Family Arguements

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*Chace's POV*

Me and the others walked into the living room to see Marvin and Jameson on th couch when Marvin jumps up and begins to shout mainly at shneplestien behind me but before Shnep could do anything I stopped him from stepping forward looking at the floor.

*Jameson's POV*

Both Jackie and Shnep backed away from Chace who was silent as Marvin continued yelling "You let him in and told him about Jack and look what happened? This is why we can't trust him!" Chace simply looked up from the floor and looked Marvin clear in the eye. Something was different though Chase had no emotion behind his eyes as he began. 
"Excuse me but that is not necessary for without Anti, Jack would not be awake right now. Go stand in the corner and think about what you just said until I call for you! Do I make myself clear?" Chase said monotone
Marvin's anger changed to shock as he stammered "Ch-Chace I?" "Do I make myself clear!?" Chace snapped Marvin nodded and said "ye-yes sir!" before quickly walking to the corner with his head hung. My jaw gaped open as Jackie nudged me with his elbow and whispered. "You're to new to know about this kind of thing. That is Chace's dad mode you don't want to be like Marv and be on the reseveing end of that!" Jackie said with a smerk, I nodded and watched as the three men walked up the stairs before glancing at the downward staircase that lead to Shneps lab then to Marvin in the corner of the room. 'Chace is very passive aggressive!' I think to myself turning back to the TV.
*End of POV *

*Chace's POV*

I followed Shneplestien into the neon green room that belongs to Anti when Shnep stoped and turned to me Jackieboy entering and doing the same, Shnep spoke. "Are you feeling okay Chase zhat vas, um? "Wild dude!" Jackie finished "Anyway don't you think ya took a bit to far I mean Marvin and Jameson have never seen you that angry!" Shneplestien forced a smile "I am surprized you held zat vell togezer I vould of slapped him right zen and zhere." Shnnep admitted grabbing Dr. Septiceye off the bedside table to find his back panel was tampered with Shnep got lost in thought as I noticed another Sam on a shelf I held my hand out and he flew into my palm he was a darker shade of green than the other Sam's I knew "Antiseptic sam?" I said the others looking over "did you see what happened? I asked Sam nodded and flew out of my palm. "vas Anti forced to attack Jack vhen he came in here?" Shneplestien asked Sam nodded as an answer. Jackie was tinkering with Dr. Septiceye trying to fix him. "Anti was telling the truth!" I gasped looking up to see Shnep and Jackie staring slackjawed in fear behind me. I spun around to see 'him'!

Ha! Finaly figured it out huh,
BRO AVERAGE! To bad none of you will be able to tell Anti that you believe him. Not like it will make a difference his PERSONAL NIGHTMARE has Anti abit distracted

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