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Gemma's POV

SITTING ACROSS from Veronica, taking sneak peeks at her, while she drinks her wine, is the perfect way to spend an evening.

"You're staring again," Veronica mentions, as she continues to look at the menu. I press my lips together, and lower my gaze, a bit embarrassed, "I'm thinking of ordering your cute face on a platter. It'll be delicious, I bet."

I close my menu, and she does too, "there's something even tastier than my cute face," she says.

Veronica sinks her teeth into her luscious bottom lip, "that's for dessert, if you'll let me."

"We'll see," I shrug and drink my wine, "let me just take you in for now."

"You're lovestruck, aren't you?" Veronica giggles.

I swallow and shake my head, "I'm just faced with a dilemma when looking at someone so beautiful."

"Dilemma, huh? What dilemma?" Veronica asks.

"Not being able to focus on anything else. I've looked at the same entree for fifteen minutes because of you. Keep reading the description over and over."

"And when I thought you were just slow."

I gasp, "if you weren't so hot, I'd leave right now, and never call you."

"You'd leave and beg to come back. You can't resist me," Veronica's smile is as devious as her intentions. I stare at her face in awe, even with the slightly noticeable bruise on her nose, she might be the most beautiful woman in the room.

Maybe it's because I have extreme feelings for her, or because of that red dress that has me catching my breath every minute. But she might be the one. The actual one.

"I really can't. Can you resist me?" I ask.

She shrugs, "I think so. There's lots of fish in the sea."

"Well, that's hurtful."

"I'm kidding, lovebug," Veronica tilts her head to the side, "I had a dream last night. Can I tell you about it?"

I nod, "yes, I hope it was about me," I grin.

"I was on the top of a mountain, watching over the bluest sky I'd ever seen, with the clearest water. The breeze felt amazing, and the sun was hitting my face at the right angle. I almost thought I was actually there."

"Sounds like a great dream," I say.

"Yeah, and then someone walked beside me, took my hand and we looked at the view together."

"Was it me?"

Veronica smiles at me, "no, it was Sabrina," my brows furrow and for a moment, I almost pass out from shock. Not really. But I'm surprised, "of course it was you, lovebug."

Veronica begins to laugh uncontrollably. It's definitely because of the look on my face, "that's not funny, Veronica."

I exhale a relieved breath. God, this woman will kill me.

"It is," she reaches for my hand across the table, as her laughter resides, "there's a lot of fish in the sea, Gemma. But you're the only fish that I want to be with."

I sigh, "are you sure? Because if you want to date other people, I understand. Maybe I can live with it," no, I can't. I'm gonna drive crazy thinking about her with someone else. It's not my best personality trait. I guess you can call me possessive. Or whatever. This might be the reason I'd been single for so long.

"Gemma, look at me," I swallow my thoughts, and give her my full attention, "I'm not the poly kind of gal. You are not allowed to date other women. You got me?"

I nod, "okay," damn, she's intense. Maybe I've met my match, "you're not allowed to eithe—"

"Not allowed? You can't tell me what I'm not allowed to do, Gemma. You don't own me."

I swallow hard, as she begins to laugh again, "sorry, um, what? You just—"

"I'm fucking with you. You're so easily rattled."

I shake my head, "we're exclusive. Let's leave it at that," I exhale a much needed breath.

Veronica smiles lovingly at me. My heart seems to skip a beat, "I'm your girlfriend now? I thought we were taking things slow," she teases.

"Not that slow. We're dating. You're my girlfriend, Veronica. I sometimes feel too old to say that, but we are."

"Girlfriend, I like it. And don't say you're old, that'll mean I'm getting old. And I'm way too young to even think about being old."

"Okay, smarty pants," the waiter finally comes over to take our order. I don't trust Veronica to share her coq au vin with me this time either, so that's what I order. She seems to be really hungry, and orders two entrees. I love a woman who can eat.

Veronica's POV

THE GIRLS are over for another wine and gossip night. That's what they're calling it now. Maggie's probably spilled the beans about me and Gemma's relationship. I'm just waiting for Beatrice and Penny to bring it up.

Gemma says, "I invited Audrey, I know I should've asked first. But the kids are at sleepovers, and she's all alon—"

"That's okay, lovebug. I like Audrey. And there's enough wine here for all of us to pass out to."

Gemma helps me take the snacks that I made into the livingroom for the vultures to eat, "you're the best. She'll be here soon."

I smile and place a quick kiss on Gemma's lips. That's when I hear whistling in the background. And of course, it's Maggie.

"Gemma, show her a real kiss," Maggie teases, before grabbing the bowl of plantain chips from Gemma.

