Chapter 16

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Khushi's POV

I am about to cry hearing all the accusations when Lavanyaji holds me for support and even slaps Arnav for me. I am so disgusted in myself for loving this guy.

Lavanyaji (angry) - that's enough Mr Arnav Singh Raizada... not a word against Khushi... not only are you defaming Khushi but also my husband... You can't doubt Khushi's character as you were never loyal to anyone... firstly, you were engaged to me yet you were busy romancing Khushi... is this loyalty? No! Secondly, even after your real marriage with Khushi, you were busy spending time with your ex-girlfriend... I am not going to say anything more as I believe Khushi should be the one to stand up to you... not me...

Me (trying to be brave) - Excuse me, (turning to the lawyer) as you can see we aren't compatible... we can't live together... not even for 6 months... I want a divorce from him as soon as possible... I don't want to live another compromised marriage...

Arnav (angry) - Me neither...

Lawyer - I am sorry but I can't do much... as per the law you both have to stay together for 6 months otherwise, divorce can't be granted...

Why devimaya? Why do you want me to go back to the rakshas?

I look at Aryan who is sleeping peacefully, unaware of the storm and this gives me strength. I will not let my son live a life like I did... he shouldn't be living a compromised life

Me (annoyed) - I will find a lawyer who can help me get divorce... faster...

I leave in a huff, with Lavanyaji besides me holding on to me which is telling me to be strong. As I am about to sit in the car, the lawyer stops me.

Lawyer - this was your Nani's letter that she told me to give you... before she passed away... I couldn't give it to you in front of people as she told me to give it to you privately...

The lawyer leaves after giving me a white envelope. I lay the sleeping Aryan at the back with pillows around to make sure he doesn't fall and I even put a belt while I sit at the front staring at the paper.

Lavanyaji (curious) - Open it Khushi...

I unwillingly open the paper and I stare at the note wondering if I should read it or not. My heart tells me to read it but my brain telling me not to. Eventually, I listen to my heart and open the paper.

Hello, Khushi bitiya,

I am sure you are reading this letter as I am no longer alive. I am really sorry bitiya for treating you like a slave... I want to apologise to Payal bitiya as well and there is a separate letter inside for her. I know you must be angry with me for forcing you to be in a relationship with Arnav for 6 months but I had no choice bitiya... this Sheetal is trying to take over RM... I am sure you must know this by now and you are my only hope... as all the other members in the house are all fond of Sheetal... I heard Sheetal on the phone talking to someone telling them her plan to marry Arnav to take over RM... I can't let Arnav's hard work go to waste bitiya... and I know you wouldn't want that either. I know you hate him a lot and I don't blame you at all. He forced you to marry him for 6 months... and manhandled you during that time... I regret spoiling him so much... I regret not teaching him how to behave with females, but at the same time I can understand why he changed and I know that's not a good enough reason. I am sorry Khushi bitiya as due to my bad upbringing you are going through so much pain... I know you would say no naniji that's not true but it's. This house was my responsibility, I should have kept the family together... I should have taught them manners. Manorma kept ordering you and treating you and Payal bitiya as a servant but I said nothing. Anjali was living off her brothers' money, being useless at home but I said nothing... while you both... you both were fulfilling your duties of a wife and a daughter-in-law so wonderfully but we took both of you for granted. I am sorry. Can you fulfil my last wish of bringing the family together... can you change the family to be more connected? I want nothing else but that... can you do that for me? I won't mind if you don't do it either. If you want a divorce from Arnav then you can see the lawyer that gave you this paper and he will get you to divorce within a week, but if you can fulfil my last wish then... I will always be grateful to you.



I close the paper feeling sad for naniji... she couldn't even die peacefully... she has so many regrets...

Lavanyaji (worried) - Khushi... what happened? You look tensed...

Me (worried) - What should I do Lavanyaji? Naniji wrote me a letter saying sorry for her past deeds and even apologise on behalf of Arnav... she asked me to fulfil her last wish which is to have the family join back together... I don't know if I should help her Lavanyaji... I love naniji a lot and even respect her but that family... I don't know Lavayaji...

Lavanyaji (worried) - I can't tell you what to choose Khushi... but I can tell you this ... I don't want you to have any regrets at the end of the day... as having regrets hurts.

