Truth Or Dare

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Janet's P. O. V

"Where the hell have you been?" I ask Andrew after I finish packing all the stuff up.

"I have been busy," he says and just then the waitress comes in with two cups of coffee. I narrow my eyes at it. Our previous order had come a while ago and I didn't order anything again.

"Don't worry, I ordered this for you when I came in, I figured you would need it," he says and I smile at him.

"Yeah thanks alot," I say and am about to pick the cup up when someone screams in my ear from behind.

I jerk up in my seat and swing my hand behind before turning around to see Kiara massaging her now bruised cheek.

Serves her right.

Andrew and Delna high five before laughing out loud. Andrew gets up to grab chairs for them and Kiara being Kiara takes the opportunity to sit in the place Andrew just emptied.

Andrew comes back and narrows his eyes at her.

"That was my seat," he says grumpily and Kiara smiles at him mischievously.

"Exactly! It was your seat, now it's mine," she stresses on 'was' and shrugs. He simply glares at her before looking over at me for help.

I just give him a sad 'I can't help you' smile. Delna sighs loudly before snatching the chair from his hand and sitting on it beside me.

"You really have that much of a problem sitting next to me?" Delna snaps, leaving Andrew shocked. I and Kiara sense the potential tension and exchange a panicked look.

"No no no," Andrew rambles and immediately sits down next to her.

"Andrew and Janet, we are here to party and you guys ordered coffee? I want beer," Kiara yells and slams her fist on the table slightly.

"I'll get it," Delna says and gets up to get the drinks.

"Thank you so much guys, I owe you'll," Andrew whispers once Delna is out of ear shot, sarcasm dripping from his words.

"Your welcome because whether you like it or not, we are doing you a favour," I say and smirk at him.

"Here," Delna said and put the bottles on the table.

"That was quick," I remark and she nods profusely.

"I know right, there's not much crowd," she says and Kiara grabs a bottle before downing the entire bottle in one sip. All four of us look at her wide eyed.

She finishes and shakes her head a little before giving is a victorious smile.

"Why would you do that?" I ask and she shrugs.

"We needed a bottle to spin in the centre because ladies and a stupid boy, we are going to play a game of truth and dare," she says and Delna beside me groans.

"That game is old now," she argues and Kiara clicks her tongue.

"Darling, this game never gets old. Besides, it's always needed once in a while you know, just to brush up facts about each other," she says and Delna shakes her head before agreeing.

I think it will be a good idea. I anyways want to get the story behind that summer out of Kiara, this is a good opportunity.

"Okay, let's play," I say and Andrew decides to speak up.

"No one asked me if I wanted to play," he complains and Kiara puts her hand on his shoulder.

"Son, you don't have a choice," she mimics a manly voice and winks in the end. Andrew pouts but agrees anyway.

"Okay then, let the game begin. Whoever the mouth end points at, will ask the question and the person at the other end answers," Kiara says and spins the bottle.

The bottle spins and four anxious eyes wait for it to stop and finally settle on someone.

It's slows down before finally settling down on me and Andrew.

Andrew gets to ask the question and I'm at the answering end.

"So what's it going to be, truth or dare?"


"Okay, so is there something we don't know about you?" he asked and I chew my bottom lip in response.

"Yes," I answer and both, Andrew and Delna, looked shocked. Kiara for some odd reason is not really surprised with this. She simply looks on while sipping on her beer.

"Well, enlighten us," he says and I shake my head.

"You just get to ask one question Andrew. You asked the question, I gave you the answer," I say and both of them narrow their eyes at me.

"Do hell with the game Janet, I want to know," Delna says and turns her chair towards me to give me her full attention.

"Do you know the amount of beauty spots on her body?" Kiara asks and Delna is left without an answer while Andrew let's out a awkward laugh.

"See, exactly. That's what she means when she says you don't know everything about her," Kiara defends me.

Is this the reason why she let it go?

"Yeah, so now let's carry on. We can corner her the next time the bottle points to her," Andrew smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever," I say and turn the bottle, silently praying it never turns to me again.

*after a few turns*

"Truth or dare," Kiara asks Andrew who is stirring nervously in his seat.

"Dare," he replies.

"Bad choice. Now, for the next one hour, you repeat 'I am an asshole' after everything you say," she says and Andrew runs a hand down his face while the three of us burst out laughing.

*next few turns*

"Truth or dare, Delna?" I ask her and she thinks a little before choosing truth.

"So, anyone special we are not aware of?" I ask her and Andrew stills beside her.

"Kind-off," she says and I smile at her while Andrew downs an entire bottle of beer together.

I spin the bottle and it slows down before finally landing how I wanted it to land.

"So Kiara, truth or dare?" I ask Kiara who is slightly drunk.

"Truth," she says and I smile in victory.


"So Kiara, who was the last guy you were seriously into?" I ask her and she stills before sipping on her beer and sitting up straighter.

"I have never been into a guy seriously," she says and continues to drink her beer.

A now drunk Andrew beside her scoffs before muttering.

"She's a liar. I'm an asshole."

I and Delna burst out laughing at that.

"Okay, I think it's time we should go home. We have school tomorrow," I say and they all nod.

"Guys, I'm paying. I'm an asshole," Andrew says and goes to the cashier. He, in his drunken state, clashes into someone.

"Sorry. I'm an asshole," he says and goes ahead to pay the bill. All the three of us look at him in amusement while the lady gives him a dirty look before walking off.

"Here, the money for everything. Keep the change. I'm an asshole," he tells the cashier who smiles at him seductively.

"I wish I meet assholes like you everyday," she says and he nods before walking back to us.

We walk out the cafe rather quietly. Delna calls for a cab because both of them are too drunk to drive.

Andrew tell the taxi driver his address before adding I'm an asshole at the end.

''You bet,'' the taxi driver muttered under his breath.

"Bye guys. I'm an asshole," Andrew waves at us after settling in the cab. Delna also waves at us before the cab driver drives off.

"Common, I'll drive us home," I say to Kiara who shakes her head.

"No, let's take a walk. We have to talk," she says and starts walking.

So suddenly poetic drunk cousin has a confession to make?


Sorry for the slow updates but I'm lacking the required inspiration and I don't want to write just for the sake of it.

So please do bear with me.

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Love you guys.

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