What's Happening.

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Alright people, listen up, I have two really important things to clear.

Firstly, for all those people who think learning dance without a teacher in today's world is unrealistic, let me tell you it's not. We have alot of facilities and reach all the over the world. If people can learn complex stuff like science, workout, make bombs at home using the Internet, this is just dance.

As far as no one coming to know is concerned, you need to read on :)

Last but not the least, this my novel, it's a work of fiction, hence I will do whatever I want to do, and I don't do real :D.


"Janet give it!" Kiara screams and pulls the laptop towards her.

"No," I yell back and pull the laptop in my direction again.

"Janet you're being unreasonable and weird, I'm not asking you for your kidney, and it's just your laptop that I need to use for five minutes!" Kiara tries to talk me out and pulls the laptop towards her again.

"I can't give it to you!" I blurt out and immediately regret it.

"Why?" she asks me and puts her hands on her hip. That's why I regret it.

Because I like a nut case, saved all my dance routines and videos on the desktop.

"I can't give it because uh-I need it. By the way, where is your laptop?" I ask her and divert the topic.

She rubs the back of her neck and starts looking at her feet. I almost laugh at her look. She is wearing her red angry birds t-shirt with yellow superman pajamas and right now, she's looking everywhere else but at me. She leaves the laptop and I hold it efficiently out of her reach.

"Uh-actually, the coffee kind of dropped itself on my laptop..." she whispers and looks at me with guilty eyes.

"Oh my God, the coffee is so evil," I say sarcastically before shaking my head.

"Janet please, I need your laptop," she pleads with those puppy dog eyes and I narrow my eyes at her.

"You can always use your phone," I suggest and she runs a hand down her face.

"Battery is dead. It's charging and you know I don't use my phone while its charging," she says and I roll my eyes.

"You and your weird antics. Here take my phone," I tell her and give my phone to her. She looks between my phone in my hand and my face with a confused expression before taking it.

"Uh-Thanks. It's weird though, you're ready to give me your phone but not your laptop?" she asks me and I give her a sarcastic smile.

"Well, I'm not exactly giving it to you. You're going to use it right now, in front of me, finish whatever work you have and then go back to your room," I instruct her and she frowns like a five year old but takes my phone and settles on her usual spot anyway.

"Aren't you being extra mean today?" she asks me while settling herself on the bean bag in the corner of my room.

"Aren't you asking too many questions today?" I counter question and she pouts before getting busy with her work.

I go and settle on my bed which is on the other side of the room, with the laptop still in my hand. My bed is attached to the wall with my window on the opposite wall.

On the side of my bed there are two bean bags and a television set used as our hangout place. Kiara is sitting on her usual red bean bag, too focused on the phone screen. My mind wanders back to the bracelet.

Today, the rest of the day in school passed by in a blur. I had the bracelet on my mind all the time. I was constantly thinking of the possible situations where she would not be at fault. I'm trying to convince myself that the gift still does mean something to her and she doesn't know it's lost. She wouldn't just consider a gift that I gave her worthless, right?

It's just a bracelet Janet. It's no big deal. Don't draw big conclusions on the basis of this. It's not like you never hide anything from her or never lie to her?

That's true. She is not aware of a very big part of my life, my dance. This is just a bracelet, I'm sure she doesn't know it's lost. Yeah, that's it. I'm just going to remind her about it. She will realise she has lost it and then she's going to start searching for it. I will put it in her room or school locker, she will find it, end of story.

"Kiara, you remember the bracelet I gave you?" I ask her and she looks up with a broad happy smile.

"Of course I remember! I'm still trying to figure out how you managed to save enough money to buy that," she says and looks outside the window dramatically like she will find an answer there.

Dramatic cousins.

"So, how about we wear it tomorrow? The elections results are tomorrow, so we can wear it for like support or something I guess?" I say and her eyes brighten up. She jumps up and claps her hands like a five year old.

"Of course we can! That's a great idea! When we win, we will both raise our hands up together and show them we are a team and-" she starts with her endless talking and I cut her off before it goes on for forever.

"Alright, alright. I'm tired now, I want to sleep, so go away. Don't forget to wear it tomorrow," I say and push her outside. She hesitantly steps out, all the way continuing her talk, till she is entirely outside my bedroom. She leaves my phone on the table beside the door and I say good night before I shut the door and take a deep breath.

The message alert ruins my calm moment.

The group loved the routine :) we have started practicing it and make slight changes as well ;). Anyway we already have our next event lined up and for that we need a ball room routine. Yes, a ballroom routine because we are teaming up with a boy dance group for this one. Also, the theme is romance. So tell me when you're going to be ready to do it :)
Love, Diane.

I almost laugh at Diane's way of composing a message, like she is writing a letter.

So, ballroom routine, huh?

I move to start preparing my room for my secret activities. I need to prepare allot and be very careful while I'm doing my dance stuff. That's probably the only reason why no one, not even my cousin, knows about it.

I dance only when I'm alone at home. That is when aunt has to go out and Kiara also decides to attend a party. I never attend parties, so I'm the one who is left at home. That means I can order pizza and also dance.

I never learnt to dance professionally. Whatever I know, I know because of Google or YouTube. Whenever Diane and her group send me a theme with the song, I research about it online. I learn the basics, study the steps, the signature movements. After that I create something according to the mood of the song. The research work, I can do when I'm not alone, like I'm doing now. All I do is lock my door, switch of the lights so they think I'm sleeping, plug in earphones so there's no noise and I start.

Diane and her group need me more for the formation than the steps. According to them, I am smart enough to create steps in sequences where the final formation is perfect. Their words, not mine.

Eventually, settling down, I prop the laptop up on my table before starting my research on a new dance form.

By the time I'm done I realise it's late and I have school tomorrow. Not only school, alot of things to handle as well...

A/N - Short chapter I know, but it's kind of calm before the storm ;).
About the dance thing, I'm sorry, but I'm not a dancer myself. So it might not sound authentic, please bare with it :) sorry for my mistakes :)

Also, please do check out my other book, Inevitable Destiny. It's going to be a series, I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Here is the blurb-
Ayana, Krisanne and Vihaan's bond was unbreakable. They were three people coming from very different worlds but stuck with each other through thick and thin. They grew up together. But their lives changed when three exchange students walked into their lives.

Ethan, Rey and Amber.
They were three students who were unwillingly sent to Mumbai for ten days as exchange students for a competition. They hated the idea and tried their level best to avoid it.

But Destiny is inevitable.

When these six very different people came together, alot of things happened. Love, hate, friendships, heart break.

It was the beginning of their journey.

Dont forget to vote :)

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