Chapter 4 A month later

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Crystal was walking to school with Luscious again, thinking about last month.

"Hey, you okay?" Luscious asks curiously.

"Hm? Oh yeah, just thinking." Crystal says in a reassuring tone.

"About?" Luscious asks again.

"Well when Jake got in that fight, up even till now he's gotten more and more popular." Crystal says slightly upset.

Luscious tilts his head, noticing that she wasn't happy. "What's wrong with that, shouldn't that be a good thing?" Luscious asks.

"Yeah sorry, I don't know what I'm thinking." Crystal says reassuringly and covers up her sadness, with a smile. 'What's wrong with me? It should be a good thing, he gets more girls going up to him. Asking to be with him, ugh what am I even getting jealous over. It's not like I like him, in that way. '

"Hey, Crystal!" A familiar voice yells, from across the street.

Crystal snaps out of her daze, and faxes towards the voice. Lucy rushes over to her, of course followed by her minions.

"Hey, Crystal." Lucy says as she swishes her hair from her shoulder to behind her.

"Hey Lucy, is everything okay?" Crystal asks curiously.

"Well, do you know that wolf guy?" She asks curiously.

"Yeah I know a few, why?" Crystal asks, wondering why she wants to know.

"Well, know the one that got in the fight. Don't go near him." Lucy says with a clearly fake smile.

"Why, for what reason?" Luscious quickly steps in.

"That guy, is mine! I will take out all, the competition. Anyway you're not involved in this kitty." Lucy protests, as she snickers.

"Let me ask, have you ever talked to this guy?." Luscious asks curiously.

"Well, no. I'm planning to though!" Lucy quickly protests.

"Have you ever talked to him before the fight?" Luscious asks.

"No... What's with all the questions!?" Lucy quickly asks.

"Crystal knew him on the first day of school, before the fight. She talked to him, stood up to me agents him and now they are both friends. Therefore she has every right to talk to him if she wants, and you have no right telling anyone not to talk to him since you haven't even talked to him. At least Crystal knows his name, and personal information. On your way now pinky." Luscious protests, with a slight smirk.

All of the girls jaws were open, Lucy flicked her hair and walked away.

Crystal turned to Luscious, with a smile. "You didn't have to do that, ya know?" She says happily.

"I made a point, that was true and has evidence that her point was pointless. You know I did, not only for that reason you know?" Luscious said, as his smile turned into a grin.

Crystal smiles, happily. "Thanks."

They both continue to walk to school, they get in and are instantly approached by Jake. He had a scar on his right eye.

"Hey guys, what took you so long?" Jake asks curiously, as his tail wags.

"We got held up, but we're here now." Luscious answers.

"We still doing that meeting, assembly thing?" Jake asks curiously.

"I know the Mief'wa's are, what about you Crystal?"

"Yeah, I know I'll be there." Crystal says happily.

Suddenly Lucy walks up to the three of them. "Oh hey, Crystal." She says in a cheerful voice.

"What do you want, Lucy?" Luscious asks, in a slightly angered tone.

Jake stares at them wondering what is up.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce me to your knew friend?" Lucy asks

"I'm Jake." Jake says, slightly curious.

"Well Jake, I heard you were that were wolf in the fight?" She says happily.

"Uhh... Yeah." Jake says, hesitantly.

"Well, how about having a girl? You know, a girlfriend?" Lucy says, in a seductive tone.

"Sorry, I like someone." Jake says, with a smile.

Lucy gasps slightly. "Well, what have I not got, that she has?" Lucy asks curiously.

"Oh just, everything." Jake says, with a slight hue of pink to him.

"Tsk... Well, give me a chance I can show you I'm better. We'd probably end up married." Lucy says happily.

"Sorry, no." Jake says, in a sympathetic tone.

"Wel-" Lucy was cut off by Luscious saying.

"He said no, take a hint pinky!" Luscious says in an annoyed tone.

Lucy sighs, and walks back over to her minions.

The bell rings, and all three of them head to the hall. Luscious heads up on the stage with a guy Mief'wa and two girl Mief'wa's. Jake heads up with two werewolf's one a guy and the other a girl. Crystal sits in the front row and waits.

The principle teacher had, white hair, brown eyes and a black dress. She walked on stage and tapped the mic before speaking.

"Everyone, we are gathered here today to discuss Mief'wa issues and werewolf issues." She clears her throat. "Speaking for werewolf's is their alpha, Jake Springer."

Jake stood closer to the mic at his right, his tail wagged from side to side.

"For the Mief'wa's we have the Mief'wa coun-" Luscious quickly interrupted her, and whispered in her ear. She nodded and cleared her throat. "For the Mief'wa's we have Luscious Hawk."

Luscious stepped closer to the mic, and simply smiled a little.

"Okay boys, take it away." The teacher quickly ran off the stage, which Crystal was surprised by because she was wearing heels.

"Hello everyone, the first issue we'll be discussing our fights. For as long as anyone can remember werewolf and Mief'wa have hated each other or we are supposed to. Not today, today and from now on Mief'wa" Luscious stops as a girl and guy Mief'wa head towards the middle. "and werewolf" Luscious stops and a guy and girl werewolf head towards the Mief'wa guy and girl. "Will be at peace." They hug each other happily, and Luscious smiles.

