Chapter 21

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Payal's POV

Akash (shocked) - Aman!

Aarav turns around and gets shocked seeing Akash and I. He starts to shake in fear, and therefore, I go near him and try to calm him down.

Akash (trying to help) - Aarav, it's ok... we aren't the bad people... we won't hurt you... I promise... here is chocolate to keep my promise (offers chocolate)

Aarav doesn't react, instead, he continues to shake, making me feel really worried.

Me (worried) - Akash, call Aman... and tell him to meet us at the hospital.... And tell Khushi about the incident...

I carry Aarav outside, to the car, making sure no one notices us leaving like that, as they could tell Sheetal and the result won't be good. Sitting at the back, I wait for Akash who comes running to the car and we drive.

Akash (worried) - Aman, said to take him to his house... apparently, the doctors won't be much of a help... and he promised to explain everything to us...

I nod, but while driving I think about Khushi. How will she handle the situation herself? These Raizadas will annoy her... a lot... and even Aryan is with her. Should I go back?

Me (worried) - Khushi...

Akash (smiling) - don't worry Khushiji... can look after the Raizadas... and I have asked Lavanya and Nk to come to RM...

Me (worried) - why did you ask them Akash? They are newlywed... they need privacy and Khushi specially told us not to disturb them...

Akash (upset) - I know Payal... but leaving Khushiji alone isn't an option... she is brave but when Arnav gets angry... he gets out of control and I want no one to harm an angel...

Nk's POV

Lavanya and I are on a rough patch now... she is confused on whether to choose her husband or her career and I don't blame her. I have done what Arnav did to Khushiji... cheated on Lavanya. Even Though, I didn't marry another woman... I had another woman in my heart when I was married to Lavanya and that is another form of cheating. I regret doing it... I regret not giving Lavanya a chance... I regret not talking about my issues with her. Why did I expect Khushiji to return my feelings? I was wrong. I should talk to Lavanya... it has been two days... and we have managed to avoid each other. But not anymore. I silently go outside to the living room, where Lavanya is on the phone with someone and saying to them that she will be there. After she cuts the call, she turns around and stares at me, her eyes shows some hidden emotions. I approach her silently, wanting to discuss my feelings with her.

Me (upset) - Lavanya...

Lavanya (worried) - Discuss in car... we need to go to RM...

I nod without asking questions, I know that it must be an emergency as Khushiji wanted us to have some privacy and wouldn't call us if it wasn't urgent. We rush inside the car and after putting on our belts. I talk....

Me (worried) - look Lavanya, you don't have to choose between me and your work... as you need to make yourself a priority ... don't feel that you are pressured to choose me... just because I am your husband ... I think it's best if you choose your work... after all that is your dream... and I will support you... no matter what you choose... even though I can't come to Canada... due to visa problems... I will support you...

Lavanya (upset) - Nk... I know you will support me... as you have realised your mistake... but I am thinking about what we should we do with this compromised marriage? I know that marriage is a sacred bond... and it's not something you should joke about or make fun of... but in order for a marriage to be successful, there has to be trust and understanding... Which we don't have... you know na Nk, I have already had a failed relationship... and our marriage is also failed... I can't take anymore... I want to give you a chance... but I am scared... to get broken again... I know you will say, no... I won't hurt you again... but there is no guarantee ... and I know that you can't guarantee it... all I am saying is... I want some time... of our relationship... I want to live freely for once... I want to live, how I used to live before I met ASR...

Me (upset) - I understand Lavanya... and I know it is hard for you to be in a relationship at the moment... but I will wait... I will wait until you are ready to be in one... we can at least be friends... (smiling)... friends that will support each other... that will help each other reach their dreams... and this way, you can also live your life freely

Lavanya (upset) - maybe Nk... for now... Khushi needs us...

After we park our car, we rush inside the mansion, I am not even going to comment on this mansion, as it doesn't deserve so much attention from me. We walk in to see a heated argument happening between Khushi and Arnav while Sheetal is smirking and poor Aryan is sleeping in Khushi's arms.

No one's POV

Arnav (angry) - what the... What are you trying to prove, Khushi?

Khushi (playing innocent) - what are you talking about?

Arnav (angry) - you rejected the designs made by me... what is that supposed to mean?

Khushi (annoyed) - Are you normally this dumb? Or is today a special day... wait, no! You are always dumb... I am seriously doubting where you got your degree from?

