Chapter 29

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Aryan hugs the lady tight, making the lady smile.

Mary (smiling) - I hope you are happy here... Aryan...

Aryan lets go of the hug and smile widely.

Aryan (smiling) - yes mother Mary, I am very happy here... mumma... is sooo nice... and there is superman...

Mary patiently listens to Aryan's blabbering while the lady beside Mary goes towards the family with a frown.

Lady - My name is Isabella... which one of you is Mrs Khushi Raizada?

Khushi steps forward, a little nervous but covers it with a confident face.

Isabella - do you want to talk about Aryan here or in private?

Khushi looks around and sees that most of the parents are leaving. Anjali immediately makes some of the guests leave the place, making sure the only the family stays back. After a few minutes, Aryan leaves Mary and comes towards Khushi.

Aryan (smiling) - mumma... (whispers in Khushi's ears)... I am going upstairs... to prepare for my party with you and superman...come soon...

Aryan walks upstairs, while Khushi's tension increases as every guest eventually leave.

Khushi - they are family... you can tell me here...

Isabella (frowning) - I will go straight to point... we are here to do some investigation regarding the adoption... when you first adopted Aryan, you told us you were married, but not living with your partner... and therefore, Aryan would live with you... however, we only got to know a week ago... that you have started living back with your husband... we already investigated you... however, we need to do an investigation on both of you to see how well you can look after the boy... and how compatible you both are... as we don't want any child to get hurt due to the parents...

Khushi (shocked) - but I will be leaving this place in two weeks... as we are getting a divorce

Isabella - what? Mrs Raizada, you recently adopted Aryan and I don't think he is mentally capable of dealing with divorce... we told you this before, that Aryan is very delicate even when he was found ... he had a small chance of survival... seeing the bond between your husband and Aryan... makes us believe that he won't be able to deal with the separation... we can see the love that he has for both of you...

Mary - Yes, in fact, while I was talking to him... I only heard him mention two names, superman and mum... no one else holds as much attention as those two people...

Isabella - we advise you to reconsider the idea of a divorce... we know that Mrs Raizada is capable of looking after Aryan, however, seeing his growing attachment for Mr Raizada is getting us worried... also, we will be staying here for a few days... to see how you treat Aryan... we will be observing everything... even small fights in front of Aryan can make us take him away from you...

The whole mansion stays rooted on the spot, shocked with the outcome.

What? Because of this man! I might lose my Aryan... my happiness... I should have never come here. This is all that ASR's fault, all thanks to his growing attachment to my son, I am about to lose my Aryan. ~ Khushi's thoughts

Aryan! He can be lost from Khushi. No! That can't be. I will stay away from him, I will try so he loses that attachment and so Khushi can have him back. I should have listened to Khushi beforehand. Oh gosh. ~ Arnav's thoughts

Mary - I know this may seem unfair... and wrong... but we have to prove to the authority that you both are a perfect couple and love Aryan... we will discuss the divorce information later, so please cooperate with us...

Aryan comes downstairs and seeing Mary and Isabella still there, he stands confused.

Khushi (upset) - fine, we will do what you tell us... HPji... please show them the guest room... and OPji... please shift mine and Aryan's stuff to ASR's room for now...

Mary - thank you for your cooperation... and one more thing... Mrs Raizada... you weren't supposed to travel immediately after adopting Arya and unless there is a genuine reason for this... then you will have to talk to the higher authority later...

Khushi bends her head down, realising her mistake, but someone holds her hand for support.

Arnav - it's fine Khushi... I know we may not be on the best of terms... but I will make sure you can keep Aryan...

Khushi jerks his hand away, putting some distance between them.

Khushi - this is all your fault, Mr Raizada... Don't think I will forgive you... Or that I will fall for you.

Khushi descends upstairs, with Aryan who thankfully didn't hear Arnav and Khushi's conversation. Arnav also follows them to celebrate Aryan's birthday with Khushi. Entering the room, they could see that some of Khushi and Aryan's stuff are already here. Aryan holds both Khushi and Arnav's hand and takes them near the table which holds a cake... more specifically a chocolate cake.

Aryan (smiling) - mumma... superman... lets cut cake... before my birthday finishes...

Both Arnav and Khushi start singing happy birthday to Aryan, and soon Khushi even helps Aryan cut the cake, not knowing that the entire scene is being recorded and watched by Mary and Isabella who are smiling seeing the bond.

Mary (whispering) - I have never seen Aryan this happy... I feel he is with the right people... we should leave...

