Chapter 44

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Hi guys!

So this is a short apology before the chapter.

I'm really sorry it took so long my hand just finished healing enough to where I could type and I just returned from a small vacation yesterday.

But I'm free until Sunday and I'll be working on updates!

So without further ado, Lé chapter.


Hiccup's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to hear Stoick crying and feel Astrid poking my side.

"It's your turn." She mumbled, her face half tucked into her pillow.

I sat up, rubbed my eyes, then walked down the hallway. I entered his room, which used to be Mercy's but we built onto the house and she moved downstairs so Astrid and I could be closer to him. I pickedhim up out of his crib and held him in my arms. He started to relax a little bit. I sat down in the chair that we kept in the corner of the room. After about a minute, he was sound asleep. I took a deep reath and before I knew it, I was asleep too.

Astrid's POV

I woke up to the sunshining through the window, lighting up the whole room. I looked over to my side to find and empty half of the bed.

"Hiccup?" I pulled my blankets off and stood up. I went across the hall and into Stoick's room, finding them both asleep in the chair. I smiled, then tip-toed over and gently shook Hiccup's shoulder. "Wake up." I whispered. His eyes popped open.

"What time is it?" He asked with a groggy tone.

"Nine. Come on, you fell asleep in here. I'll get breakfast ready." I said and grabbed Stoick, then began walkeing downstairs. I could hear Hiccup's leg hitting the floor upstairs.

"Hi mom." Mercy said as she walked in.

"Hi sweetie. How did you sleep?"

"Fine actually." She answered as I rubbed my eyes. "You were up most of the night again weren't you?"

"Yes I was. Your father is probably exhausted he fell asleep in that chair upstairs."

"Yikes. That is not a comfortable chair to sleep in." She stated as Hiccup walked down the stairs, a tired expression plastered of his face. "Morning dad."

"Morning Mercy. Did you sleep okay?"

"Yes I did."

"Good." He said and rubbed his eyes.

"I'll get breakfast started." I stated and stood up.

"You don't have to."

"It's fine. Mercy you staying for breakfast?" I asked.

"I'll probably fish something out of the lake in the cove. Which reminds me, dad do you need Toothless today?"

"Yeah a sheep fell through a roof during yesterday's dragon race and Toothless and I are going to help some villagers fix it."

"Okay mom can I borrow Stormfly for today?"

"Yeah but be careful and be back beofre it gets dark."

"The usual routine I know. See you guys later." She said and walked out the door. I looked at Hiccup and he looked at me.

"She needs her own dragon." We both said at the same time.

Mercy's POV

I landed in the cove and layed in the grass. My stomach growled as I stared at the sky. I sat up and looked at the lake.

"I guess I could fish for a little bit. You hungry Stormfly?" She squaked with happiness and stood up. "Alright I'll get some fish."

"How are you gonna fish without a fishing pole?" A voice asked behind me. I turned my head to the side so I could see who it was, revealing Cody standing there awkwardly.

"I'll do it the old fashioned way." I replied and jumped in the water. I grabbed one with my hands and swam up to the surface. Once my head was out of the water, I held the fish above my head. "Got one!" I shouted and threw it onto the shore.

"You sure you don't want me to grab you a fishing pole? The village isn't a very far walk." He asked.

"It's fine. This way is more fun. Could you pass me that basket though?" I said and pointed to the basket by a rock. He ran over and grabbed the basket, the came back and handed it to me. "With this I can cathc more fish at once. Thank you!" I dove back into the water. I swam around the water, catching fish in the basket until I couldn't hold my breath anmore. I surfaced with a loud gasp.

"Are you okay?"

"Perfect. I just held my breath for a pretty long time." I answered as I dragged the basket full of fish up the shore. I opened it and grabbed two. "Want one?"

"Sure. I'll get some sticks for a fire." He said and began standing up.

"No need." I stated as I pierced both fish with sticks. "Stormfly do you mind cooking these for me?" She squaked and blew light flames on the fish, cooking them perfectly. "You're the best. Have the rest of the fish in the basket." I pat her head and she began to munch on the fish.

"So how's sisterhood going?" He questioned, breaking the silence between us.

"I could get used to it." I replied.

"So.. it's going well?" He asked with a laugh.

"I'd say so." I smiled and took another bite of fish. "You know, I'm more ready then I thought." I added after I swallowed my food. "But, I did have some great encouragement."  He smiled and his cheeks began to turn pink. "You're blushing."

"What!" He shouted and covered his cheeks with his hands. I laughed a little bit.

"It's fine. But I should go, my mom wantedto talk to me about a few things and teach me how to feed Stoick. But thanks for hanging out with me." I said and stood up. "C'mon Stormfly." She trotted up and I hopped on her back. "See you later Cody!" I yelled an waved goodbye.

/~at the house~\

I opened the door quickly and saw Mom feeding Stoick his lunch. I shut the door and stood still.

"Is something wrong?" Mom asked.

"I need to talk to you."

"Of course what is it?" She asked, turning her body towards me.

"Before we get started, is dad home?"

"No he left about 20 minutes ago. Why?"

"He would be pleased to hear this."

"Just tell me what it is Mercy." I took a deep breath.

"I think I have a crush. On a boy. Who might have a crush on me."

"A my little girl has a crush!" Mom squeeled.

"What do I do? How do I react? Do I tell him I have to wait five years because my dad won't let me date? Do I go behind dad's back and date him? What if we wait five years but he starts to like someone else and gets over me? MOM WHAT DO I DO?!!" I shouted.

"Ok first you have to calm down. You will get nowhere by ranting." She began. "And second, you have to make sure that he does like you. I'm talking you have to be 100% positive. Or else it would just be awkward and your friendship would get complicated." (lol). 

