Chapter 17

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Arnav's POV

I stare at Khushi who leaves the house with anger. This is not the Khushi I knew... she valued marriage and wouldn't have taken such a bold step such as divorce... but then again, I am not the same ASR. Lavanya was right, I did cheat her but Khushi... I never cheated her... I love her to bits... then... she was the one who cheated on me... if she didn't leave me for Nk... then this situation wouldn't have occurred... I can't believe she has a son with him.

Mami (angry) - Arnav bitwa... was phati saree saying the truth? Did you force her to marry you?

Me (annoyed) - YES DAMMIT! I forced her... I forced her so di could have a happy married life...but I have no regrets... as she ended up cheating me as well...

Di (angry) - How could you choote? Yes, I hate Khushi... but I am a woman as well and I wouldn't want to be forced into a marriage with anyone... I wouldn't want to be blackmailed either... and you did all this for me... wow... choote... if you knew Shyam was such a bad guy then instead of encouraging his behaviour you should have exposed him... you shouldn't have forced Khushi to live with you... that's just wrong...

Sheetal (annoyed) - No di, you were pregnant ... What ASR did was right... he thought about you and decided to keep it hidden so you were happy during your pregnancy...

Di (annoyed) - No Sheetalji... I would prefer real happiness instead of fake ones...

Me (angry) - What the... you all are blaming me... she was the one that cheated me... she was the one that left me... and yet you all are blaming me... and di... you would prefer real happiness over fake ones... right? Then why the f**k did you let him enter our house when you were pregnant... despite the evidence against him...

Di (annoyed) - As unlike you... I trusted my husband fully... but after he murdered my Rajkumari... I left him... I don't regret my choice... of trusting him... just because someone says to me... that your husband is not the correct person, doesn't mean... I will divorce him... or show a lack of trust in him... I do regret that I chose the wrong person to trust... but I am glad that at least, I showed faith in my husband... but... I am so disappointed in you choote for torturing Khushi... even though I hate her... I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone...

Di leaves the room, while Sheetal goes running after her.

Mami (annoyed) - Arnav bitwa... I didn't expect this for you...

What has this Khushi done that is making my entire family hates me? I did this all for di, but even di doesn't like the fact that I took the bold step. I angrily left the room. I start to break the things... those frames of Khushi... those frames of us as a couple and after a while, I sit in the room feeling dejected.

Flashback ~ A month after Khushi leaves RM

The house had lost the happiness, ever since Khushi had left. I walk inside the house, after my tiring day at AR to see Nani looking at me dejectedly. A lot has changed ever since Khushi left. I started to regret ignoring her and torturing her, maybe if I wasn't so ruthless and heartless to her then she wouldn't have left. If I could go back to the past and fix my mistakes then I would... I can't live without her. I shouldn't have given more importance to Sheetal, my wife should have been my main priority and I should have yelled at Aarav whenever he disrespected Khushi... I am sorry Khushi... come back.

Everything has changed in the house, the breakfast and lunch were now made my mami while the dinner was made by di. I used to constantly get up early and come home late, as I felt that if I had time for myself then I will only think about Khushi.

Nani (worried) - Choote... you need to cut down the money you give to Anjali... she is giving half the money you give to Sheetal and her son... it has only been 3 weeks since she left... and Anjali has started giving her money... and she is constantly nagging me to let Sheetal live here... I want you to give her less money so she learns the value behind the money and also so that she stops giving money to people that don't deserve your hard-working money...

Me (annoyed) - Nani... I respect you a lot... but I am not going to do anything like that... I am earning this much for di... and if she wants to give it to Sheetal and her child... then let her... I won't interfere... as it's her life... and please don't complain to me... about any of this... I am already stressed about Khushi... and hearing all these complaints are making me annoyed.

Nani (angry) - CHOOTE! Don't you dare you to answer back to me... you will do what I told you... and secondly, I am glad that Khushi left you... she doesn't deserve you... how could you force her to live with you for 6 months? How can you force her for a contract marriage? I didn't expect this from you... not only did you disrespect the concept of marriage... but you also proved to me that I failed to give you a good upbringing... I failed... you are turning out to be like your father...

