Too Much Drama

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"Kiara open the door! What are you doing?" I scream and bang my fists on her door while I can still hear cupboards opening and closing rather harshly.

"Janet I can't! I'm doing some very important work, just go away!" she yells back, her voice higher than normal.

I know she's searching for the bracelet. It's obvious. Otherwise, in case of any other thing, by now she would have come to me and ransacked my room as well. I turn around to face my very angry aunt.

If this scene was to be in a comic book, my aunt would have smoke coming out of her ears and her pupils replaced with fire with me having my knees under my chin and face buried in my hands, out of fear, on the floor.

Luckily it's not.

She's standing with a disapproving expression in front of me, with her arms crossed and her one leg out. She is tapping her feet rapidly, which is never a good sign.

I gulp down.

"Aunt Darla she - I will bring l-" I'm cut off.

"You tell my daughter and you're beloved cousin to open that door, clean her room and come down for breakfast in the next fifteen minutes. I don't want this ruckus or anymore furniture damage. Is that clear?" Aunt Darla warns me, raising her voice intentionally so that Kiara could hear her as well, before she turns and leaves.

I turn to the door and I'm about to start my rant when Kiara cuts me off.

"I heard my mother. Totally not happening," she yells and I run a hand down my face in frustration.

"Just great," I mutter and think of a way to open this door. Kiara has taken away her room keys from my room because she knows that, in situations like this, I would get in using that key.

I wonder where she gets all these ideas from.

That's when an idea struck me. I move towards my room to find every girl's weapon. I search a few drawers until I find it. I take the hair pin and move towards Kiara's room again.

I had watched an exact tutorial on how to open a door on you tube. I wonder what I would have done without you tube.

I put the pin in the key hole and start turning it carefully. After two minutes of full concentration and immense effort, the knob finally turned and the door opened. I'm sure Kiara didn't hear it open because she must have been too consumed in her search.

As soon as I open the door, which is a task considering the things lying on the floor, Kiara turns around and gives me an irritated look. She looks down at the pin in my hand and realisation dawns upon her.

"You better hide your pins in a good place because I'm going to be coming for them soon, " she threatens me while turning back around and continuing her assault on the drawer.

"I get it you're searching for something," I tell her while bending to pick up her stuff and putting it back in it's place.

The moment I say that she stills and turns around. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Uh- Yeah kind off - are you ready I mean..." she starts stammering and looking around the room like she would find the right words there.

"Maybe what you're searching for is not here at all. Maybe it's in school, in your locker?" I tell her and fold her t-shirt lying on the floor. Beneath that I find my favourite clutch.

"Isn't this mine?" I turn to look at her, to find her staring at me with a bright smile and wide eyes.

"Oh you can keep that. What's the time- Oh my God Janet! We're so late! How much time have you wasted! Come on!" She says and moves out of the room while I stand there, with the clutch in my hand and a raised eyebrow, too surprised to react.

"Yeah, I'm the one who wasted time," I mumble while shaking my head before moving out the door behind my dramatic cousin.


I check behind the book, not there. I lift up the other books, not there. I chuck everything on the floor which earns me weird looks from the people standing around me, but the bracelet is not there.

It's not in my locker. I remember I placed it right here in order to keep it safe from Kiara but it's gone now. I check my bag again, not there.

Where could it go?

I start picking up my stuff and placing it in my cupboard all the while wondering where it must have gone. I was going to take the bracelet and place it in Kiara's locker and she would find it, story over.

Luckily, by the time we reach school, it was time for her first class and so she has not got a chance to check her locker just yet. I have a free class now since our teacher is not well, the same one Jason informed me about yesterday. It was a perfect plan which is now ruined because the bracelet decides to dissappear.

I shut my locker and lean against it, thinking hard where I must have kept it. I remember very clearly putting it inside my locker before leaving school yesterday.

The corridor is pretty much empty except for a few students lingering around who were giving me weird looks.

The bell signals the end of the first period. I begin walking towards class, when our principal's voice stops me in my tracks.

"All the election contestants, please proceed to my office, immediately."

Oh my God I almost forgot! The results are today...

I shut my eyes and take a deep breath before proceeding to the principal's office.

My heart beat quickens and my stomach churns with nervousness. This day decides the fate of my entire year.

If I win this, then well, I'm safe. If Selena wins, then she is going to humiliate me everytime she gets a chance and I don't want that.

Can this day get any more dramatic?

"Janet!" Kiara's happy scream catches my attention and I turn around to see her walking towards me with a broad smile on her face.

She is walking really fast and she lifts her hands up in the air and my eyes widen and mouth drops. The bracelet, she's wearing it.

I guess I spoke to soon because this day just got more twisted...

I cover up my shocked reaction with a smile before Kiara notices it. She walks to me and hugs me while the wheels in my brain are turning rapidly.

How is this even possible? The bracelet was supposed to be in my locker! Firstly I don't find it in my locker and then somehow, magically, Kiara gets it? There is something really fishy about this thing...

I hug Kiara back and that's when I see him.

Jason is staring at us from a distance with a satisfied look on his face, like he got what he wanted. That's when I realise...

The bracelet fell from his bag yesterday so maybe he is the one who...
But how did he know where I kept it? And why would he do something like this?

Kiara releases me and gives me a big smile which I return.

"Come on! Let's go, we got this," she says with a determined expression and I nod. She pulls me towards the office and I look back to see Jason has disappeared.

I'm going to catch hold of him later and demand answers, right now, I have election result to face.

I just hope it's in my favour...

I hope you guys liked it. The next chapter is going to be full of surprises :).

Dont forget to vote or comment :)

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