Chapter 27

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No one's POV

By the time Arnav comes back, the party has already started with Aryan's new friends joining him as well as the Raizadas and the Guptas enjoying themselves, however, upon seeing Arnav the smiles turned into frowns, except for Aryan's who smiles wider seeing him. Arnav watches the frown, feeling miserable, however seeing Aryan smiling he smiles. Not wanting to ruin the atmosphere, he immediately goes upstairs. There was a time when seeing Arnav, his family would smile but now he has caused nothing but pain to them.

Aryan (upset) - mumma, where did superman go?

Khushi (fake smiling) - We don't need superman, Aryan... you have mumma... and nana...

Aryan (upset) - but, mumma... superman...

Khushi looks at Aryan's sad face, and she could immediately tell that Aryan is about to cry. How can she let her son cry on his birthday? She is about to leave to get Arnav when a special family comes. Aryan immediately leaves Khushi and rushes towards the family.

Aryan (smiling) - Nana... nani...

Both Akshara and Naitik smile, while Naitik lift their little champ up.

Akshara (pecking him) - how are you my Aryan?

Aryan (smiling) - I am fine, nani... how are you?

Akshara takes Aryan from Naitik and starts talking to him, while Naitik goes towards Khushi.

Khushi (smiling) - papa... (goes to take blessings)...

Khushi takes blessings from Naitik and then hugs him. They might have not known each other for long, or hold any blood relationship but the bond that they formed during a short time, is something unbreakable.

Khushi (surprised) - papa... how? When?

Naitik (smiling) - slow down, my pari... actually, I got a call a few days ago... from... Arnav... (Khushi is shocked)... he told us about your plan to celebrate Aryan's birthday and he told us to come... apparently, Aryan asked his superman... for his grandparents to be there on his birthday... and that's why he called us... he also promised us, that if we came... he will not join the party or ruin the family moment...and that's why we came... mum and dad, unfortunately, couldn't come... as dad hasn't been feeling well for a few days now...

Khushi (worried) - what happened to dadaji? And why did you come papa? Dadaji should be main priority...

Naitik (smiling) - Princess, we had to come... your dadaji is fine... it's just because he has become old... and he was the one who forced us to come...

Khushi (worried) - still papa, you shouldn't have come... he needs you...

Naitik (smiling) - he has mum... and they were really worried about you... can't I come to visit you? Is it because I am not your real dad?

Khushi (smiling) - nope, you are a father figure for me... both you and mum... have come into my life as angels... don't know what would have happened without you...

The Raizadas look at the talk with confusion, and seeing their confused face, Khushi decides to clear up the confusion, after all, it's high time that they get to know the truth and also, Aryan is busy with Akshara so she can talk without interruptions. Everyone heads towards the sofa, and Khushi starts explaining her life, while Arnav secretly away from everyone listens to the conversation.

Khushi (upset) - So, after I left the Raizada mansion, I went to Australia with them (pointing to Naitik and Akshara)... my life was a mess, in Australia and it took me 3 months to settle there when I first arrived there... their parents... thought that I was their grandchild and started pampering me... I also started to pretend to be their child because it is the least I could do... after all... these people saved my life, however, soon dadaji and dadiji found out about my past...but not the entire... only my married life... and yelled at mum and dad for letting me go through so much hardship... and they told me to stand up and become independent to show you guys... what I am capable of... or what an illiterate girl can be capable of... I still was unsure... but I decided to work to at least help the family... and there I met James, the guy that brought me happiness... (Raizadas shocked)... don't be so shocked, James is just a FRIEND... not anyone else, I am not like your grandson/brother... James brought me happiness because he took me to the orphanage... where I met my life... my Aryan... and we immediately started bonding... just two months ago... I legally adopted him, it was a very tough process, but thanks to Lavanyaji, Nanheji... and James I got my son... he is the reason, I am this tough... and strong... and without him... my life is incomplete...

