Chapter 26

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Lavanya's POV

Next Day

I stare at my packed luggage, with a little bit of regret, I am falling for NK... or I have already fallen for him. No, Lavanya. You have lived enough for people, now it is time to live for yourself, not for anyone else. You have already done that for half of your life. I carry my bag half-heartedly downstairs. I get super surprised to see Nk waiting downstairs for me as despite being married, both Nk and I have different rooms in this hotel, and therefore, I was going to leave without letting him know.

NK (upset) - How can you think of doing that Lavanya? We just started our relationship based on friendship and you are already thinking of betraying this friendship... I know I have hurt you a lot... but, this would be the worst punishment...

Me (upset) - look Nk, I am struggling with my life currently, I have finally decided to be selfish and choose my career but if I continue to see you and hang with you... I will fall for you... which would prevent me from reaching my goals... it's not every day I get this opportunity... I just thought that I will fall weak if I see you for the last time...

Nk (upset) - this is not last time Lavanya... I am coming with you... I know some people there... and I am sure with the skills I have got in Australia and in India, I will be able to get a job...

Me (upset) - But you just got your dream job here... you don't need to come...

Nk (smiling) - Nonsense, I will go wherever my wifey goes... I will not leave you my Kadawt...

I blush hearing him calling me wifey, but then I get confused hearing the last word.

Me (confused) - Kadawt?

Nk smiles inwardly and blushes.

Nk (smiling) - I will tell you at the right time, for now... let's put our luggage in the car...

Me (smiling) - Thank you so much NK... you don't know how much this means to me... but how did you get to know about my ticket?

Nk (smiling) - don't ever thank me for this Lavnaya, this is my duty... and also, I read your ticket details last time... and I nearly forgot about it until Aman called me and explained everything to me... what he made you do? And when your flight is... trust me Lavanya, I was mad because of what he was making Khushiji through... but I was more upset, finding out that you are leaving me today... I decided to come with you... since Khushiji has a lot of people to help her... so she wouldn't need me... and my wifey... she only has me... so why would I leave her?

I smile genuinely hearing his statement. For once, he chooses me over Khushi.

A month Later at RM

No one's POV

Everyone is rushing around the house, trying to make sure everything is perfect. Raizada Mansion is looking like a new bride and this is all done under the instructions of Arnav Singh Raizada after he found out that it is his super son, Aryan's birthday.

Arnav (angry) - What the... these colours don't match... how many times...

As Arnav is about to continue to shout, seeing a figure walking in, he went quiet.

Arnav (shocked) - what the... (smiling)... Khushi, you look so pretty..

Khushi (annoyed) - you should say that to your wife...

Arnav (upset) - Khushi, I have told you everything already... my marriage with Sheetal was fake... the priest was fake... and the marriage was never registered...

Khushi (angry) - how many times do I have to tell you Raizada? Marriage is no joke... you can't just choose to fake marry someone out of anger and then just pretend that you didn't marry anyone... marriage is a sacred bond, that you keep on playing around with... I am tired of this... I am tired of you... you make a mistake... I forgive you... you again make a mistake... I again forgive you but for how long will I keep doing this? Do you seriously think I will continue to let you use me as a tissue paper... NO WAY ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA! And this time you have made a big mistake by marrying again... it clearly shows the lack of trust that you hold for me... and don't say, oh it's because of this... or because of that, cause it's not... It's because of you... and your EGO... and your attitude... that we are facing these issues... I wish... (upset and deep breath)... I never met you... if you care even a bit about me or my son who thinks of you as his superman then don't try to ruin my son's third birthday... and you can do this by keeping yourself away from him... don't try to help with the decorations...

Arnav sighs disappointed, this is not the first time Khushi has yelled at him like that. Ever since, he confessed to Khushi about the fake marriage and apologised, Khushi has been showing him the cold shoulder. He knows that he has hit a nerve, and the cause of this failed relationship is him, however, he isn't willing to give up and despite Khushi's warnings and harsh words, he is still willing to chase behind her. All the roses, she gets each morning, despite knowing it's from him, Khushi doesn't say a word to him and just throws them in the bin. Every day, Arnav watches the scene hoping one day Khushi might accept it. His time with Khushi is limited as within 2 weeks, they will be legally divorced, making his heart feel a little pang. On top of that, Khushi is trying her best to torture the Arnav Singh Raizada,

All his little efforts for Khushi are going in vain and on top of that, he has no one to help him, not even his right-hand man, Aman, who left a few weeks ago with his son and his mother and not being able to bear the shock of being left, Anjali decides to finally, let me emphasises FINALLY! Start working, not under her brother but at another company in order to get the money to go to Aman. However, before Aman left, he gave Arnav a piece of his mind that Arnav will never forget. ASR, you lost the most precious thing you had, because of your ego and your anger. Khushiji... is a wonderful person, despite the numerous tortures she went through, due to you... all you did was say 'sorry' or maybe pampered her for a few days... and this was all due to her innocent and kind heart that she forgave you.. but this time... you have crossed the line. The decision that you made, caused her to question her feelings for you and this time a simple sorry and some pamper won't help you win her back as this is all your fault. You will have to bear her hatred and stay strong and determined to win her back. I wish you all the best, Just because I am giving you this idea, doesn't mean I have forgotten or forgiven what you did to her... I hate you for hurting her, using her and breaking her, and I know you don't deserve her... but I can't forget the fact that you still love her. Best of luck, and if you dare to hurt my sister again then this Aman, will cross all boundaries to protect his sister. At that moment, Arnav realised that not only did he lose the love of his life by this gruesome act, but also his best friend and his well-wisher. While saying all this, Aman kept a stone face, and the only emotion Arnav could see in Aman was a disappointment. 