I stare at Nani with shock, not only did she figure out the truth about the contract marriage but also compared me to my father. I rush upstairs not bothering to even finish the dinner and I cry while holding Khush's photo. I miss you, my Jaan.

The next day, hearing a scream, I rushed downstairs to see di crying while holding nani. As I come closer, I realised that... nani... is no more. I start to feel guilt running through my veins, I talked with her so badly last night.

After that day, I started feeling more depressed and started to distance myself from people. Soon, di bought Sheetal back in the house despite my protests and tried to emotionally blackmail me to marry her. I constantly denied until I got a parcel a few weeks later which contained Nk and Khushi's photos wearing bridal clothes which I immediately thought of as photoshopped and fake but the next is a marriage certificate. I immediately called one of the best lawyers to figure out whether the certificate was real or not and he declared it as real... leading to my hatred for Khushi and me discovering her truth. When I went home, I was shocked to know that di tried to commit suicide and when I asked her the reason, she said to marry Sheetal and for di as well in my anger I married Sheetal. But, no one knows the truth that I hired a fake pandit for this marriage and that mine and Sheetal's marriage isn't real... it's fake. I would never betray Khushi... not even in my dreams. I tried to tell Sheetal that the marriage is fake, but every time, something happened which lead me to not tell the truth to her. I love di a lot but betraying the love of my life, isn't something I would want to do. I have never touched Sheetal but I have given her money to spend and even looked after her son.

Flashback ends

I come out of my flashback, hearing phone rings. I immediately picked up the phone without looking at the id.


Me (angry) - Call later, I am not in the mood...

Khushi (annoyed) - Even I don't have time to waste Mr Arnav Singh Raizada... I am calling to inform you to get your room cleaned up... as me and my son are coming to live with you for six months...

Me (angry) - What the... you aren't living in my house dammit... I won't let you... nor your son enters my house...

Khushi (annoyed) - I thought you cared about your Nani... can't you fulfil her last wish... and secondly, I ain't coming for you... neither is my son... I am coming to fulfil Naniji's last wish... which was to see the family as one...united one... I am not at all coming to separate you from your wife and please tell her that... after I leave you can live happily with your wife and son...

Me (annoyed) - What the... you can't just come in like that... they are my family... and secondly, Sheetal isn't my goddamn wife... I only married her as you left me for Nk...and Aarav isn't my son either... she is Sheetal's son...

I wanted to tell her the truth, that Sheetal isn't my wife but, after her betrayal, I feel she doesn't deserve to know.

Khushi's POV

I try my hardest to not cry, hearing him confess that he only married Sheetal due to his misunderstanding. It means he still loves me... but, it's too late... we aren't meant to be... he used me like a tissue paper... and threw me out of his life when he didn't need me...

Me (trying to be strong) - Too bad, Mr Arnav Singh yourself gave her the right... and you... told Aarav to call you dad... and as far as me coming in your life... I have every right ... we are still not divorced... and we won't until... I finish my task... unlike you... I respect people's last wishes...especially if the person is close to my heart... and that's why I am coming... oh and before I forget... don't get the wrong idea that I want to mend my relationship with I am happy in my life... I don't need my life to be destroyed...

Arnav (angry) - What the... do you realise what you are saying? My marriage with Sheetal ...

Before he could finish his sentence, I cut the phone. I don't want to hear him blame me... I don't want him to tell me indirectly that he still loves me... because... I will break down... I will cry on the phone... I will show my weakness... because no matter how much I deny... I still have feelings for him... but both my brain and heart are telling me not to be weak and that's what I will do. Arnav doesn't realise that anger does nothing but make the situation worse. In his anger, he forcefully married me... in his anger he manhandled me... in his anger, he ignored me... I won't let him do that anymore. I wipe my tears coming out of my eyes and I bravely put Arnav's call on silent and then I head towards my baby... to sleep with him. Tomorrow will be a big day... for both of us.

Is Anjali/Manorma showing fake sympathy for Khushi?

What will happen to Arshi's relation?

Will Khushi stay strong or will she become weak?

Will Nk & Lavanya come to RM with her?

Precap - Aryan and Khushi's first day at RM

So many questions, don't worry they will be answered soon

Thank you for the votes and comments in the previous chapter.

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