What happened?!

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Well here is the next, hope you like it~

Kabaz's pov
Why am i looking at myself?! I ran to the bathroom and washed my face, as i looked up in the mirror i saw something that i wished was a dream... I was in Nixon's body!

"Nixon, wake up!" I shook him as he groaned: "Get away from me" So that's how my voice sounds... Hmm, not bad though... "No, seriously wake up and look at me!" I yelled at him as i shook him one more time.

"What?" Nixon sat up in the bed and looked at me. "WHAT!?" he ran to the bathroom too. He looked at himself as tears formed in his eyes. "I don't want to be yooooou..." He cried.

Man, way to ruin someones day!

"Sorry... I bet you're not happy either so..." Nixon said, of course i am happy! Why shouldn't i? I mean, it's his body, i LOVE his body! "I am happy! Happier than ever!"

Nixon looked at me in annoyance. I placed my hands on his head and screamed: "This is SOOO cooool!!!" Nixon blushed: "Why is this SOOO cooool!!!!?" "Hmmm, think of it~" I hummed. "Give back my boooodyyyy!!" He blushed crimson red and hit me in the head.

"Well, i don't know how... and who says i wanna~" I said and stuck out my tounge. "Geez... Stop teasing me, it's not funny!" He said and covered his fully red face with a pillow.

~From now on i will use 'Kabaz' for Nixon in Kabaz's body and 'Nixon' for Kabaz in Nixon's body~

No pov
They agreed to try to act like eachother, even though they would have problems.

"Oh, you're back! Good morning Nixon~" Coleen said as she continued eating her fried chicken. "Yes, i'm back~ Good morning, mom" 'Nixon' answered and waved at his mom.

"That's not what i call mommy..." 'Kabaz' complained.
"Fiiiine... I'll remember that till next time..." 'Nixon' apologized.

"Let's eat something" 'Nixon' said and went to the refrigerator to get some food. 'Kabaz' nodded and followed him.

"Hmmm... What shall we eat?" 'Nixon' said as he searched for something to eat from the enormous fridge.

"Oh i know! Some corn flakes!" 'Nixon' said as he stretched up for the top shelf where the corn flakes stood. He couldn't reach it anymore, because he was in Nixon's body.

"Too short?" 'Kabaz' said and gave him the mhhmm look.
He reached up and grabbed the corn flakes. "There you go" 'Kabaz' said.

"I HATE being short...!" 'Nixon' yelled and gritted his teeth. "But you have been short your entire life, Honey~" Coleen said and patted his head. "Plus, it's easier to be short... You can fit many places, like in a kitchen-cabinet or in a suitcase" "Be glad you're not a blob like me..." Coleen said and poked her stomach.

"Mo- C-Coleen, you're not a blob!" 'Kabaz' said with a caring voice. "That's the most beautiful thing you ever have said! But it's not true... Nya we're going on a diet NOW!" She yelled as she grabbed her girlfriend and went to the training-room.

"That was close... You need to talk more" 'Nixon' said. "And you need to talk less!" 'Kabaz' said as he pointed at him.

"Fiine" they both said. 'Nixon' got some bowls and placed them on the table. 'Kabaz' put some corn flakes into the bowls as 'Nixon' got the milk from the fridge.

They started to eat like they usually did. 'Nixon' ate like a pig! 'Kabaz' just ate normally and silently without, making any noises.

Xian walked into the kitchen, when he saw them he said: "Wow! When did you come back Nixon, and what happened to you two? It's like you switched bodies, hahahah"

"Oh, i came back yesterday, hahah... Why would we switch bodies?" 'Nixon' said. "So, Kabaz? How is your relationship going?" Xian smirked.

"Wha?! Ehehe, it's going... Nice i guess?" 'Kabaz' said, blushing slightly and letting the real him show a little bit.

'Nixon' tried to blush, but it wasn't normal for him, so he failed... "It's the first time i haven't seen you blush at times like this, Nixon" Xian said and smiled at him. "O-Oh really?" 'Nixon' said as he blushed.

They ate up and washed their bowls before putting them on the bench. They went to the room and sat down at the bed.

"Wanna take a shower, or bath?" 'Nixon' asked as he winked at 'Kabaz'. 'Kabaz' blushed crimson red, he shook his head.

"And you aren't going in the shower in my body! That's something i can't accept!" 'Kabaz' yelled.

"Aweeee, c'mon! I don't want to make your body dirty... So i should wash it, shouldn't i~" 'Nixon' said, trying to convince him to let him take a bath.

After a while, 'Nixon' had convinced 'Kabaz' to go take a bath. "It's so hot in here, but it can get hotter~" 'Nixon' teased.
'Kabaz' blushed again and covered his face, still not letting go of the towel that was covering him. "Stop teasing i said! It's not funny..."

"Sorry, it's just that i can't really handle your cuteness... You are so cute, and i love you so much!" 'Nixon' said as he grabbed 'Kabaz's' hands and pulled him closer. He kept leading him closer until their lips met.

(Why am i making this harder for me?! I am using Caps Lock everytime i am writing a big letter! WARNING!!! This is not going to be a real smut, no close details... But... If you don't like, then don't read ^^)

'Nixon' didn't hold back this time, he sent them both falling to the ground and threw the towel off 'Kabaz'.

"Stop... We can't do... this..." 'Kabaz' stuttered as 'Nixon' started making moves. "Oh? And why not~" 'Nixon' smirked. "I'm doing this to my body after all~" 'Nixon' stuck out his tounge and kept moving to the beat of 'Kabaz's' heart.

"But... hah~ you are doing... it with... ah~  my b-body..." "And... none of... u-us is old... hah~ enough..." 'Kabaz' moaned as 'Nixon' sucked his neck.

"That's true, but it's my body it happends to anyway, so... I don't see the problem..." "And i'm not going to do much, just some touching~" 'Nixon' said and gave him a little peck on the lips.

"Ah~ K-Kabaz... (heavy breathing) W-we still... can-Ah~ can't do this hah~" 'Kabaz' couldn't face his older boyfriend who was now in his body.

"It's okay, as long as no one notices... Then they will think you are the pervert~" 'Nixon' said and started to suck his neck again.

He started to rub his tigh against his "member" in hope for 'Kabaz' to get turned. 'Nixon' knew that it didn't take much to turn him on, since it was his body after all.

"P-please, s-st-hah~ stop... t-this is... n-ah~ not... okay... K-Kabaz, stop~" 'Kabaz' begged, but 'Nixon' didn't stop.

"Hah... ah~ K-Kabaz isn't this... kind-ah~ called rape? This is unwanted hah~ from my s-side ah~" 'Kabaz' asked.

"Well, good point... But, just try to chill... You know you want it, you'll feel good~" 'Nixon' said and continued rubbing with his tigh.

"But, i don't w-want to feel g-good ngh~" 'Kabaz' started to moan louder. 'Nixon' covered 'Kabaz's' mouth.

"If you're so loud someone will hear you" 'Nixon' warned. "And who's fault do you think that is?!" 'Kabaz' yelled quietly.

"I guess it's my fault then~" 'Nixon' smirked.
"Just stop already..." 'Kabaz' said as 'Nixon' did as he was told.




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