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Sabrina's POV

I'M CONFLICTED. I know that I only asked Veronica out to get a reaction out of Gemma. But why? Sure, Veronica's attractive, and she's got a pair of the softest lips I've encountered, but it's never been about Veronica.

While kissing Veronica, all I could think about was how mad Gemma is going to be. How pissed she'll get because she'll be so jealous that I'm with another woman.

But she doesn't seem to care. She only cares because she loves Veronica? That's hard for me to process.

That makes me insignificant. It means that Gemma doesn't care about me. She doesn't want me...

I want to pull my hair out. Gemma has never been the love of my life, not even close to it. But she might have been the best relationship I've ever had. She treated me so good. I've never felt someone care for me the way she did.

In some ways, I regret ever letting her go. But I couldn't stay with her either. I didn't love her the way I should love a person. But I know that she once loved me. Her loving me made me feel whole. It made me feel worthy. And the idea of that being completely gone—that the one person who made me realize that I'm worthy of love thinks... maybe I'm not worthy of love at all.

I wipe the tears from my eyes, and get into my car. Driving to Jack's office, I consider what I want to say to him. Everything. I'm done trying to cover up a past that I don't regret. I won't feel ashamed about the things that made me happy. Not anymore.

"Mom, are you okay?"

I close the door to his office, and begin to pace the room, "there's something I need to say, Jack."

"Okay, what is it?" He sits at his desk patiently, his hands clasped on his desk.

"You're not crazy, Jack. And it's time for you to know the truth..." I pause and try to catch my breath. What am I doing? I can't... just say it before you change your mind! "I'm bisexual," I let out a heavy breath, "there. I said it," suck that, Gemma.

"Well," he claps his hands, "I'm proud of you for admitting it. But I honestly thought that you'd tell me you're a lesbian instead."

I look at him bewildered, "I've been with men my entire life. I'm not a full lesbian."

"So you're bisexual. I'm just glad you've come to terms with your sexuality," he says.

"And you're not judging me?"

He shakes his head, and stands up. Walking over to me, he stretches his arms out, before pulling me into a hug, "should I throw you a coming out party?"

I smack him on his back, "no. And don't mention this to your grandparents. I don't need to be the cause of their deaths."

"Yeah, no. If anyone's ever going to tell them, it's going to be you. They still hate me for having premarital sex with my highschool girlfriend," gosh, don't remind me about the lecturing I got of how much of a bad mother I am for that incident.

"They don't need to know, do they?" I shudder by just the thought of telling my parents that I like women.

"That's for you to figure out, mom. Now, why don't you tell me a little bit about you and Gemma's relationship?" He pulls away, and I stand there completely frozen, "I've got some free time, I'd like you to answer some questions that've been on my mind."

"Really, now?"

"Yes, before you change your mind, and tell me you were drugged into confessing that you're bisexual."

I glare at him. That's not funny, "fine, sit."

We sit on the couch in his office, and I hesitantly tell him about my affair with Gemma. It may be one of the hardest things that I've ever done. But I need to do it. I can't let it be baggage to carry any longer.

Veronica's POV

I'M SO emotionally exhausted. I feel as though I've been crying for days on end. Gemma's decided to stay at her house to give us a chance to date like a normal couple. I've never cared for anything too normal. But I can't have her around all the time, clouding my judgement.

I have a business to run. A business that never shuts down. So, I'm glad that I can work in peace, without wanting to pin her against a wall every second of every day.

She's taking me on our first date tonight. And I'm so nervous, I could throw up.

I'm behind the check-in desk, when I notice Zoey walking in, the most pissed look on her face.

"Hey, Zoe—"

"You're such a bitch. I can't believe you slept with Gemma while we were together," Zoey yells, causing me to panic. Why does everyone seem to forget that this is a place of business? And yelling causes bad reviews?

"What are you talking about?" I say in a low voice. I'm obviously confused, since Gemma hasn't even made a move to get into my pants yet. She's possibly trying to be a gentlewoman, and wait till the third date.

"I'm so stupid. I thought you're her best friend. But here you go around fucking everyone," okay, I'm offended. The amount of people that I've slept with isn't something I'm proud about. But I don't need it to be thrown in my face.

"Zoey, can we take this outside? I have people here," I walk over to her, and instinctively grab her arm to lead her out. Zoey's arm roughly slips out of my grasp. What I get as a refusal, is a sucker punch to my face.

"Don't fucking touch me," she yells, as I hold onto my nose.

Fuck, that hurts. I can feel the blood gushing onto my hands, as I cover my face with them.

