Chapter Nine

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Peter POV

I slept down in the Med Bay that night and didn't bother asking for anything. No one came to visit, of course. In the morning I got out of the bed and hoped to the floor. My vision had improved in my black eye but it was still really blurry. When I was dressed in clothes that were by the sink I headed up stairs and to the elevator.

"Friday where is everyone?" I asked starting to feel lonely but also wanting to avoid certain people.

"It appears that Mr. Stark is on a mission but Loki and Bucky are in the house. Also Mr. Stark told me to inform you that Falcon also went haywire and has been locked up in a cell for your safety."

I sighed and went to the kitchen. No one was there so I decided to get myself some toast, cereal, and fruit. After I finished eating I went to my room and found Loki and Bucky sitting there. I decided to wait a little bit and just listen to what they were saying.

"How we going to find this Doctor person?" Loki asked.

"I don't know but I think Nick might want to use Pete as bait," Bucky responded uneasily.

"I won't let that happen."

"I understand but Tony and Fury are the ones who make the tuff calls. With Tony being disappointed in the kid I don't think he will trust him enough to not do something stupid again."

"He had his reasons," Loki said standing up for me.

"I know but that doesn't matter to them."

I had heard enough and decided to walk in. As I walked through the doorway they stopped and gaped at me. I knew they were thinking that I had heard everything, which I had.

"Peter! You are supposed to be in the Med Bay!" Bucky said getting out of his trance first and trying to distract me.

"Yeah well the Med Bay gets pretty lonely when no one visits," I muttered sourly at them.

"Peter, we would have visited but we had a situation with Falcon and then Tony left... there was no time to check in," Loki said letting sorrow be in his voice.

"Would it really kill you to check in on me! I run away once, ONCE, and suddenly everyone is treating me like I blew up New York. Why are you all leaving me and trying to kill me? Did I seriously lose all of you guys with one simple action? Not to mention I didn't even make it to Dr. Octavius! I was literally PUNCHED by Flash! We need to do research on that to because it felt like metal, I have been hit enough to know he did something. Guess what though, no one cares and everyone left. Why? I wish May were here so I could leave," I screamed at them while tears raised up in my eyes.

"Calm down," Loki muttered while walking over to me and trying his best to calm me down.

"No! No...." I sighed running out of breath from all of the ranting I did.

Suddenly I felt something cold wrap around my neck.

"What the hell!" I yelped as I gasped for air.

Bucky had gotten green eyes and was strangling me with his metal arm. Loki was trying to push him off but he was no match for the super soldier. I kicked at him and pried his metal hand off of my throat. I punched him and threw him to the floor. While he was confused Loki ran out to call Mr. Stark and I ran to my closet and put on my suit. When I got my suit on I ran back to my room to face Bucky.

"Stupid spider. You should have killed me at Midtown Tech when you had the chance!" He growled as he ran forwards and tried to grab me.

I jumped out of his reach and lunched him in the face. He growled more and punched me on my eye. I winced and grabbed my eye trying to make the throbbing stop when he threw another punch at me. I dodged just in time and jumped onto the ceiling out of reach. As I waited on the roof for Mr. Stark or Loki to help I noticed hat I could no longer see out of my eye. Now I had a blind spot. Suddenly Bucky's hands reached up and grabbed me by my ankles. I yelped as I was dragged down to the ground with a thump. As I was about to jump up he pinned me to the ground and laughed menacingly.

If Bucky is laughing... then this must be the end of me.

I prepared for the finally blow when Bucky got thrown off of me. I looked up in confusion and saw Loki hitting Bucky and containing him with his magic. I once again felt metal wrap around my waist and turned to look at who was holding me. I tried to twist my self around but I could only twist to where the person was in my blindspot.


The person held there iron grip on me and dragged me out of my room. They finally dropped me in the kitchen and I turned around in battle position. I jumped up and started attacking them out of pure fright, he still hid in my blindspot.

"Kid you alright?" Someone asked.

"Hey!" I yelled while throwing punches at the person.

"Woah!" The person yelled struggling to block my punches.

"Get off!" I yelled as the person grabbed my wrist and held them to my side.

"Same side!" They yelled.

"Wait a minute!" I said realizing who it was.

"Guess who?" Mr. Stark said still holding me down.

"Hey," I said sighing with relief.

"Hi," he says loudly.

"Hey," I mumble again still processing what happened.

"It's me!" He said smiling as I blinked my eyes trying to get him into focus.

"Ohhhhh," I sigh in relief knowing that I'm okay.

"Hey man," I pant trying to make it less awkward.

"Ya," he says laughing at me piecing it together.

"Ah, that was scary," I say still panting and shaking slightly.

"Yeah your done alright?" Tony says getting serious

"What?" I say not believing it.

"Yeah good job stay down."

"What? No I'm Good I'm fine," I say trying to convince him to let me help.

"Stay down!"

"I'm always good. I gotta get him back!" I mutter getting up a little bit.

"You're staying here or I will call aunt may and tell her to come pick you up early, your done!" He warned.

"Wait... Ah Mr. Stark wait I'm not done... I'm not.. I'm..... ya I'm done... I'm done," I say laying back down on the floor with grown.   


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