Isabella (annoyed) - Stop being so emotional Mary... who knows if his happiness is short-lived or not? Now stop talking and keep an eye on them.

Aryan feeds Khushi while Arnav clicks a photo of the scene.

This photo will always remind me of Khushi and Aryan even if they are far from me - Arnav's thoughts.

Soon Aryan goes towards his superman and feeds him while Khushi quietly and sneakily takes a photo of the scene.

I may say I hate you but I can never hate you to a great extent, as seven months isn't a long time for me to forget you. This photo will be a sweet memory that I had after I leave you forever with my son.

Both Mary and Isabella watches the scene smiling, they could clearly see that both Arnav and Khushi love each other, but for some reason, they want to divorce.

Aryan (smiling) - mumma... superman... I love you both... you are the best... (pecks both Arnav and Khushi on cheeks)...

Soon Aryan starts playing with the balloons, throwing them in the air and then hitting it to make sure it doesn't fall on the floor.

Aryan (smiling) - mumma... and I will win...

Soon the game starts, with a lot of laughing and smiles. Eventually, Mary and Isabella leave, to get some sleep, but the game still continues. Eventually, Khushi steps forward to hit the balloon, but doesn't see the other balloon on the floor and is about to fall when Arnav catches her.

Arnav helps Khushi get up while having an eye lock. One eye showing regret and love while the other an unknown emotion. Getting a glimpse of the past, Khushi is the first one to come out of the eye contact and pushes him away.

Khushi (fake smiling) - Aryan... let's go sleep...

Khushi lays down with Aryan on the bed, to make him sleep, however, Aryan has something else in mind.

Aryan (smiling) - mumma... Superman, you also come...

Aryan pets on the other side with a smile.

Arnav (fake smile) - No Aryan... you sleep with mumma, I will sleep on the sofa...

Aryan (confused) - why?

Khushi (fake smiling) - Aryan, listen to superman... and sleep...

Not wanting to annoy his mother, Aryan dozes off while Khushi stays awake. Numerous thoughts running in her mind.

Khushi's thoughts

What is Devi Maya planning? I am supposed to leave him in a week, but why am I not able to? Does Devi Maya want us to stay together? No! Khushi. Of course, now, why would Devi Maya want her favourite devotee to stay with a monster. Then, what's happening? I am trying so hard not to show my love towards Arnav but his efforts are making me feel weak... those flowers that he sends with sweet messages every day, despite knowing I will throw them away, he still sends them. He hasn't yelled at me at all within this month, in fact, I made him clean the whole house from top to bottom by himself, and he didn't even argue... not even once did he say his favourite phrase... what the... People would think, I am having fun doing this revenge, but I am not ... Seeing him clean the floor in front of me... made me want to stop him and just forgive him... as I couldn't see him doing all that... my love for him, wouldn't let me see him in trouble, but my self-respect is higher...if I forgive him easily then he wouldn't value me so much, He would continue to use me as a tissue paper, and that's why I have to be strong. His marriage with Sheetal may have been fake, but it shows to what extent he can go in his anger. Who knows, I might forgive him this time, and then in the future, someone else tries to come between us and he again shows a lack of trust on me... or again, gives less attention to me. I can always fight for him, but for how long will I fight... eventually, I have to give up... and plus if a person really wants to stay with you... you don't have to force them to give you attention or to pamper you... they should know themselves... I am so confused Devi Maya... please help me... should I forgive him? Or leave him?

Thinking all this, Khushi eventually falls asleep while on the other hand, Arnav is also awake.

Arnav's thoughts

I am the one to be blamed for the situation I am currently in. If it wasn't my anger and my ego then I would have been with Aryan and Khushi right now. If I didn't marry Sheetal then... this would have never occurred. Khushi is right, I don't deserve her... I made her forcefully marry me, due to my misunderstanding, I tortured her both physically and mentally and then blamed her for all my problems... when she didn't even cause it. She was like a punching bag to me, but as they say... you only find the true value of something once it's gone. In the six months after she left, I found the true value of her... she is an angel... that I lost. I can dwell about the situation now, as it won't fix my mistakes and it won't mend Khushi's heart. I have to keep trying for my Khushi. I know she loves me... and she will continue to love me... after all, Arshi are meant to be together forever but her self-respect is higher than her love and it should be. So Arnav Singh Raizada....god or as Khushi likes to refer to her... Devi Maya has given you more time to try and get forgiveness from Khushi. Don't waste the opportunity. Make sure you prove to Khushi that you truly do know her value now... and you truly do want her back.

Precap - Storm in RM

Next Update: No clue

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