Chapter 49

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~5 years later~

Mercy's POV

"Where are you taking me? And why do I have to keep my eyes closed?" I said as my father guided me somewhere, maiking me cover my eyes.

"No matter how many times you ask, I'm going to give you the same answer. It's a surprise." He laughed a bit.

"Ok seriously how far are we from wherever we're going?"

"Just a few more steps and..." I heard heavy doors open. "Ok, open." I pulled my hands off my eyes to see the entire village in the Great Hall.

"Happy 15th birthdaay Mercy!" Everyone cheered with mugs held high in the air. I smiled so wide I thought my cheeks might split open. I walked forward to where the firepit sat.

"Hey birthday girl." Jade greeted. "How's your day going so far?"

"This is the best birthday I've ever had!" I shouted.

"Well I'm glad you're happy." She nudged my arm. "Hey Cody said to meet him in the cove when you were all done in here. I guess he has your birthday present."

"Or something else." I mumbled. She widened her eyes and looked at me.

"Oh my gods. I forgot you turned 15!! IT'S THE DAY WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!" She screamed.

"Shush! We'll see what happens tonight. And don't shout like that again you call so much attention." I said and punched her arm. "I'll go when everyone starts leaving."


Everyone was walking out of the Great Hall, saying one final 'happy birthday' to me before returning to their homes. After the final person had left, I slipped through the big doors and out into the snow. Yes, it just happened to snow on my birthday. I put up my hood and kept my hands in my pockets, attempting to stay warm. I climbed down the final rock into the cove and raised my head. No one was here. I lightly sighed.

"I guess I'll just wait for a little bit." I mumbled and walked over to a boulder by the water. I perched myself on top and stared down at the water. It was completely still, almost as if it were frozen with a clear sheet of ice. I tossed a pebble into the water, causing ripples to flow in every direction. I shivered. "I'm gonna catch my death out here." I stood up and slowly walked out of the cove and towards the village.

"I guess there's always tomorrow."

-the next day-

I woke up to the smell of breakfast. Which is unusual because I wake up before everyone else. I got out of bed and walked downstairs and saw mom in the kitchen.

"Oh good morning Mercy." She greeted with her usual happy smile.

"Morning mom." I sat down in the chair and rested my head on my arm.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just unusually tired today."

"Well you had a big night last night. I'm not surprised you're tired."

"Anyway, where's dad?"

"Oh he went to do some of his little errands. He went early because we have a surprise for you."

"Another one?"

"Yep! This one you'll enjoy though. Not that you didn't enjoy the party."

"I just don't enjoy the tired-ness that came from it."

-at jades-

"He didn't show up?!" Jade shouted.

"No! I waited in the blistering cold for an hour with only my jacket, pants and boots! I could've caught my death waiting for him." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Do you know what happened to him?"

"That's the worst part! I have no clue where he went! He would've at least left my a note in the snow in the cove or something. But there was nothing."

"What if he got kidnapped?"

"Berk isn't fighting anyone right now, so that's pretty unlikely."

"I highly doubt that Berk is at peace with everyone right now." She stated, putting emphasis on 'everyone'.

"I don't know but when I find him I swear to Thor he will not hear the end of it!"

"You know you should really relax, he probably got lost in the swarm of people in the Great Hall last night. I mean, the entire village was there!" She shouted.

"So he was in the Great Hall? And I didn't know?"

"He grabbed some dinner but then he left. At least I think so. The last time I saw him was a few minutes before you came up to me." She explained. I sighed.

"Whatever he'll turn up." I stated and sat down in my chair.

Hiccup's POV

"Astrid it's time." I stated. "She just turned 15 and we promised."

"I know. It just worries me. What if something happens?" She sighed.

"Oh come on you're blowing this out of proportion. She'll have a dragon with her, what could go wrong?"

"A lot of things. Remember when you first had Toothless?"

"Those were very different circumstances." I began. "I'm taking her to the sanctuary tomorrow with my Mom. You're invited if you want to come."

"I wish I could but I have to stay here and take care of Stoick. Since your mom won't be here no ones able to take care of him."

"What about Gobber?" She glanced at me as if I were crazy. "Nevermind."