"Anything else?"

"Just make sure he likes you first, and we'll go from there." She stated and turned back to feeding Stoick. "So who do you like anyway?"

"Well you and dad have met him and you both liked him." I began.

"A name, Mercy."

"Cody." I said awkwardly.

"Oh Cody? He's such a sweet kid! As your mother, I approve." She replied before there was a knock on the door. I opened it up and saw Jade standing there with an expression as if she's about to explode. 

"Mom can I go hang out with Jade?"

"Sure just be back before dark."

"Alright." I said and closed the door. "What's up?"

"I heard it all!" She squealed. Okay seriously everyone needs to stop squeeling.

"Heard all of what?" I asked awkwardly.

"About you admitting you like Cody! I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew it!" She shouted.

"Do you know if he likes me back?"

"Are you kidding me? This kid is totally in love with you!"

"Really?" I smiled slightly. She replied with a small nod of her head.

Cody's POV

/~while Mercy is home, before Jade talks to her~\

"I've gotta tell her. It's basically eating me alive that I don't know if she feels the same way. It's just, everytime I try and talk to her I get really nervous and all of the sudden I say something really off subject. Everything she does though. She just makes me feel so happy. The happiest I've ever been. But how do I tell her?" I ranted. She just looked at me blankely.

"I would just come out and say it, but since you're incapable of doing that, you'll have to come up with some other way."

"And how do you suppose I do that?"

"I don't know. Do something she likes. Just make sure she's impressed or else it will never work. So, what does she like?"

"Riding dragons, her flight suit, climbing, archery, finding new places, doing reckless things that could get herself killed, the list goes on."

"I already knew all of that but I had to make sure you knew." She began. "Just invite her to do something she likes tomorrow, and build up the courage to tell her the entire time you're together."

"I'll try my best. Thanks Jade!" I said and waved to her, then ran out towards my house. I burst through the door and ran upstairs, directly to the desk in my room. I pulled out a piece of paper and began to write out ideas on what to do. Let's see, we could go hiking in the forest, but I'm sure she's already hiked every inch of those woods. Hm, what about going for a flight? No, I need a dragon for that. Ugh this is hopeless. I'll never figure out what to do.

Mercy's POV (stop switching POV's author geez.)

"Maybe I should go talk to him. I kinda left him in the cove abruptly."

"I'm sure he's fine!" Jade shouted.

"Why are you shouting?" I began. "Wait, you only shout when you know something you're trying to hide."

"No I don't! What are you talking about?" She said and looked around.

"Okay. I'll believe you." I stated skeptically. "As soon as I go talk to Cody!" I shouted and began running towards his house.

"NO!" She screamed and ran after me. A black figure landed in front of me.

"Do I even want to know?" Dad asked as I stopped running.

"If you want to know then you'll have to give me a little time to prepare to explain." I said before Jade pummled me to the groud, only to be lifted by the back of her shirt from Toothless. "Thanks Toothless." I said and got up. Dad raised an eyebrow andreleased a small laugh from his nose.

"Need a ride home? It's getting dark and your mother wants us home early." He stated as he picked me up off of the ground. I brushed myself off and walked over to Toothless, then we flew off towards home.

/~back home~\

"You guys are earlier then I expected." Mom cheered. "I'm making a special dinner. Our first family dinner since this little one was born." Mom added and rubber Stoick's head.

"Sounds great. Let me just set some papers upstairs, I'll be right down." Dad said as he grabbed a bag off of Toothless's saddle and began to trot upstairs.

"We'll tell him at dinner." Mom said in a serious tone.

"What? He's gonna freak out mom."

"He'll just get protective. You're his little girl, he doesn't want anything to happen to you."

"Nothing can be worse then what's already happened!"

"Sh he's coming." Mom stated and looked at the stairs. "Fish or chicken honey?"

"Fish  is good, thank you." Mom nodded and went into the kitchen. Dad sat down at his normal seat at the end of the table.

"So what did you do today?" He asked me.

"Oh I just hung out in the cove, then Jade came over and we hung out a little bit."

"And I'm assuming that's what I walked into?"

"Yeah she's just being spazzy today."

"Okay a fish for Mercy and a fish for Hiccup." Mom said and set a fish in front of dad, then me. "And a chicken for me. So, what are we talking about?"

"Just what i did today." I shrugged and bit into my fish.

"Alright. So Hiccup, how was fixing that roof?"

"It took longer then expected. Mostly because the sheep was stuck in the roof. Which Gobber negelcted to tell me." 

"Yikes." Mom chimed.

"And the only way of getting it out was to cut one of the sides of the roof, creating a bigger whole."

"Sounds awful." Mom said flatly.

"Yeah but let's talk about something other then chiefing. We're finally having a family dinner and I don't want to talk about work."

I didn't know how to telll him. Do I just blurt it out? Do I lead into it? DO I ask questions about dating and stuff, then just drop the news? I feel conflicted. Okay Mercy just be cool. Just lay it flat. Don't make too much of a big deal. Just, smooth.

"Dad I want to start dating." Not as smooth as I hoped for. Dad almost spit his water out, but covered his mouth with his hand. He swalloed then looked at me.

"Absolutely not."

"But why? I'm ten years old, I'm going to be eleven in about two months I can handle myself!"

"Mercy I said no dating unitl you're fifteen! and that's final!" He shouted. I exhaled, scooted out my chair, then ran out the door.

"Mercy!" I heard mom shouted.

But i didn't turn around.


Yay an update!

I hope you liked it, I feel pretty good about this chapter, I feel like the ending really nailed it."

Anyway, I'm gonna get started on the next chapter because I'm getting a lot of ideas and I have to get them down before I forget.

So I'll see you in the next one!



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