Why Is He Back?

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Talwyn's P.O.V

It has been a while since Rivet left for her walk and I was starting to get concerned. She was never out longer than thirty minutes and didn't pick up when I called. I was about to go out to look for her only to finally hear my phone ring and picked it up. I was greeted with Rivet slightly panting from excertion on the other end. She had asked if I could come outside and help her out as she had found a person passed out outside and that they were a bit too heavy for her to get them the rest of the way.

I was confused but, got around and grabbed a blanket from the storage closet before getting a jacket on. Before I went outside I let Kit and Clank know about the situation and they both gave a thumbs up as they were once again watching over Ratchet who had stirred twice only to relax when he felt Clank's cool hand on his back.

When I got to where Rivet was I had to take a double take at who she was barely supported before shaking the apprehension off and went over to drape the other arm over my own shoulder. Rivet wasn't kidding about how heavy this person was who's weight was primarily pure muscle. What made me nervous however was I recognized the person instantly as it was literally Alister but, he looked a lot younger though his markings were exactly the same.

So many questions ran through my head before I relized the vessel on his belt had three zoni housed in it so that answered the how he got here and the why he was alive but, that still left the where as he had passed away in the Great Clock and the why he looked in his thirties. Relizing how cool Alister's body was from the colder weather out here I draped the blanket over him hoping it would help before getting him the rest of the way back.

I have no clue what we're going to tell Ratchet or how he will react but, unfortunately we have nowhere else besides the guest room we could use for Alister to rest. I know clank is going to be pissed but, there has to be a reason the general was given a second chance at life I just don't know why.

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