Chapter 30

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Hiccup's POV

I blinked my eyes opened to darkness. I looked out the window and saw a bright full moon, sitting at the top of the sky. I stretched my back and walked quietly downstairs, trying not to wake anyone up. I gazed at the map of the Destroyer's home island. I didn't have any plan on how to get there, because the dragons would be shot down and the ships would be blown to splinters. Is sighed and sat down. What am I supposed to do?

Mercy's POV

I tugged as hard as I could at the chains that were hanging from the ceiling. I've tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked.

"Mercy go to sleep you've been yanking those chains all night." Cody grumbled from across the hall.

"I'm not sleeping in this place. Who knows what they could do to me behind my sleeping back!" I said and tugged once more.

"Mercy enough just because you won't sleep doesn't mean you need to bother the ones that are trying to sleep." Lenny groaned. I sat down on the ground and sighed.

"You guys aren't even gonna try and get out of here?" I asked.

"We're 10, what can we do?" Cody replied.

"We can do as much as anyone else! Do you really think age matters?" I said.

"Yes age does matter. When does anyone listen to a 10 year old or when do you ever hear about a 10 year old escaping from a ravage tribe?" Lenny asked sarcastically. I hung my head and took a deep breath, on the verge of tears.

"I'm 9. My birthday is tomorrow." I said as my voice broke. I heard their chains rustle against the ground.

"Really?" Cody asked with a sorrowful tone.

"Yeah." I said and hugged my knees. They didn't respond anymore, but we just sat in silence and darkness. "We're getting out of here." I said and broke the silence.

"The only problem with that is these guys are crazy and we don't know what's outside of these doors." Lenny replied.

"Well there's really only one way to find out." Cody said.

"If only we could get these stupid chains off." I said and yanked as hard as I could at the metal chains dangling loosely from an iron rod in the ceiling. I saw the rod move out of place slightly. "You guys pull your chains as hard as you can!" I said happily and kept pulling.

Cody's POV

I pulled at my chains and their on rod slipped out of place.

"Ah!" I shouted as I stumbled backwards after my chains dropped to the ground.

"You okay Cody?" Mercy asked from across the hall. I heard a thud come from next to me.

"I'm okay. You?" I asked.

"I'm fine." She said "Lenny are you okay? We heard a thud but nothing else."

"All good I'm here." Lenny responded. "So we're free from the hanging chains but breaking news, we're still in cells."

"Leave that one to me." She said and started messing with the lock. I heard multiple small clicks, followed by a loud click, then the squeaking of an old door. "I got it you guys!" She said. There was a clanging coming from the iron door at the end of the hallway.

"Mercy get back in your cage and close the door now!" I said with a concerned tone. She ran back in and slammed the door shut. I turned and slid down the door so the guards couldn't see me through the window. They paced around the hallways and slid food under all of our doors. There was then the sound of a door locking and footsteps fading away.

"Wow my first meal in a whole day." Mercy said sarcastically. "I wouldn't eat it. It's cold and squishy. Well the chicken isn't." I ate the chicken wings they gave us and stood up. She was picking the lock to my cell, and then it opened. I stepped out into the dimly lit hallway and saw her crouched at Lenny's lock. Once it bursted open she stood up and stepped back.

"Okay what do we do now?" Lenny asked.

"We find a way out of here." I said sarcastically.

"What your tone." Lenny said and stepped closer to me, revealing his appearance. He had a muscular torso and average sized legs. He had shaggy blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. And by the looks of his face, either he flirts with girls or girls flirt with him.

"No time for arguing. Both of you." Mercy said as she stepped in between us right under the torch, making me able to see her. She had brown-ish blonde-ish hair pulled back into a yak tail (those are pony tails, but I wanted to figure out a name for them that suits their time period). She had beautiful emerald eyes and was skinny. She was so perfect.

I think I'm in love.

Lenny's POV

I looked at Cody. He had dark brown hair with bright blue eyes, wasn't that muscular and looked like a total nerd. I then looked over at Mercy. She had the most beautiful emerald eyes and gorgeous brown/blonde hair, pulled into a messy yak tail. She was kinda scrawny, but looked like she was smart.

I think I'm in love.

Mercy's POV

I looked at Cody. He had the nicest dark brown hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes that burned into my memory. He was small, but looked like a total brainiac. In my opinion, he's totally cute. I then looked at Lenny. He was muscular, tall, had blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, but didn't look all that smart. He reminded me of Uncle Snotlout. Sorta. They both just stared at me. I snapped my fingers in front of both of their faces and they snapped out of it.

"Okay guys we need to figure out a way out of here. Anyone have any ideas?" I said.

"Check the other end of the hallway. There could be another exit." Cody suggested and we all ran through the darkness and to the wall. I felt around the wall until I found a small door handle.

"Guys I found a door handle! Ugh but it's jammed." I said.

"Let me try and help." Cody suggested.

"Like you could do that. Step aside babe, let me take care of this one." Lenny said and shoved me out of the way. I stumbled back, only to be caught by Cody. I stood straight up. The door handle made a grinding noise, followed by the door opening. "See? It takes muscle." Lenny said with a cocky attitude and walked through the door. I huffed and walked forward, followed by Cody.