I'd hit her back, if I didn't feel so guilty for stealing Gemma from her, and because I won't be able to charge her with battery if I retaliate.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I..." Zoey begins to freak out when she sees all of the blood. She runs to the kitchen, and comes back with a washcloth, "take this," she tries to hand me it, but I refuse. This fucking bitch just punched me, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... it just happened so quickly..."

I lean my head forward like I've seen on Grey's Anatomy, and carefully make my way into the kitchen. She could have at least gotten me a damn ice pack for breaking my nose.

Zoey follows me, as I retrieve the ice pack from the freezer. I wish she'd leave, before I get angry enough that I throw something at her.

Now, my fridge has blood all over it. I groan, and grab the roll of paper towels, and place the entire thing against my face to sop up the blood.

"I should leave, I should—"

"Just go," I yell.

I place the ice pack against my face, and flinch. Here's to hoping that I don't end up with a disfigured nose.

"Veronica, I've got tickets to—" Maggie walks in and looks at me in horror, "what the fuck happened to you?"

I point at Zoey, as she tries to rush out, "she punched me."

I wince. It even hurts to talk.

Maggie grabs Zoey by her arm, and shoves her, "what's your problem?" She pushes Zoey aside, and rushes over to me, "don't move, else I'll call the cops. I know where you live."

Zoey gulps and nods. Maggie takes me over to the couch to sit down, "call Gemma. And please take me to the hospital. I'm starting to feel woozy."

All this blood loss must be affecting my body somehow.

Gemma's POV

WHEN MAGGIE calls me, and tells me what happened. I immediately rush over there within twenty minutes. Your girlfriend punched Veronica isn't something I was expecting to hear today. Especially since Zoey is no longer my girlfriend.

"Oh, honey," I run to Veronica's side. She seems as though she's about to pass out.

"Let's take her to the hospital. She wanted to wait on you to get here first," Maggie says as we help Veronica up. Putting one of each of her arms over our shoulders, we carefully walk her to my car.

Tucking her into the backseat, Maggie sits with her. The rental company might not take the car back after this bloodbath in the backseat.

"I'm coming with you," Zoey says as she hops into the front passenger's side seat. I wonder why she cares so much. It's probably because she's afraid that Veronica's going to press charges.

"Sure," I buckle my seatbelt, and reverse out of the parking. Driving onto the road, I'm tempted to go over the speed limit. But I know that it's better to get there safe than sorry.

"It's good you're coming with us. The police are going to want a statement from you," Maggie says, seeming to scare the shit out of Zoey.

"I've got a kid. I didn't mean to... it was an accident," Zoey panics and starts to breathe heavy.

I feel bad for her. But I'm worried about Veronica. She could have a concussion. I'm going to make sure that the doctors do a full head work up. This is not going to be like Grey's where some doctor named Penny kills my girlfriend.

"Should've thought of that before you wacked me," Veronica groans in the backseat, "I guess I deserved it for stealing your girlfriend, but fuck, it hurts."

Maggie gasps in the backseat, "what? You two? When?" She reaches over and slaps my shoulder, "damn, I thought it would never happen."

Zoey scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest in defeat, "suddenly not regretting punching her now," she mumbles.

I say, "Zoey, you should be mad at me. I'm the one who fell... who kissed her."


We make it to the hospital, and I pull the car in front of the emergency entrance, "let's get her inside. I'll find a parking," I say.

I get out of the car, and Maggie helps Veronica out, "I've got her. Go park before you get fined."

Zoey helps Maggie take Veronica inside. How nice of her, psh.

Hopping back into the driver's seat. I look for the first available parking spot that I can find. Running into the hospital isn't my finest moment, the rush of adrenaline, and unwanted anxiety causing me to really worry.

I spot Veronica sitting on a cot, while Maggie proceeds to yell at Zoey, "this is so reckless of you. You stupid..."

"Can I get a doctor over here? I'm sure this is an emergency," I yell for someone. But there's only one doctor around, who's looking at a chart, "doctor, can you please help us? I want to make sure she isn't—"

"I'll be right with you. Don't worry," I sigh and nod.

Walking over to Veronica, I immediately take her hand. Maybe I can get in touch with a private doctor—someone who can focus better on her.

Maggie retreats from scolding Zoey, and turns to Veronica. She says, "it'll be fine. Worse case scenario—Gemma has to buy you a nose job."

I try not to laugh. Veronica looks at me, and tries to smile, but instead, begins to cry, "tonight was supposed to be our date," she says.

