Chapter 6 Saturday with Jake

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Crystal woke up to her phone buzzing, she picked it up to see what it was. It was a message from Jake, but not in the group chat.

Convel: Hey Crystal
You there
You awake
Hey cutie this should get your attention

Gem: Stop calling me that!

Convel: Hey wanna go hang out today?

Gem: Yeah, have you already asked S. H?

Convel: No... I was hoping it could be... Just us? Since you and S. H have had some alone hangouts.

Gem: Uhh, sure.

Convel: Okay I'll come for you round about one?

Gem: it's eleven the now, I only have two hours.

Convel: LOL Youll be fine later.

Gem: Okay, bye.

Crystal sprung out of her bed, and rushed towards her cupboard. She picked out a top which the top half was burgundy with a small white dog and the bottom half was white and white Super stars convers.

She then rushed to the toilet and brushed her teeth, brushed her hair, braided it and gave her face a wash.

She went down into the kitchen, not noticing her mother. She made some cereal, then sat down at the table.

"So Leanabh, where are you going?" Her mother asked, with a smirk on her face. (Leanabh Scots Gaelic for baby.)

"Ugh mum, don't call me that." Crystal said with a giggle.

Her mum chuckled. "Okay, okay. Anyway you haven't answered my question, where are you going?" Her mother questioned.

"Out, with my friend." Crystal replied.

"And where is this out that you'll be going to, with your friend?" Crystal's mum asked, as she sat in the seat beside her daughter.

"I don't know, they didn't tell me." Crystal said, wondering why her mum was asking all these questions.

"Tell me, is this friend a... Boy?" Crystal's mother questioned again.

"W-why do you want to know, it doesn't matter." Crystal said.

Her mother grinned at her, Crystal knew she was a bad liar that's why she avoided the question. She waited for her mother to scold her, something about hoe boys are bad and all that jazz.

"It's a date isn't it!?" Her mother shouted happily, her eyes sparkled.

Crystal raised her eyebrow, wondering why her mother would be happy about that. "No, why?"

Her mother sighed when she said no. "That's a shame, I want anabarrach soon." Her mother yelled the last part with excitement. (Anabarrach Scots Gaelic Grand babies.)

Crystal instantly turned tomato red. "Mum, I'm too young for you to be thinking of that now!" Crystal yelled in embarrassment.

"Not too young, to get a boyfriend." Crystal mother teased her.

"Mom, I don't want a boyfriend or girlfriend. I have food." Crystal said, in a proud tone.

Her mother sighed. "Okay Crystal, but know that I'm only teasing you." Crystal's mother said, with a heart warming smile.

Crystal smiled back. "Do I know that?" Crystal asked sarcastically.

Her mother looked at her, looking a little worried.

"Of course I know, I'd be dumb if I didn't." Crystal said with a smile.

"I love you." Crystal's mother said.

"Love you too, mum." Crystal said happily.

There was a sudden knock at the door, Crystal stood to answer it but her mother stopped her.

"Don't worry, it's probably my delivery." She smiled at Crystal.

Her mother walked over to the door, Crystal tried to listen but it was so quiet.

Crystal's mother walked in, with a grin on her face.

Jake walked in from behind Crystal's mother. He wore ripped jeans, white shoes, white and dark blue stripped top.

"So Crystal, who's this?" Crystal's mother asked.

Crystal sighed. "Jake my mum, mum Jake." Crystal said.

"Hello, Mrs Crystal's mum." Jake said happily, as his tail wagged.

"Please I'm not a Mrs and, call me Alex." Crystal's mother said happily.

"Okay, Alex." Jake said, he then turned to face Crystal as he did his tail wagged a little more. "You ready, to go?" Jake asked curiously.

"Yeah, bye mum." Crystal says, trying to rush Jake out the door.

"Okay, by the way Jake." Crystal's mother takes Jake's wrist and says. "Crystal's single, and ready to-" Crystal cut her off by pushing Jake away and out the door.

Jakes eyes were wide open. "Well, your mum's nice." He said, while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Too, nice." Crystal replied, then continued. "So what are we doing and where are we going?" Crystal asked curiously.

"Well, there's an ice rink I thought we could go there for a bit, get something to eat, go to the park and then hang out in one if our houses for a bit?" Jake says with a smile, as he looks at Crystal.

"Sure preferably, can we go to your place?" Crystal asked, as she chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, anyway did you hear about the school?" Jake says excitedly.

