Chapter Three

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Tony POV

"Who is that?" I asked shooting the kid a look from where he was lying.

"He of my, or used to be one, of my favorite scientists. He has amazing work as a nuclear physicist and tries to invent a lot of cool new objects that can help with everyday life. He made extremely powerful metal arms that are attached to his back and controlled by his brain. He is messed up in the head from radiation and has been trying to kill me for a while," Peter answered.

"Okay so we just need to look out for tentacles here and we will be okay?"

"Ya but how did he manage to already get tech inside some of us?" Steve asked intrigued by the topic.

Everyone in the room shrugged and continued to look at the screen. After some time watching the little octopus man run around I decided to go check in on Clint and take Nat down to her own personal cell. Right as I grabbed Natasha and threw her over my back I heard a groan from Cap.

"Hey Cap what's wrong?" I asked turning towards the man who was holding his head and moaning.

"Cap?" Peter asked in a weak voice while getting into battle stance even though he looked as fragile as a leaf.

Cap turned to look at us and seemed to be fighting himself. I suddenly realized that Cap was fighting to stay in control of himself. After a few minutes of watching wearily Bruce ran up to Steve and tried to hit him with a sleep shot. Right when Bruce got close enough to inject the serum Steve hit him against the wall knocking him out momentarily. I jumped into action throwing kicks and punches without my armor, trying anything to keep him away from the kid. Soon enough he hit grabbed me and threw me across the room to join Bruce. I kept conciseness and saw Steve pull his shield out from behind him.

Why did I make him that secret sleeve again?

I ran to him and again tried to attack but I just got a full face of shield. I managed to get a button and push it alerting the other people in the building that assistance was needed in the Med Bay.

"Hey Capsicle over here," I said trying to distract him from the kid who was trying his best to get as far away from Cap as possible.

Steve turned to me grabbed something and chucked it at my leg.


I thought realizing that he hit me with a numbing needle. I watched helplessly as the kid scrambled around the room trying to stay out of reach.

Come on where is help when you need it!?

Suddenly I heard a loud thud that made my heart drop. Steve had caught Peter by the torso and latched him to the wall.

"Steve stop!" Peter yelled as Steve started applying pressure to his torso with his shield.

I started to hear cracking from Peters torso and the kid screamed in pain when the door suddenly burst open and Wanda sprinted in first catching Cap in a magic field. She pulled him off of Peter and made him fall asleep. After Cap was asleep I shook my legs awake as much as I could before trying to walk to Pete. It was like walking on jello and it didn't help that when I got there the kid was coughing up blood.

"Hey kid are you okay? Just stay awake okay?" I asked as I saw his eyes fluttering closed.

"I'm....f-fine," he muttered.

I started grabbing things l to hook up to him and went to get Bruce up to help when the TV suddenly turned to a strange channel and Dr. Octopus was smiling down at us.

"Some of you have felt the effects of my new tech C.O.N.T.R.O.L already. Don't worry the rest of you will soon follow on your partners path. Eventually one of you will kill tour fellow Spider-Man. Speaking of Spiders where is the little nuisance anyways?" He said as he scanned the room through the TV.

After a couple minutes of fruitless looking Dr. Octopus sighed heavily and told us he would see us shortly.

Peter POV

When Dr. Octopus came on the TV screen I froze and laid as still as possible. As he spoke and asked where the spider was I could feel myself shaking and tried my best not to cough up blood. He then left and everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"Kid I need to do a scan on you," Bruce said getting up from the floor and running over to me.

"I'm... okay," I slurred trying not to cause anymore panic among the Avengers who were still left.

Tony ran over to me and started running his hand through my hair which made me feel better. I tried to lean into his side but instead let out a small groan and sat straight up, I was going to throw up again.

"Woah kid calm down," Tony said thinking that I was just freaking out.

"No...move please," I said while trying not to throw up.

"No kid just rel-"

I was suddenly puking blood and applesauce all over Tony's jacket. I felt dizzy and embarrassed. I quickly got up and went to the sink to wash myself down. I couldn't bring myself to look at Tony so I just stared into the mirror crying and grasping the edge of the sink, trying not to fall over.

Tony POV

The kid wouldn't stay still but I knew he had to relax so I kept a sturdy hand on him keeping him grounded on the bed.

"No kid just rel-"

I was cut off mid sentence when Peter suddenly threw chunks all over my jacket. He looked at me shocked at what he had done before going to the sink washing himself then crying silently.

He tried to warn me.

I quickly got up took off my ruined jacket and walked over to Peter in my tank top. The kid was staring in the mirror face pale and sweaty. He looked up at me with eyes that looked almost black because of the contrast to his skin.

"It is okay kid. You tried to tell me," I muttered while putting a reassuring hand on Peter's shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I will clean it up," he muttered wobbling over to his bed.

"No. Stop that," Wanda said walking over and picking up my jacket and carrying it out of the room and to the laundry room.

"Ya we got this mess," Bucky said grabbing the sheets and making his way to the laundry room as well.

The rest of the Avengers cleared the room and helped pick up the mess before letting Peter lie back down on his new clean sheets. Me, Bruce, and Peter were the last ones left in the room. Steve and Nat had been taken down to the cells and I was about to head down there when I suddenly felt a cold hand grasping mine.

"Please, I don't want to be alone, Mr Stark," the kid said hoarsely.

"I'm not going anywhere," I muttered looking at the sweet kid lying in his bed.

I plopped down next to him and started rubbing circles on his back. His eyes fluttered closed and I sat there for a little while longer not wanting to let go of him.

"He won't last much longer like this," Bruce muttered sadly from the corner of the room.

"That is why we are here, to help."

I caressed the boy for a little while longer while sitting next to him on his clean bed. I felt like his father in that position but I knew May would come back as soon as a year had passed. Luckily the kid still had more than 11 months with me. I got to keep him with me for much longer, but deep down I wished he was mine and that I didn't have to give him back.

The least I can do is try to save him. Even if he isn't my son or nephew, he will always be my responsibility.

With that thought lingering in my mind I started to work on coming up with a cure. I had to save my boy.


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