I place my hand against her cheek, and rub my thumb along her jawline, "we'll reschedule. I'll take you home after and feed you. I'll tuck you into bed. I might even read you a lesbian romance novel," Veronica can't help but smile through the tears. She tries to talk, but I place my finger over her lips, "you don't have to say anything. I know your face hurts."

Veronica nods and sighs. I look up, and realize that Zoey's been watching us. Zoey shifts her weight and says, "I should go. I shouldn't be here."

"Now you realize this," Maggie mumbles, "I didn't care to see them all lovey dovey either."

I can see the pain in Zoey's eyes. The pain that I caused. Our relationship was short-lived, but of course, I feel guilty for breaking up with her. I basically betrayed her. She deserves better than a half assed explanation about how I have feelings for Veronica. She deserves a better apology.

"I'm so sorry again, Veronica," Zoey apologises once more, before leaving. I watch as she walks away, and know that I can't focus on her. I have to focus on Veronica.

This is my fault. Her busted face is all my fault. And if I have to spend half of my inheritance for her plastic surgery, I'll do it.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Wilkes," finally, he came over. I sigh in relief. He takes a look at her nose, which has stopped bleeding, since we got into the car. I think that's a good sign, "looks like nothing's broken. Good news is that I'll give you some medication for the pain."

"Can you do a full head work-up. Rule out any possible—"

"That won't be necessary," he studies Veronica's face, "there's some swelling, but that's consistent with a...."

He continues to explain, while I let out a breath of relief. Maggie seems to have calmed down too, now that the initial shock is over. Thankfully, it's just a bruised nose.

AFTER A few hours of sitting at Veronica's bedside, Maggie finally heads home. I order in some food, and we sit in bed, while I try to feed her.

"Come on, open up for the choo choo train," she's being stubborn and shakes her head.

"Not hungry," she mumbles, closes her eyes and leans back.

I consider making her a milkshake, so that she can get something in her stomach.

"Is it still hard to talk?" I ask.

Veronica shakes her head, "I'm just not hungry."

"Do you want me to make you something else? I can—"

"No, Gemma. I'm tired. And I have guests coming in tomorrow," Veronica does seem exhausted. I place the bowl of soup onto the nightstand, and move closer to her, embodying her like a spoon.

"I can help you with that."

"Yeah, but I'm supposed to clean the rooms, and tomorrow's my Wednesday dinner. I'm so stressed, Gemma. I'm supposed to be cleaning right now, but I can't seem to move an inch off the bed."

I place my arm around her, and she embraces my body, "I worked as a hotel cleaner for two years when I moved to New York. I think I can handle your bed and breakfast for one day."

Veronica turns into me, "really? I would've never guessed."

I shrug, "my life's not always been glitz and glam. No one realizes that."

"It's still not your responsibility, it's mine. I should," she tries to get up, but I stop her, "get up. Gemma," she groans. But settles back in immediately, "fine, give me an oral resume so I can decide if to hire you or not."

I laugh, "I got my first job at sixteen. I quit after one day because I was so overwhelmed by the workload."

"It doesn't seem like you want me to hire you. Stating actual weaknesses is a no no."

"You're my girlfriend, you'll hire me regardless."

"No, nope. I'm going to treat you like I would with anyone else," Veronica grooves her body further into mine, "now, rub my shoulder while you tell me more."

"Fine," I mumble, "my second job I was eighteen, it was for Sabrina. I was her personal assistant. You and I already know how personal that got."

Veronica cracks up, "so you're one of those women?"

"What do you mean, one of those women?"

"You know, sleeping with your boss on the job, getting special treatment. I bet you only got hired because she wanted you."

I'm tempted to be offended. But it's the truth, "we actually met online. From what I've realized over the years, not that she ever admitted to it, I think her husband put her up to it. "

"What? Really?"

"Yeah. They were looking for someone as a couple, but I guess she decided not to share me with him."

Veronica flinches, "that's kinda scary. And you ended up working for her? Wow, you're fearless."

I sigh, "I didn't know all of this at the time. She told me that she has a kid, is separated and about to get a divorce from her husband. And that she owns her own business."

"Sounds like she was trying to lure you into her basement and keep you hostage."

"Quite the opposite. She lured me into her bedroom. I fell head over heels for her, then I realized that her husband is the one that owns the business, after I took the damn job."


"So I quit after three weeks. Didn't stop me from continuing to see her. I just couldn't deal with seeing him everyday, knowing that they're together."

"Sounds like a mistake I'd make too. I'm probably the type of person who would've kept the job, and still sleep with the wife when the husband wasn't looking."