"No, what about it?" Crystal asked curiously.

"There brining in new classes werewolf studies, mief'wa studies and potions." Jake said.

"Wouldn't the studies come under biology, and isn't there more like wear rabbits?" Crystal asks curiously.

"Well yeah, but they go into how alpha's work and all that. Plus yeah there are other animal-human people, but Mief'wa's and werewolf's are more common." Jake says.

"Is it just me, or have you gotten smarter?" Crystal teases.

Jake stickers his tounge. "I haz a smart." Jake says, in a deerpy voice.

Crystal bursts out laughing, at Jake's joke.

Jake smiles at her, while he waits for her to calm down.

Crystal looks up at him, and noticed something she hadn't before. "You have fangs?" Crystal asked.

Jake tilts his head. "Yeah, Mief'wa's have them as well. You didn't know?" Jake asked curiously.

"No, I didn't notice." Crystal says with a smile.

They both keep talking, until the reach the ice rink. They both pay and get the size of shoe that they are, they put them on and head to the ice rink.

Jake rushes in the ice rink, but turns to wait on Crystal.

Crystal stood at the gate her legs shaking, but not from the cold.

Jake skated over to Crystal. "Aren't you coming?" He asked, as his ears drooped down.

"I-I can't skate, I was always afraid." Crystal said hesitantly.

Jake smiled. "Don't worry, I'm here. I won't let you fall, plus I'll teach you." Jake said happily, as he put out his hand for Crystal to take.

Crystal was hesitant at first, but then took his hand.

Jake lead her out onto the rink, he kept her close to the railing.

Crystal slipped a few times, but Jake gripped her hand and held her up.

Eventually Crystal got the hang of it and skated on her own, Jake let go and smiled.

"I'm doing it!" Crystal yelled, in excitement.

"Yeah, I'm proud." Jake said, as his tail started to wag.

Crystal started to look around at everyone, she noticed most of them were staring at the same thing. She turned to the direction everyone was staring at, she was faced to Jake.

Crystal tripped while skating, Jake quickly dived towards her. He moved her on top of him, just before they hut the ground.

A man with a luminous green jacked with first aid written on the front, rushed towards them.

"Are you okay, miss?" The man asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Crystal said.

The man simply skated off, without asking Jake.

Crystal blushed when she remembered that she was on top of Jake, she got up and put her hand out to help him up.

Jake took her hand, and stood up. "See I told you, I wouldn't let you fall." He said happily.

"First thanks you didn't have to, second you didn't stop from falling just from getting hurt." Crystal said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"... Same thing." Jake says, with a shrug. "Want to get food now?" Jake asks.

"Yeah, in here?" Crystal asks.

"Yeah, it's a café thing." Jake says happily.

Crystal looks around and notices one person, they're looking at Jake in a disgusted way. "Jake, why is everyone looking at you?" Crystal questioned.

Jake looked around, then turned to Crystal with a smile. "Order for me, a burger everything on it." Jake said, as he skated away off the rink.

Crystal got off, hander in her skates and headed over to the café part.

She sat down at a table with two seats, she waited until a woman can over with a smile.

"What would you like, miss?" She asked cheerfully.

"A burger, everything on it and a hot dog please." Crystal said, whilst looking around for Jake.

"Oh are you waiting on someone, if you want I can come back later?" The woman asked.

"I am, but it's fine." Crystal said, as she faced the woman and smiled at her.

"Okay, do you want sauce on the hotdog?" The woman asked.

"No, thank you." Crystal said.

"Okay, drinks?" The woman asked.

Crystal thought for a moment. "Diet coke, two if them please." Crystal answered.

"You got it." The woman said, as she walked away.

Crystal eventually stared down at the table, then heard the seat in front of her move. She looked up to see Jake but was shocked, his ears and tail were gone.

"J-Jake, w-w-what?" Was all Crystal could manage to say.

Jake smiled. "Werewolf's have the choice to hide there ears, tail, and fangs. Like when we fight, it's the only time I show my nails." Jake explained.

"Oh, but, why?" Crystal questioned, wondering why he changed.

"A lot of people don't like werewolf's, because of our temperament and strength." Jake said, as he looked a little sad.

The woman came over with their orders, then walked away again.

"Well, let's dig in." Jake said, as his mods instantly changed to happiness.

They both began to eat their food, occasionally talking. Their plates were finally clear, and they were full.

"I love this place, even if they hate me." Jake said, with a wide smile.

