Chapter 18

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Hiccup's POV

Getting Mercy her memory back is getting difficult. I'm not really sure what else we're missing. We have the forge stuff, things with the dragons, she remembers Astrid and I, now I think all that's left is here remembering the gang. We told them to meet us at the academy so they could re-introduce themselves. I woke up and heard laughing downstairs. I went down and saw Mercy and Astrid eating breakfast together. Astrid was eating chicken. I thought she would be having soup. And Mercy is eating a fish.

"Well someone is finally out of their soup phase." I said.

"I don't know chicken sounded good this morning. Maybe I could put chicken in my soup. I'm gonna try it." Astrid said and took her leftover chicken to the kitchen.

"Morning dad." Mercy said and took another bite of fish.

"Remember anything new?"

"No but I do have a question, but I'm gonna ask mom." She said.

"Well what's the question?"

"I don't know Mom told me it might make you feel a little sad and I can't do that to you."

"Just ask me the question." She sighed after I said that.

"Who was that statue?" She said. I took a deep breath.

"That is your grandpa. He was a very great man that passed away when you were just a baby. Just know he loved you very much, and would've done anyhing for you." I said and walked out. It was a little saddening that she didn't remember Dad, but I can't blame her. She got amnesia and the only one to blame is Dagur. And I will get my revenge on him for doing this.

Mercy's POV

"I really think he was hurt by my question though." I said.

"Well of course it's going to hurt him your grandfather raised Hiccup by himslef for 20 years. They had grown very attached. And when he passed away, he was a wreck. But he's okay now. I think." Mom replied.

"I just wished I remembered something about him!"

"Well there isn't much fo you to remember about him. He passed away when you were still in the craddle. The only thing you should remember is that he loved you. Want some more fish?"

"No I lost my appetite." I said and handed the half eaten fish to Toothless. "I'm gonna go for a walk."

"Take Toothless with you." Mom said.

"Ok. Come on Toothless." I said and walked out the door.

I decided to head to the cove. I really like it there. It just holds a lot of precious memories and it's a great spot for me to go and clear my head. I went down the rocks and under the sheild to the cove. AN dto my surprise, dad was here.

"Hey dad." I said sadly.

"Oh hey what are you doing here?" He asked as he turned around from the rock he was sitting on.

"I just needed to think." I said. I heard scratching and turned around to see Toothless stuck under the sheild. I started to giggle a little bit, but then realized he got himself pretty stuck.

"Hang on bud let me help you." Dad said and went over to Toothless, who was still clawing the ground.

"Uh what are you spposed to do? The shield is stuck more then Toothless."

"Who said I was going to push the shield?" He said and pushed Toothless back and out from under the shield. They both fell backwards with a stumble. I laughed.

"Okay that was funny!" I said and started laughing again.

"Well I had to get him out somehow." He said and sood up, while brushing durt off his armor.

"You guys okay?" Mom asked from behind the shield, scaring both of us.

"Well we were fine until we got the pee scared out of us." I said sarcastically.

"Oh yeah sorry about that. It's just you two left the house kind of abruptly, so I was curious if something was going on."

"You would know if something is going on. I tell you everything." Dad said.

"Mostly everything. You've kept secrets."

"Everyone has."

I used this oportunity to sneak off to the woods. Might as well have some time to myself. But of course, I was followed by Toothless.

"Oh hi boy." I said and pet his head. He gave a low purr and I began to scratch his chin. I scratched all around until I hit one spot and he collapsed. II looked down at him and gave me a little gummy grin. "Toothless don't do that to me I thought I killed you!" I said. He lifted his head and I sat down against a tree. He rested his head next to my lap and began to sleep.I rested my head on his and soon enough, I was asleep too.

~an hour and a half later~

I woke up in complete blackness. I turned over and realized I was wrapped in Tothless's wings, and his head was under his wings with me. What time is it? How long have I been asleep?

"Wake up Toothless we gotta head back home mom and dad are probably freaking out." I said and rolled out of his wings. I was still under that tree. I would've figured Toothlesss dragged me to the cove or something. I looked up and saw it was really late . Like the middle of the night. 

It took about 10 minutes to walk back home, and once I got home, I snuck inside quietly. I noticed Dad asleep in his chair, and I'm assuming Mom was upstairs. I climbed the beam that connects to my room and sat on top. I remember that they never check this beam when they can't find me, so i'll say I was here the whole night. I heared the door burst open and saw Toothless trying to sneak in. He went over to Dad and started licking him.

Hiccup's POV

"Gah Toothless what are you doing that doesn't wash out!" I shouted. Toothless gave me his little gummy smile. How long have I been asleep. "Hey bud have you seen Mercy anywhere?" He looked up and a beam. I looked where he was looking and saw her sleeping on a beam. "Why do wwe always forget to check there." I said quietly so I didn't wake up her or Astrid. Now the only thing is, how am I supposed to get her down.

"There really isn't any need to get me down."

"How long have you been up there?" I asked.

"Um, uh since like 8 I think. Yeah 8." She hesitated.

"You aren't a very good lier."

"Okay you got me. I fell asleep in the woods with Toothless after I snuck off while you and mom were talking. I woke up about 20 minutes ago and came home then tried to cover up that i fell asleep in the woods." She said and took a deep breath.

"You could've just told me you know that. I won't get mad I mean you were with Toothless." I said and looked at Toothless, who was sleeping like a bat.

"I didn't think you would be very happy. You know with me staying out late."

"You fell asleep."

"I know but in the woods alone! How are you not mad?"

"Because I understand that you didn't mean to. And I know you were safe. Now go to bed it's late." I said and walked upstairs.


Mercy's POV

I woke up and smelled raw fish and cooked chicken. I'll admit, not the best mix of scents, but I've gotten used to it. I walked downstairs and saw Dad reading the book of Dragons, and mom was mixing more stuff in soup. It's actually weird.

"Astrid how much can you possibly put in soup before it isn't even soup anymore?" Dad asked.

"I like soup okay." She said.

"I can tell."

"Morning." I said and grabbed the plate of eggs set at moms chair. She has her soup.

"Oh you're here where were you last night?" Mom asked.

"She fell asleep on that beam we always forget to check." Dad lied.

"Oh why do we always forget about that." She said and shrugged.

"Oh Mercy you're going to re-meet the gang today." Dad said.

"Who are they?"

"You'll find out when we go later. So finish your breakfast and we'll go."


Okay so I was gonna put the re-introduction in this chapter but that'll be next chapter I promise.

So today's interview guest is...

(I'm doing the hat thing again.)


me: it's actually weird not seeing you with Tuffnut

Ruffnut: i like my space from him

me: well i can't blame you. So how's it going with Snotlout

Ruffnut: what do you mean


Ruffnut: i think i'm gonna go...


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