Arnav who heard this started to feel guilt running through his veins. If it weren't for him and his insecurity... and mistrust, then he would have had a happier life with Khushi... It's not like he didn't know about Khushi's past... because he has found out about it and within a month, his respect for Khushi has increased, but his guilt has also increased, hearing the story again, from Khushi's point of view, bought up pain for him. Suddenly, two policewomen come in, grabbing everyone's attention. Khushi wipes her tears and goes towards the officers with a smirk.

Khushi (smirking) - Sheetal, looks like your new owner is here...

Sheetal comes running out in her saree, and while coming she trips on her saree and falls on her face. Everyone breaks down laughing, including the police officers saw the scene. Embarrassed, Sheetal gets up and goes towards the police offers, and before she could even utter a word, she gets handcuffed by the officers.

Khushi (smirking) - you really think I will let you live freely? I know what you have done... Ms Kapoor...

Sheetal (shocked) - wha...what... do you mean?

Khushi (smirking) - so you have two choices... either I expose you... or you expose yourself?

Sheetal's POV

I shouldn't open my mouth, it is nearly impossible for someone to expose me and this Khushi, she can't do anything. I have got Arnav on my side due to my fake tears and the person that knows all my secrets, wouldn't dare to spoil it. So, there is no way I can get exposed. I should just pretend to be innocent.

Sheetal's POV ends

Sheetal (confused) - what? I don't know what you are talking about...

Khushi (smirking) - well, maybe this person will help you regain your memory...

Suddenly, a tall guy wearing black pants and a white t-shirt with blood dripping from his mouth comes with a policeman dragging him. He lands near Khushi's legs, making Sheetal angry and nervous. She starts sweating and cursing the guy quietly.

Khushi (smirking) - Well, looks like someone is sweating... you sure you don't want to spill? Because if I expose you... then I ... will do something else as well... and trust me, you won't like it...

Sheetal starts sweating hearing the threat, and therefore, she finally opens up.

Sheetal (annoyed) - a year ago... after a wonderful night with my friends... I decided to go home... despite knowing I was drunk... but to be honest, I wasn't that drunk... my friends told me not to go... but the next day, I had an important meeting at work... so I ignored them... and decided to go, however, I took a friend with me... and ... well, we got into an accident... both my friend and I lost conscience... while the people we crashed into, lost their lives... when I got consciousness... I was in a hospital... after a few minutes, I realised what had happened... due to me being a little drunk...I lost control of the car... the doctors later came into the room, and I pretended to be still asleep... that's when I heard the police officers, telling the doctor that they will arrest me as soon as I gain consciousness... I even heard that I killed two people... and my friend has broken a bone... oh and the child in the car lost some of his memory... after the doctor and police left... I... (smirking)... I got up... I wasn't as hurt... as my friend... I only had a broken hand... which had a plaster... I sneaked out of my room... and there I saw a child... he had a name tag... Aarav ... I decided to grab him because I heard his name during the investigation... and for some reason, I found him useful...I pretended to be his mother... and since, he had a lack of memory... I took advantage of it... I made him believe that he was an orphan... and gave him some false story to get him to like me ... my friend also ran from the hospital with me... Not running, but left... the police were after us... I was thinking of ways... to survive when I saw Khushi and Arnav... and I grabbed the opportunity... to create differences between them...

Already hearing enough, before Khushi slaps Sheetal, Anjali decides to take the chance and slaps her.

Anjali (angry) - after doing all this... you are roaming around...

Sheetal (annoyed) - So? It was just a mistake...

Anjali (angry) - A MISTAKE? THAT CAUSED A BOY TO BECOME AN ORPHAN... I can't believe I got my brother married to such a witch... I don't even see the regret on your face... I regret even thinking that you were a nice person... I am so glad I finally choose Khushiji over you...

Sheetal stares at her with anger, however, she can't do anything as her hands are tied up. Next comes, Khushi who slaps her so hard that she has a red handprint on her face.

Khushi (angry) - officers, take her away... why bother saying anything to someone ... who wouldn't even care...

The officers drag both the people away as Sheetal swears to be back.

Khushi (smiling) - now that the witch is gone... let's celebrate my baby's birthday...

Precap - Arnav teary-eyed

Next Update: Monday, 3rd Feb

Thank you for the votes and comments in the previous update.

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