"Of course we don't expect you all to sing Kumbaya, but try to get along." Jake continues.

"Now that that's done with, Fellow Mief'wa I'm the head of the council. Which I will do all speaking and such, like right now. But these four are also a part of it so if I'm not around, it's these three." Luscious says as he gives them space to come closer, to let people see them. People clap.

"Werewolf's, I know there is now alpha female. I don't think their ever will be, and I'm sorry. That means I'll have to do more work, I love being alpha and if that's what I've to do to stay alpha then I will." Jake says proudly. People clap, some whistle.

"Any questions?" Luscious and Jake ask.

"What about humans?" Someone asks.

"Well actually, we're also here to nominate and vote for a human alpha or whatever you want to call them." Luscious answers.

More and more questions get asked, all the way to the end of school. Of course they had snacks, and left for lunch though. It was the very last thing to do left.

"Okay, do we have any male humans that would like to be the council rep thing?" Luscious asks curiously.

Crystal looks around, no hands are put of nor a sound.

"Okay, female?" Jake asks.

Crystal looks around, again nothing.

"Well, I nominate someone." Luscious clears his throat, then continues. "Crystal Boil."

Jake smiles. "I second that, who else?" Jake asks.

Everyone cheers slightly, enough to show that they agree.

"So Crystal, would you like to?" Luscious asks.

When Luscious asked this to Crystal, there was something about his voice. She didn't want to, but she struggled to say no to that tone.

"S-sure." Crystal blurts out.

"Alright then, wait until the bell then home." Luscious says.

There is a murmur in the crowd, Luscious and Jake cone down to talk to Crystal.

"You sounded smart, why was that?" Crystal asked, staring at Jake.

"I don't know, I guess I was motivated?" Jake answers.

"I too was astonished but Crystal, you really want to?" Luscious asks curiously.

"Y-yes, why?" Crystal asks curiously.

"Is that so?" He leans slightly closer to Crystal, before continuing. "I could see the hesitation in your eyes."

"Well I wasn't sure, b-but I am now!" Crystal quickly protest.

Luscious leans away, while chuckling. "Okay."

"Hey guys, can I walk home with you?" Jake asks curiously, as his tail wags from side to side.

"You've never walked with us before?" Luscious says, with his left eyebrow in an arch shape.

"I'm an alpha, I get changed. No challenges today, so can I?" Jake asks again.

"Up to Crystal." Luscious says, as he turns to her.

"Hmm... Duh! Of course!" Crystal says.

"He he he, thanks." Jake says with a smile.

The bell rings and Jake, Luscious and Crystal walk home together. They walk to Crystals house, Jake smiles.

"Well now I know where you live, only L dude now." Jake says in a teasing manner.

"Don't tell me I'll possibly, have a stalker?" Luscious says also, in a teasing manner.

"You know it!" Jake says happily.

Crystal laughs at the two of them. "Well if you need any help stalking, you now know where I live. Bye guys.

Both Luscious and Jake smile at Crystal, and say Goodbye at the same time.

Crystal walks in, does some homework, has dinner and goes to bed. Least week they made a group chat Crystal was nicknamed Gem, Luscious was nicknamed, S. H (Stephen Hawkins) and Jake was Convel (Celtic for Wolf Warrior).

Convel: Hey Gem where are ya?

S. H:  Calm down, she has a life you know.

Gem: Hey guys, sorry I'm late.

S. H: It's fine but, I a question.

Gem: Shoot.

S. H: Why did you and Convel put my name ad S. H?

Convel: Well you're smart and that Stephen Hawkins guy was the only one I knew. Why is mine Convel?

S. H: Convel, is Celtic for Wolf Warrior.

Gem: Okay since everyone you two know your reason, since the other two people pick the others name. Why is mine Gem?

The group stopped for a moment, Crystal wondered why there was hesitation.

S. H: Your name is Crystal, which is a gem.

Gem: Uh... Nope, Crystal isn't a gem.

Convel: Ops... Sorry I was convinced it was, S. H dude told me that it wasn't. Right S. H?

S. H: Yeah...

Gem: Okay, I think I'm gonna go to bed.

S. H: Okay. Goodnight, sweet dreams.

Convel: Yeah night cutie.


Convel: Sure thing..................................... Cutie  😘

Gem: You know what, whatever.

Convel: LOL but really night.

Gem: Night.

Crystal puts her phone onto charge, and lays on her bed thinking about the events of today. 'Why couldn't I say no when Luscious talked to me, why was I scared to say no and why does Jake call me cutie? Is it to annoy me, provoke me or is he really being se- No! Don't kid yourself he said he likes someone, besides I saw the way he flirted with other girls on the first week. He'd be more, direct. Ugh! Why am I even thinking about this, I need to get some sleep. I'm happy for Luscious and Jake though, they've gotten along so well. I've even seen them stick up for eat h other once. I hope things last with them, but now for some sleep... For real.' Crystal gets comfortable and slowly drifts off to sleep.

A/n Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I know it may looked rushed but I'm sorry please forgive me I'm trying to get ready to end one of my books and start another one back up so again I'm really sorry please forgive me also I'm going to try and be more positive at the end of my chapters by saying have a great day or night my little mysteries have another chapter out next weekend (probably)... Anyway thanks for reading S. M Out!

2000 words.

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