"Not when he's hitting on you every chance that he gets. I thought I had too much self respect to work for someone like that. I broke up with her, quit and thought I'd get over her, all in one swoop."

"Then you ran back to her?"

"Yup. Into the depths of doom. It took me seven whole months to claw my way out from under her. And the rest of my life to never forget how stupid I was."

"Hey," Veronica turns into me, and places her hand on my cheek, "you're here now, and you're better for it. And you can have the job. You're hired."

"So I tell you my sob story, and you just give me the job? Sounds like special treatment. I've still got it," I grin.

"Yes, yes, you are that girl," she says, "except you haven't even tried to touch me yet. My ass is right there, Gemma."

I raise a brow, "you're in pain. I'm trying to be respectful."

"Yeah, yeah. That makes me like you even more."

"It better. I'm a good girlfriend. And trust me, when I touch you, you'll beg me to never stop," I whisper into her ear.

Veronica's POV

THIS BRUISED nose might actually be a good thing. It seems to be bringing Gemma and I closer and closer. I haven't relaxed this much in years. I don't have to worry about the bed and breakfast, or having to cook, clean, or anything.

I sit back all day, and watch Grey's Anatomy. I've got a month's worth of seasons to catch up on.

"Oh, I love this episode," Gemma sits beside me with a bowl of popcorn in her hands.

Gemma's watched every episode already. And I'm trying to catch up so that we can watch the new season together. It's our new favorite show to watch together. But I can watch it without her too, that's what's perfect about it.

I know that there's no one around, so I crawl onto her lap, and wrap my arms around her neck. Gemma places the bowl onto the table beside the couch, "aren't you going to kiss me?" I ask.

"I don't kiss women with busted noses," she laughs and places her hands on my waist, before placing a delicate kiss on my healing nose.

"Mhm," when our lips meet, I could almost melt in her arms. My hands move down her shoulders, and under her shirt, feeling the warmth of her soft skin.

Gemma deepens the kiss, guiding her tongue into my mouth. I run my fingers over what seems to be a sports bra, and feel her nipples quickly harden from my gentle caress.

She moans against my lips when I move my hands under her bra, and cover her full breasts, "Veronica, we're—"

"Alone, don't worry," I say. She places her hands on my arms, and pushes me back.

"Not now. Someone can walk in," her breathing is heavy, as her chest rises and falls against my hands.

"We can go to my room. It's right over there," I tilt my head to the side, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Gemma smiles and kisses me once more, "but I want to take it slow. Can we?"

I slowly pull my hands from under her bra and nod, "yeah, I think I understand," I don't.

"You're gorgeous. I'm just not ready, okay?" She places another kiss on my lips.

I move off of her, and sit beside her, "is it because you can't get Sabrina and me sleeping together out of your head?"

She takes my hand, and intertwines our fingers, "no, but now I am. Thanks for the image."

"It's weird that we both slept with her. Was she good in bed with you?" I ask.

"That's an odd question to ask. I don't really want to talk about her," she says.

I lean my head against Gemma's chest, and she begins to stroke my hair with her free hand, "it lasted only ten minutes, in case you're wondering."

"I'm not thinking about that anymore. But that does kinda make me feel better. I'm gonna guess scissoring. She was on top. She orgasmed, you didn't."

"Wow. But how does that make you feel better?" I ask.

Gemma shrugs, "it just does. Because I know I'm so much better in bed."

"Oh, really?"

Gemma nods, "you'll see what I mean when the time comes. Be patient, my love. The wait is crucial."

"Hm, and it'll be all worth it?" I ask.

"I promise you."

I inhale a deep breath, "what about Zoey? How was sex with her?"

Gemma shifts. It is an uncomfortable topic. But I'd like to be able to talk about these things. Get the thoughts out of my head.

"It was good. I wouldn't lie to you. If it makes you feel better, she never went down on me."

I laugh, "I bet she would have if you didn't end it so soon."

"I guess. Does it bother you? That I just got out of a relationship?"

"A little. That's why we're trying to take it slow, right?"

I close my eyes, and listen to Gemma's consistent breathing. She takes a breath every three seconds. And her heartbeat is slow and steady, but speeds up when I move my hand over her body.

"Yes. I don't want to rush things. Just being able to hold you like this... is everything," Gemma kisses my head, "but I promise you won't have to wait too long. I'm just biding time till that nasty bruised nose heals up, then I'll jump your bones, for sure."

I hit her with my elbow, "it's barely noticeable, you dick."

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