"Why are we helping him?" Cody whispered to me.

"Because I actually have a conscience. This kid needs help and we're the only ones that can give it to him." I whispered back.

"He's totally rude though." Cody said.

"Just deal with it for a little while. We'll get out of here and get him back to his home island." I replied. I turned my head and ran right into a wall. "Ow what did I hit my head on?" I said as I rubbed my head with my hand. I stood up slowly and was supported by Cody.

"Let me see hold on." He said and walked forward towards the object. "It's some sort of metal bar. But why would it be here if it wasn't connecting anything?"

"Lenny go find us a torch or something." I commanded.

"Why should I listen to you?" He snapped.

"Because right now we have to stay together to get out of here now you can listen to me and find a torch or you can be stranded on this island for Thor knows how long!" I shouted. He sighed and walked to a torch, then came back and handed it to me. "Thank you. Now let's see what this bar is." I said and held the torch towards the bar. It looked like just your normal iron bar.

"Why is it here?" Cody asked. I followed the bar down a long hallway.

"I, not sure but it's either going to lead us to so,etching good or something bad." I said.

"Only one way to find out which." Cody said and walked in front of me while Lenny was behind. "Oh Mercy by the way."


"Happy Birthday."

Hiccup's POV

I woke up with a jump when I heard someone in the kitchen. I almost fell out of my chair but quickly caught my balance. I yawned and walked into the kitchen to see two people. One of them was a gorgeous blonde while the other had dark red hair, pulled into a yak tail. (Remember those are their pony tails)

"And what are you ladies up to?" I said making them both jump.

"We're making breakfast!" Astrid said happily with a wide smile.

"Did you have to scare us?" Allysa asked as she picked up the food that she dropped. "I mean come on you made me drop my breakfast." She complained while Astrid kept laughing.

"You okay Astrid?" I asked.

"Hiccup remember, mood swings." Allysa whispered to me.

"Ah geez I keep forgetting. Tell Astrid I'll be at the forge if she needs anything." I said. she nodded and Iwalked out to Toothless. He grumbled happily and gave me a gummy smile. "Hey Bud, wanna head to the forge?" He nodded his head and I climbedon, and hooked my leg into the petal.

After about 5 minutes I was in the forge gathering the final pieces for a project I've been working on.

"Ah Hiccup nice to see you in here in the daylight. Usually you're working late at night in your office." Gobber greeted as he lifted his face guard.

"Well I'll still be in my office if you need me." I said and grabbed the box of supplies.

"What are you working on?"

"A gift for someone. I need to finish it today."

"Who's it for and why do you have a deadline for it? Is it likea birthday gift or something?" He asked.

"Well if you don't recall today is my daughters 10th birthday and I'mmaking her a very special gift now if you would excuse me." I said and shut my office door with my foot. I placed the box on the tableand started working.

/~time skip~\

It was about 5 pm and I had finally finished my project. I placed it neatly in a box then shut the lid. I then carried it out of my office and towards the house. Once I walked in, Astrid and Allysa were sitting at the table reviewing the map, along with the rest of the gang.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Oh Hiccup you're right in time we thought of a plan to get on the island!" Fishlegs said happily.

"Okay tell me in a second I just have to put something upstairs." I said and trotted upstairs. I opened Mercy's door slowly, still feeling like I was invading her privacy. I placed the box on the bed and set the card I wrote on top of it. "Happy Birthday Mercy, I love you and I'm very proud of you." I whispered then walked back downstairs.

Lenny's POV

I didn't have a good feeling about this hallway we were in. It was long and would be pitch black if it wasn't for that torch. I walked a few paces behind Mercy and Cody, who were chatting. I could tell he had feelings for her, but she was oblivious. I really like her though. I mean who wouldn't? She's got looks, attitude, and she's a fighter. She's probably every guys dream girl. She has to have boys bowing to her back on her home island. But she has to end up with me.

Cody's POV

"I forgot to ask, where are you from?" I asked as our laughs faded.

"Me?" She asked.

"No I'm talking to the wall of course you."

"Well if you must know, I'm from Berk." I was shocked.

"Berk? As in the Berk with the trained dragons and Hiccup Haddock training a Night Fury?!"

"Yeah he's my dad why are you so excited?"

"HE'S YOUR DAD?! Why are you here then?"

"Well I was training with my bow in the forest with Ethan, Agnes and Stormfly when someone abducted me. I don't know where Ethan, Agnes and Stormfly went though."

"Is Stormfly the NIght Fury?"

"No she's my moms Deadly Nadder. My dad's Night Fury is named Toothless."

"Why Toothless?"

"It's easier to explain when he's here." She said and turned forward and kept walking. I can't believe I am in the presence of a Haddock. Wow.

I feel like the luckiest guy in the whole world.


Wow that's a really long chapter.

I hope you enjoyed vote and commentif you did!

Follow for more stories i'm in the process of thinking of starting a modern Hiccstrid story.

Not sure though.

Tell me if i should!


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