Chapter 30

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As the sun rises it brings a storm for the Raizadas. Unaware of the upcoming storm, the mother and son duo are sleeping peacefully hugging each other. Arnav eventually takes a photo of the scene and then pecks both the duo. Aryan moves in his sleep feeling the wet kiss and hold Arnav's hand when he is about to move. Arnav smiles but realising the time, he lets go of Aryan's hand and moves towards the bathroom. This cute scene didn't get unnoticed by Mary and Isabella, who quickly took a photo of it for proof and then left. After Arnav heads in the bathroom, Khushi opens her eyes with tears in her eyes. How she wishes to wake up like this every day. With her husband, giving her a peck before leaving for the bathroom and having her son smiling in his sleep feeling the presence. She wipes her tears, hearing the door click and pretends to be asleep. Soon, Arnav comes out fully dressed in a black suit, and is about to leave... when he gets a sudden call. Unwillingly, he picks up the phone and is shocked by the news.

Arnav (angry) - What the... how on earth did she get to know?.... Dammit... I told you to make sure she never finds out... (a long pause)... where is she?... (another shock)... what? DAMMIT!

Arnav angrily cuts the phone and is about to dial Aman's number when he realises, that Aman no longer works for him... and that he has a new secretary replacing Aman. He immediately dials the number...

Arnav (angry) - Dammit... What's your name?... You know what, I don't care...cancel all my meetings for today...

Arnav immediately leaves the room, angry. Despite being so angry and annoyed, not once did Arnav make a loud noise, instead, it was a quieter voice but with anger. Khushi who has been listening to all this starts to think about who the person is that could make Arnav this angry.

After an hour

Both Khushi and Aryan descend downstairs, however, they are greeted by some angry and some annoyed faces of the Raizadas. As soon as Khushi gets a clear view of the cause, she is shocked to see her back... Subhadra Devi...

Subhadra (annoyed) - are you all just going to stare at me? Where are your manners?

Coming out of the shock, everyone comes to take blessings including Khushi and Aryan. However, as soon as Khushi and Aryan bend down, dadi moves away.

Subhadra (annoyed) - Why are you still here? Where is my Choote's wife?

Arnav (annoyed) - dadi... my wife...

Before Arnav could even answer dadi, Khushi takes the lead.

Khushi (annoyed) - To your bad luck, dadiji... your new daughter-in-law is in jail... because of the crime, she has done... oh and I am here... because of a job... don't worry... I will leave in a few days... then you and your choote can live happily ever after...

Hearing the commotion, both Mary and Isabella, come out and spectate the scene.

Subhadra (annoyed) - What happened to your manners? Is this the way to talk to me? Leave this house, right now...

Before Khushi could reply to dadi, Arnav takes the lead.

Arnav (angry) - This house is hers as well and she can come and go anytime, I think the person who should leave is you... (Arnav eyes one of the workers to take Aryan)

Seeing the signal, the workers are about to take Aryan when both Akshara and Naitik volunteer to take him.

Arnav (death glaring at dadi) - now where was I... yes! The person who should leave is you... and not my WIFE...

Khushi (interrupting him) - soon to be ex-wife...

Arnav (annoyed) - let's see if we get divorced... Anyway, dadi... I have tolerated you long enough and I think it's high time you stop coming back to your grandchildren's lives... you only come back either to get money and to live this luxurious life... or to make my life hell...

Subhadra (angry) - ARNAV! How can you say that? I am your dadi... and don't forget that I have lived in this luxurious life... before... why would I want to come to stay here? When my son is richer than you. Another thing, I am only showing you the right direction because everyone in this house is so blind by this (pointing at Khushi) girl's disgusting love... that they don't see that she isn't right for you...

Arnav (angry - You are the one blind... and this girl who you are calling disgusting... has been with me through my thick and thin times... when I needed her the most... she was there... when I got kidnapped... she was the one that rescued me... even at the mandap... she waited for me that day... because she knew I would come... but YOU... where were you when your son kicked me and my sister out? Where were you when we became homeless? Where were you when I had no one to guide my sister and me? You were living with your so-called son... enjoying the luxury right? You don't have to be fake to me... dadi... I know everything... I am ASR... after all... I know how your son... has kicked you out and now you are homeless... and that's why you came back here... I know how your son has lost all his luxury... because I have all of it now... Well, guess what... dadi... you're not welcome here... in fact, you never were... the lady that can destroy her own grandson's happiness... is no one to me... now please leave...

Note: Dadi in this ff lives with her son and daughter-in-law, instead of at ashram

Subhadra (annoyed) - what nonsense... is this the respect your mother taught you? Or have you forgotten?


Subhadra (angry) - Why? Don't you see... your mother is the reason why you are an orphan... she is the one who failed to satisfy her husband...which caused my son to go elsewhere...

Khushi (annoyed) - Really? Mrs Subhadra Devi! You disgust me... Stop trying to prove that your son was innocent... when he clearly wasn't... cheating is never something someone is forced to do... it's a choice... and you shouldn't support your son, for that... talking about respect, I see you not giving any respect to anyone here... then why should he and anyone here give you respect... respect is something that is earned and you clearly haven't earned any...

Anjali (upset) - And dadi... our mother has taught us respect because if she didn't then we wouldn't be tolerating you right now... please leave dadi... before we forget to respect you...

Subhadra watches everyone turning their back towards her, however, she doesn't give up.

Subhadra (annoyed) - I see how this is... if only Devyani was alive then I wouldn't be so disrespected here... I only came to give blessings to the new daughter-in-law and son-in-law... but it seems like neither of them is here... (smirking)... did Anjali fail to satisfy her husband again? Is it why her second husband left her? Just like her first one... and ...

Anjali starts crying hearing the accusations and Arnav is about to stand up for her but stands quiet and so does the rest of the Raizadas.

If I stand up for di right now, then she will never learn to stand up for herself. For how long, will I keep trying to shield her? She needs to protect herself. ~ Arnav's thoughts.

Finally gathering the courage, Anjali decides to stand up.

Anjali (angry) - Why my husband left is none of your concern... My first husband was a cheat and I am not even surprised that you support him after all... you both are disgusting people... he was after the luxurious life and never loved me and so are you... so don't point fingers at me dadi... he was a carbon copy of you... the only difference was he was a guy and he cheated on many girls... but you... you are a female and you support guys like him... I am disgusted to be born in a house where respect isn't given to anyone... I am disgusted to call you my grandmother... now kindly leave this place... before... I call the police...

Subhadra looks at Anjali with a shocked expression... she never expected her to talk to her like that and after muttering some curses, she leaves the house.

Precap - Outbreaks 

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