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*Rivet's P.O.V*

Seeing Ratchet run to the general and embrace him in a hug had honestly surfaced a sense of longing inside me though I still didn't know why. What seemed weird is the general actually seemed so familiar. A very blurry memory had tried to surface as the two hugged though I wasn't able to figure out what it was. There had been very faint colors and a voice that sounded far away though it was gentle and caring. I could tell the voice was male and seemed to be trying to calm me.

Why would the General's appearance trigger something like that and yet when the memory tried coming into focus It had triggered a migrane? As I went to the medicine cabinet to get the needed meds to get this migrane under control I heard Talwyn conversing with Clank and Kit seeming to keep herself distracted and I could understand why. Talwyn has had some choice words to say to the general for a while now but, to not upset Ratchet even more she forced herself to stay cool headed.

Seeing just how relived and happy Ratchet was seeing the general alive had taken the wind from her sails though I knew she wouldn't be able to still her anger forever. When that day does come I have a feeling we may want to keep her a good bit of distance from the General or he may end up injured all over again. I've never seen Talwyn snap sense I've been here but, knowing she was a leader of a defense force made it pretty easy to keep even myself in check.

I didn't want to see first hand what her anger could hold. She was taller then both me and Ratchet as well as many others and it was a bit nerve raking knowing she kept a combuster pistol on her at all times though she made sure that the safety was on. Despite it being on her at all times She didn't like using it unless it was dire so after a few days I wasn't as nervous though still kept in check.

As I entered the room the other three were in it had been pretty obvious Talwyn was still a bit off put by the situation as was Clank. Kit on the other hand seemed fairly oblivious though she had her fingers interlocked which was a nervous tic of her's and I went over to put her on my lap.

Kit's eyes were filled with slight surprise at being picked up but, seeing my real arm reassured her that it was just me. I didn't want to remind Kit of what she did several years ago by showing the robotic arm as we had come to somewhat of a agreement. Kit helped me with maintaining it in exchange of me not reminding her too often. We were still a bit weary of overstepping each other's boundaries as we were both timid unless the situation entailed getting violent or if we were protecting each other or our friends.

I smiled at her before listening in on what Talwyn and Clank were saying though it became pretty obvious that Clank was the one that was doing the most talking and it was to calm Talwyn as her tail was lashing about in obvious concern. We all knew what the general did but, if he has been given a second chance at being the guardian of Ratchet again it had raised some concerning questions such as "Is there a new threat?" "Was the universe in danger again?" "Was Ratchet more injured then we though and only another of the same species knew what could help?" and much quieter "have we failed to protect Ratchet?"

That last one everyone became silent till footsteps from behind could be heard and a repetitive tapping sound from something metal headed our way and as we looked in that direction we saw Ratchet trying to support Alister while Alister used his wrench sort of like a stabilizer so his full weight hadn't been leaning on the younger and looked down at him concerned.

Seeing this made me concerned as well and despite it likely seeming weird to talwyn and the others, both me and Alister had let our instinct take hold as we used our noses to pinpoint if anything was wrong before we both looked at each other seemingly in sync before looking to Talwyn, Clank and Kit and they had got the message. Ratchet's injuries have reopened and needed tending to.

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