Awkward breakfast

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I go to avoid eye contact as I sit down at the table "why did you let him out?" I hear Marvin whisper yell to shneep standing right next to me. "There vas no real threat so vhy keep someone in captivity?" He states silence fell over the room until Chase said "how about I make pancakes!" Jameson started clapping enthusiastically, Jackaboy nodded as Chase went to make them "I vill be back call me vhen breakfast is ready." shneplestien said exiting the room. Jackaboy looked to the table and asked "how about I go help Chase?" Clearly seeing the tension in the room super speeding his way into the kitchen leaving me alone with Marvin and Jameson. Marvin looked to me, still avoiding eye contact with him he slammed his hands down on the table and stood up. "What's your game!?" he said clearly upset. "Why are you still here! Why aren't you in the straintjacket?" I felt my form glitch and Jameson flinched because of it "I don't have a game and why would you want me to be in the restraint jacket, It's uncomfortable?" I say rubbing my arm. "Please everyone knows that you're conniving and dangerous so what's your game Anti?" As if on cue Chase and Jackaboy came out with three stacks of pancakes each. Setting them on the table. Jackaboy ran out toward the hall to get shneplestien, while Chase was setting the table and putting out the syrup seemingly unaware of what happened in his absence. Jackaboy and shneplestien renter the dining room and sat down. We ate in silence, afterward I helped Chase clean up. "Chase do you get the feeling that Marvin's upset that I'm here?" I asked "I was hoping you wouldn't care." he responded "where, where you for so long Anti we haven't seen one heard from you in awhile? Not even an attempt on Jack?" He questioned looking to me "where is jack anyway?" I state avoiding his question. "Don't tell him Chase." Marvin said from the doorframe confused I ask "what?" Chase struggles to say "y-you don't know?"
"Know what?!?" I ask gliching uncontrollably as me words echo back mockingly, 'why can't I sound ligitamently concerned?' I think to my self looking between Chase and Marvin as my gliching calms down.
'Did I do something wrong?'

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