Crystal chuckled. "Same, only I don't think they hate me." Crystal said.

Jake laughed. "Who could hate you?" He asked curiously.

Crystal blushed slightly, at Jake's question.

Jake instantly stopped smiling, and tried to discreetly sniff the air. He sniffed for a short while, before sighing.

"Do you trust me?" Jake asked curiously.

"Uh... Yeah, why?" Crystal asked curiously, wondering what he meant.

"Just wait." Jake said, in a low tone.

A werewolf came over and grinned at Crystal, then at Jake.

The werewolf had blood red hair, grey eyes, covered in scars, muscly and had more scars on his arms.

Crystal looked over at Jake and blushed, as she saw his muscles looked bigger.

"Well, well, well, Jake Springer pretending to be a human to get with this thing eh?" The werewolf said, with a scratchy voice.

"This place doesn't like werewolf's, duh." Jake said, not making eye contact with the male.

"Even if that's the case, she isn't a werewolf." The man said, as he looked at Crystal.

"And if you dare hurt her, I will hurt you one thousand times more." Jake said, in a calm tone.

Crystal's hands started to shake, she didn't know what would happen.

The man started to laugh. "She's scared, we could take her outside." The man said, with a wicked grin.

"You dare touch her, you'll regret it." Jake said, in an assertive tone.

"I thought you hated humans, wait you don't like her do you?" The male asked, before he bursted out laughing.

Jake put money on the table. "Crystal, you said you wanted to know why humans hate us right?" Jake asked.

"Well, yeah why?" Crystal asked.

"Hand in the air, please. Also when you do, I'm sorry." Jake said, as he looked up at you.

Crystal's brow furrowed, but she did as Jake asked and out her hands up.

Jake rushed out of his seat, and towards Crystal. He picked her up and ran towards the window, he twisted his body so his back broke the window. He twisted his body again so he could run, he ran with Crystal in his arms.

The whole time Jake was doing all of this, Crystal's face was redder than a tomato.

"W-where are we going?" Crystal asked curiously.

Jake huffed a little, before responding. "T-the park." Jake said, happily.

Eventually Jake and Crystal made it to the park, Jake took them both on the hill Luscious took Crystal to.

Jake set Crystal down carefully, then his ears, tail and fangs came back in and he sighed happily.

"So, what are we going to do?" Crystal asked curiously.

"Well, anything." Jake said happily.

"You brought me here, you should have an idea." Crystal said happily.

"Well I do, but it's weird." Jake said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Crystal chuckled a little. "Try me." She said happily.

Jake took out a ball, from his pocket. "Fetch?" He asked curiously.

Crystal smiled, she stood up and took the ball.

Crystal there the ball, as quick as she did Jake rushed after it. He ran and caught it with his hand, then ran back to Crystal with the ball.

They did this a good few times, until Jake put the ball back in his pocket.

"Wanna go meet my folks, they're nice." Jake said happily.

"Yeah, sure." Crystal said, with a smile.

"Okay, let's go!" Jake said in excitement.

They both headed towards Jake's house, which was right outside the park. Jake opened the door, and guided Crystal into the living room before closing the door behind her.

Jake points at a man with blonde hair, slightly orange tail and ears, tanned skin and red eyes. "This is my dad, Neil."

The man waves at Crystal with a smile.

Jake then points at a woman with black hair, pink ears and tail with the tips of them black, tanned skin and yellow eyes. "This is my mom, Nelly."

The woman smiles and waves.

Jake then points at a little girl with blonde hair, dirty blonde ears and tail, tanned skin and red eyes. "This is my little sis, Jade."

The girl shows Crystal a heart warming smile.

"And everyone this is, Crystal." Jake says happily, as his tail wags rapidly.

Crystal smiles at all of them, and waves. "It's nice to meet you all."

"Oh my boy, I thought you didn't like humans?" Neil asked curiously.

"Oh well, people change dad." Jake says.

"Is this your mate, Jake?" Nelly asks.

"No, she's my friend." Jake explained.

"Jake's got a mate, Jake's got a mate!" Jade sang happily, whilst pointing at Crystal .

Crystal started to blush, at the thought of his family thinking Jake and her were together.

"Oh look Neil, she's blushing. Isn't that a thing humans do, when they like someone?" Nelly said, whilst pointing at Crystal.

Jake quickly and gently, pushed Crystal out the room and up the stairs whilst shouting. "Okay, we'll be up in my room."

