Chapter Two

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Tony POV

I walked into the kitchen looking for food for the kid. I knew his stomach hurt but the kid was already practically skin and bones so he had to eat something. I looked through the fridge looking for something that wouldn't hurt his stomach. I finally settled on getting him applesauce and bread. I put the bread in the toaster and waited for it to finish toasting when suddenly I was surrounded by all the Avengers except Clint and Nat.

"Tony what is going on?" The all seemed to ask at the same time, their voices muddled together.

"Nothing Pete just needs some food so I am giving him some," I lied not knowing who to trust.

Everyone nodded slowly before slowly going back to doing whatever. Until Steve came back and said he would help me carry down the toast. We got in the elevator silently and neither of us spoke a word on the way down.

"What is going on Tony? And don't say nothing," Steve said finally breaking the silence.

"We have been compromised, Steve," I muttered while walking nearer to Peter's room.

"What do you mean compromised?" Steve asked looking utterly confused.

"I mean there is some masked villain out there controlling a different Avenger one at a time. I am about to ask the kid about him if you want to join. Also I should mention that we still haven't found a cure for Pete, Clint is in a cell for trying to attack him, and Nat is passed out on the floor for trying to attack Peter less than 5 minutes ago."

"Okay..." Steve said unsurely.

We walked into Peter's room to find everything the same way I had left it. Peter was sitting quietly in his bed watching Bruce tinker away with some sort of chemical he was making to try and cure him.

"Hey Pete," I said walking up to the boys bed and laying the tray over his lap.

He looked at me and said hi to Steve before he looked at his food.

"Geez kid the way you look at that food you might think I poisoned it," I said still waiting for Peter to take a bite of something, anything.

"Tony please don't make me," he mumbled looking up at me with big doe eyes.

"Tony is just trying to help you Peter. You need to eat something because of your fast metabolism and the fact that you are a growing boy," Steve chimed into the conversation.

Peter looked at him and finally realizing that it was him against a scientist and a super soldier he gave in.

"Fine," he sighed picking up the spoon and getting the applesauce.

"Good kid. While you do that I will be helping Bruce and when you finish we can talk about this 'villain' you are talking about," I said getting up and walking over to Bruce satisfied with my work.

"What can I do to help Tony?" Steve asked me making me jump.

"You can stand right there and watch the entrance for any Avenger looking to harm and or kill Pete, okay?"

"Yup no problem," he said getting up and walking to the door positioning himself in front of it.

After a few minutes I looked behind me to see Peter still trying to finish his applesauce. Taking pity on the kid I decided to finally ask about the mysterious villain that was trying to kill him.

"Hey kid?"

"Yes," he asked sounding like he was trying not to puke.

"Who is this villain and why is he after you?"

Peter opened his mouth to talk but before he could he got up and ran over the sink and started throwing up what little he had eaten. I ran over to the sink and started rubbing circles on his back.

"It's okay bud, I'm here," I said trying to comfort him while he threw up.

"I'm...okay," he muttered getting up and starting to  walk wobbly towards the bed. I grabbed his arm to support him back to the bed worry written all over Steve's and Bruce's face.

"Just relax okay kid? I can tell them," Bruce said turning to Peter.

"Ok," Peter slurred. 

I looked down at Peter worried for the poor Spiderling. He was pale, his hair and shirt drenched in sweat, not to mention how you could practically see his ribs by now.

"Bruce his metabolism is still fast. Why isn't that effected but the rest of his spidey senses are?" I asked before Bruce could start.

"Hmm. I didn't notice that. Maybe Mysterio met to do that, that would kill him fast and efficiently," Bruce muttered looking at the pale kid.

"Who is Mysterio?" I practically screamed at Bruce.

"He is the guy trying to kill the kid. He has magic powers that can trick peoples minds and control them to a certain extent. He has made a serum that can hurt Spider-Man by the looks of his books but apparently he never got the chance to test it because Spider-Man was to protected by the press. I believe that Mysterio used Clint to inject Peter with a drug that takes away all his spidey powers except for his fast metabolism. Because Peter can starve to death 2 times quicker than us it is a very fast way to exterminate him." Bruce finished

"That doesn't sound like something Mysterio would do though," I said piecing it all together.

"That is because it isn't Mysterio," Steve suddenly spoke up.

"How do you know?"

"Because unless I am mistaken that guy is bragging about bringing down the Spider-Man," Steve said pointing towards the TV.

I looked over to see a guy wearing four metal mechanical arms and shouting at the TV how he has won the battle against spidey.

"Ugh, Dr. Octavius," Peter slurred.


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