Chapter Eight

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Tony POV

We arrived at Midtown Tech and found where Dr. Octopus was, Peter wasn't near him so I decided to walk around and look for the kid. As I walked around wear Octavius was I suddenly ran into a group of young boys.

"Oh my- your Tony Stark," the leader said.

"Yup! What's your name kid?" I asked while looking around him for a sign of Peter.

"Flash," he said smiling at me.

My face fell as I realized this was Peter's bully.

Crud Peter probably ran into him.

"Flash I am looking for this location," I show him my watch where it shows the location of Peter's tracker, "do you know where that is?"

"Oh sure that is the bathrooms."

"Thank you for the help kid," I said through gritted teeth.

"No problem Mr. Stark."

Him and his friend group left and I started heading in the direction of the bathroom. Before I got there I saw the kid a couple paces away struggle to his feet, he had been hit. I resisted the urge to run over to him and make sure he was okay. Peter got up and went to the bathroom while holding his head in his hands.

Oh geez what did they do to you?

"Thor I need backup in the bathrooms. If the kid decides to escape you need to stop him," I muttered into my coms.

"No problem Man of Iron I will be there shortly," came Thor's voice.

I walked into the bathroom quietly and stood behind the wall so the kid couldn't see me. What I was able to see from my position made me cringe. His eye was swollen and black, he also had a cut above his eyebrow that was bleeding heavily and if not for his healing would need stitches.

"Thanks Flash! I really needed this today of all days," I heard the kid mutter to himself while he grabbed a paper towel and furiously wiped at his cut.

"So kid who is Flash?" I asked knowing perfectly well what had happened but wanting his version of the story.

He turned around and looked like he was about to have a mini heart attack when he saw me satnding there.

"Wh-" he started to say furiously but I cut him off before the first word left his big mouth.

"Zip it Spiderling. We are going home now and don't you dare try to escape, or else," I said with as much venom as I could muster in my voice. It was hard to be mad at the kid when he looked like a puppy with a swollen eye.

Peter flinched and made the stupid decision of trying to make a run for it.

As soon as he ran out the door he was hit in the face by Thor's hammer.

"Hahaha lights out boy of spiders," I heard Thor's voice laugh while the kid lost consciousness.

"Thor the kid's face is already in bad shape no need to hit it anymore!" I yelled when I saw Peters nose start to bleed, probably broken.

"His jawline is beautiful what do you mean in bad shape?" Thor asked stupidly.

"Never mind," I muttered while picking him up, "Bruce we need you in the medical area."

"Tony Bruce is gone," Steve's voice came out from the com.


"Fine I will take care of it. Maybe Bruce will be home by now, that would be lucky," I said while flying the kid towards base.

Steve POV

All of the Avengers arrived at the Avengers Tower to find Tony holding the kid. I looked over at him wondering why Thor was behind him looking so guilty.

"What happened?" I asked trying to piece together the odd picture in front of me.

"Well we found Peter but then Point Break and his magic hammer had to go and knock the kid out," Tony huffed while turning to scowl at Thor

"You told me to get boy of spiders, and I did," Thor muttered sounding defeated.

"Ya what ever Poptart God. Anyways is the Med Bay ready for the kid," Tony said while walking towards the Med Bay.

"Yup," I said striding alongside him.

We got to the room and Tony set Peter down on the table while everyone stared at him worriedly.

"So did you guys have any reports on the misson or smooth sailing?" Tony said trying to lighten the rooms vibe.

"Oh right speaking of which... Vision and Wanda both started streaking after the kid. I told them you had it but when they turned to look at me both of their eyes were green. So me, Bucky, Falcon, and Loki took them down and brought them back to base," I said quickly.

"Of course that happened," Tony muttered while looking over Peter's injuries.

"Will he be okay?" Loki asked trying but failing to hide his worried tone.

"Ya. He only has a broken nose, which I will have to set back and let heal, also a black eye, and a deep cut above his left eyebrow," Tony concluded.

"Okay everyone clear out and let Tony work," I muttered gruffly.

Everyone muttered angrily before giving up and walking out the door, me following behind them. Leaving Tony and the kid by themselves. I sighed as I walked away from them.

Gee I hope Tony won't be to hard on Pete. He was thinking of everyone's wellbeing .... except his own. Of course.

Tony POV

I quickly put the kids nose back in place with a disgusting crack before cleaning the blood off of it. After his nose looked, almost, as good as new I grabbed some bandages and began to put them on his gash above his eyebrow. I smiled at my dandy work and quickly grabbed a bag of ice. I put it on his eye that had slowly gotten more swollen and black.

Geez does Flash have a hand made of vibranium or something!?

The kid suddenly started to flutter his eyes. He then gasped for air and flung himself forward. When he saw me he sighed heavily and laid down again.

"I'm sorry but I had to do what was right," he muttered.

"You don't get it. You really don't," I laughed silently at how stupid he was being.

"Sometimes kid you have to look out for yourself not just everyone else," I sighed to him.

Peter POV

I was floating in darkness and couldn't hear anything. Suddenly I started to here some of the Avengers voices.

They must be so mad at me for running away. I didn't mean to I just had to protect the innocent from the monster who was right in front of them.

I started to imagine how mad they would get at me when I suddenly felt warm hands go to my face and crack my nose. I winced and started to breath rapidly.

Where am I?

I then felt bandages being distributed to my eyebrow where my gash was. After a few moments the person put an ice pack on my eye, that woke me with a start.

I shoot up out of bed and started panting. I looked around frantically for who was touching me and as I looked I realized I could only see out of one eye. When I finally saw that the person fixing me was Tony I sighed. I laid back down and prepared myself for the lesson I would be getting.

"I'm sorry but I had to do what was right," I muttered trying to push the odds back in my favor.

You don't get it. You really don't," Tony laughed slightly at me, "Sometimes kid you have to look out for yourself not just everyone else."

I looked at him trying to comprehend what he just said. He was disappointed and I could tell.

"I'm sorry Mr. Stark I-"

"No sorry doesn't cut it. Do you have any idea how many people you could have killed if Dr. Octopus and you started a fight? All those deaths and injuries would have been on you. And what if you had gotten hurt? I feel like that is on me kid, and I don't need that on my conscious," he said turning around and walking out the door.

I sat there processing what he said as he left the room. When he was gone I knew he wouldn't be coming back so I grabbed the ice pack and pressed it against my black eye which for some reason was still not going down, and cried.

Geez, why do I screw everything up?


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