Chapter 43

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Mercy's POV

"Am I hallucinating? I think I'm hallucinating. I'm gonna go outside for a second to catch some air." I said fastly (is that a word? XD) and rushed down the stairs and out the door. Once I was outside I stood and briefly exhaled.

"You okay? What happened in there?" Cody asked as he walked over and stood next to me, placing an assuring hand on my shoulder.

"I'm an older sister." I mumbled.

"Mercy I can't hear you."

"I'm an older sister." I repeated louder. His eyes widened and he pursed his lips.

"Congradulations!" He cheered.

"No not 'congradulations'," I stated and mirrored his tone. "Don't you know what this means? This means that if something happens to my little sibling while they're under my care then I'm responsible and I'll have to live with that guilt!" I shouted and exhaled, then sat on the grass.

"Are you worried something is going to happen?" He asked in a soft voice.

"Yes. I'm stressing out. I mean, I'm unprepaired."

"Why are you stressed? This is a time where you should be happy."

"I don't know." I started and stood up, walking over to the edge of the cliff, Cody shortly behind. "Maybe it's because, I know how life or death situations go and I don't want that to happen to my sibling. If they get put into one of those while they're under my care, I'm the one to be blamed. And there would be nothing I could do." I finished, gazing out at the water.

"But you also know how to prevent from getting into those situations. Just because you've been in them and know how they work, doesn't mean you don't know how to protect your sibling. The best you can do is be there for all of their life and protect them from any harm. No matter the risk." I sighed quietly.

"How do you know I'll be able to?"

"Are you kidding me Mercy? I've seen you break open locks, rip chains out of walls, burst through walls, beat up guards, and be able to find a way out. You can get yourself or anyone out of a life or death situation. You've done it to me and you can do it for your sibling." There was a pause. Without saying anything, I turned to Cody and embraced him into a hug.

"Thank you." I whispered. We pulled apart and before he could say anything, I ran towards my house.

Ominous POV

Cody stood at the cliff, staring where she used to be standing.

"You're welcome." He muttered under his breath, then sat on the edge, letting his feet dangle over the edge.

Mercy bursted through the door of her house, making Gobber, who was downstairs cooking, jump.

"Oh sweet Thor Mercy! I know this your own house and all but you really got to make softer entrances." Gobber complained.

"Sorry Gobber."

"What's on your mind?" He asked. Gobber has always had a way of knowing when something is bugging someone.

"Just nervous, that's all." Mercy hesitated.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Mercy answered. She stood up from her seat.

"Are you super positive?"

"Gobber, stop. I'm fine." Mercy replied and went upstairs. She opened the door slowly, peeking her head through the door. "Mom? Dad?" She called. She walked down the short hallways, into the room she was originally in. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Mercy's POV

"Mercy there you are!" Dad shouted and ran and gave me a hug. "I thought you ran off. Are you hurt?"

"No dad I'm fine. I just went for some air. No big deal."

"Hiccup." Mom said from the back, making dad look over. "She's fine."

"Sorry." Dad said as he walked over to her. I heard the door open and saw Gobber come in.

"Everything alright up here?" He asked.

"Perfectly fine." Mom answered. "Wait, Where's Valka?"

"She's downstairs washing up. She's washing the towels."

"Oh go get her she doesn't need to do that now."

"I'll get her." I volunteered and walked towards the door.

"I got this one. You stay with your family." Gobber stated as he grabbed the back of my tunic with his hand, making me stay in place. He lifted me by the back of my shirt and placed me where I was originally standing, then walked out the door. I pursed my lips and stood in place, as if I were glued to the ground.

"Mercy, is everything alright? You seem, troubled." Mom asked.

"I'm okay. Really." I began. "Just, a little shocked. And unprepaired. And nervous." I finished. Dad stood up from his chair and walked over to me.

"Mercy, you can never really be ready for a situation. Because we have no idea of what will happen during that situation. But you have to do your best to get through that situation. By using that big brain." He told and poked my forehead. I couldn't help but smile and let out a small laugh. "There's that smile I knew it was in there." He poked my shoulder, then stood up and walked back over to mom.

"Can you give us a second?" I heard mom whisper to dad. He nodded and stood up, then walked out the door, closing it behind him. Mom pat the spot where he used to be sitting. I trotted over and hoisted myself up. "Alright, who is it?"

"What? What-what do you mean?" I stuttered.

"You're quiet. Not the normal quiet. Who is it?"

"It's- it's no one. Just. Me." I hesitated.

"I don't like being lied to."

"Alright fine you got me." I stated.

"So who is it? No lies. Just truth."

"It's, ah forget it dad would get mad."

"But he isn't here. It's just us. Unless he's eavesdropping." She said then looked skeptically at the door. "Just tell me."

"The thing is I'm not really sure about it. You know?"

"I went through the exact same thing around your age. You'll figure it out. Trust me."

"Hopefully soon. There's a lot going on right now." I sighed.

Hiccup's POV

"You know Gobber, you never get over the feeling of being a father." I stated.

"I know. Remember, I basically raised you." He said.

"Yeah but this is different. I mean sure, you saw me grow up but did you raise me from minute one?"

"Yep. I always took. You to the forge. But Stoick hated it. He thought you were going to catch your death in there." Gobber laughed. "But it was safer then outside."

"Very true. I better go check on the two upstairs. They've gotta be done talking by now."

I walked upstairs and pressed my ear to the door. I heard laughing and muffled voices, since the wood of the doors is really thick, so I knocked.

"Come on in!" I heard Astrid shout. I opened the door slowly and peeked my head in.

"Done talking?" I asked. Astrid and Mercy smiled.

"Yes we're done talking."

"I was just making sure." I said and put my hands up, making both of them smile. "You alright Mercy?"

"I'm ok dad." She replied.

"Good. I would hate for something to be wrong." Astrid glanced at me, signaling that everything's alright.

"Well, Mercy, meet your little brother Stoick."


And we're gonna end it there!

I'm really sorry this took so long I injured my hand and it's been hard to write.

Also I wanted to make this a good chapter.

But I'll update as soon as possible it's Thanksgiving break where I love and I'm going to Roseville from Sunday- Tuesday then I'm free the rest of the week!

Thanks for reading!


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