No one's POV

The journey to the hotel was silent, no one spoke after the mini conversation. Khushi took a sleeping Aryan to her room, while Lavanya went inside hers but as soon as she comes in, she sees an angry Nk, coming closer she could see Nk has seen her ticket.

Oh god, I am screwed, no Lavanya you have to be strong... this guy needs to know the reason behind this bold step you are taking. ~ Lavanya's thought.

Gulping, Lavanya walks in and sits on the bed ignoring Nk's angry look.

Nk (angry) - What is this Lavanya?

Lavanya - I don't know Nk... can you read what it says? Oh wait, it says flight ticket... to Canada

NK (angry) - What is this Lavanya? When were you planning on telling me this?

Lavanya (annoyed) - Never...

Nk (angry) - What are you trying to say Lavanya? Why are you leaving the family? They think of you as their daughter-in-law... they love you so much then why are you doing this?

Lavanya (angry) - I love them as well...Akshara aunty... Naitik uncle... but the truth is I have never got valued by my husband... nor been loved by him... what's the point of living in a house where the person who you married is running behind a married woman? Today I will tell you a truth... just like you didn't want to marry me... I didn't want to marry you either... I was under family pressure as well... when you came to see me during our engagement day to tell me about how you love someone else and how you don't want to marry me... I wanted to tell you the truth as well... but you just left... left after telling me your stupid confession... did you think I would stop this wedding? Well, guess what... I couldn't... even after your stupid confession, because of my mother who told me to give my life another chance and I agreed... I thought I could make you fall for me... I thought I could fall for you... but the truth is... I couldn't make you fall for me... nor I fell for you... as the person, you love lives in this damn house...KHUSHI! ... every guy I ever loved or was close with... fell for Khushi... what did she have that I didn't have? I even changed for ASR... but he fell for her... wow... I won't blame Khushi though... as it's not her fault... all I want to say is that I can't live with a guy who can't value this marriage... I am not going to stay here...

Nk (annoyed) - Why didn't you tell me Lavanya that even you were forced to marry me? I thought you were selfish ... as you didn't stop the wedding... so I just ignored you...

Lavanya (angry) - What is wrong with the Raizadas? STOP ASSUMING THINGS! I am not selfish... I will I was going to tell you the reason behind why I accepted this proposal ...but my mother told me to not tell you and start a new life with you... forget my past... and that's why I took the marriage that we did seriously... and I decided to fulfil all my responsibilities... wife... daughter-in-law... but you! You kept on flirting with Khushi... eyeing her... despite your wife right next to you... I got tired of seeing that... and that's when something wonderful happened in my life... and I got the tickets to Canada... the place I always dreamt of visiting...

Nk (upset) - I am sorry Lavanya... I couldn't control my emotions... I misunderstood you nor I was a good husband... I know a sorry wouldn't bring back those four painful months for you... but I want to make it up to you...

Lavanya (annoyed) - No Nk... you can't... you have lost the respect I had for you... not only did you become another ASR... but you also cheated me... don't you understand that Khushi did, does and will continually love ASR... you can never take his place... you are a friend to her and will continue to be... as for our relationship... it can never be the same... I am glad you got to know the truth... as it was hurting me so much...

Nk (upset) - You are right Lavanya... Khushiji... can never be mine... I saw the way Nannav was looking at Khushiji when she hugged me... I could see jealousy but at the same time I could see love...even Khushiji can't hide her love for him... she may say she is angry with him or hates him... but in reality, she is disappointed in him... but loves him.. I keep trying to convince myself that Khushiji will one day love me... but the truth is... she won't... and you made me realise it... it was an invisible slap for me... I am sorry Lavanya... (goes down on his knees)... forgive me...

Lavanya stares at the figure who is on his knees and immediately rushes to the bathroom.

Lavanya's POV

I should have confronted him before but he should have realised his mistake before. No Lavanya! You can't tell him the truth... about how you got the tickets to Canada...otherwise, he will forever hate you... I am falling for him... and... I shouldn't... I don't belong with him... I should follow my dreams...

Lavanya's POV ends

What should Lavanya choose?

Her Dreams?

Her husband?

Will Khushi go back to the Raizadas?

Next Update: Thursday

Precap - Past in Arnav's POV

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