Chapter Ten

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Tony POV

After I pulled the kid out of the fight and told him to stay down I ran back into his bedroom to see how well Loki was doing.

"Loki do you have him?" I asked as I ran into the room.

Loki turned to me and nodded while pointing to a limp Bucky lying on the bed. I sighed with relief and went over to where he was. Picking up the soldier as best as I could I headed downstairs to put him with the others. After I finished putting him in his own little cell I went upstairs to where I left Loki.

"Look Tony the kid is right. If we don't do something soon he won't have any backup when he attacks Dr. Octopus," Loki said as we walked to the kitchen where Peter was.

"I know but we need to come up with a good plan. Not just one where you run in headfirst without a single clue what you are going to do," I muttered sourly thinking of what Peter had done the other day.

We continue walking in silence the rest of the way. When we arrive at the kitchen we find Peter on the floor holding his head in his hands.

"Peter are you okay?" I ask rushing forwards to where the boy is lying.

"Yeah... I'm fine," he says looking up at me and blinking his eyes several times as if to get me into focus.

"Can you see?" I ask.

"Ya," he mumbles.

"How many fingers kid?" I say holding up four fingers.

Peter looks up and I notice him turn his head to his left side before he answers.


"You can't see out of your black eye can you? Can you?" I say.

"I'm fine Mr. Stark, let's just come up with a plan to get the Dr guy," he grumbles.

I sigh and nod knowing that the kid is right, we need a plan. I reach my hand down to Peter to help him up but he refuses it muttering that he is okay.

"Fine then get up Spiderling I don't want to have to talk to you on the floor all day."

He grunts and picks himself up. He stays standing for a solid five seconds and lands back on the floor with a thud and a groan.

"You got hit in the head again didn't you?" Loki asks finally joining he conversation.

"Yes," Peter mutters while holding his head to try and make the world stop spinning.

"Fine, Loki pick the kid up and put him on the stool right there. I will pull up a screen and we can come up with a plan to kill Dr. Octopus," I say while walking over to the counter and waiting for Loki and the kid to join me.

When they finally are both sitting on the stool I get started. I notice Pete's discomfort and being the nice person I am, I hand him a spider ice pack for his eye.

"So Pete how do you want to approach this?" I ask knowing that he will be our main weapon of attack.

"We need to destabilize the arms and then we will have the upper hand. I still haven't figured out how to stop that tech stuff he put inside everyone so we should also look into that. If we trap him and put him in jail it won't matter because the Avengers will still be compromised without a cure. Knowing Octavius he will probably be at the next charity event  to create that false identity that he is someone great, not a killer," Peter said like he had planned the whole speech.

"I can work on the technology stuff," Loki said.

"Why you? You still call a refrigerator a cold box," I said confused.

"I have controlled people before. Therefore I know certain tech stuff that we can rule out easily."

"Okay then you will work on that right when we finish," I mutter sourly, "also the next big charity event is for the Science and Math division at Midtown Tech."

"What? Didn't they just have a charity there?" Peter asked bewildered.

"Yes they did but that was for something else, Midtown Tech was just the location."

"Oh," Peter said running it through his head.

"Okay what is the plan of attack?" Loki asked seemingly impatient.

"My plan is that me and Mr. Stark will go to the sight to see what the collateral damage would be and also to see how many people we would have to get to safety. Then when we found where the Dr was we could go to the near by alley and change into our gear. People will clear out when they see Iron Man there in attack position so hopefully we won't actually have to worry that much about people getting hurt. When the Dr sees us there he should drop the disguise. When we defeat him Loki should have the cure made and we will distribute it to all the avengers," Peter finished seemingly happy with himself for coming up with a big plan.

"One big big big problem kid," I said.

"Hm?" He looks at me worriedly knowing that I am about to rip apart his plan.

"It is all good but what happens if me or Loki goes bad? You can't count on us to be there."

He lets it sink in.

"If you guys turn I will still fight the Dr first. If I can get him out of the way and lock you guys up then I will have all the time in the world to cure you guys."

"Your not understanding," I mutter annoyed, "what happens if we are on the battlefield with you and then turn bad? Then what?"

"Then I fight to my last breath," he said determination in his dark brown eyes.

I nodded. With that Loki went into the lab and started working on a cure using Nat's blood sample from a while ago. I went to do upgrades on my suit and Peter contacted his friends to tell them to stay away from Midtown Tech, he couldn't afford any lost lives much less his friends. We all waited knowing that at this time tomorrow we would be fighting the Dr if everything went according to plan.

Geez this is going to be one hell of a fight.


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