Chapter Seven

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Falcon POV

I walked into the room alongside Wanda, Vision, and Thor to find that Tony, Bucky, and Loki were already waiting for us.

"What is goin on?" Wanda asked.

"Ya I would like to know why you called me out of birdcage," I said.

Bucky, Loki, and Tony scowled at me with such hate I thought I would roast under there glare.

"Fine what is goin on?" I said trying to distract them from pointing daggers my direction.

"The kid is gone," Tony said waiting for our reactions to the news.

"Why is boy of spiders gone? Loki what did you do?" Thor asked sadly.

"I assure you nothing. The boy wanted to go get revenge on the man with metal arms. He wants to save people. Me and Bucky tried to stop him so that he could think it through before running into hell, when he broke out of Bucky's grip and jumped out the window," Loki said sorrowfully.

"Why didn't you chase him? He is going to Midtown Tech in Queens, that is where the Octopus guy is," I said looking at them in confusion wondering why they let the kid go.

"No shit Sherlock, I thought he was running to Asgard," Loki said in a majestically sarcastic voice that made me wanna kick his ass.

"Boys enough!" Wanda yelled at the room, "we have to focus on getting Peter back and to safety without ourselves going rogue on him."

"Witchy's got a point," Tony said clapping his hands and walking to the center of the room. He was ready to give the game plan.

"Here is the plan. Falcon and I will keep watch in the sky telling you Peter's ever move and preventing him from flinging up and away. Wanda and Vision you guys will focus mostly on trying to catch the kid because you have powers that will disable not hurt him. Loki, Bucky, and Thor you guys will set up a perimeter around the area in question and have ground patrol, meaning that you won't let Peter get past you easily. Loki you will definitely use you magic but Thor don't try to bring the kid down with the hammer because he can lift it," Tony said giving us all positions and instructions.

All of us went over the idea in our heads and decided it would work. We gathered up our equipment, made sure that Nat, Clint, Steve, and Rhodes were locked up, and checked up on Bruce who was still missing, oh well. With a finally agreement we all flew, ran, transported to the area where Peter was.

Why do I always let them drag me into this stuff?

Peter POV

I felt my heart skip a couple of beats when I finally got to Midtown Tech.

I better go in as Peter, that would draw much less attention then Spider-Man.

I stopped in the alley that I usually use to take of my Spider-Man suit and put on regular clothes. When I was dressed and had my backpack on I went straight to the football field where they were holding some kind of fundraiser thingy. I had to pay five bucks to get in but I didn't mind, as long as it meant I could kick that stupid Dr. Octopus up to Asgard.

"Penis Parker!" I heard someone yell from the edge of the crowd. Turning to look I saw Flash and his gang coming towards me.

Not now, please anytime but now.

"Why do you have your bag with you on summer break?" He said stepping closer to me making me back away instinctively.

"...." what could I say, I had no good excuse.

"Can I see what you have in there nerd?" Flash said laughing while reaching for my book bag.

I dodged out of his reach. The expression on his face was priceless but I knew his momentary disorientation wasn't going to last long. I was going to try to run but right as I started something yanked me back by the collar of my shirt. I yelped and landed to the ground with a loud thud.

"Where do you think you're going Penis?" Flash growled at me.

I scrambled back to my feet when my spidey sense started going haywire, Flash was going to strike me. I would have moved out of the way but I knew better. I suddenly felt Flash's hand connect with my right eye. I yelped and fell backwards grabbing my eye, he had gotten much stronger since our last meet up.

"How did that feel, huh, Parker?" Flash practically yelled at me.

On that note him and his bullies left me on the floor deciding that I wasn't worth their time. I got up from the ground and grabbed my eye. It was already swollen and I could barely see out of it, great! I decided to stumble towards the mens room before trying to face Dr. Octopus.

Why today Flash? Why today of all days?

I wondered when I finally got to the bathroom. I went straight to the mirror and looked at my reflection. It truly looked awful. My eye was already turning black and swollen, I also had a cut on my eyebrow that was bleeding and didn't seem to want to stop.

"Thanks Flash! I really needed this today of all days," I muttered to myself while grabbing a paper towel and furiously wiping at my cut.

"So kid who is Flash?"

I turned around and practically jumped out of my skin when I saw Mr. Stark.

"Wh-" I started to say furiously but was cut off before the first word left my mouth.

"Zip it Spiderling. We are going home now and don't you dare try to escape, or else," he said with some venom in his voice.

I flinched and decided to make a run from it.






As soon as I ran out the door I was hit in the face by Thor's hammer.

"Hahaha lights out boy of spiders," I heard Thor's voice laugh before I was engulfed by darkness.

Geez. Today was just my lucky day.

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