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Shneplestien POV

'It has been fifteen minutes since the serums effects vhore off and Anti is still not vakeing up. He has been whispering some unlegeable nonzense vor a vile now and his eyes are still glued shut vhatever is going on in his head?' I closed the document and looked through the window in the door to see Anti still mumbling and whimpering. I have this overwhelming sense of guilt I don't know vhy but I know something bad's about to happen if Anti's gonna do it or maybe me? I turn to head upstairs and get some coffee when Anti screams and shouts the first legable thing in the fifteen minutes he has been mumbling. "That was not my fault! Not going to Greenwood Asylum not attacking 'him' not me looking like this! please believe me!" He was shouting until that final sentence I was in shock! "Doc you okay dude?" "Chace vat are you doing HERE?!" I shreaked in a panic
"I came to bring you coffee since you refuse to sleep? Are you okay you seem freaked out?" Chase asked looking sympathetically at me "Anti zaid zomething strange zomething about vhat happened and how zhe attack was not his fault? Along vith things about zhe Greenvood Asylum?" I say rubbing my eyes and sitting in my chair when Chace perked up and sat down next to me pulling out his phone " I did some research on that place and it said 'Greenwood Asylum was the largest mental institution in all of the world with inmates whose ages span fifty years to the youngest being a young boy six years of age that was killed by overdose on the tranquilizers used to calm him down. The Asylum was claimed to be a place where torture was the only care that was given. In an interview with the head doctor the extream methods were for the safety of the doctors and their patients. Greenwood Asylum burned down in February 8th of 1990 on the day the boy died February 7th 1990 many speculators think the boy returned to burn down the building.' "Come vith me and grab Jackie." I say heading toward the door "No need doc i'm here" Jackaboy said standing next to Chase I nod and open the door to the cell the others behind me as Anti looked up at us his face stained with tear tracks eyes bloodshot. "He made me do it I swear!" "How can we trust you your, um well uh?" Jackaboy studderd. "Evil" Anti finished, "Yeah" Jackie replied I thought about how we all know how Anti is dangerous when Chace suddenly yelled "sam! We can see it was tampered with physically or electronically if physically then Anti is innocent!" I look to him and state "zhat is not a bad izea." Me Jackieboy and Chase leave heading upstairs to the living room before going 'all zhe vay' up to Anti's room


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