Arnav (annoyed) - stop answering in riddles... and tell me!

Khushi (annoyed) - it means that your designs aren't good... and are lacking things...

Arnav (annoyed) - What the... you are taking revenge on me? You know how important this deal is to my business... and that's why you are hell-bent on making my business to look down...

Khushi (annoyed) - Unlike you Mr Raizada, I don't mix my personal and professional life... the designs were just not good... in fact, my boss agrees with me and that's why we rejected your designs... you do realise, I am not the boss... of the business and I don't make any decisions... if I was the boss... then I wouldn't have done a partnership with you... as you can't be trusted.

Arnav (annoyed) - I can't be trusted? Wow... Khushi Kumari Gupta...Singh Raizada... this is being hypocritical...(sees Nk and Lavanya), your husband is here...

Suddenly, Khushi in her anger uses her free hand and slaps Arnav across his cheeks, making his cheeks red.

Khushi (angry) - are you stupid? How many times do I have to tell you this, Arnav? He is my best friend... and that's his wife... you want proof right? (frantically looks for photos on her phone) Here... (shows Lavanya and Nk's marriage photos), they are freaking married... you know what, you disgust me Arnav... A girl and a guy can be friends... we don't always have to be a boyfriend, girlfriend or husband-wife... I am a loyal person, Mr Arnav Singh Raizada... unlike you, I haven't married anyone, nor am I in a relationship with anyone... and not because I love you or anything, because my love for you died when I heard that you got married to Sheetal... two months after I left...and I am not committed yet... as I want a divorce and after that... I can be a free bird... now, coming to you... you are the cheater... and betrayer... you married Sheetal, two months after I left... you loved me... yet you married her... you loved me... yet you went on honeymoon with her... what is this? Is this your love? Don't tell me... oh, Khushi... I love you only... I only married her as di told me to... because that's just bulls***... marriage is not something to joke about or play with... you should know that! Just because your sister, told you to marry Sheetal, doesn't mean you have to... you aren't some puppet... You should stop being so over...actually, no! Why am I telling you what to do? It's not like you will listen... I am wasting my time... and breath

Khushi leaves in a huff to go to her bedroom, while Lavanya follows her.

Nk (annoyed) - you know what Arnav... I have seen mumma's boys... and I have seen papa's princesses... but, for the first time... I have seen a sister's doll... which is you Arnav... who does nothing but follow orders from his sister... being a mumma's boy and papa's princess... isn't something bad as your parents always wish for your life to be filled with happiness... but your sister... she wishes for your life to be destroyed... I can't believe that I am related to a guy like you... with such disgusting thinking...

Arnav (angry) - I should be the one saying that Nk... yes, I am a sister's doll... because she is my only family in this world now... so obviously, I will try to fulfil all her dreams... but, what about you... you are constantly beside Khushi... and since day one you had feelings for her... and even after my marriage with her... you still had feelings... even though you claim to be married with Lavanya...why do I sense you still have feelings for Khushi? If I am cheating on Khushi... then you aren't being fair, with Lavanya... you are also cheating on her.... As despite being in a relationship with Lavanya... your eyes are constantly searching for my Khushi... they show LOVE... not friendship... while for Lavanya, it shows nothing... why is that?

Nk (angry) - what a hypocrite... Yes, I have feelings for Khushiji... but I never forced her to have the same feelings as me... and I am trying to get rid of these feelings... unlike you. You are married to Sheetal... have feelings for Khushiji...

NK also leaves an angry Arnav behind.

Arnav's POV

Nk is right, I should tell Sheetal the truth about my marriage with her. I don't want to be called a cheater... I know people would still call me a cheater, or a loser but, if I fix my mistake then at least I can say I have done the right thing. Nk and Lavanya are married, that means... my Khushi... she never cheated me, but it was me who took her for granted... it was me who hurt her... it was me who betrayed her. Why? Why didn't I listen to my heart? Why did I listen to my brain? I am the worst husband... Khushi, despite my flaws, stayed with me, even after I accused her of having an affair with Shyam... and again, I did the same mistake. I am sorry Khushi! I really am... I want to get one last chance... please, Khushi. I will try to win you back as your Arnavji and laad governor... not as ASR, but at the end of the day, it will be your choice whether to forgive me or not.

Precap - A hidden secret revealed

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Next Update : Monday

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