Chapter 20

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No One's POV

Aarav comes stomping towards Anjali and looks at her with questionable expression. Hearing his screams, everyone comes out and watches the scene in front of them.

Aarav (upset) - what are you trying to say Anjali maa?

Anjali (upset) - Aarav, the truth is choote isn't your father... neither is Sheetal your mother... you are from an orphanage....

Aarav (angry) - No... you are lying... mum (goes to a shocked Sheetal)...

Sheetal who was in shock comes out of shock and starts her fake tears.

Sheetal (upset) - Di... why would you say that? You know that Aarav is Arnav's child... remember those DNA reports that you found in your room... after the basketball match.


Anjali goes to her room, and sees the DNA reports of Aarav and Arnav on her bed, she reads the reports and gets shocked.

Anjali's POV

No, this can't be. Choote would never cheat on Khushiji, this report is fake. It can't be true. I dial the hospital's number to check. The hospital finally picks up but as I am about to talk to them regarding the reports, Sheetalji throws my phone away and starts crying.

Sheetalji (upset) - Don't you believe these reports Anjaliji? Why would I lie? I have been keeping Aarav away from his father for too long...

Me (upset) - Sheetalji... I have trust in you... but I have more trust in choote... he wouldn't do anything like that... he knows the consequences...

Sheetalji (crying) - I am not lying Anjaliji... Aarav is exactly like his father... what more proof do you need? And, if you still need more proof then call the hospital... actually, call my ex-husband... he can tell you whether or not Aarav is ASR's son or not... he accepted Aarav with all his heart... when he married me... but then... he started hurting Aarav discovering it was ASR's son...

I look at Sheetalji, with an unsure look. Choote would never make this mistake, but why would Sheetalji make up this? I smile at Sheetalji telling her I believe her and after she leaves, I call the detectives to find more information about Sheetal and Aarav.

Anjali's POV ends

Anjali (angry) - don't you dare you to lie to me... Ms Kapoor... I know the truth... my detectives told me everything.... I have tolerated you for a long time, I even pretended to hate Khushiji for you... I already knew you seem fishy... it took my detectives 6 months to find every information about you... in the meantime, I had to comply with whatever you told me... as I didn't know whether you were dangerous or not... I wanted to tell choote about my suspicions but you were watching my every move... so... I couldn't...

Khushi (mocking her) - oh just because she was watching you... you couldn't tell your choote... well, Miss Raizada... oh, wait... I mean Mrs Mathur... don't play the innocent card... as you aren't innocent... in fact, you are even worse then Sheetal in some ways... Sheetal separated Arnav and I... while... you tried to break your own brother's house... I saw the jealousy on your face whenever Arnav spent time with me... and when you got the opportunity to separate Arnav and I using Sheetal... you grabbed it... I respected you a lot Anjali... but you and your family taught me... that no one in this house... would respect their middle-class daughters-in-law... no one in this house is innocent... the biggest culprit is Arnav Singh Raizada... now go back to your work... I don't want to hear another word from you...

Sheetal is about to argue back, but one glare from Khushi and she goes back to work, while a guilty Anjali limps to her job. Seeing no one in sight, Khushi goes with Payal to Aarav, who is crying in his room, but before they could help him, Akash comes running to Khushi.

Akash (worried) - Khushiji... Aryan... wants you...

Khushi's motherly extinct took the best of her and left to check on Aryan, while Akash stares at Payal.

Akash (worried) - I know Khushiji can handle herself... but this much stress isn't good... I think it's best if both of us talk to Aarav...

Payal nods and both of them walk into check on Aarav.

Payal's POV

Aarav is staring at a photo frame and crying while talking to it. We carefully, approach him and we see him holding a photo. As I get closer, I am surprised to see a photo of a man.

Aarav (unaware of our presence) - I did... as you said, papa... (sniff)... but... hearing the word orphan... it made me weak... papa... come back... I don't like it here... Arnav dad... he doesn't attend any of my events... (sniff) neither parent-teacher nor basketball matches...but you, papa... You attended both of it... while making sure that Sheetal mumma, doesn't get to know... I love you, papa... com...come back...

Aarav kisses the frame, making me shocked as I could finally see who it was. How can that be possible?

Who could it be?

Precap - Payal & Akash meet Aarav's father

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Next Update: Monday

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