Chapter 47

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Hi sorry I have to leave a small note before the actual chapter but please read

So this week is the week before winter break


But I will have a lot of homework and tests


So this update will be late.

I will work on it as much as possible but I have to be still for a little while because I got into a small car accident today (Sunday) and I could have a slight concussion.

But enough about me.

It's time for the chapter


Mercy's POV

I was laying in the grass in the cove, staring at the clouds roll in. They were dark grey and quite large, indicating a storm. I sighed.

"You know Toothless we should probably go tell dad that a storm might come." I said to the dragon who was laying beside me with his tail around me.

"I already found out." He said.I screamed and jumped backwards, alerting Toothless, and almost falling into the lake. Dad only laughed.

"Oh you may be laughing now but I'll get you." I threatened as I regained my balance. "So what are you doing here?"

"I need Toothless to help me fix a hole in the ceiling of the Great Hall."

"Let me guess, the twins?"

"Good guess, but it was Snotlout."

"So I need to go back to the village?" I asked.

"Sadly yes. I don't like you being alone."

"I know I know." I stated with a small chuckle.

"By the way tomorrow we're having our family portrait done in the Great Hall."

"What why? I thought that was just for the Chief and the heir to the position?"

"I thought I might mix it up. That other way is too old school." he shrugged and walked out of the cove, followed by Toothless. I stayed in the grass for a moment before hearing footsteps crunch a twig behind me.

"Guess who's getting her family portrait done tomorrow." I told sarcastically.

"Aw what's so bad about that? You get to have a picture of you and your family hung in the Great Hall for future generations to see." Cody answered without a greeting.

"Having your picture painted means you have to be still for hours. I can barely stand still for ten minutes." I stated as I shifted my feet. "See?"

"Don't overthink it. You tend to do that."

"Do what?"

"Overthink the simplest things." He shrugged. "You'll be fine. It's just a painting."

"You're right." I mumbled.

"And besides," He began as he stood up and began to walk towards the village, but then stopped. "You'll look beautiful no matter what." He finished and left, leaving me dumbfounded and surprisingly happy. I bit my lip slightly and stared at my refection in the calm waters. His words echoed through my head as if my head was a hollow, dark and moist cave.

'You'll look beautiful no matter what'. Did he actually mean it? Or was it just something silly to cheer me up? I stood from the grass and began my walk back to the village.

Jade's POV

"Seriously it's somuch fun. I did it with my older brother once back at my home island." I said.

"It sounds like a lot of fun and really exciting but it also makes me nervous because you could probably die." Allysa replied.

"As long as you make it in the deep part of the ocean you'll be fine." She stared at me blankly.

"Jade, meeting, now!" Mercy shouted as she dragged me towards the academy bu my forearm. I stood up on my feet and pulled my arm from her strong grip.

"Did you have to drag me? I was in a good debate about if it's safe to jump off of a dock and into the water or not. I think I was winning." (by the way that's ctually really fun to do. I did it on an island called Catalina Island off the coast of California.)

"I gotta tell you about what happened." She stated with a fast pace.

"Slow down speed racer.Take a breath if you need to." She stared at me. "Okay what do you need to tell me, ut with it woman!" I shouted.

"So my family is having our portrait painted tomorrow and I'm not very excited because I don't like standing still, but I was talking to Cody about how much I really didn't want to do it nd he said that I shouldn't worry too much about it because I'll look beautiful no matter what." She explained without a pause. She exhaled loudly after her sentence and clutched her lungs. "That was a mouthful." I bit my bottom lip to keep me from squealing at the top of my lungs.

"Did he really say that?" I asked in a high pitch. She nodded and I bursted ut with a squeak. "That's so cute!"

"Would you quiet down!" She yelled as she placed her hand over my mouth. "Let's try and keep this in between you, me and him. Okay?"

"Alright fine. I'll do my best to keep it a secret." I nodded.

"Thank you." Mercy replied as she stood straight, utting her hands on her hips.

"ALLYSA!" Iscreamed as I ran back to where she was.

"Jade!" Mercy chased after me, but before she caught up to me, I was in the forge in front of Allysa.

"Cody said Mercy was beautiful!" I managed before Mercy tackled me to the ground and pushed me away. "I did it!" I said as loud as I could.

"She's lying." Mercy said awkwardly.

"Is she?" Allysa asked in a monotone, raising one eyebrow at Mercy.

"Okay no she isn't." She mumbled.

"You bet Odin's beard I wasn't!" I shouted from the floor. "I'm too lazy to get up, if you're wondering why I'm still down here."

"Jade if you want to be part of the coversation you have to stand up." Allysa sassed. I bolted up as fast as a Night Fury and glanced at the both of them.

"I gotta go find Cody!" I shouted and began to run out.

"Jade no!" Mercy shouted,

"Violet!" I heard Allysa shout and a few seconds later, I was pinned down by her dragon.

"Seriously!?" I shouted.

Mercy's POV

I turned back to Allysa, who was staring at Violet laying on to of Jade, preventing her from going anywhere. She looked back over to me.

"You're welcome." She stated. I smiled and glanced downwarda nd pursed my lips. "Well I'm sure Gobber is wondering where I went. Come on Violet!" SHe said and walked off. I heard Jade's boots begin to run in the dirt.

"Don't you dare!" I shuted. She stoped dead in her tracks and walked in the opposite direction casually. I sighed and decided to go home for the night.

Hiccup's POV

"So it was the twins and Snotlout?" Astrid asked.

