Chapter 24

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Hiccup's POV

I woke up to a quiet house. Everyone was still asleep, even Toothless. He's usually the one that wakes me up. I got out of bed and got into my armor. I then went downstairs and out the house. I had a few preparations to do before the visitors arrived and since the outcasts might be here today or tomorrow, I need these done. I went into the Great Hall and saw Gobber with a group of villagers.

"Hey Gobber. Everything ready for the visitors?"

"Already taken care of Hiccup. Sven, Bucket, Mulch and I did the cleaning while others straightened everything up."

"Oh perfect thanks Gobber." I said.

"Why do you seem in such a rush?"

"You know I'm actually not sure." I said.

"You should eat something Hiccup. You won't be able to function as a cheif with an empty stomach." He said.

"You're right. I'll be at my house eating if you need me. Remember, one horn blow is the sign of visitors." I said.

"I know how many horn blows it is I've been living on this island longer then you've been breathing." I luaghed and walked back home. Once I got home, I saw 3 plates set on the table.


"Yep I'm in the kitchen." She replied. I walked in and saw her filling glasses with milk. "I was wondering where you went this morning."

"Just making preparations for our visitors milady." I said and hugged her from behind.

"So everything is ready?"

"Yep. Gobber did it with Sven, Bucket and Mulch."

"Well that was nice of them." She said and started walking to the table. "Mercy breakfast!"

"Coming!" She shoute from upsatirs. I sat down at the end of the table and began to eat my breakfast. "Morning mom, morning dad." She said and began to munch on her eggs.

"Morning Mercy. You ready for the visitors?" I said.

"Wait what?"

"That's my fault I forgot to tell her." Astrid admited after she swallowed her sip of milk.

"That's alright Astrid. But Mercy we're having people visit the island this week. One of those visitors happens to be the outcasts." I said.

"You mean the ones that were our enimies before you were even born?" She asked.

"Yes but Alvin has changed and wants to pay his respects to your grandfather."

"Okay and who's the other visitors?"

"People from this really far away place so they might not be used to what we're like." Astrid explained.

"Okay when are they gonna be here?"

"Sometme either at the end of this week or the beginning of next week."

"Wait a minute Hiccup, isn't that girl that's coming the one your dad almost had you marry before Valka changed his mind?" Astrid asked which sent a shiver up my spine.

"Yes and let's not talk about it she's just a friend of Berk."

"Okay, changing the subject, so what should I do when they get here?"

"Be nice. They're a royal family. You know Kings and Queens." Astrid said.

"Why are they visiting us?"

"Because they want to create a peace treaty with us." I said.

"Well how big is the family?"

"The King and Queen, one daughter and 3 boys. Triplets who apparently get into a lot of trouble." I said.

"Something tells me we should give them to the twins." Mercy said. We all laughed. Once we finished our laughter, there was the blow of the horn. We all waited for a second one, but nothing came.

"The outcasts must be here. Come on Toothless time to greet the visitors." I said and walked out the door while Toothless happily bounded next to me. I saw Astrid join me on my right side and Mercy joined on Astrid's. We got to the docks and saw their ship. There were men stepping off and greeting others. After about 5 men came off the ship, Alvin stepped off.

"Ah Hiccup! Nice to see you!" Alvin greeted as he stepped off his ship.

"Nice to see you too Alvin." I replied.

"And who's the little lady?" He said and pointed to Mercy who stood straight next to Astrid.

"Oh Alvin this is my daughter Mercy. Mercy this is Alvin." I said. She smiled.

"Lovely. You know it really is a shame to hear about Stoick." He said as we began walking to the Great Hall. "He was a magnificent man."

"Yes he truely was. How did you hear about it anyway?"

"Ah turns out Dagur was getting letters from his soldiers while he's in our prison. Apparently Johann told someone."

"You guys are still holding Dagur? Don't you think he's served an appropriate sentence?"

"He stole an entire army and terrorized islands. His sentence is about half over."

"Really? That long?"

"What he did is one of the highest forms of treachery. And if anyone knows treachery, it's me."

"Well you've got that one right." I said.

/~time skip~\

"And this is where you'll be staying." Is aid and opened the door to an empty house in the square.

"Ah perfect. I'll see you tomorrow Hiccup." He said and walked into the house, closing the door behind him. I turned around and walked back to my house. Once I walked inside, I saw Astrid sitting in a chair.

"I told you he's changed." I said.

"I'm allowed to be skeptical of a man that almost killed my husband and his dragon multiple times."

"I'm skeptical too but I'm giving him a chance to earn my trust. And you should too." I said and kissed her cheek. I then walked upstairs and got ready for bed. After about 30 seconds Astrid was upstairs and getting ready for bed.

"I'm not even tired." She said as she climbed into the bed.

"Neither am I surprisingly. Usually at this time I could fall asleep on the floor." I said and we both bursted into laughter.

I could tell her about her laugh, her smile, her eyes, and everything but I can never quite capture the perfect words to describe them. I'm absolutely infaturated with the way she exsits so beautifully with me. Before I actually started dating her I actually never believed in soul-mates and that perfect one. I would have rather spit blood then spit confessions. But she doesn't let me hold back. She doesn't let me shy away from expressing how I feel about her. And that's why I love her.

That's why I love Astrid.

/~time skip~\

I woke up with a sleeping Astrid snuggled into my chest. I had my arms wrapped around her waist and her arms peacefully rested across mine. I kissed her forehad and she blinked her stunning blue eys open.

"Good morning beautiful." I said.

"Well good morning mister handsome." She said and flashed one of those smiles that will burn itself into your brain forever.

"How did you sleep milady?" I said as I slid out of bed and got a pair of normal pants on and a green long-sleeve. I handed Astrid my green tunic that she loves and she slipped into it.

"Very nicely. And you?"

"Amazingly." I said and trotted downstairs. "Hey where's Merc?" (a/n: that hiccup's special nickname for Mercy. Astrid calls her Mercy or Mer.)

"Oh I got an airmail last night from Allysa saying she was spending the night there again. Mer wanted to talk to her about some stuff. Not sure what they wanted to talk about. The letter didn't specify anything." Astrid explained.

"Alright then. Wait boys? Like dating?"


"Oh no no dating I do not allow dating she's 9." I said.

"Aw how cute. Daddy Hiccup being protective of his baby girl."

"I'm allowed to be protective of my daughter. No dating unil she's at least 15."

"Why 15?"

"That's when I started dating."

"What about 14?"

"Is there much of a differnece between 14 and 15?"

"You're right. I still think you're being protective."

"I'm not being over-protective right?"

"Not at all."

 "Okay good. I don't want to be over-protective but I am going to be protective." I said.

"You're not over protective and if you are being over-protective, I'll tell you. I promise."



I'm sorry this is a little late it took a while

Cause of school

Cause of family events too

So I hope you liked it!

Tonight I'll start on another update.

Right now I have to do my homework

I don't want to

Did anyone else realize the first letters of all these sentences spell HICCSTRID!



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