Emotional Meeting

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3rd person P.O.V

It had been about two days sense Alister had been brought in from the desert cold. Talwyn and Rivet had been keeping it quiet about Alister as he was still exhausted and was still a bit stand offish which made sense. This situation was one the three were all a bit confused by as the possibility of something like this was very slim yet here they were. Two female friends caring for a suppose to be dead General with a bit of a track record.

Ratchet had nearly found out several times about Alister being here however something or namely someone would guide him away. It didn't take long before Talwyn and Rivet both found out Clank already knew who they were hiding and was clearly angered but, sympathetic as he knew somewhat what he had been through as Rachet explained it after taking some time to grieve by himself before he seeked out his friends as Clank had gotten concerned and rightfully so.

Two years prior shortly after Ratchet and Clank had returned from the clock and to their house. Ratchet hadn't said anything on the way back despite his initial determination which had turned out to be a facade as his face fell the minute Clank had asked how he was doing and got a "not good" in response before landing at their apartment. The weeks that followed were concerning as Ratchet couldn't sleep longer than a couple hours at a time due to vivid nightmares. More often than not he would end up taking walks or waking Talwyn and had video calls.

After about a week and a half of this Clank had decided it had been enough and the two had gone to the Apogee space station where Talwyn and at the time Cronk and Zephyr had let them stay seeing just how badly Ratchet looked. His fur had been unkept, dark circles had been under his eyes and he was even thinner then he had been a week prior. As they stayed with Talwyn It had been a very long month and two hospital visits as Ratchet had collapsed two times due to his lack of food and the other he had fallen asleep standing up and had faceplated onto the ground causing a bloody nose.

Rivet's P.O.V

Back in the present I could tell Ratchet was getting annoyed with the secrets and was getting angered. Every time he would ask what was going on we would come up with half baked truths though I despite knowing the situation felt Talwyn was being a bit harsh about not telling Ratchet anything but, neither did I. I didn't know what to say that wouldn't cause Ratchet's mental state to snap fully.

I knew if we didn't say something soon he would metaphorically self destruct and that's one side to Ratchet I didn't want to see. He was bad ass in the throws of battle but, in those instances he had enemies to use it on. Without enemies his anger would be taken out on the furniture or the training area and that would leave a hefty repair bill that we would have to pay. I've seen Ratchet when he lets his anger take hold and I hate to admit that it scared me.

As my thoughts went to that my ears had picked up on Ratchet yelling that he had enough and that he was going to see what was in the room. Both me and Talwyn were concerned before we heard shuffling behind us and soon enough to our shock Alister had gotten to his feet still in his armor and seemed to recognize Ratchet's voice instantly before ushering us behind him as a precaution and we had obeyed.

Not even five seconds later the door opened rather forcibly leaving a dent in the wall before everything went silent. Ratchet's anger instantly dissipated as he stood frozen for what seemed like a hour. Neither Alister nor Ratchet daring to make the first move as clank carefully walked over to me and Talwyn making sure we were ok silently before turning around to gauge every possible outcome.

Soon enough Ratchet had made a sound similar to a forced back sob before his ears dropped and made his way over slowly as if doubting what he was seeing before running forward disregarding his remaining injuries and hugged Alister tightly shaking with pent up emotions and letting them all out. Alister's own tears started as he hugged Ratchet tightly falling to one knee to be level in hight to him. Both lombaxes forgetting temporarily about the others in the room as Clank had led Talwyn and Rivet out knowing that Alister wouldn't hurt Ratchet again.

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