"I'll do it later when you're gone, I promise," Gemma assures.

"That's what I'm talking about. You two finally hooking up scratches something off of my bucket list."

I grab my glass of wine, and sit down beside Gemma on the couch, "really?" I ask, "why are we on your bucket list, Maggie?"

"You are. Number 47, get Veronica a serious relationship. It's a valid list."

"We're happy for you two," Beatrice says, "props to Gemma for getting Veronica to settle down," she lifts her glass.

"Wait, you guys make me sound like I have commitment issues," I say. Gosh, what friends I have.

"You do. You did. It's whatever. You've got Gemma now," Beatrice clarifies.

Penny says, "if you two ever want to have some extra fun, I'm—"

"Don't even," Maggie holds up her hand, "for the last time, we do not sleep with married women, Penny."

Penny scoffs, "I'm in an open relationship. I need different friends," she mumbles.

"We're the friends you can't sleep with, that's all. Learn about boundaries, Penny," Maggie says, "but you know, one day I might get drunk enough, and horny enough, and I'll take you up on that offer. But not today, the wine ain't that good."

I wonder how Penny and her husband puts jealousy aside. I wish I could be more open minded. But it seems that Gemma feels the same way about us being monogamous, so there's no reason for me to worry about that topic.

"Back to what we were talking about, Maggie you didn't get me in a relationship, so you can't cross me off," I say.

"I didn't? I pushed you, if I remember correctly."

"Barely," I mumble, "I remember mostly talking about you. Have you found a serious relationship yet? So I can check that off my bucket list?"

Maggie scoffs, "you don't have a bucket list. You're too content with life. It's scary."

"Content? You guys keep making assumptions about me. What do I seem content about?"

"You just don't want anything to change. You're happy with what you have now," Maggie explains.

I say, "I want more out of life. Marriage, kids, a dog."

Gemma looks at me, "I like cats," she says.

I huff out a breath, "not the time, Gemma."

"Okay," she mumbles.

Beatrice says, "so you're going to get married again? I wonder who to?" They look at Gemma.

"I'm good quality marriage material. Given the right amount of love and devotion," Gemma mentions with a cheeky grin.

"We just started dating. We're far, far, far away from that. Like years."

"Really?" Gemma asks.

"Yeah. I'm not rushing into marriage again. That's how I got divorced the last time."

"But it's because it was a guy."

"True. But I'm not rushing into anything with anyone. I'm not going to be the typical lesbian who moves in after a week," I respond.

"Oh, okay," Gemma seems disappointed. Why's she disappointed?

The girls look at us in anticipation, "what?" I ask them.

"Nothing," they all mumble.

I hear the doorbell ring. At least some people have enough manners to use the doorbell, unlike other people who come here. It must be Audrey. I've always liked her.

Thank god she's here. Anything to get me out of this conversation.

Opening the door, a blast of chill hits my skin. Gosh, it's freezing outside.

"Hey, I brought beer," Audrey walks in, and I close the door immediately. She begins to shed her layers, and hands me the six pack of beer. They're all mine. Just to get through this night.

"Thanks. Gemma's in the living room with everyone else. I've been meaning to come see you but—"

"It's okay. I know you've been busy. And I haven't been forthcoming recently," we walk into the living room, "and congrats on getting Gemma to settle down. I almost thought it was impossible," Audrey teases.

Gemma looks up at us, "now I have commitment issues? I liked it better when we were discussing Veronica."

Audrey must be a bit confused. But I'm not going to be the one to explain what we talked about before she got here.

"Hey, I'm Audrey," she does a polite wave at the audience, who have their faces stuffed with plantain chips. I hope they don't force me to make more of those.

"I'm Penny. You're pretty, are you—"

Maggie glares at Penny, "I'm Maggie, this is Beatrice. And don't acknowledge Penny. She's a nympho."

Audrey smiles awkwardly, "okay. It's nice to meet you three, I guess."

"Sit, sit. We've got wine, and chips, and—" Maggie looks at the sour look on Penny's face. I'd be offended too, whether it's true or not.

"I'd prefer the term sexually active, thank you very much," Penny grumbles, before getting up and walking into the kitchen.

Gemma decides to advert the topic, "Maggie, I've been wondering if you're still interested in putting my house on the market?"

"Really? I figured that you're gonna keep it."

"I've thought about it. And it's time to start a new chapter in my life. That house makes me think about all the dead people who lived there."

"You mean your family?" Maggie asks.

"Yeah, that's what I mean," Gemma gulps down her wine, and gets up, "I have to make a call," she caresses my cheek with the palm of her hand, before walking towards the back door, and into the backyard.