"Yeah it turns out that Snotlout made a new sheep launcher and he wanted to test it, but ended up breaking the roof to Mr. and Mrs. Ack's house." I explained.

"And how did they react?"

"Mrs. Ack had no problem with it. But Mr. Ack, he was not pleased." I began. "So I made the twins nd Snotlout fix their roof, without dragons. And that's why I'm home early."

"Well it's nice you're finally home before it's dark outside." She responded sarcastically.

"I'm leaving earlier in the morning so I can be home earlier."

"Hiccup I don't care what time you get home. Just as long as you get home with your remaining limbs." She sassed and walked towards the kitchen.

"Haha, hilarious." I laughhed sarcastically. "You wouldn't believe how reluctant Snotlout was though." I added as I followed her.

"Oh I think I have an idea of how stubborn he was. Remember, I've known him longer then you."

"True. But he was especially stubborn. Sometimes I don't know how anyone hasn't killed him yet."

"It's bound to happen one day." She mumbled, making us both burst into laughter. Once our laughing subsided, there was a pause.

"So you ready for a family portrait tomorrow?" I asked, shattering the silence.

"Are you sure it's okay for us to do that?"

"Yeah. Actually, my dad and I have a family portrait. It's hanging in his room back at the house. It was painted when I was about 7 though, so I was smaller then I am now."

"He kept it all of these years?"

"I think so. And then there's the traditional Chief and Heir painting, which I'm gonna schedule soon."

"Well tradition does call for a male chief, and the only son you have is not even a year old."

"Did I say the heir is going to be a male?" I questioned with an ominous tone.

"Oh no. No you don't. You are not going to break another tradition!" She stated. "Son enough there won't be any of the old traditions left." She added.

"Well I'm making it to where the first born of the chief is the heir. It seems better."

"I guess it is a nice break from male-management. But you'll have to convince her. She's as stubborn as you."

"I'm not that stubborn." I looked over at Toothless. "Am I?" He gave me a partial grin. "Dragon pity. Just as I thought."

"It's okay. I like you as a stubborn person. Or else everyone would just walk all over you." She said as she set plates on the table. "Go find your daughter she's late for dinner." She smiled and I walked ut to Tothless.

"Hey bud you think you can find Mercy for me?" He gave me his usual grin as I locked his tail and he took off.

Mercy's POV

"You know, out the time I've lived here, I haven't gotten tired of the view." Cody said as we sat on top of a cliff, watching the sunset over the water.

"I'm gonna have to agree with you there. It's extraordinary." I breathed as I heard the roar pf a dragon above us. We both looked up and saw Toothless flying down. "Oh my gods I'm late for dinner back at my house!" I shouted as I waved to Cody, and hopped on Toothless. Once we landed in front of the house, I gave Toothless a fish, scratched his head and ran into the house.

"Nice of you to join us." Mom said.

"Sorry I lost track of time. What's for dinner?" I asked, attempting to change the subject.

"I made chicken and fish so just choose what you want." She answered as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a plate. "So who were you hanging out with?"

"Just Jade." I lied.

"Really?" I paused.

"Okay I lied." I admitted with a sigh.

"I knew it. Don't try and get anything past me, it won't work."

"I know." I said and walked to my room with my food.

"Where are you going?"

"My room."I answered then shut the door.

Hiccup's POV

"What did I miss?" I asked as I walked in the front door.

"Where did you go?" Astrid questioned.

"I fed Toothless and Stormfly."

"Oh ok." She replied blandly. I raised an eyebrow.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm just really tired. I don't even know why." She shrugged.

"How about you get some sleep and I'll take care of everything." I said as I started guiding her to the stairs.

"I can't leave you with all of that,"

"Go to bed. I can haddle this."

"You sure?"

"Yes now go to sleep." I replied and pointed up the stairs. She laughed and walked up the stairs to our room.

/~next morning~\

I woke up when I heard Toothless snoring, which is almost as loud as him roaring. I rubbed my eyes and pulled the sheets off of me, and walked down the hallway. I peeked through Stoick's door to find him sleeping peacefully. I shut it quietly then walked downstairs.

"Dad I made breakfast!" Mercy shouted as I walked in the kitchen. She smiled at me as the pan of eggs burst into flames. "AH!" She screamed and threw the pan into a bucket of water. I laughed.

"When your mother gets up we'll go to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Yeah that's a smart choice." She mumbled as there was knock on the door. I walked over and opened it.

"Oh hey what's up?" I asked as mom walked in the house.

"Two things. First, I heard about you getting your family portrait painted and I wanted to see it. And second, I heard screaming." She stated.

"Oh that was me. I lit a pan of eggs on fire." Mercy admitted.

"Hey Hiccup has done the same thing." Astrid said as she walked down the steps. "Morning Valka."

"Yes we are getting the portrait painted today. Which reminds me, both of you go get dressed. Mercy burned our brekfast so we have to eat at the Great Hall."

"Okay." They said in unison then split off to their rooms.


I'm sorry but I have to end it there.

My brain is totally fried from this week.

But good news!

Winter break for me has officially begun!

But I'll be gone Tuesday to Saturday....

I'm going to Disneyland....

I'll see if my hotel has wifi but I'll get an update started as soon as possible.

I have to clean my room, do laundry, get new suitcases, and pack all this weekend and then on Sunday my grandma is coming over for an early Christmas dinner since I'll be gone Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

But if I don't update before then,


I will share pictures from ym vacation with my chapters.

Yes, that means you might see what I look like.

You probably will.

Alright this is getting long.



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