there, acting tough as Monna ram at him. However, her body never hit him. Instead he dodged. He swiftly ran beside her left cheek and kissed her lips. Monna blushed as she's surprised by his move. However, he landed one punch and sent her flying, out of the ring.

    "Curses!", Monna screamed as she fell off the ring. He heard her screaming down and she vanished. He turned around to see Monna on her Universe's seating. Monna fainted with hearts in her eyes, "What a hunk!", and groan. Quitela kicked her body, "Worthless piece of shit!", he insulted her. "Hey", (Y/n)-San called out to the rat deity. "Huh?", both Quitela and Monna said they were confused.

(Y/n)-San stood there, and gave the rat a glare, "Never call a woman insults. Can't blame her for losing. After all, I am a sexy Saiyan because...I'm too tough for love~" Monna squeals, fangirling as she paces rapidly on her seating, "I love you (Y/n)-San! So hot and sexy~" Lord Quitela sighed, give up.

    "Monna from Universe 4 has been eliminated", the Grand Priest announced. The Future Grand Zeno pushed the button for her and the color faded.

    Minutes later the rest of the universes, one by one lost and erased. Goku's universe wins thanks to Android 17 and he wished to revive the erased universes. Thanks to his wish, that's an act of kindness. If it was a boat, the Grand Zenos would have erased the rest of the multiverse. Which is a big shocker for the deities.

    Few months later, Monna is on her homeplanet. She sat on her bed as she felt lonely. She remembers that sexy Saiyan who defeated her and defended her. She sighed, "If only I get to see him again~", she said to herself.

Out of nowhere, Cognac appeared in her room. She looked surprised, "Hi Cognac-San, what's up?" But she squeals as she saw (Y/n)-San behind Cognac. He walked to her, "Sup girl", he greeted her with a sexy smile.

"(Y/n)-San!!", and gave him a big hug. Cognac left a note and left her room. She picks it up and reads, "He's here to spend the day with you. I'll be back by dusk." She smiles again and holds his hand, "Let's go explore my planet. My village will be happy to have a strong sexy man to challenge the others", she said.

    "Sounds great", he said and planted a kiss on her lips, "I guess it's a date." She squeals, "Yah!", and both left her room. Monna is happy to have (Y/n)-San by her side. She knew he had to go home soon. So, they'll make sure to visit each other. She doesn't care if he's too sexy for love because he's already hers.

The End

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