Anjali (smiling) - These decorations look great...

Anjali has changed a lot, in fact, drastic changes have occurred. The woman who only cared about money, status, pooja and her brother now has started caring more about her future with Aman and has even refused to work under her brother, in order to be more independent. She has found out about all her choote's bad doings, including the whole details of the contract marriage and his fake marriage with Sheetal and for the first time, she has chosen to support Khushi... the girl who she was jealous of... but now she is proud of her, as unlike her, Khushi knows when to be strong and is also encouraging her indirectly to get back to Aman.

Khushi (smiling) - thank you...

Despite knowing that Anjali was the root problem of all the issues that happened to her, Khushi has decided to let go of the past and forgive Anjali, but she is still a little distant towards her as things can be forgiven but not forgotten.

Khushi silently leaves the place to get her son ready, while Anjali goes to talk to some of the decorators.

Arnav (upset) - are you also being cold to me di?

Anjali (upset) - how can I be cold to you? When I have done the same mistake as you and trusted the wrong people in life, and had people take advantage of my insecurities... I am also bearing the punishment... by having my husband live away from me... and you are also bearing the punishment by having your wife away from you... all I want to say is, you have changed Choote, you aren't the same guy... I used to proudly tell people, that my brother who the world knew as arrogant, is just as soft-hearted and kind in person, and wouldn't hurt anyone... but I was so wrong... you have hurt the person you love the most... I know you have already heard this from a lot of people... but that's all I wanted to say.

She goes away limping towards the workers and starts to help them. Despite, Khushi and Anjali's warnings of not getting involved in Khushi and Aryan's life, Arnav couldn't stop himself and that's why he secretly bought a gift for Aryan. Arnav silently leaves to go to the store to get the gift. He knows that both Khushi and all his family members wouldn't like him joining the celebration, however, he couldn't stop himself from buying him a gift, after all, it was the first time, Aryan actually asked for something. Meanwhile, Khushi comes downstairs with her son, who is wearing a black suit, and smiling brightly at the decorations.

Aryan (smiling) - thank you mumma...

Khushi pecks her son and then tells him something in his ears, to which Aryan smiles and goes to Anjali, mami and mama and touches their feet as a sign of taking their blessings.

Mama (emotional) - you have given good upbringings Khushi...

Khushi smiles at the comment, but then suddenly realises something.

Khushi (angry) - Why is this floor so dirty? The guests will be arriving soon. SHEETAL!

Sheetal comes rushing outside wearing an old and dirty saree. Her hair, which used to be so shiny and straight is now curly and tangled and ugly. Holding a mop, Sheetal tries to clean the floor, when Khushi eyes her and she immediately uses her hands. This is the life of Sheetal Kapoor... she is treated like a maid in the Raizada Mansion, all she does is clean and clean the mansion and even if the mansion looks clean, Khushi would either purposely make it dirty or will find a fault in her cleaning. The time she has spent cleaning, lead her to not get enough time to implement her plan or even look after herself. Her day starts at 4 am and ends at 9 pm. The sarees she wears are all given by Khushi and they are second hand as well.

Khushi (angry) - you ripped this saree... Sheetal! You better pay that maid for ripping this saree... you don't know how expensive this saree is for her...

Sheetal (annoyed) - What do you mean expensive? This saree... is so disgusting (makes a vomiting face) and even smells... I bet it was like 3,000 rupees only

Khushi (annoyed) - you shouldn't be talking about money, Sheetal as at least that lady can afford a phone and sarees for herself with her own money... while you... ha, you can't even pay your own phone bills... And you are wearing second-hand clothes...

Sheetal stares at Khushi with pure anger, while Khushi with disgust.

Manorma (nervous) - Hello Hi bye-bye... Sheetal, go back to the kitchen and bring the food I made for my bitwa...

The Manorma or mamiji who cared only about her makeupwa, now cares more about her family. She has apologised to Khushi for her past mistakes and is even trying to get Akash and Payal to become a couple again. Suddenly, a couple makes an entry while holding a huge cake in their hand and to everyone's surprise, it is none other then Payal and Akash with the Guptas behind them.

Payal (smiling) - Happy Birthday my Aryan...

Payal with a huge smile goes towards her favourite nephew and hugs him and gives him a present, while the Akash admires the bond from far while holding the cake. All the Raizadas and Guptas except Manorma and Khushi believe that both Akash and Payal have solved their issues and are a happy couple, but they are far from being happy, in fact, both are broken as one wants a divorce while the other one wants to give their relationship one more chance.

Precap - None

Next update: 20th January

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