Disfuncional family

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*Anti's POV*
Chase then locked eyes with me and opend his mouth about to say something before Marvin snapped "Chase don't tell him or I'm telling shneplestien!" Chase nodded then let out a sigh and dried his hands as Marvin stormed past a very confused Jameson. Both Jameson and Chase gave me a sympathetic look and silently left the kitchen me following hesitantly behind 'why is Marvin suddenly aggresive? What are they keeping from me?' I follow them into the living room when my powers spike sending pain into my chest as I neal to the floor everyone looking at me. Shneplestien was first to react and helped me up as he wraps my arm over his shoulder I spot the green syringe again, he leads me to the couch to sit. "Are you okay Anti that is extremely unlike you?" Shneplestien asked, I grabbed my head and replied "I'm okay this has been happening from time to time recently. By the way I have been meaning to ask what is the syringe for?" Chase shneplestien and Jackaboy froze at my question and Marvin as well as Jameson looked confused at them. Shneplestien nervously answered "That is nothing you should concern yourself over Anti!" Chase and Jackaboy nod in agreement with Shnep. 'Is it a naa they herd my, could it?' I think to myself . "I Vill be in my 'ROOM' do not disturb me." Shneplestien said. I didn't believe him. Everyone nods and leaves me on the couch alone. What are they hiding from me? I go to stand up but my head started spinning, my eye began to burn, glow and flicker acid green, as what happened yesterday started again. I was laying down on the couch for hours with the drumming in my chest and head keeping me awake, until the rhythm suddenly stopped. I sat up wondering what that was I went to walk outside where Jackie was flying through golden rings with a timer on the far end of the maze. I watched him as the drumming slowly started up again. I walked back to the couch and collapsed on it. What is with this family? Marvin is out of character, Chase,Shnep and, Jackaboy are hiding something and the only one that I think wants to trust me can't speak, and Jack is either missing or injured and no one will tell me about it. Is it because I am different from them or that I am the embodiment of fear? eather way Jack is my brother in arms.
If something, anything bad happened to him I need to know.

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