Jake opened the door to revel his room with three white walls, one wall was a black, a black and white bed, a computer desk, computer chair, a computer and some stuff all around the floor.

"You can sit wherever, I don't mind." Jake says happily, as he waits for Crystal  to sit down.

Crystal sits down on his bed, and he sits on his computer chair.

"Sorry about my parents, they are nice just, really want me to have a mate." Jake says, with a nervous laugh.

Crystal smiles. "It's fine, you saw my mom." Crystal says, trying to make him feel better.

"Heh, my parents and sibling are worse." Jake says smiling.

Crystal smiles at him, he turns round to his computer.

Crystal gets up and hovers over his shoulder, to see he is in a group chat.

"Mind if I know, who your talking to?" Crystal asks curiously.

"A few of my friends, and that guy from today." Jake says, whilst typing.

"Mind if I know, what about?" Crystal asks, tilting her head.

"Asking that guy who he thinks he is, and possibly planning to challenge him." Jake says.

"Don't, please." Crystal swiftly responds.

"Why, you saw and heard him today." Jake said, whilst spinning the chair to face Crystal.

"I don't want you to get hurt, you saw how upset I was when it was just a scratch on your eyebrow. What if you run out of luck, and something worse happens?" Crystal says, sadly.

Jake stands up, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I know you're worried about me but, I'd be fine. Just because you're asking me, I won't fight with him. But." Jake pulls Crystal into a hug, then continues. "Just know that... I'd put my life on the line for you, if it ever came to that." Jake says, in a sympathetic tone.

Crystal blushes, but hugs back smiling. "T-t-thank you." She stutters.

Jake breaks the hug, and sits back in his chair. "Wanna play some games?" Jake asks curiously.

Crystal smiles, whilst trying to hide her blush. "Y-you bet." Crystal responds.

Jake and Crystal play a few games, soon whilst playing a game Jake turns off the computer.

"Hey, what was that for!?" Crystal asks, in an annoyed tone.

"Won't your mom be worried?" Jake asks curiously.

Crystal sighs. "Okay, I see your point."

Jake and Crystal head downstairs, before they leave the house the both yell goodbye.

Jake walks Crystal home, when they get there Jake walks her to her door.

"I'll text ya." Jake says, with a smile.

"Okay, bye." Crystal says.

"Later." Jake says, as he starts to walk away.

Crystal gets in, and is instantly greeted by her mother.

"So, how was your date?" Her mother asks curiously, with a huge grin.

"Mom, it wasn't a date!" Crystal yells.

Her mother chuckles. "Okay, goodnight." Her mother says, before giving her a kiss on the head.

"Night, mom." Crystal says, before she rushes up stairs.

Crystal swiftly gets changed into her pajamas, jumps on her bed and goes on her phone into the group chat.

S. H: Hey, Gem?
        Okay, kinda felling abandoned.
        Okay, you're both busy.
        Hey, Gem look.  🐱
        What about... 🐈😼😽🙀😿😾😺.     😻😸😹
         Okay, what about... I'm a kitty cat, Nya!
         Ugh, I give up! Text me later please.

Gem: Miss me? 😊

S. H: Yes, of course! Why wouldn't I, or anyone?

Convel: Miss me S dude?

S. H: How could I ever say no, to you Jake?

Convel: I know its a curse.

Gem: Guys, you know what we should do?

Convel: Shoot.

Gem: We only really hang out in school, as a three. So tomorrow, we should hang out, the three of us!

S. H: Sounds cool, I'm okay for that.

Convel: Sure.

Gem: Okay, where will we meet?

Convel: Park?

S. H: Responsible.

Gem: Okay, one ish?

Convel: One ish it is.

S. H: It seems so, if I'm a little late forgive me.

Gem: How will you be late?

S. H: I need to be somewhere, I'll tell you another time, Okay?

Gem: Sure, anyway guys I'm going to have to love you and leave you.

Convel: Noooooooooooooooooooooo you cant!

S. H: Tired, I presume?

Gem: Yeah, night guys.

Convel: Night.

S. H: Goodnight, sweet dreams.

Crystal turns off her phone, and puts it in charge. While she falls asleep.

A/n I'm sorry I didn't update this last weekend I wanted to make a long chapter but I came up with this conclusion on Sunday so I was... VERY late but oh well I hope you guys enjoyed anyway. 

Jake's Mom remember it's just the tip of her ears and tail that are pink.

Jake's sister the right side of her head where hair is is the part that's dyed pink.

Jake's dad.

3316 words.

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