Chapter 22

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Akash's POV

We rushed inside, Aman's house with a timid Aarav. Aman immediately goes towards Aarav and applies some kind of medication, which stops him from shaking. I feel a sense of relief running through my body, seeing him fine.

Aman (nervous) - come in...

Aman invites us into his house with nervousness seen on his face. He is even sweating. He carries Aarav to bed and then sits on the sofa beside us. Payal looks at him with questions on her face, and after a few awkward minutes, he starts talking.

Aman (upset) - Aarav is my sister's son...

Payal (confused) - I thought you were an only child...

Exactly, how is it possible?

Aman (upset) - I had an elder sister... she was 5 years older than me... while I was studying in Harvard, she got married against, my parent's permission... when I came back and got to know about this... my parents told me to forget I ever had a sister... and therefore, no one knew I had a sister... I was still in contact with her... unfortunately, after her marriage... even the guy's family refused to accept her... and therefore, my sister and my jiju started living separately from their families and created their own little family... soon, they were going to get an addition... my sister told me and I was so happy for her... however, my parents and my jiju's parents... still hadn't melt... and I lost contact with them after... as I started working for ASR... and I was given so much work... and I had family pressure... that I just lost contact with her... but 8 months ago... when I first saw, Aarav... I decided to find details about him... since he looked so familiar and I thought ASR will also ask me to... guess what I got to know... (eyes me and Payal)

Me (smiling) - he is your nephew...

Aman (smiling) - yes... however, I also got to know about Sheetal and how she treats him... and what she told him... I felt an urge to protect him... so... (upset)... I know you won't like this, but I married Anjali... for Aarav...

For some reason, I didn't feel any kind of hatred or anger inside me, hearing it... if it was Arnav then, he would have been outraged... but, me... I feel nothing... it's karma... the way she behaved with Khushiji and Payal... the way, she destroyed her brother's life... she kinda deserves this.

Aman (observing my emotions) - you don't seem angry... why?

Me (unaffected) - cause, karma is hitting Anjali... continue though...

Aman (upset) - well, I married Anjali... however, I never touched her... nor... gave her false hopes... she thinks I married her since I loved her... and that I need time before we do anything physical... unfortunately, I fell for Anjali... within a month of our marriage... but, I said nothing... nor did anything... I am still trying to get rid of these feelings... as Anjali and I aren't meant to be... she isn't right for me... she doesn't care about anything but her luxury given by her brother... and her makeup... and her religious duties... while I... my mother is my responsibility... I left Anjali... the other day, as I heard about my mother's health... and how she needed me ... mother comes before everyone... I tried to convince Anjali to come, but she chose her luxury... so I left... but before leaving I told Aarav that I am his father and that Sheetal is lying to him... and I told him... to keep it a secret... and if Sheetal tries to hurt him... then he should tell me...

I put my hand on Aman's shoulder, to show how I support him, while Payal smiles seeing my actions, even though, somewhere I know she feels sad for Anjali.

Anjali (shocked) - Amanji!

Anjali storms towards Aman, and is about to slap him when Payal holds her hand.

Payal (angry) - don't you dare! You deserve this! He isn't lying... and yes, he married you to save Aarav, but he fell for you! He didn't cheat on you... never tried to get physical with you... nor force you to do something you aren't comfortable with... as he is a nice guy...

 Anjali (angry) - What are you saying Payal? How can this guy be nice? He played with my feelings... and just because I am not nice... doesn't mean he gets the right to play with me... he is just like Shyam... I guess I don't deserve love...

Me (annoyed) - I guess not, since you tried to break your own brother's marriage... and even tried to kill dadi...

Everyone looks at me shocked by the revelation. I guess everyone should know the truth.

Me (annoyed) - the medicine... that you kept adding in dadi's food wasn't a medication... it was poison... slow poison... which would make her death seem natural...

Anjali (shocked) - WHAT? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I wasn't trying to do that... I only gave the medications that the doctor told me to get...

Me (annoyed) - I only got to know about it, after I did some background check on the medications... as the night before dadi died... she told me, that someone wants to kill her... I decided to do some research... and I asked HP... to tell me if dadi takes any medications... and who gives it... that's when...I found out how medicine... was poison for dadi... I immediately decided to go see dadi... but... it was late... and I didn't have the keys to the house... nor ... I couldn't call anyone... either as people would be asleep... I called HP... again to make sure dadi doesn't get the medication... but, even he didn't pick up, since it was nearly 2 am so, I decided to go the next day... and that was my biggest mistake... I COULD HAVE SAVED HER... I should have gone as soon as I found out about the medication.

I stare at the shocked expression of everyone, and soon cries can be heard. I go towards Payal to comfort her but she pushes me off.

Payal (upset) - Akash, when we decided to give our relationship... a cha...chance... we promised each other not to keep secrets... as that's what makes relationships weak and fragile... I thought we were trying to build it... I ...

Payal walks away and I am about to run behind her, but then I realise that she needs time, therefore, I stay back.

Aman (upset) - As much as I want to believe you Akash, I can't... yes, Anjali is a woman, who gets jealous easily... but, never... would she hurt someone... and she isn't lying... (stares at di, who is crying uncontrollably) ...

Anjali (upset) - You... me... so much...

Aman (upset) - that's the foundation of a relationship... even though, I may have only married you for Aarav... when I said, I love you to you... I didn't fake it... when I said I trust you... I didn't fake it... it's kind of upsetting, that I fell for a woman, who only thinks of her luxury...

Aman goes inside, while di follows him. I think I should see Payal.

Precap - Arnav and Nk's small efforts to win Khushi and Lavanya love

Thank you for the comments and votes in the previous update

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