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Yoongi's POV-

The night was a success I'd say.

I felt bad not having Jin and Namjoon here but they understood that it would be for the best if they didn't come. We all agreed that Kook would be much more relaxed that way.

Jimin and Taehyung were the last ones to leave.

Jimin didn't want to stay long after Hoseok left, the two really seemed to hit it off, but he couldn't go without Taehyung and he didn't want to leave.

He got into a pretty entertaining conversation with Yeol over on the couch and by the looks of it they were getting along well.

After Yeol brought up needing to be back on campus before curfew Jimin dragged Taehyung out the door as Yeol followed behind them, leaving just Kook and myself.

Kook had a few drinks over the evening and was definitely a little tipsy if not drunk, whereas I had pretty much nursed two glasses of whiskey over the few hours and was not feeling much different.

After everyone was gone we started gathering up the trash to take to the garbage chute down the hall.

We both walked to where it was located, myself needing to know where it was anyway, and on the way back I brought up to him that I had scheduled a walk through with the realtor tomorrow to look at the unit I'd be purchasing.

"And you aren't buying it just for me to live in right?"

"No. I like to purchase investment properties. This building is new and has attracted a lot of buyers and renters. It will appreciate in value over the next few years so it will be a good property to have.

"Especially where it is close to a few of the entertainment company's and rumor has spread that a few idols live here and more could move in, which will drive up the price as well. It's just a bonus that you will be able to live in it," I assure him, not hiding my amusement at his worried expression.

It was mostly true. I had been entertaining the idea of buying an apartment somewhere in the city as an investment property, I just did it sooner than I thought I would, using it as part of the job offer to Kook was just a plus.

Kook threw himself onto the couch, sinking into the cushions comfortably, once we were back in the apartment while I went to stand by the window to look down at the busy street.


The name surprised me but it brought a smile to my lips.

Cute I think to myself as I turn towards where he is sitting.

"Yes Kook."

"Do you think you could play me a song?" He brings his arm up lazily, acting as if it is being weighed down, to point at the piano.

"Of course." I smile as I move to sit at the piano and hover my hands over the keys for a moment before I decide to play So Far Away for him.

As I play I notice that some of the notes aren't quite sounding right. I'll have to get this tuned soon, but when I glance at him he looks to be enjoying the song.

He has crawled up the couch so that he can lean his body on the arm with his left arm bent with his chin resting on his palm.

The way he is looking at me right now, watching me play, is mesmerizing as my eyes drift to meet his as I continue to play.

When the song ends he pouts a little before he smiles and quietly says, "That was beautiful. Thank you."

Then he catches me off guard a little when he says, "You are very pretty Yooni. It's probably the first thing I noticed about you in the café. I had never seen a man and thought he was pretty. But you are. Pretty and hot."

He moves his chin off of his palm to instead lay his head on the arm of the couch.

I continue to watch his face closely and notice that his eyes are working very hard to stay open.

Wait a second... did he just say I was hot?

Well, even if he did he probably didn't mean it. He's just drunk. He doesn't know what he's saying.

Watching him fight sleep reminds me that he has school tomorrow and should be getting to bed anyway.

He needs to drink some water first though so his head isn't in quite so much pain in the morning.

I slide the bench away from the piano to stand up before walking over to the fridge where I grab a bottle of water before I taking it with me to sit next to him.

"Drink this and then I'm going to help you to bed." I inform, handing him the bottle.

Surprisingly he sits up straight, takes the bottle without any arguments and opens the lid to take a couple large gulps before bringing it back down then fumbling with the lid in attempt to put it back onto the bottle.

"Very good but do you think you can finish it all?" I ask gently.

I don't mean to, but I definitely sound like an adult talking to a child right now.

He puts the bottle back up to his lips and finishes the bottle before putting the lid back on and handing it to me.

I place the empty bottle on the floor by my feet and after I am sat up straight again he adjusts his position on the couch so he is laying on his back with his head rested on my thigh.

It surprises me, but I gain my composure rather quickly as I look down at his angelic face, instinctively bringing my hand up to begin running my fingers through his dark hair.

This is extremely inappropriate for me to be doing this but I can't seem to help myself.

He has his eyes closed and I take this as a good opportunity to examine his features.

His face is relaxed and his skin is blemish free, save a small scar on his left cheek. He's truly stunning. Inside and out.

With his eyes still closed he asks, "Why did you say the food gave you strange dreams? Did you have a strange dream?"

I chuckle at that. I wonder if it's been bothering him all day. I know this is going to be embarrassing for him, but it's admittedly been on my own mind for a while now and I can't help but want to tease him about it.

"No, I could just hear that you were having a strange dream." I smirk down at him.

"It was strange. And random. But I liked it. But it was also a dream I should not be having about my boss." He says with his eyes still closed and his brow softly creased.

Wait, what? Boss? My heartbeat suddenly begins to elevate and I feel my face heat up.

"Y-your boss?"

"Yes. My pretty boss." He says before turning his head towards the windows across from us.

I start to replay in my mind some of the muffled, sinful sounds that I heard coming from his room.

He was dreaming about his boss? About me?

I suddenly become very curious and am tempted to ask him to tell me about the dream, but I refrain.

It would do me absolutely no good to know a single detail about this dream.

"You were good." He sighs before finally dozing off.

Fuck me. Did he really just say that?

My pants start to become rather tight as my mind drifts back to the things I heard from his room that night.

I realize quickly that my lap probably isn't the best for him to be laying right now so I lightly nudge him awake to tell him I will help him to his bed.

I'm able to get him to sit up straight to free up my lap and somehow onto his feet after that, wrapping one arm around his waist as he lays his head on my shoulder soon. It's a slow walk to his room but we get there. 

I help him onto his bed but before laying down he sits on the edge where he pulls his shirt off, tossing it onto the chair in the corner before laying back on the bed.

He is laying on his back, abs up, and I find myself unintentionally biting my lip before looking up to meet his eyes.

He is looking at me with amusement with a mischievous smirk on his lips.

"My friends say I'm a clingy, needy drunk. But I think that's a lie." He says as he reaches his arms out with grabby hands for me to come to him.

I chuckle at his childlike behavior.

How can someone so cute be so hot at the same time?

"You think I'm hot?" He asks with the same smirk on his lips.

Oh shit! Did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did."

"God, maybe I'm more drunk than I thought."

"People usually fuck people they think are hot when they're drunk." He says as he slowly moves his eyes from mine to travel down my body before bringing them back up to mine.

"Just saying." He finishes before pulling the blanket up to his chin and closing his eyes.

I let out a shaky breath as I turn to leave and go back to my own room.

I make my way inside, shutting the door quickly behind me, before walking to my bed to sit on the edge and gather my thoughts. I have so many thoughts.

Like what happened in that goddamn dream?! What exactly I was good at. What did we do, what did I do, for him to make those noises? And how can I make that dream a real-

I try to shake the thoughts loose, standing up to pace the room for a minute to compose myself. I should not being thinking like this.

I decide to make my way into my closet and change into some comfortable clothes before getting into bed.

Even though I really am trying not to, I keep replaying the things he said tonight.

That I'm pretty, that his obvious sex dream was about me, that drunk people usually fuck people they think are hot...

He has no idea the things I'd do to him. What I want to do to him. It's all I can think about. He's all I can think about.

Yeah, maybe making him my assistant was a mistake.

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