"I'm okay with her getting a dragon. But we have to go over rules."

"We'll review them, but remember she's flown with Toothless since she was ten."

/~the next day~\

"Mercy get up for breakfast!" I shouted. She came into the dining room with a tired expression.

"Why so early?" She groaned.

"Because I'm taking you to the sanctuary to get a dragon today."

"No way really?!" She shouted with a perky expression all of the sudden.

"Yep. Since you're 15 now, it's time for you to have a dragon." Astrid replied.

"I'll go get dressed!" She ran over to her room before we could reply.

"Well at least she's excited." Astrid said with a little laugh.

"I'm gonna have her ride Stormfly there and then we'll have Stormfly follow us home if that's alright with you."

"I'm okay with it. As long as my dragon comes back." She threatened sarcastically.

"Haha Astrid like I would leave her anywhere. If that happened Thor knows what you would do to me." I mumbled as I looked over at her axe by the door. Mercy came sprinting out of her room and started pulling me towards the door.

"Let's go already!!" She said.

"Alright we'll be back Astrid!" I shouted. I caught a glimpse of her and Stoick waving bye before the door closed.


Mercy's POV

"This is gonna be so much fun! Think about it, when we're flying home I'll be on my very own dragon! Can you believe it?" I shouted as I rode behind dad on Toothless.

"It's a big day for you. Now, you do remember what I taught you right?" He questioned.

"Yes dad you kept repeating basically the same things for almost a month. I think it's permanently carved into my brain." I stated sarcastically.

"Very funny." He fake laughed as we dipped into the cave that lead to the sanctuary. We all hopped off of our dragons and began to walk the rest of the way there. Over the rocks and through tight spaces. After about a 5 minute climb, we finally reached the center.

"Ah I haven't been here in a while. Not much has changed." Dad said as he smiled and looked out at all of the dragons flying around. "Well, any types in mind?"

"I have a name in mind if that means anything." I shrugged. "But yes, I do have a type. I'm thinking Hobblegrunt." He raised his eyebrows.

"That's a good choice. I wasn't expecting you to choose that one." Dad laughed. "Well let's find one." We walked around looking for any signs of a Hobblegrunt. I turned a corner and saw one, peacefully eating a fish.

"Dad I found one." I waved him over. He peeked around the corner.

"Nice. Now you don't have any weapons on you, right?"

"Nope. I left my knife in Toothless's saddle bag, and everything else at home."

"Why did you bring a knife?"

"In case I needed to defend myself and we got separated. Doesn't hurt to be cautious."

"Alright." He said. "Now get over there." He added and pushed me towards the dragon.

It noticed me as I stepped closer. It had a curious look on its face, and didn't seem threatened by me. It took a step forward, and I stopped. We made eye contact as it inspected me from head to toe. Well, I guess this is easier then finding a dragon in the woods. I began to raise my hand, and turn my head. Like how dad taught me. After a few seconds, I felt a scaly snout in my hand. I looked back and saw the dragon looking at me with a friendly expression.

"You did it!" Dad shouted from the stone wall.

"I did! Woohoo!!" I chanted as I scratched the dragon. It purred and stood beside me.

"Name?" Dad questioned as he walked over to us.

"I've already got one." I began and stood proudly. "Her name, is Sadie."

And viola finally an update!

I know it's been forever and a lot of people gave up on this story because it wasn't being updated.

And I'm super duper sorry about that.

Schoolwork kept getting in the way and then I fell into the darkest fandom of them all,

The anime fandom.

And that's been consuming me, then more schoolwork,

And then I'm getting a new bed for my room and I'm upgrading my bow for archery so I'll have to practice more with my new bow, and my parents will expect me to do more tournaments and there's gonna be a lot on my plate.

But anyway, it's time to get to the topic of what's gonna happen with the story.

I'm running dry on ideas for anything that could happen after this, and I feel that if I trail it out, it'll turn to crap.

So I might make one last chapter, and then end the book.

And I'm sorry, but there wouldn't be a sequel.

The last chapter will answer some unanswered questions from this chapter, and create an ending to everything.

I'm not sure when I'll have it published, but please, understand that I don't want to make this story horrible.

So I'll see you in the next, and final update.


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