"Veronica, where'd you get beer from?" Beatrice asks, and stretches her hand out for one.

I shake my head, as I hold the pack of beer against my chest. I must look like a drunkard to everyone, but wine's not going to be enough to get through this night.

"Just drink your wine," I flip my wrist, and chug down a half bottle of beer. I can feel a burp coming, and place my hand over my mouth, "excuse me."

Audrey laughs and tilts her wine glass to her lips. Maggie gets up, and walks over to sit beside me, "so tell me. How's the sex?" She whispers.

I swallow, as my cheeks heat up, "none of your business," I mumble and take another swing from the beer bottle.

"That bad, huh?" Maggie laughs. I don't need to be teased right now, "on a scale of one to ten, how bad is it?"

I place my hand against my forehead and sigh, "I wouldn't know. We haven't had sex yet."

"Woah, really? You guys haven't had sex yet?" God, why can't people keep their voices down? Beatrice and Audrey look at me with anticipation in their eyes—the tell us more eyes.

"You're so damn loud," I almost yell.

Maggie places her hands over her mouth, "shit, sorry," she then laughs, "are you two waiting for marriage or something?"

I narrow my eyes. I could kill her, "no, Maggie. We're just taking things slow. Is that so hard to believe?"

"Yes," Penny says as she walks back into the room, a full glass of wine in her grasp, "if I was dating Gemma, I'd fuck her every day. What's up with you two?"

"Don't talk about fucking my girlfriend," I groan. I guess my possessive side automatically comes out, "we're in no rush."

Penny scoffs, "if you won't, someone else will."

Gemma walks back in, tucking her phone into her pocket, "did any of you know that I now own a strip club?"

"You mean you inherited a strip club," Audrey laughs, "your grandfather loved that place."

Everyone else laughs too. Gemma looks at me with a questioning stare, "everyone knows that he really loved going there almost every night," I say.

"I feel as though I'm missing something," she mumbles, "well, I just talked to the guy who runs the place. And they're having an event on Saturday, if any of you want to come with me."

"VIP?" Maggie asks.

Gemma nods, "wine night at a strip club, anyone?"

"I've got kids. So no. I'd never hear the end of it if the PTA board finds out," Audrey mentions, as she pours herself another glass of wine from the bottle that was on the table beside her chair.

"I'm in. I'll bring my husband," Penny responds. Of course, she'll go.

"Am I invited?" I ask Gemma with a raised brow. I'm not sure how I feel about her being in a room filled with half naked women.

"Of course, you are. You're my date. I'm mostly just going to collect a check from them. I can already see the jealousy in your eyes."

Gemma walks over to me, and leans down to kiss me on my forehead, "I'll be there. I might find another douche to take home," Maggie mumbles.

"I'm not jealous, what are you talking about?" I ask.

"Oh, she's jealous," Maggie stands and heads back to her previous seat, "figure out how to tame that one, Gemma. She's a beast," Maggie giggles.

Gemma's POV

WHEN EVERYONE finally leaves, Veronica and I sit on the couch, and try to keep our eyes open to finish an episode of Grey's Anatomy.

"Babe, let's get you to bed," I whisper into her ear.

"Will you be naked?" She mumbles sleepily. I place a kiss on her cheek and shake my head.

"Are you that horny?"

"No. I just like the thought of you naked," Veronica opens her eyes and smiles at me, "I can't wait to see you naked."

"You'll be disappointed when you do. I'm no Angelina Jolie."

"No, you're even better," Veronica pulls me into her, and moves her hand onto my butt. She looks at me with those sleepy eyes of hers, as she caresses my behind.

"I'm hungry. Are you hungry?" I ask, trying to make up an excuse to get away from her.

"Yeah, I guess," she sits up, "I can make sandwiches."

"You sit. I can make them."

She shakes her head, and walks into the kitchen, "you'll just slap cold turkey onto bread. I do things differently."

"Differently?" I raise a brow, "why do you always have to be fancy?"

"I like things a certain way. It's how I grew up," Veronica wipes the sleep from her eyes, and stretches her arms.

"I grew up on take out and snacks. I literally went to school with Cheetos and a juice box for my lunch," I say

"Sounds awful," she says, "how did you live like that?"

I shrug, "it wasn't a big deal. I love Cheetos. I didn't expect my grandfather to cook, and when I started middle school, I got lunch money."

"You really didn't have the life I assumed you had," she says.

"What life do you assume I had?"

"You know, maids and chauffeurs. People to take care of you. Seems like you had to take care of yourself."

"I had a good childhood. No complaints here. And we did have a maid. But I caught the bus to school like a normal kid."

"Still spoiled," Veronica nudges me in passing, as she walks over to the fridge, "okay, princess. Let me show you how to make a real sandwich."

"Aren't you tired? Cause I am," I say.

"There's no excuse to be lazy. I might be drunk, but I can still cook. It's what my mom taught me to acquire a good husband."

I laugh, and she does too, "so you're that girl?"

"Yes. I'm the girl who was trained to be a 1950s housewife. No wonder I opened a bed and breakfast."

"You never talk about your family. Estranged?"

Veronica shakes her head and shrugs, "my parents live ten minutes away. I visit them every time I get a chance. And my sister lives in Miami with her husband and kids. They come here every year for Christmas, since I'm the one who always cooks."

"Wow. I'm jealous. I spend Christmas with my vibrator," I place my hand over my mouth, "sorry, that's inappropriate."

Veronica walks over to me, and pulls me into a hug, "you'll spend Christmas with me this year. And your vibrator can tag along too. I don't mind."

"Would your parents mind?"

Veronica sighs, "they know I'm gay. They just don't want to believe it. Especially since I've never brought a girl home. You ready to be the first?"

"I'm flattered. But they're not going to pin me to a cross, right?"

"They're not religious. But my mom might beat you with a broom if you bring a vibrator with you."

I can't help but laugh, "I'll leave her home. Can't wait to meet your family, babe."

"Me too," she says.

THAT MIGHT have been the best turkey sandwich I've ever had. Veronica was serious when she said that she liked everything to be fresh. She had a turkey breast that she panfried, sliced and garnished just to make a damn sandwich.

I don't think I can go back to regular sandwiches now.

"Have I ever told you about Jack?" I ask her, as we sit in the backyard, overlooking the mysterious, dark sky.

"Sabrina's son?" I nod, "not really. What about him?" Veronica moves her hand onto mine, and intertwines our fingers.

"I regret missing out on him growing up. I only really knew him for a few months. But it felt like..." I sigh.

"Gemma," Veronica turns to look at me, and places her other hand against my cheek, "you care so much. It's what I love about you."

Love. I know that she doesn't mean it in the way I want her to mean it. But it's still nice to hear the words fall from her lips.

"Veronica, I should get home. You need sleep. And it's frickin' cold out here."

I inhale a deep breath, trying to resist how beautiful she looks against the gentle, cold, dark night. The layers of my clothing are not warm enough to keep me comfortable. But it's still nice to sit here with her.

"Let's get inside then."

INSTEAD OF heading home, I make a detour to Zoey's house. Standing at her front door, I remember the last time that I was here. It might be the quickest I'd ever broken up with someone. Not my proudest moment. But I was in such a rush to win over Veronica that I barely considered Zoey's feelings.

"What are you doing here, Gemma?" Zoey crosses her arms over her chest when she opens the door, "came to dump me again?"

"I want to apologize for the way I—"

"Save it," she holds up her hand, "I get it. You love her. The way that you look at her... I wish someone would look at me like that."

"Zoey, I'm so—"

"I'm still hurt, but after busting her nose, I don't need anymore apologises. Let's say we're even. And I don't think that I want to see you again."

"Are you okay? Is Carter okay?"

"He's been asking for you. But he'll be fine. It's not the first time he or I have been through this," Zoey places her hand on the side of the door, "take care, Gemma. I hope you two live happily ever after, whatever that is," she mumbles, "bye."

I wave as she closes the door. Turning around, I head back into my car and drive home. Home. It's not my home. I don't know where home is, but I know that I'll figure it out.

That conversation with Zoey was shorter than I anticipated, but I guess what needed to be said was said. I just hope she'll find someone to treat her much better than I ever did.

The buzzing of my phone in my pocket almost startles me. Checking the caller's ID, I notice that it's my lawyer. I wonder what he wants so late at night. I mean it's only nine. But I doubt he's still at the office.

"Hey, is this a good time?" He asks. Of course, it's always a good time. You know that I'm unemployed.

"Yeah, I'm driving home, but I have some time. What's up?" I put my phone on speaker. Wouldn't want a cop to pull me over.

"Helen Fletcher signed the new paperwork. She won't be giving you anymore trouble," I'd sigh in relief, but I was sorta hoping that I wouldn't have to deal with her anymore. But as long as she pays her rent, I won't have to see her for the next few years, hopefully. I just really don't like her.

"Great. But that's why you called me so late? You could've messaged."

"Yeah, I could have. Sorry. I've got some other stuff to discuss, but we can do it tomorrow, or whenever you get a chance to talk again."

"Sure. Have a good night, Glen."

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